CATS Leadership Dynamics

Preparing Students to be Career and College Ready
CATS Leadership Dynamics Course Syllabi
Career and Technical Department – Pendleton County High School
Instructor: Mr. Hoess
School Year: 2014 – 2015
Course Description: This course is designed to assist students with developing skills needed to be successful
leaders and responsible members of society. The student will develop personal attributes and social skills.
Emphasis will be placed on interpersonal skills, team building, communication, personal development and
leadership. This course will include opportunities for students to apply their knowledge.
Required Materials:
1 Three-ring Binder (2 inch with inside pockets)
1 Pack of Loose-leaf Notebook paper
1 Set of Tab Dividers (10 tabs)
2 Glue Sticks
2 Dark Blue or Black Pens
2 Sharpened #2 Pencils
1 Pack Assorted Colored Pencils
1 Ruler
1 Hand Held Pencil Sharpener
1 Binder Pencil Pouch
1 Highlighter
Students will:
1. Develop personal and group goals.
2. Compare the types of leadership styles.
3. Assess the importance of qualified leaders to the success of organizations.
4. Appraise personal characteristics of successful leaders.
5. Develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills to enhance success in school and transition to the
work of work.
6. Demonstrate appropriate business/professional etiquette.
7. Demonstrate shared decision making.
8. Develop techniques to resolve conflicts that occur in school, home, community, and workplace
(interpersonal team skills).
9. Demonstrate the use of parliamentary procedure skills in presiding over a meeting.
10. Describe how ethical and social behaviors affect our lives.
11. Identify self-management techniques.
12. Identify stress management techniques.
13. Analyze organizational structures and their components (including bylaws, officers, committees, and
program of work.)
14. Demonstrate awareness of cultural diversity and equity issues.
15. Analyze leadership opportunities available in the school and community.
Grading: Each assignment will be given a point value. Your grade will be determined based on the number
of points you have earned divided by the total points possible for each grading period. You will be
evaluated based on class participation, attendance, binder grade, class presentations, writing assignments,
projects, daily opening and exit slip, assignments quizzes and unit tests, semester exam and final exam.
It is your responsibility to get missed work from the teacher if you are absent from class. If the absences is
excused you must make the work up within the school policy. An unexcused absence will result in a zero
for any missed assignment, including tests.
Class Rules:
1. Be in your ASSIGNED seat and begin working when the bell rings.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Only bottled water is permitted in the classroom. No other drinks, food, or candy are allowed.
4. Use appropriate language for the classroom.
5. Show respect when others are speaking.
6. Keep all four legs of the chair on the floor.
7. Students will be given two hall passes per nine weeks.
8. Cell phones, IPODS, and any other electronic device are not to be USED in the classroom at any
time. EVEN before class starts or if you are finished with your work.
9. School Agenda Book Rules will be strictly enforced.
Consequences – Rule of 3:
1. 1st Offense – Warning/Classroom consequence/Stay after class for discussion with
2. 2nd Offence – Phone Call home/Classroom Consequence
3. 3rd Offence – Referral
1. School-wide KCID Rewards Program
2. Positive Classroom Learning Environment (Daily)
3. Fair Treatment and Respect for ALL concerned. (Daily)
Students: I have read the classroom rules and understand it. I will follow it in class.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _________________
Parent Guardian: I have read the classroom rules. I understand and support it.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _________________
Teacher: I will be fair, firm and consistent in enforcing the classroom rules.
Mr. Hoess – August 2014
Preparing Students to be Career and College Ready
CATS Leadership Dynamics Course Syllabi
Career and Technical Department – Pendleton County High School
Instructor: Mr. Hoess
School Year: 2014 – 2015
Class Rules:
1. Be in your ASSIGNED seat and begin working when the bell rings.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Only bottled water is permitted in the classroom. No other drinks, food, or candy are allowed.
4. Use appropriate language for the classroom.
5. Show respect when others are speaking.
6. Keep all four legs of the chair on the floor.
7. Students will be given two hall passes per nine weeks.
8. Cell phones, IPODS, and any other electronic device are not to be USED in the classroom at any
time. EVEN before class starts or if you are finished with your work.
9. School Agenda Book Rules will be strictly enforced.
Consequences – Rule of 3:
1. 1st Offense – Warning/Classroom consequence/Stay after class for discussion with
2. 2nd Offence – Phone Call home/Classroom Consequence
3. 3rd Offence – Referral
1. School-wide KCID Rewards Program
2. Positive Classroom Learning Environment (Daily)
3. Fair Treatment and Respect for ALL concerned. (Daily)
Students: I have read the classroom rules and understand it. I will follow it in class.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _________________
Parent Guardian: I have read the classroom rules. I understand and support it.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date _________________
Teacher: I will be fair, firm and consistent in enforcing the classroom rules.