Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 – 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region Bendigo Office Cnr Midland Hwy & Taylor Street Bendigo VIC 3550 Phone No. (03) 5430 4644 Fax No. (03) 5430 4677 © The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2015 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit ISBN 978-1-74146-692-8 (pdf) Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186, email or via the National Relay Service on 133 677 This document is also available on the internet at Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. The location and boundaries of proposed planned burn/worksites shown on the attached maps are only approximate and indicative. The precise boundary of any Previously Approved burn will be identified on site by DELWP before operations begin. Contents Regional Director’s Foreword 2 Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan 3 Activities in the Fire Operations Plan Planned Burns Non Burn Fuel Treatments Strategic Fuelbreaks Viewing the Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan How to send us your comments 4 4 4 4 5 5 Preparation of the Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan 6 How to read this Fire Operations Plan 6 Information provided on schedules 7 MALLEE DISTRICT 8 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 8 25 25 MURRAY GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT 26 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 26 43 43 Regional Schedule 44 SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones 44 Regional Director’s Foreword The Victorian Government is committed to reducing the risk of bushfires on public land. Fuel management is a key mechanism for reducing bushfire risk. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Parks Victoria carry out fire management activities on Victoria’s public land to help reduce the impacts of bushfires to communities and the environment. DELWP’s Fire Operations Plan outlines where these activities are intended to be carried out over a three year period, if weather and other conditions permit. These activities include planned burning, slashing, mowing and clearing works, track works and construction of fire breaks. The development of the FOP is informed by Strategic Bushfire Management Planning, carried out by DELWPs bushfire risk landscape teams. There are seven bushfire risk landscape teams across the state. Each team develops a strategy to reduce the risk of bushfire impacting on communities, infrastructure and the environment. Each year we review and update the Loddon Mallee FOP. Updates are based on the latest local information and driven by DELWPs strategic bushfire risk management planning. Mallee Murray Goulburn and West Central Bushfire Risk Landscape teams produce Strategic Bushfire Management Plans that assist with developing the Loddon Mallee FOP by focussing on fuel management activities in areas where there is the most impact on risk. This leads to an effective and efficient plan for delivering fuel management and ecological burns. The FOP development is shaped by feedback and knowledge from local communities and key stakeholders such as local councils, forest managers and flora and fauna specialists, as well as key industries. The Country Fire Authority works in partnership with DELWP to provide local knowledge and expertise for planned burns. The Fire Operations Plan is an important part of our work to reduce the risk of damaging bushfires. We make changes to the plan wherever we can, but the decision to carry out fire prevention activities is always driven by the need to reduce the impact of bushfires to our local people, property and the environment. The Plan is prepared in consultation with communities, local councils, key stakeholders, Parks Victoria, CFA and technical specialists within DELWP. DELWP also works with interest groups and the wider community to understand how planned burns may impact people and industries and to gain important local knowledge to better plan and deliver burns. Graham Phelps, Regional Director, Loddon Mallee Region Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 2 Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan This document sets out where and when fuel reduction activities will take place over the next three years for the period 2015/16 to 2017/18 within the Loddon Mallee Region. These activities are carried out to reduce bushfire fuels – like leaves, twigs and grass – to make bushfires less intense. Activities are also done to maintain the health of ecosystems that rely on fire to regenerate. The area covered by this plan is shown in Map 1. This Plan covers all public land including all national parks, State parks and regional parks and all State forests. Numerous other small reserves and Crown land are also included. Some areas of neighbouring private property may be included in this plan if identified through strategic planning as being a possibility for inclusion with public land fuel treatment. No works would be undertaken in this area until approval is granted by the landowner. The Plan is prepared, and will be implemented, in accordance with the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land (the Code), and relevant DELWP Instructions, Manuals and Guidelines. The objectives for the fire management zones are outlined in the Code and form the basis of this Fire Operations Plan. It should be noted that burns associated with logging regeneration as well as small heap and grass burns are not included in the Fire Operation Planning process. The locations of strategic fuelbreaks are included for information only. These activities are approved via other DELWP and Parks Victoria processes. Map 1: Loddon Mallee Region Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 3 Activities in the Fire Operations Plan Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DELWP’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that firefighters have a much better chance of managing bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require a range of preparation works to make the planned area ready to ignite when the weather and other conditions are right. Preparation works may include, brushing up or grading of existing boundaries and internal tracks, management of hazardous trees, the construction and preparation of boundary and control lines with machinery and pest plant controls. The preparation works will have on-site inspections which will assess the surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuel breaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application (in alignment with safety standards), grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the risk of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DELWP’s planned burning season. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 4 Viewing the Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan The Plan can be viewed during normal business hours at the following office locations: Location Address DELWP Avoca DELWP Bendigo / Epsom PV Castlemaine Napier Street (Friday 1pm – 4pm) Cnr Mildland Highway & Taylor Street Matheson Road (Fri 9am – 4pm) PV Inglewood 100 Southby Road (Wed 1 – 4 pm) DELWP Heathcote 28 Herriot Street (Wed 9am – 4pm) DELWP Maryborough 2/82 Alma Street (closed during lunch) DELWP Rushworth CoGB Council Office 85 Stanhope Street (Friday 1pm – 4pm) By appointment only, contact David Lanyon on (03) 5495 1700 125 High Street, Heathcote DELWP Irymple Cnr Koorlong Ave & Eleventh Street DELWP Swan Hill 324 Campbell Street Ouyen Council Office 79 Oke Street PV Hattah Information Centre PV Speed Carter Street PV Robinvale Higgins Road Hindmarsh Shire Municipal Office, Nhill 92 Nelson, Street PV Rainbow 6679 Dimboola – Rainbow Road DELWP St Arnaud Viewing the Plan online: You can view planned burns and other works in the Plan online at: /burns. How to send us your comments DELWP welcomes comment on fire management all year round, on all parts of the planning process – both strategic and operational. Please be aware that due to the planning cycle your comments relating to fire operations may be included in next year’s Fire Operations Plan. Contact Details: Comments and suggestions about DELWP fire management planning can be sent to: Program Manager Planned Burning and Roading PO Box 905 Mildura Vic 3502 Planned Burning Email contact details: Comments may also be sent by email to: Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 5 Preparation of the Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan The development of the Loddon Mallee Fire Operations Plan involves the identification of planned burns and other fuel management works by DELWP, Parks Victoria and other interested stakeholders. Values and priorities must be balanced in the development of the Plan including: relevant legislation and Departmental policies relating to environmental and cultural heritage protection, and emergency management; various Departmental fire instructions and guidelines; relevant Strategic Bushfire Management Plans; the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land; the Code of Practice for Timber Production; relevant Forest Management and Park Management Plans; Important note: The ability to carry out burns is dependent on seasonal and local weather conditions. To allow for this, planned burns from the second and third years of the Plan are considered as contingencies for the first year. This means that a second or third year burn may be brought forward to the current year to replace a burn planned for the first year. biodiversity, soil, water, economic and cultural values within the District; and environmental, cultural or economic strategies which could be impacted by the Plan’s implementation. Where necessary, prescriptions for particular values maybe specified for each burn which are then incorporated into individual Burn Plans. These prescriptions are reviewed annually to take into account experience from burning operations in the previous season. How to read this Fire Operations Plan This Fire Operations Plan contains all proposed fuel management activities for Loddon Mallee and consists of District Sub Plans containing a number of District Schedules and a Regional schedule for Fire Zone Amendments. District Schedules: Schedule 1 – Planned Burns. This schedule lists planned fuel reduction, ecological and other planned burns by indicative year for the three year period. Schedule 2 – Non Burn Fuel Treatments. This schedule lists the fuel treatment program to support the planned burning program. Schedule 3 – Strategic Fuelbreaks. This schedule provides an overview of strategic fuelbreaks to be constructed or maintained during the three year period. Regional Schedule: Schedule 4 – Amendments to Fire Management Zones. This schedule lists the location where zoning will change. