Title: Constitution of Crisis Center Student Ambassadors

Article Constitution
Title: Constitution of Crisis Center Student Ambassadors
Preamble: Crisis Center Student Ambassadors (CCSA)
Date: August 20th, 2012
Article I
To organize students of the University of Iowa to support the mission of the Johnson County
Crisis Center in providing clients with emotional and material support, and, by extension,
support for their health and well-being.
Article II
a) In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons on the
basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual
orientation, gender identity, or associational preference, or any other classification which
would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee
that equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits
shall be open to all persons.
b) There is no maximum or minimum limitation of membership.
c) Undergraduate and graduate students, in addition to members of the Iowa City community
at large, are eligible to enroll in the CCSA. Distinct classes of members, however, are not
d) All members join voluntarily. Undergraduate and graduate students, in addition to members
of the Iowa City community at large, are accepted by the CCSA. Members may be removed
from the CCSA for gross misconduct by simple majority vote of the Executive Board.
Article III
Officers & Duties:
Transmit to members of the Crisis Center Student Ambassadors the needs of the Johnson
County Crisis Center, the University of Iowa, the community at large, and the CCSA itself.
Set agenda for executive and general meetings.
Execute membership duties.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The President is permitted to miss one meeting per semester excluding extenuating
Vice President
In addition to the President, transmit to members of the Crisis Center Student Ambassadors
the needs of the Johnson County Crisis Center, the University of Iowa, the community at
large, and CCSA itself.
Adopt the duties of the President should he/she not be able to fulfill them.
Execute membership duties.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Vice President is permitted to miss one meeting per semester excluding
extenuating circumstances.
Observe and record minutes of the executive and general meetings.
Organize and keep track of new and old membership forms along with the distribution
of membership forms to new or potential members.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Secretary is permitted to miss one meeting per semester excluding
extenuating circumstances.
Manage and organize all debits and credits of the Crisis Center Student Ambassadors
Work directly with and oversee the Fundraising Director in regards to cash handling.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Treasurer is permitted to miss one meeting per semester excluding
extenuating circumstances.
Fundraising Director
Plan fundraising events and drives for goods for the Crisis Center within the community
at large and the University of Iowa.
Work directly with and support the Treasurer in regards to cash handling.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Fundraising Director is permitted to miss one meeting per semester
excluding extenuating circumstances.
Marketing Director
Raise awareness about the Crisis Center and its mission at the University of Iowa and
the community at large through different media including flyers, tables and so on.
Cultivate a positive reputation within the university and community.
o Work directly with the Public Relations Director in this capacity.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Marketing Director is permitted to miss one meeting per semester excluding
extenuating circumstances.
Public Relations Director
Attend events and meetings of other student organizations that collaborate with the
Crisis Center Student Ambassadors.
Attend University of Iowa Student Government-organized events including student
organization fairs to cultivate a positive reputation amongst other student
o Work directly with the Marketing Director in this capacity.
Attend regular bi-monthly meetings:
o The Executive Board will meet one week prior to general meetings every month.
o The Public Relations Director is permitted to miss one meeting per semester
excluding extenuating circumstances.
To qualify for an Executive Board position of the Crisis Center Student Ambassadors, the
individual must be a student of the University of Iowa in good academic standing. The individual
must also have served on an executive committee before being allowed to hold executive
Election & Selection
For the first year (and until the CCSA reaches a minimum of twenty members), the incumbent
Executive Board will select incoming board members based on written applications. For the
following years (or once the CCSA reaches at least twenty members), candidates for the
incoming Executive Board must apply with a written application to be reviewed by the
incumbent Executive Board in order to be added to the ballot. Votes are cast at a chosen
general meeting near the end of the academic year. The candidates who earn the most votes
win their respective positions.
In the case that a position is vacated, a new Executive Board member may be selected from
amongst the general membership. To be formally installed, the new Executive Board member
must be approved by simple majority vote of the remaining Executive Board members and the
An Executive Board member may be removed for gross misconduct by simple majority vote of
the remainder of the Executive Board and the Advisor.
Article IV
The duties and responsibilities of the Advisor are to attend and facilitate Executive Board
meetings. The Advisor also votes with the Executive Board in order to “tie-break” when a
majority vote cannot be reached.
The Advisor may be selected from amongst the Johnson County Crisis Center staff, the
University of Iowa faculty or the University of Iowa graduate student body. To be formally
installed, the new Advisor must be approved by simple majority vote of the Executive Board.
Article V
a) General meetings are held once per month during the fall and spring semesters. The
Executive Board meets separately one week prior to each general meeting.
b) Members are notified of special meetings by e-mail with advance notice of at least one
c) Quorum is defined as half of all registered members.
d) The President has the authority to call meetings.
Article VI
a) Elections are held once per year during the general meeting held in April.
b) Members are notified of elections by e-mail with advance notice of at least one month.
Article VII
a) Dues are not collected from members.
b) The Treasurer is in charge of the administration of financial affairs including the
disbursement of funds. The President authorizes of expenditures.
c) The Crisis Center Student Ambassadors is required to deposit all receipts in and make
disbursements through the Student Organization Business Office, Fraternity Business Services,
or Recreational Services. Upon dissolution, state money and mandatory student fees revert
back to the granting organization. Inactive organizations will be considered dissolved after five
years of no account activity. Revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” must be divided as stated
in this Constitution and carried out by our leadership. Our organization’s remaining revenue
generated dollars or “00 funds” will be divided or disbursed to the Johnson County Crisis
Center. If this organization has dissolved and revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” have not
been divided as stated in this Constitution by five years from last account activity, funds in our
“00 account” will revert to an account specified for this purpose within UISG/ECGPS. These
funds will then be available for distribution through SABAC or GPAC guidelines in accordance
with University of Iowa policy.
Article VIII
a) Members are notified of a proposed amendment by e-mail and a reading at the next
scheduled general meeting.
b) A 2/3 vote of those present and voting is required to ratify an amendment.
c) The amendment takes effect immediately following ratification.
d) All amendments or changes to this Constitution are submitted to the Student Organization
Coordinator for approval.
Article IX
This Constitution is ratified by consensus approval by the Crisis Center Student Ambassadors’
founding members.