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 6 Information provided on schedules The schedules contain information about burns and fuel treatments. For each schedule there are a number of attributes used to provide information about the fuel treatments. The definitions of the attributes are listed below. Schedule 1 Local Government Area (LGA) – the municipality in which the majority of the fuel management activity is located. Burn Number and Name / Road Name / Address – the unique identifier for each burn or planned fuel management activity. Location – a bearing and distance of the planned burn from the nearest major township/locality. Land Manager – the organisation responsible for day-to-day management of the works site – DELWP (Department of Environment Land Water and Planning); PV (Parks Victoria), COM (Committee of Management). Burn Season – indicates the preferred season in which the burn will be completed. Actual delivery may be any time of the year. Burn Type – indicates the primary purpose of the burn including fuel reduction burn (FRB), ecological burn (ECO). Land Management Objective - identifies the desired land management outcome(s) of the burn. Fire Management Zone (FMZ) – an area of land in which fire is managed for specific asset, fuel and ecological objectives. Values included in this column can be APZ - Asset Protection Zone; BMZ – Bushfire Management Zone; LMZ - Landscape Management Zone, PBEZ – Planned Burn Exclusion Zone, NZ - Not Zoned, or NFPA – Non Fire Protected Area. Grid Reference – the six figure grid reference used to locate burns on a map. Area/Planned Burn Area – the maximum area of the fuel management activity measured in hectares (ha), including areas specifically excluded from disturbance. New Burn– ‘YES’ = New burns did not appear on last year’s FOP. ‘NO’ = Not new burns. Burns were approved in the previous (2014/15- 2016/17) Fire Operations Plan but have not been carried out. They are included in this FOP and may be conducted at any time. Schedule 2 Non Burn Fuel Treatments – the type of works planned. Maintenance (ha) – activities within a previously approved and impacted area or easement. Such as mowing the regrowth on a road easement or fuelbreak. Renewal (ha) – a high impact activity such as soil disturbance or vegetation modification on an existing footprint. The area has previously been subject to significant disturbance. For example reclaiming an existing road verge, which was once cleared, but not been maintained. The vegetation to be cleared is obviously younger regrowth, compared to surrounding vegetation outside the footprint. The Road Class is not being upgraded in this process, just restoring the verge to its previous width. New (ha) – A high impact activity such as soil disturbance or vegetation modification on an area has not been subject to this type of disturbance previously. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 7 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 MALLEE DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Mildura Rural City BD NHILL/MURR AYVILLE TRACK WEST Hindmarsh Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 234 20km SSE of MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING FRB To create a fuel reduced corridor of vegetation to reduce the spread of bushfire within the Big Desert/Wyperfeld National Park BMZ BD - WAGON FLAT FIRE SCAR 229 36KM NE OF YANAC PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. Mildura Rural City MSNP SETTLEMENT ROAD REFERENCE AREA SOUTH 250 47KM SW OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Mildura Rural City MSNPPheenys trk Underbool trk 255 45km NW of UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN Mildura Rural City MSNPCrozier north 360 35km N of Underbool PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City Hattah - Old Calder Hwy South 369 4.5km ENE of Hattah Mildura Rural City WNPWirrengren Burn West 259 Yarriambia ck WNP-NorthSouth Trk West 258 Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WF270728 3721 NO BMZ WF533360 892 NO To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire and BMZ WG165666 945 NO FRB Widen a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn and to diversify the vegetation age classes in an area predominantly lastburnt in 1980. BMZ WG557527 333 NO AUTUMN FRB Maintain a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a wildfire footprint. LMZ WG788459 2502 NO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To reduce Overall Fuel Hazard below High over 80% of the planned Area. To diversify the age classes in an area of fire associated vegetation with limited fire history. LMZ XG211541 70 NO 33KM S OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Widen a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn BMZ WF763740 522 NO 16KM SSW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Widen a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn LMZ XF026681 642 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 8 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Yarriambia ck WNP-Ginap Trk North West 379 Yarriambia ck WNP-Ginap trk north east Hindmarsh Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 17 KM SSW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. LMZ 378 15KM S OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. WNP-Booligal north 377 25km NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Mildura Rural City MS BORDER TRK NORTH 396 66KMS SW OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING Mildura Rural City MS Underbool Tank South 390 31KMS NW OF UNDERBOOL DELWP Mildura Rural City MS South Burn #347 263 17KMS N OF UNDERBOOL Mildura Rural City MS Walker Rd 268 Mildura Rural City MS South Meridian Rd Mildura Rural City Mildura Rural City Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No XF010682 302 NO LMZ XF099688 444 NO Widen a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn LMZ WF715441 150 NO FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor again the spread of wildfire by burning north from Pheenys Track, between the South Australian border and Border Track. LMZ VG974484 1048 NO SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire in the southern area of Murray Sunset NP. NFPA WG477255 1789 NO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire in the southern area of Murray Sunset NP, along recent suppression access track. BMZ WG722243 31 NO 27KMS N OF WALPEUP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire along the southern boundary of Murray Sunset NP adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. BMZ WG945385 126 NO 265 24KMS N OF WALPEUP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire along the southern boundary of Murray Sunset NP. BMZ WG910349 169 NO MS Cowra Wilderness 391 28KMS N OF WALPEUP PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in a wilderness area in the south east of Murray Sunset NP. LMZ WG820390 3339 NO WY Ouyen Patchewollock Rd Hopetoun Walpeup Rd West 272 20KMS SE OF WALPEUP DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to reduce the spread of wildfire within State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. LMZ XF055940 288 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 9 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Mildura Rural City WY Pine Plains East 273 Hindmarsh WY alteration of connection between #228 and #229 Hindmarsh Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 13KMS SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire along the northern boundary of Wyperfeld NP. LMZ 274 33KMS W OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Alter the proposed connection between #228 and #229 to protect values and create a strategic fuelreduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in the southern areas of Wyperfeld NP. BD NHILL MURRAYVILL E - NETTING FENCE FIRE BREAK 278 11KMS NE OF YANAC DELWP SPRING FRB Mildura Rural City BD CENTRAL BIG DESERT WILDERNESS 224-1 20KMS SSW OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING Mildura Rural City OUYEN SUB STATION TOW-1002 1KM N OF OUYEN PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City BARING SF EAST WYP-3004 6KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK Mildura Rural City MS PHEENYS NORTH WEST MSN-3002 Mildura Rural City MS - BAMBIL SOUTH WEST BACKUP Mildura Rural City Mildura Rural City Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WF959796 976 NO BMZ WF571294 633 NO To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor along the southern boundary of the Big Desert State Forest, to halt the spread of wildfire. NFPA WF420162 1111 NO FRB To create a fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire within the Big Desert National Park. BMZ WF053550 5050 NO SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets north of the Ouyen Township. LMZ XG197196 6 NO DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor on the east boundary of the Baring State Forest. LMZ XF045780 68 NO 38KM SW OF MERINGUR PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire within Murray Sunset National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WG070616 629 NO MSN-3003 26KM SW OF WERRIMUL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire within Murray Sunset National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WG383648 373 NO MS BOUNDARY HONEYMOO N SOUTH MSN-2001 37KM NW OF OUYEN DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire within Murray Sunset National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WG820263 909 NO MS - NORTH EAST BOUNDARY MSN-3005 12KM W OF CARWARP PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire along the north eastern LMZ WG955816 444 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 10 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No boundary of Murray Sunset National Park. Yarriambia ck WYP EASTERN BOUNDARY WYP-2001 10KM S OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the eastern boundary of Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ XF094737 820 NO Yarriambia ck WYP SOUTH BOUNDARY WYP-2002 15KM NW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the south-eastern boundary of Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ XF124561 558 NO Hindmarsh WYP OUTLET CRK NORTH WEST WYP-3007 23KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire within Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WF883677 615 NO Mildura Rural City WYP - NINE MILE SQ TRK NORTH ARM WYP-3008 23KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park and protect woodlands to the south of the break LMZ WF826726 531 NO West Wimmera WYP TELOPEA WEST WYP-3009 30KM N OF YANAC DELWP SPRING ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire in the southern area of Big Desert State Forest. LMZ WF238283 115 NO Hindmarsh WYP - NHILLMURRAYVILL E TRK EAST WYP-3010 33KM N OF YANAC PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous bushfire. LMZ WF389352 1361 NO Hindmarsh WYP - PELLA FIRE NORTH WYP-3011 19KM W OF RAINBOW DELWP AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous bushfire. LMZ WF673249 290 NO Hindmarsh WYP MILMED ROCK TK SOUTH WYP-3029 39KM NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous bushfire. LMZ WF594427 6658 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 11 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Mildura Rural City MERBEIN WEST WARGAN BUSHLAND RESERVE 4MMIL0001 Mildura Rural City HATTAH MOURNPALL TRACK NORTH Yarriambia ck Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 7KM W OF MERBEIN PARKS VICTORIA WINTER ECO To modify the vegetation structure across the planned area to remove Boxthorn. LMZ 4MHAT0008 11KM NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. WYPERFELD - DATTACK TRACK 4MWYP0009 20KM NW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Mildura Rural City MSNP MILLEWA BERROOK CORRIDOR 4MMSN0034 55KM SW OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING Mildura Rural City SUN CARDROSS LAKES EAST 4MSUN0001 2.5KM WEST OF CARDROSS WATER AUTHORITY Mildura Rural City MUR DUDDO WELLS RD 4MMUR0002 13KM NE OF MURRAYVILL E Hindmarsh RAINBOW COMMON 4MWYP0031 1KM W OF RAINBOW Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WH905200 1525 NO LMZ XG219629 228 NO To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XF105608 544 NO FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ WG169377 1496 YES AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the adjacent private properties. NFPA XH028049 20 YES DELWP SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. NFPA WG249071 154 YES COM SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within the Rainbow Township. NFPA WF883266 50 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 12 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Hindmarsh BD - BIG DESERT FIRE 47/CHINAMA NS WELL TK 219 Mildura Rural City MSNP PHEENYS TRACK EAST Mildura Rural City Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 49km SE of Murrayville PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire. BMZ 245 38KM S OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. MSNPBerrook southwest 359 35km NNW of Murrayville PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Mildura Rural City MSNP-Last Hope south 256 29KM WSW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN Mildura Rural City Hattah Mournpall North 366 15 KM NE of Hattah PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City Hattah Mournpall South 367 5km NE of Hattah Mildura Rural City Hattah - Old Calder Hwy 368 Mildura Rural City HattahNowingi Trk West Mildura Rural City Hindmarsh Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WF490480 1878 NO BMZ WG502565 587 NO To develop a fuel reduced area to the east of the adjacent private property. LMZ WG093365 905 YES FRB Maintain a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. BMZ WG888455 337 NO AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in central Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. To diversify the age classes in an area of fire associated vegetation with limited fire history. LMZ XG259667 74 NO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. LMZ XG212579 126 NO 5km NE of Hattah PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. To diversify the age classes in an area of fire associated vegetation with limited fire history. LMZ XG198573 114 NO 371 10km nne of hattah PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. To diversify the age classes in an area of fire associated vegetation with limited fire history. LMZ XG164635 84 NO Hattah Nowingi trk north west 370 5km ESE of Nowingi PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire. LMZ XG162683 122 NO BD-NHILL MURRAYVILL E TRACK EAST 382 30KM N OF YANAC DELWP AUTUMN FRB Widen a strategic fuel reduced corridor by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn LMZ WF385313 227 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 13 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Mildura Rural City WNP UNDERBOOL TRACK WEST 262 Mildura Rural City MS Settlement Rd Bambill Sth to Merinee Sth Rd Mildura Rural City Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 14KM SW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire to adjoining private land. BMZ 266 18KMS S OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire along the northern boundary of Murray Sunset NP, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. MS Settlement Rd Merinee Sth Rd to Meridian Rd 267 33KMS SE OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Mildura Rural City MS Panitya North Rd 397 34KMS NW OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING Mildura Rural City BD Ngarkat Fire West 270 33KMS SW OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City HK Hattah Robinvale Rd Kramen Tk 394 15KMS E OF HATTAH Mildura Rural City HK Lake Hattah South 3102 Mildura Rural City Hk Boolca block grasslands Hindmarsh WNP - DUFFY Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WF669954 67 NO BMZ WG600774 1156 NO Increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire along the northern boundary of Murray Sunset NP, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. BMZ WG830772 823 NO FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire in State Forest adjacent to Murray Sunset NP by burning on either the eastern or western side of the track depending on prevailing seasonal weather conditions. LMZ WG016276 633 NO SPRING FRB increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire within a fire footprint in the Big Desert Wilderness Park, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. LMZ WF033673 1316 NO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in the southern area of HattahKulkyne NP. LMZ XG320513 226 NO 6KMS E OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB treat areas of native grassland by patch burning to create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in Southern HattahKulkyne NP. LMZ XG230521 120 NO 3104 18KMS NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Treat areas of native grassland by patch burning to create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in northern HattahKulkyne NP. LMZ XG230731 263 NO 3106 46KM W OF PARKS SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to LMZ WF440221 1591 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 14 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number TK Location Land Manager RAINBOW VICTORIA Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No reduce the spread of wildfire Mildura Rural City HKNP - ZIG ZAG SOUTH HAT-3006 11KM SE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. LMZ XG236440 263 NO Hindmarsh WYP BOUNDARY SOUTH WYP-3012 17KM W OF RAINBOW DELWP AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Big Desert State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ WF711284 371 NO Mildura Rural City MS - PINK LAKES EAST SOUTH BOUNDARY MSN-3007 12KM N OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Murray Sunset National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ WG782223 662 NO Mildura Rural City HKNP KONARDIN TRK NORTH HAT-3008 9KM NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire in the central area of HattahKulkyne National Park. LMZ XG192612 76 NO Mildura Rural City WYP PATCHEWOL LOCK SF NORTH BOUNDARY WYP-3014 13KM SE OF WALPEUP DELWP SPRING ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the northern boundary of Patchewollock State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ XF000989 507 NO Yarriambia ck WYP DATTUCK TRK WEST WYP-3015 21KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire in the south-eastern area of Wyperfeld National Park. LMZ XF068588 504 NO Hindmarsh WYP NORTH CONNECTIO N WYP-3016 36KM S OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WF684710 1648 NO Mildura Rural City WYP - BIG DESERT NORTHERN BOUNDARY WYP-3018 10KM S OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the northern boundary of the Big Desert State Forest. LMZ WF088857 416 NO Mildura Rural City WYP - BIG DESERT NORTH- WYP-3019 25KM SW OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the northern boundary LMZ VF995834 143 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 15 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type WEST BOUNDARY Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No of the Big Desert State Forest. West Wimmera WYP TELOPEA EAST WYP-3023 28KM N OF YANAC DELWP SPRING ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Big Desert State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ WF300293 68 NO West Wimmera WYP TELOPEA RA SOUTH WYP-3024 18KM NW OF YANAC DELWP AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire in the southern area of Big Desert State Forest. LMZ WF297200 182 NO Hindmarsh WYP WYPERFELD SF BOUNDARY SOUTH WYP-3025 12KM NE OF YANAC DELWP AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Big Desert State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WF464115 484 NO Hindmarsh WYP BOOLIGAL SOUTH BOUNDARY WYP-3026 20KM NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Wyperfeld National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ WF720377 265 NO Hindmarsh WYP - BIG DESERT SOUTH EAST BOUNDARY WYP-3030 33KM NW OF YANAC DELWP AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Big Desert State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WF325313 121 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET SOUTHERN SUNSET FIRE NORTH 4MMSN0001 50KM NNE OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. LMZ WG301462 983 YES Hindmarsh BIG DESERT WILDERNESS AREA SOUTH 4MWYP0001 40KM NNW OF YANAC PARKS VICTORIA WINTER ECO To promote ecological resiliance in heathy mallee & dunefield heathlands by manipulating the growth stage LMZ WF303396 11155 NO Mildura Rural City HATTAH RED OCRE TRACK SOUTH 4MHAT0009 12KM N OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG183648 241 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 16 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET LAST HOPE TRACK NORTH 4MMSN0006 37KM W 0F HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. BMZ Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET NORTH WEST PLAINS TRACK 4MMSN0015 43KM NW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET BAMBILL SOUTH TRACK WEST 4MMSN0018 22KM SSE OF MERINGUR PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Mildura Rural City MINOOK WILDERNESS - MINERS TRACK SOUTH 4MMSN0019 27KM SSE OF MERINGUR PARKS VICTORIA SPRING Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET LAST HOPE TRACK SOUTH 4MMSN0020 45KM NNW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET MENGLER ROAD NORTH EAST 4MMSN0028 18KM SW OF HATTAH Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO BENHAM TRACK 4MANN0005 Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO DREW TRACK Mildura Rural City Mildura Rural City Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No WG788497 877 NO LMZ WG502443 2805 NO To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG409752 466 NO FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG409698 186 NO SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WG641507 991 NO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG006452 1302 NO 24KM SE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG370404 637 NO 4MANN0007 33KM SE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG478398 1052 NO MSNP - PINK LAKES BLOCK WEST 4MMSN0036 43KM NE OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire LMZ WG385366 2419 YES MSNP WYMLET 4MMSN0035 21KM NNW OF WALPEUP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to LMZ WG882322 1578 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 17 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type BOUNDARY Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes/No reduce the spread of bushfire Hindmarsh WYP BIRDCAGE FFR 4MWYP0028 17KM WSW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the adjacent private property. LMZ WF739204 182 YES Hindmarsh WYP NETTING FENCE EAST 4MWYP0029 23KM WSW OF RAINBOW DELWP SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the adjacent private property. LMZ WF668174 480 YES Buloke CUL CULGOA 4MCUL0001 500M WEST OF CULGOA PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north west of the Culgoa township LMZ XF897456 3 YES Mildura Rural City WAL WALPEUP WEST 4MWAL0002 1KM W OF WALPEUP PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Walpeup township. LMZ WG922107 8 YES Hindmarsh WYP BOOLIGAL SOUTH 4MWYP0030 20KM NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north west of the adjacent private property. BMZ WF732378 804 YES Yarriambia ck WYP DATTUCK YELLOW GUMS NORTH 4MWYP0038 18.5KM NNW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Yellow Gum EVC. LMZ XF148615 47 YES Yarriambia ck WYP DATTUCK YELLOW GUMS SOUTH 4MWYP0032 17KM NNW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Yellow Gum EVC. BMZ XF154599 25 YES Mildura Rural City HAT - THE BOILER 4MHAT0014 21.5KM EAST OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA WINTER FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG383532 36 YES Mildura Rural City WYP COBURNS PINES 4MWYP0033 18KM SW OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Coburns Pines visitation area. BMZ WF063828 28 YES Mildura Rural City WYP TWELVEL MILE PATCH SOAK 4MWYP0034 32KM SW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the west of the Twelve Mile Patch Soak visitation area. LMZ WF539831 62 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 18 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Mildura Rural City BD MAJORLOCK SOAK TK/BIG DESERT FIRE 47 225 Mildura Rural City MSNP-Raak west north Mildura Rural City Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 15km SW of Cowangie PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ 362 31KM NW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. MS-Shearers 395 58kms SW of Werrimull PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Yarriambia ck PFFR Paradise West 398 24KMS NW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN Mildura Rural City Hk Mournpall Boolga Tracks 3103 26KMS NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA Mildura Rural City WY Nhill Murrayville Rd South West 271 43KMS S OF MURRAYVILL E Mildura Rural City WYP PATCHEWOL LOCK SOUTH WYP-3005 Mildura Rural City MS - FAR SOUTHWEST SF BOUNDARY Mildura Rural City MS - FAR SOUTHWEST PV Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No WF490747 7573 NO LMZ WG857627 385 YES Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in the north-western area of Murray Sunset National Park. LMZ WG042667 734 NO FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuel reduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire with the Paradise FFR, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. LMZ XF000535 30 YES SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel reduced corridor against the spread of wildfire in the northern area of HattahKulkyne NP. LMZ XG238695 222 NO DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of wildfire within the Big Desert Fire footprint in State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous prescribed burn. LMZ WF265551 1248 NO 16KM W OF PATCHEWOL LOCK DELWP SPRING ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Patchewollock State Forest, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. LMZ WF915876 169 YES MSN-2002 22KM N OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING FRB Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Murray Sunset National Park, by burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. BMZ WG097192 343 NO MSN-3006 23KM N OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP AUTUMN ECO Increase the width of a strategic fuelreduced corridor to halt the spread of bushfire along the southern boundary of Murray Sunset National Park, by LMZ WG081210 134 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 19 Grid Reference Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type BOUNDARY Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No burning adjacent to a previous planned burn. Mildura Rural City HKNP DUMOSA TRK NORTH HAT-3007 17KM N OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire in the northern area of Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. LMZ XG190700 131 NO Mildura Rural City WYP - STATE FOREST NORTHERN BOUNDARY WYP-3017 15KM SE OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP SPRING FRB Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire along the northern boundary of the Big Desert State Forest. LMZ WF335899 620 NO Hindmarsh WYP WAGON FLAT FIRE CENTRAL WYP-3028 31KM NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Create a strategic fuel-reduced corridor against the spread of bushfire within central Wyperfeld National Park. LMZ WF594427 3581 NO Swan Hill Rural City ROB BUMBANG ISLAND ROB-3001 2KM N OF ROBINVALE PARKS VICTORIA WINTER ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction to protect high value cultural sites, from bushfire LMZ XG640730 736 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET UNDERBOOL TRACK WEST 4MMSN0002 42KM NNW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WG577457 354 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET HONEYMOO N HUT TRACK NORTH 4MMSN0003 28KM NW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WG579318 818 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET MERINGUR SETTLEMENT ROAD 4MMSN0004 30KM SW OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG299777 1008 NO Mildura Rural City BERROOK BOLTONS ROAD 4MMSN0005 33KM NW OF MURRAYVILL E DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WG031272 1243 NO Mildura Rural City HATTAH RHB DUMOSA TRACK 4MHAT0010 17KM NNE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA WINTER ECO To modify the vegetation composition across the planned area to remove rabbit harbour accumulated through ripping activities. LMZ XG212694 548 NO Mildura Rural City HATTAH BULOKE 4MHAT0011 7KM NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel LMZ XG210579 113 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 20 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type TRACK Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. Mildura Rural City HATTAH CALDER HIGHWAY EAST 4MHAT0012 9KM NNW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG148624 279 NO Yarriambia ck WYPERFELD - THE FREEWAY TRACK NORTH 4MWYP0004 20KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WF938709 367 NO Mildura Rural City BARING NORTH FIRE BREAK TRACK 4MWYP0012 10KM NW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XF034910 434 NO Hindmarsh WYPERFELD - WAGON FLAT FIRE NORTH 4MWYP0019 30KM NW OF YAAPEET PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WF662503 213 NO Mildura Rural City BERROOK SUNSET TRACK 4MMSN0011 36KM N OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG159339 2032 NO Mildura Rural City BERROOK BELLBIRD BORE ROAD 4MMSN0012 28KM NW OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WG068242 152 NO Mildura Rural City BERROOK NO.6 BORE RD NORTH 4MMSN0033 26KM N OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG135233 101 NO Mildura Rural City SUNSET WILDERNESS - PHEENYS TRACK 4MMSN0016 37KM S OF MERINGUR PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WG301578 1427 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET MORKALLA SOUTH ROAD WEST 4MMSN0017 29KM SW OF MERINGUR PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed of bushfire. LMZ WG133719 1094 YES Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET ROCKET 4MMSN0021 36KM SSE OF WERRIMULL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of LMZ WG728639 2853 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 21 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type LAKE TRACK WEST Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No bushfires. Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET NOWINGI LINE TRACK WEST 4MMSN0022 38KM WNW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WG806644 575 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET NOWINGI LINE TRACK EAST 4MMSN0023 33KM WNW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WG866649 113 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET - MT CROZIER TRACK EAST FIREBREAK 4MMSN0024 16KM NNW OF UNDERBOOL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG711238 184 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET WALKER ROAD & ONE TREE PLAIN TRACK 4MMSN0025 28KM SW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WG915426 982 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET SOUTH MERIDIAN ROAD 4MMSN0026 32KM SW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG907350 163 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET MENGLER ROAD WEST 4MMSN0027 24KM SW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ WG959413 55 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET GALAH NORTH ROAD NORTH 4MMSN0029 15KM SW OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ XG051430 207 NO Mildura Rural City MURRAY SUNSET HATTAH FIRE NORTH 4MMSN0030 6KM W OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XG104513 2258 NO Mildura Rural City BERROOK SUNSET 4MMSN0031 33KM NNW OF PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to LMZ WG093297 566 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 22 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number TRACK SOUTH Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type MURRAYVILL E Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No reduce the spread of bushfire. Mildura Rural City HATTAH CANTALA TRACK RHB 4MHAT0013 20KM NE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To modify the vegetation composition across the planned area to remove rabbit harbour accumulated through ripping activities. LMZ XG350602 1226 NO Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO NORTH WEST BOUNDARY 4MANN0001 18KM SE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ XG313409 695 NO Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO SOUTH WEST BOUNDARY 4MANN0002 20KM NE OF OUYEN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XG346319 568 NO Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO SOUTHERN BOUNDARY 4MANN0003 28KM ENE OF OUYEN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ XG470286 342 NO Mildura Rural City ANNUELLO EASTERN BOUNDARY 4MANN0004 16KM WSW OF ANNUELLO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. BMZ XG528369 361 NO Swan Hill Rural City ANNUELLO NORTH BOUNDARY 4MANN0006 31KM ESE OF HATTAH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XG467437 493 NO Swan Hill Rural City KOOLOONON G - MENZIES 4MROB0001 13KM SW OF BOUNDARY BEND PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XG879479 74 NO Swan Hill Rural City WANDOWN SOUTH BOUNDARY 4MROB0002 15KM SW OF BOUNDARY BEND PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XG842442 95 NO Swan Hill Rural City WANDOWN BOUNDARY 4MROB0003 18KM SW OF BOUNDARY BEND PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XG841494 199 NO Yarriambia ck WYPERFELD - THE FREEWAY & GINAP TRACKS 4MWYP0020 19KM SW OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ WF963690 344 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 23 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No NORTH Yarriambia ck WYPERFELD - GINAP TRACK EAST 4MWYP0021 15KM S OF PATCHEWOL LOCK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XF097691 218 NO Yarriambia ck WYPERFELD - DATTUCK TRACK SOUTH 4MWYP0022 20KM NW OF HOPETOUN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing overall fuel hazard and bushfire hazard in the landscape. LMZ XF121603 208 NO Hindmarsh BIG DESERT - BROADIES TRACK 4MWYP0026 20KM WSW OF RAINBOW DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ WF708211 415 NO Yarriambia ck WATHE NORTH BOUNDARY 4MWAT0001 11KM S OF SPEED PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XF299701 70 NO Yarriambia ck WATHE WEST BOUNDARY 4MWAT0002 16KM SSW OF SPEED PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the speed and intensity of bushfires. LMZ XF257660 123 NO Mildura Rural City MSNP DANYO BOUNDARY 4MMSN0038 26KM NNE OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the south of the adjacent private property. BMZ WG287209 1323 YES Hindmarsh WYP NETTING FENCE CENTRAL 4MWYP0035 38KM WSW OF RAINBOW DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the adjacent private property. BMZ WF546163 547 YES West Wimmera WYP TELOPIA NORTH 4MWYP0036 33KM NNW OF YANAC DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the adjacent private property. BMZ WF253310 705 YES Mildura Rural City MUR MURRAYVILL E NORTH 4MMUR0001 2KM NW OF MURRAYVILL E PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north west of the Murrayville township. LMZ WF157984 6 YES Buloke BER BERRIWILLO CK BR 4MBER0001 1KM WEST OF BERRIWILLO CK COM LOCAL AUTUMN FRB To achieve an Overall Fuel Hazard of Moderate or Low over 70% to 80% of the planned area. Non FPA Land XF798543 4 YES Hindmarsh WYP BOOLIGAL 4MWYP0037 25KM NW OF RAINBOW PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the north of the adjacent private property. LMZ WF684396 148 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 24 Mallee District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location 4MMSN0037 5KM SOUTH OF HATTAH Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop a fuel reduced area to the WEST of the Mildura/Ouyen railway line, & Caulder Highway. BMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No 351 YES WEST Mildura Rural City MSNP CALDER HWY WEST XG173473 SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Renewal (ha) New (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance 178 0 13 Vegetation Modification 1782 0 487 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 No Strategic fuelbreak activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 25 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 MURRAY GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Please note that the planned burn year and season identified for each planned burn is indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operational requirements. Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Loddon KINGOWER KINGOWER RANGE NORTH Northern Grampian s Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ ING0063 5.5KM SW OF INGLEWOOD DELWP SPRING FRB Stage 1: To reduce the bio mass of Mallee heaps within the Burn Unit prior to main ignition of the targeted burn unit. Stage 2:To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ REDBANK MT SEPARATION STA0042 5km NW Redbank PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire Macedon Ranges LAURISTON RESERVOIR RD CAS0111 5KM SOUTH OF MALMSBURY DELWP SPRING FRB Greater Bendigo City EAGLEHAWK - FOXES BEND ROAD BGO0146 6KM NNE OF EAGLEHAWK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING Greater Bendigo City KAMAROOKA LMB - B BGO0140-B 26.5KM NNE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA Greater Bendigo City BIG HILL TUNNEL HILL MGFBGO021 9.5KM SSW OF BENDIGO Greater Bendigo City KAMAROOKA - BENDIGO TENNYSON RD MGFBGO008 29KM NNE OF BENDIGO Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No YE506473 332.3 NO BMZ YE037158 578.4 NO To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire. BMZ BU670763 23.6 NO FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BV554382 97 NO AUTUMN ECO To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BV709529 1013 NO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV531184 59.73 NO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV652569 81.48 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 26 Grid Reference Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Greater Bendigo City WHIPSTICK BLACK ROCK RD MGFBGO010 16KM NORTH OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ Greater Bendigo City EAGLEHAWK BRACEWELL ST MGFBGO007 5.2KM NW OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Greater Bendigo City FLORA HILL SCRUB TK MGFBGO033 4KM ESE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Greater Bendigo City BENDIGO ONE TREE HILL (Block 8) MGFBGO064 5KM SSE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN Greater Bendigo City EMU CREEK STORYS RD MGFBGO040 10.5 KM SE OF BENDIGO DELWP Greater Bendigo City BIG HILL - NO 7 RESERVOIR MGFBGO043 9KM SSW OF BENDIGO Loddon TTNP DAVIES BLOCK 473 MGFCOH002 Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 483 Campaspe Campaspe Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No BV581451 413.9 NO BMZ BV529320 76.8 NO To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV613272 145.8 NO FRB x2 objectives:To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing the impact and likelihood of bushfire spread and ember attack on adjoining private land and to facilitate learnings about how Pink-tailed Worm Lizard habitat is affected by planned burning APZ BV590229 59.14 NO SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV634190 185.3 NO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV524201 59 NO 34KM SOUTH OF COHUNA PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA543000 120 NO MGFCOH006 36KM SE of Cohuna PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species growth. LMZ BA691033 67.67 NO TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 485 MGFCOH007 36KM SE of Cohuna PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species growth. LMZ BA690040 31 NO TTNP ROSLYNMEA MGFCOH009 40KM SE of Cohuna PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current LMZ BA723012 42.99 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 27 Grid Reference Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type D SOUTH BLOCK 462 Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species growth. Pyrenees LANDSBORO UGH LANDSBORO UGH HILL MGFAVO007 2KM NE OF LANDSBORO UGH PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ XE906060 463.5 NO Pyrenees AVOCA NORTH GLENPATRIC K TK MGFAVO010 10KM SW OF AVOCA DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YD094875 1127 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E - KALIMNA PARK MGFCAS003 500M EAST OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets BMZ BU541956 109.9 NO Hepburn GUILDFORD RUSCONIS RD MGFCAS009 3.5KM SSE OF GUILDFORD PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BU498805 143.7 NO Mount Alexander TARADALE PLANTATION TK MGFCAS017 2.5KM EAST OF TARADALE PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BU672867 171 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - RODNEY TK MGFHTH001 3.7KM NORTH OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV959170 459.6 NO Loddon INGLEWOOD - CHRISTIE ROAD MGFING001 3KM NORTH OF INGLEWOOD PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YE548535 310 NO Loddon KINGOWER MACKENZIE GULLY MGFING005 KINGOWER TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE466440 278.2 NO Central Goldfields MOLIAGUL MT MOLIAGUL RD MGFING009 1KM NW OF MOLIAGUL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE373309 243.7 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH RESERVE TK MGFMRY003 1.5KM WSW OF MARYBOROU PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YD416955 124.6 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 28 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No GH Central Goldfields AMHERST BLACKSMITH GULLY RD MGFMRY011 AMHERST TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YD373863 183.3 NO Central Goldfields DAISY HILL TAGGART DRIVE MGFMRY013 600M WNW OF DAISY HILL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YD404901 326.3 NO Northern Grampian s MORRL MORRL NCR MGFSTA010 10KM NORTH WEST OF NAVARRE PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ XE770225 1003 NO Loddon DUNOLLY OLD LEAD RESERVOIR MGFMRY030 4.7KM NORTH OF DUNOLLY DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE436222 77.74 NO Mount Alexander CAMPBELLS CREEK POTTERY RD MGFCAS026 CAMPBELLS CREEK TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU522912 73.6 NO Mount Alexander CHEWTON BUSHMANS RD MGFCAS028 2KM NE OF CHEWTON PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU583937 12 NO Mount Alexander MALDON STUMP ST MGFCAS022 MALDON TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV398025 9.11 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - HUBBLE ST MGFMRY025 MARYBOROU GH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YD446953 8.57 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH BLACKMANS LEAD RD MGFMRY031 MARYBOROU GH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YD438944 15.23 NO Northern Grampian s STUART MILL - SWANTON RD MGFSTA016 1.5KM NORTH OF STUART MILL PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE036259 49.3 NO Northern Grampian s ST ARNAUD SILVERMINE S RD MGFSTA015 1KM NORTH OF ST ARNAUD TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YE016468 11.14 YES Greater Bendigo CALIFORNIA GULLY - MGFBGO051 4.5KM NORTH OF PARKS SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and APZ BV564328 9.2 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 29 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name City JOBS GULLY B.R Mount Alexander CHEWTON STEELE ST Mount Alexander Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ BENDIGO VICTORIA MGFCAS037 CHEWTON TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA WINTER FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ CHEWTON SINNETT ST MGFCAS038 CHEWTON TOWNSHIP DELWP WINTER FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Greater Bendigo City BENDIGO ONE TREE HILL (Block 7) MGFBGO062 4KM SE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB Loddon WEDDERBUR N - GODFREY ST MGFING038 1km ENE OF WEDDERBUR N DELWP AUTUMN Greater Bendigo City MAIDEN GULLY BONAZZA RD MGFBGO071 2.5km ENE OF MAIDEN GULLY PARKS VICTORIA Greater Bendigo City BENDIGO ONE TREE HILL GUYS HILL RD EAST MGFBGO082 2.5KM NW OF STRATHFIEL DSAYE Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - SPRING PLAIN TK MGFHTH021 Greater Bendigo City Big Hill Mineral Crt Hepburn Loddon Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No BU557926 11.33 NO APZ BU572923 1.6 NO x2 objectives:To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing the impact and likelihood of bushfire spread and ember attack on adjoining private land and to facilitate learnings about how Pink-tailed Worm Lizard habitat is affected by planned burning APZ BV587243 25.3 NO FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YE353669 55.3 NO SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV535309 67.8 NO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV617247 71.8 NO 6KM SE OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BV988059 303.9 NO MGFBGO100 1km NE of Big Hill PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ BV542204 11.76 YES GUILDFORDCOX TK MGFCAS064 3KM SSW OF GUILDFORD PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ BU488816 4.3 YES TTNP DAVIES BLOCK 464 MGFCOH026 13km NNE of MITIAMO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and LMZ BA534021 91.48 YES highly valued assets Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 30 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No create habitat more suitable for native fauna. Gannawar ra BAEL BAEL BLOCK 6 MGFCOH029 22km North West of Kerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ YF439505 187.5 YES Gannawar ra BAEL BAEL BLOCK 23 MGFCOH030 21.5km North West of Kerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ YF429487 91.19 YES Gannawar ra BAEL BAEL BLOCK 24 MGFCOH031 22km North West of Kerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ YF446486 68.42 YES Loddon TTNP DAVIES BLOCK 522 MGFCOH034 14km NNW of Mitiamo PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species growth. LMZ BA553023 20 YES Mount Alexander GLENLUCE FIRE INVESTIGATI ON (HUNTERS TK) MGFCAS039 12.5KM SSW OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB Small plots within a five(5)hectare burn site to be burnt. This is within alarge area that is previously burnt and had unburnt plots left in the middle. LMZ BU566822 5 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E - FIRE INVESTIGATI ON (ASHBYS TK) MGFCAS036 2.5KM NW OF CASTLEMAIN E DELWP SPRING FRB Small plots within a two(2)hectare burn site to be burnt. This is within a large area that is previously burnt and had unburnt plots left in the middle. BMZ BU503969 2 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 31 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Strathbogi e GRAYTOWN NORTH GRAYTOWN RSH0028 Strathbogi e GRAYTOWN TIN HUT TRACK Hepburn Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ 500M NORTH OF GRAYTOWN PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV180240 287.1 NO RSH0027 3KM EAST OF GRAYTOWN PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To build on protection works in adjacent burns. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones. BMZ CV205245 151.8 NO GLENLYON SWORDS ROAD CAS0101 2KM NNE OF GLENLYON DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BU576744 371.3 NO Greater Bendigo City BENDIGO ONE TREE HILL (Block 4) MGFBGO059 5KM SE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB x2 objectives:To provide bushfire protection outcomes by reducing the impact and likelihood of bushfire spread and ember attack on adjoining private land and to facilitate learnings about how Pink-tailed Worm Lizard habitat is affected by planned burning BMZ BV609245 95 Greater Bendigo City WHIPSTICK BRIGHTS LANE MGFBGO011 13KM NORTH OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV585423 779.2 NO Greater Bendigo City STRATHDALE WILDFLOWE R DRIVE MGFBGO024 5KM SE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV620260 306.2 NO Greater Bendigo City MAIDEN GULLY BYRON RD MGFBGO016 9.5KM WEST OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV467287 204.5 NO Greater Bendigo City EAST BENDIGO RIFLE RANGE MGFBGO017 5KM EAST OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV635302 288.7 NO Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 486 MGFCOH008 36KM SE of Cohuna PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species LMZ BA692050 61 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 32 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No NO Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No growth. Pyrenees REDBANK RICHMOND TK MGFAVO004 1KM SOUTH OF REDBANK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE079081 223.6 NO Pyrenees LANDSBORO UGH MASHADO TK MGFAVO006 4.5KM ESE OF LANDSBORO UGH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ XD965997 1553 NO Campaspe RUSHWORTH STEIGENBER GER RD MGFRSH003 9KM ESE OF RUSHWORTH PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ CV315466 82.9 NO Loddon LAANECOORI E - OLSSON RD MGFING013 4KM WNW OF LAANECOORI E DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE538219 250.9 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH CENTENARY RESERVOIR MGFMRY004 2.5KM SOUTH OF MARYBOROU GH DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YD436926 359.4 NO Central Goldfields AMHERSTHEMLOCK TK MGFMRY022 1.5KM NORTH WEST OF AMHERST DELWP SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YD348886 677.1 NO Greater Bendigo City KANGAROO FLAT - IRWIN LANE MGFBGO047 1.5KM SSE OF KANGAROO FLAT PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV548215 56.29 NO Campaspe WHROO MURCHISON WHROO RD MGFRSH008 2KM EAST OF WHROO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV254425 392.7 NO Campaspe RUSHWORTH - CHINAMANS HILL MGFRSH012 2KM NW OF RUSHWORTH DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV207504 62.35 NO Strathbogi e GRAYTOWN BERNIES BRIDGE MGFRSH011 1KM SOUTH OF GRAYTOWN PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV162219 266.9 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 33 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Mount Alexander CHEWTON QUARTZ HILL TK MGFCAS020 Loddon KORONG VALE - OLD TIP RD Loddon CHEWTON TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU563934 141.4 NO MGFING029 2.5KM NNW OF KORONG VALE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YE420768 154.6 NO WEDDERBUR N - OLD BOORT RD MGFING030 4KM NORTH OF WEDDERBUR N PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE345709 103 NO Loddon WEDDERBUR N - WHITE ROCK RD MGFING032 1.2KM WEST OF WEDDERBUR N PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE319673 314.9 NO Mount Alexander CHEWTON ADELAIDE ST MGFCAS021 500M SSW OF CHEWTON PARKS VICTORIA WINTER FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU560919 14.5 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - PINK CLIFFS MGFHTH010 500M SW OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV956102 121 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - JEFFS ST MGFMRY024 MARYBOROU GH TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YD444973 17 NO Campaspe RUSHWORTH - MCDONALD ST MGFRSH013 500M NORTH OF RUSHWORTH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ CV218504 24 NO Central Goldfields DUNOLLY BURNT CREEK MGFMRY034 1KM WSW OF DUNOLLY TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To build on protection works in adjacent Bushfire Moderation Zone & Asset Protection Zones LMZ YE434159 19.5 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E - PARKER ST MGFCAS042 1KM NE OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BU534953 4.6 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E - COLLES RD MGFCAS043 3KM NORTH EAST OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BU547966 29.3 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E- MGFCAS044 2km SE OF CASTLEMAIN DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and APZ BU537932 3 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 34 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number MATHESON RD Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type E Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No highly valued assets. Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN EHITCHCOCK ST MGFCAS045 2.5km SE OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BU547931 8.2 NO Loddon NEWBRIDGE - BULLDOG LANE MGFING037 2.5km WNWOF NEWBRIDGE DELWP SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YE565313 156.1 NO Loddon WEDDERBUR N - OPHIR RD MGFING040 1.5km NORTH OF WEDDERBUR N DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YE342677 14.7 NO Northern Grampian s ST ARNAUD MILLETT ST MGFSTA020 0.5km E of St Arnaud DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YE024455 12.3 NO Greater Bendigo City GOLDEN SQUARE SPECIMEN HILL CHANNEL MGFBGO069 4.5km WSW OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV530265 23 NO Greater Bendigo City EAGLEHAWK - LIGHTNING HILL MGFBGO074 1.5km NORTH OF EAGLEHAWK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV546344 167.7 NO Greater Bendigo City LONG GULLY - INGLIS ST MGFBGO076 1.5km SW OF LONG GULLY PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV543288 51.6 NO Northern Grampian s ST ARNAUD WATTLE ST MGFSTA022 1km W of St Arnaud PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YE007456 13.2 NO Greater Bendigo City WHIPSTICK NOTLEYS MGFBGO079 8.5km NORTH OF EAGLEHAWK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To reduce fuel load below High in targeted area to provide protection of Camp Ground. LMZ BV548411 194.8 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - WARREN RD MGFHTH019 2.5KM NW OF HEATHCOTE DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV935124 84.2 NO Loddon Wedderburn Twiddy Lane MGFING050 2km SSE of Wedderburn PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire LMZ YE350645 81.5 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 35 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Loddon Inglewood Sullivan St Mount Alexander MGFING053 1.3km NW of Inglewood DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets BMZ YE560497 30 YES Fryers Ridge Old Tower Tk MGFCAS057 3.8km West of Taradale DELWP SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BU600864 174.7 YES Mount Alexander Harcourt - Mt Alexander MGFCAS060 4km East of Harcourt PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU600022 7 YES Mount Alexander Walmer Reillys Tk MGFCAS061 3.6km North of Castlemaine DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU524995 61.6 YES Gannawar ra Cohuna - Rifle Butts Tk MGFCOH018 4.7km North of Cohuna DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ BA493387 15.4 YES Pyrenees Avoca Boundary Rd MGFAVO026 700m NE of Avoca PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YD206929 4.08 YES Greater Bendigo City Kamarooka Camp Rd MGFBGO097 9.3km East of Raywood PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To build on northern boundry break to help prevent large bushfires entering from private property into the park. LMZ BV627576 95.1 YES Greater Bendigo City Redcastle Stoney Crossing Tk MGFHTH023 3.7km East of Mount Camel PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ CV001250 366.9 YES Mitchell Pukapunyal Seymour Tooborac Rd MGFHTH024 8.3km ENE of Tooborac PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ CV120007 21.71 YES Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - Happy Tommy Tk MGFMRY059 4.7km North of MARYBOROU GH DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ YE446020 105.1 YES Campaspe TTNP DAVIES BLOCK 468 MGFCOH027 14.5km NE OF MITIAMO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA593011 85.4 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 36 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2016/17 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Campaspe TTNP TORRUMBAR RY BLOCK 493 MGFCOH028 Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 482 Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 478 12km South of Torrumbarry PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BV754981 129.7 YES MGFCOH022 8km South West of Torrumbarry PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA698045 33.21 YES MGFCOH023 7.5km South West of Torrumbarry PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA703051 31.33 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 37 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Greater Bendigo City WHITE HILLS - BOBS ST MGFBGO006 Greater Bendigo City MAIDEN GULLY EDWARDS RD Greater Bendigo City 3KM NE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV593309 46.89 NO MGFBGO030 5.5KM WEST OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV512285 117.8 NO MANDURANG - DAVEY RD MGFBGO037 8KM SE OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV609199 228.6 NO Greater Bendigo City MAIDEN GULLY BULLOCK RD MGFBGO041 9KM WSW OF BENDIGO PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV475262 341.6 NO Greater Bendigo City WELLSFORD - GUNYAH TK MGFBGO019 11.5KM NE OF BENDIGO DELWP AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV685327 311 NO Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 481 MGFCOH004 36KM SE of Cohuna PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA705046 27.22 YES Pyrenees WARRENMA NG FARNSWORT H TK MGFAVO009 1.5KM SE OF WARRENMA NG DELWP SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YD075959 1256 NO Mount Alexander TARADALE CARNELL RD MGFCAS014 4KM EAST OF TARADALE DELWP SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BU688871 225 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - MCIVOR RANGE MGFHTH004 1KM ENE OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV971119 141.6 NO Loddon EDDINGTON SCENIC RD MGFMRY017 3.5KM NORTH WEST OF EDDINGTON DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE531172 142.9 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 38 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - BLACK JACKS TK MGFMRY001 4KM NORTH OF MARYBOROU GH DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE430011 154.9 NO Pyrenees REDBANK DIGGERS TK MGFSTA004 3.5KM WNW OF REDBANK PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE034123 316 NO Greater Bendigo City COSTERFIEL D - REEF TK MGFHTH007 1KM EAST OF COSTERFIEL D DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV058180 392.1 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - DARGILE TK MGFHTH008 6KM NNE OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV984170 542 NO Greater Bendigo City HEATHCOTE - FOREST DR MGFHTH009 500M EAST OF HEATHCOTE PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BV965112 319.3 NO Campaspe REDCASTLE SCRUBBY RD MGFRSH007 12KM NE OF REDCASTLE DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ CV131323 274.2 NO Northern Grampian s ST ARNAUD BONE MILL RD MGFSTA011 4.5KM SW OF ST ARNAUD DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ XE989422 435.7 NO Pyrenees LEXTON LEXTON NCR MGFMRY023 6KM NNE OF LEXTON PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ YD253779 261.1 NO Central Goldfields MOLIAGUL MONUMENT RD MGFMRY029 MOLIAGUL TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE372290 316.4 NO Pyrenees REDBANK LONG GULLY TK MGFAVO014 1.5KM SW OF REDBANK PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE052077 681.4 NO Mount Alexander CASTLEMAIN E - WATER RACE HILL TK MGFCAS030 2.6KM NE OF CASTLEMAIN E PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ BU553965 14.18 NO Loddon TARNAGULL A - CRYSTAL HILL RD MGFING034 TARNAGULL A TOWNSHIP PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE530261 18.5 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 39 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH TELEGRAPH TK MGFMRY026 1.5KM ENE OF MARYBOROU GH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ YD454968 131.4 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - PRICES RD MGFMRY028 3KM NE OF MARYBOROU GH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YD462981 245 NO Campaspe RUSHWORTH - MUHLANS ST MGFRSH010 1KM NE OF RUSHWORTH TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets APZ CV235495 41.13 NO Loddon WEDDERBUR N - SNAKE GULLY MGFING035 2KM WSW OF WEDDERBUR N TOWNSHIP DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ YE319661 92.52 NO Greater Bendigo City KIMBOLTON AIRPORT TK MGFBGO055 22.5KM SE OF BENDIGO DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV757151 454.5 NO Greater Bendigo City BIG HILL MARNE TK MGFBGO065 3.5KM SW OF KANGAROO FLAT PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bush fire BMZ BV512204 105.9 NO Mount Alexander MALDON CASTLEMAIN E MALDON RD COMPLEX MGFCAS048 1km SE OF MALDON PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV396002 59.5 NO Mount Alexander MALDON GOUGHS RANGE MGFCAS051 5.5KM SW OF MALDON DELWP AUTUMN FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and can assist in ecological resilience and forest regeneration. LMZ BU370965 160.8 NO Mount Alexander NEWSTEAD WOODS RD MGFCAS056 NEWSTEAD DELWP SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BU401892 10 NO Central Goldfields MARYBOROU GH - DERBY RD MGFMRY051 2.5km SSW of Maryborough PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ YD423942 23.2 YES Greater Bendigo City LONG GULLY - DERWENT GULLY RD MGFBGO075 1.5km WEST OF LONG GULLY PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ BV536295 110.8 NO Greater Bendigo HEATHCOTE - MIA MIA MGFHTH015 5.5KM WNW OF DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to BMZ BV904118 65.6 NO Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 40 Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type City DERRINAL RD Northern Grampian s Dalyenong Emu Rd MGFSTA029 12km West of Bealiba PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Patchy mosaic to regenerate heathy woodland LMZ YE150260 234 YES Central Goldfields Havelock - Old Eddington Rd MGFMRY054 9.6km SE of Dunolly PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To reduce the overall fuel hazard and rehabilitate sugar gum plantation site LMZ YE485080 230.6 YES Pyrenees Landsborough - Barkly Tk MGFAVO024 9.2km ESE of Landsborough PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ XD990980 507.2 YES Pyrenees Redbank Dead Mans Tk MGFAVO025 3.9km West of Redbank PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ YE030095 253.6 YES Campaspe Torrumbarry Pianta Bend MGFCOH020 9.5lm NW of Echuca PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire PBEZ BA913063 7.27 YES Campaspe Torrumbarry Braund Bend MGFCOH021 6.3km NW of Echuca PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire PBEZ BA929036 17.29 YES Greater Bendigo City Lockwood South - Brigg Rd MGFBGO089 1.4km NW of LOCKWOOD SOUTH DELWP SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ BV445205 123.7 YES Mount Alexander Maldon - Mt Tarrengower MGFCAS063 2km West of Maldon PARKS VICTORIA SPRING FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ BV367011 518.6 YES Gannawar ra BAEL BAEL BLOCK 22 MGFCOH032 21km North West of Kerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ YF438495 58.54 YES Gannawar ra BAEL BAEL BLOCK 2 MGFCOH033 21km North West of Kerang PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ YF437486 60.37 YES Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D NORTH BLOCK 479 MGFCOH024 8km South West of Torrumbarry PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for LMZ BA697050 24.27 YES HEATHCOTE Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No reduce the spread of bushfire. Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 41 Murray Goldfields District: Schedule 1: Planned Burns 2017/18 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) New Burn Yes /No native fauna. Campaspe TTNP ROSLYNMEA D SOUTH BLOCK 461 MGFCOH025 9.5km South West of Torrumbarry PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Reduce cover of annual exotic and native perennial biomass across the paddock to allow for natural regeneration of native forbs and create habitat more suitable for native fauna. LMZ BA716016 73.66 YES Loddon TTNP - DAVIS BLOCK 521 MGFCOH035 14KM NNW OF MITIAMO PARKS VICTORIA AUTUMN ECO Grassland Management Biomass Management - reduce the current high grass biomass and % of exotic annual grass (Wild Oat & Annual Rye Grass) & encourage native species growth. LMZ BA554021 5 YES Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 42 Murray Goldfields District: SCHEDULE 2: Non Burn Fuel Treatments Non burn fuel treatments are scheduled one year ahead. The tables below contain a summary of proposed fuel treatments over the following year. Some of these fuel treatments are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these fuel treatment activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only and the actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DELWP fire management staff if further detail is required. Non Burn Fuel Treatments 2015/16 Works Type Maintenance (ha) Renewal (ha) New (ha) Mineral Earth Disturbance 0 0 0 Vegetation Modification 1500 0 0 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks Strategic Fuelbreak maintenance is an annual program. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DELWP planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2015/16 No Strategic fuelbreak activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 43 Loddon Mallee Region: Regional Schedule SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones The following zones changes are proposed. Amendment Number District Location Current Zone Area (ha) Zone Proposed Fire Operations Plan 2015/16 ̶ 2017/18 Loddon Mallee Region 44 Justification for Amendment