Zamostny Jeffrey Zamostny Assistant Professor of Spanish Director


Jeffrey Zamostny

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Director of the Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies

University of West Georgia

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

1601 Maple Street

Carrollton, Georgia 30118

Office Phone: (678) 839-5959


2012 – Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky

Dissertation Title: “Faustian Figures: Modernity and Male (Homo)sexualities in Spanish

Commercial Literature, 1900-1936”

2010 – Graduate Certificate in Social Theory, University of Kentucky

2007 – B.A. in Spanish, McDaniel College (Westminster, Maryland)

Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude, Honors in Spanish, Honors Program

2005-2006 – Programa Especial Integrado, Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

2004 – Summer Spanish School, Middlebury College


May, 2012-present – Director of the Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of West


January, 2012-present – Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of West Georgia


Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies

Social Theory

Gender and Sexuality Studies


Edited Volume Project

Zamostny, Jeffrey, and Susan Larson, eds. Kiosk Literature in Silver Age Spain: Mass Culture and Modernity . CFP distributed in September, 2013.

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Book Chapters

“Constructing Ethical Attention in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY : Cinematic Strategy, Intersubjectivity, and Intersexuality.”

Representing History, Class, and Gender in Spain and Latin

America: Children and Adolescents in Film . Ed. Carolina Rocha and Georgia Seminet.

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 189-204.


“Homosexuality, Crime, and the Press in Jacinto Benavente’s

De muy buena familia

.” Submitted

August 2013.

“Locating Tragedy in El ángel de Sodoma : Inversion and the Unchanged Name.” Submitted May


“Pimping the Text: Gendered Tropes in Spain’s Mass Literary Market.”

Revista de Estudios


47.1 (2013): 55-78.

“Canon Formation and Diversity: Latin American Gay Literature in the Global Market, Dossier of Images.”

Chasqui 41.1 (2012): 187-190. *The editor of Chasqui agreed to publish this dossier after he accidentally omitted my images from the 2011 publication listed below.

“Canon Formation and Diversity: Latin American Gay Literature in the Global Market.”

Chasqui 40.2 (2011): 80-94.

“El malestar estomacal en

La de Bringas de Galdós.”


7.1 (2010): 61-75.

“Comings Out: Secrecy, Sexuality, and Murder in Michael Nava’s Rag and Bone .” MELUS 34.3

(2009): 183-204.

“¡Todos a bordo!: Viajes al tercer sexo madrileño en

A Sodoma en tren botijo de Álvaro Retana.”


Book Reviews

7.1 (2009): 55-60.

Zubiaurre, Maite. Cultures of the Erotic in Spain, 1898-1939 and A Virtual Wunderkammer :

Early Twentieth Century Erotica in Spain in Romance Quarterly

. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP, 2012. Review

60.1 (2013): 62-63.


2011-2013 – Editorial board,

Polifonía: Revista académica de estudios hispánicos

. Austin Peay

State University.

2012 – Reviewer, JAISA ( Journal for the Association of the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts ).

University of West Georgia

2011-2012 – Editor-in-Chief, Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos .

Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky. Vol. 2: Apocalypse and the

End Times/Apocalipsis y el fin del mundo.

2010-2011 – Co-Editor, disClosure (Journal of Social Theory) . Committee on Social Theory,

University of Kentucky. Vol. 20: Family, Sex, Law. disclosure

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2010 – Reviewer,

Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos.

Department of

Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky


Conference Presentations

November, 2013 – “Professional and Amateur Acting: Defamiliarizing Darín in El aura


28 th

Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities . University of West Georgia.


October, 2013 – “Darín and the Animal Gaze: Celebrity and Anonymity in El aura


Conference of the Mid-West Popular Culture Association . St. Louis, Missouri. Accepted

April, 2013 – “Locating the Tragic in El ángel de Sodoma : Inversion and the Unchanged Name.”

KFLC: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference . University of Kentucky

January, 2013 – “Trains, Surveillance, and Seduction in Silver Age Spanish Gay Fiction.”

Modern Language Association Convention . Boston, Massachusetts. [This paper substituted for a last-minute cancellation on a special session I organized.]

November, 2012 – “Blackmail, Debt, and Modernity in Silver Age Spain.” Conference of the

Midwest Modern Language Association . Cincinnati, Ohio

November, 2012 – “Trains, Surveillance, and Seduction in Silver Age Spanish Gay Fiction.”

27 th

Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities . University of West Georgia

April, 2012 – “Queer Don Juans: The Seducer in Spanish Medicine and Erotica of the 1920s.”

Kentucky Foreign Language Conference . University of Kentucky

September, 2011 – “The Literary Pharmacies of Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent and Carmen de

Burgos: Decadence, Queer Desire, and Spanish Commercial Literature.”


Interstate Foreign Language Conference . Auburn University

March, 2011 – “Gendered Tropes in Spain’s Short Novel Collections, 1907-1936.” XIV Annual

Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium . Ohio State University

October, 2010 – “Ethical Attention and Intersexuality in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY



Interstate Foreign Language Conference . Radford University

February, 2010 – “Canon Formation and Diversity: Latin American Gay Literature in the Global


Latin American Studies Graduate Student Symposium . University of


October, 2009 – “Puesta en abismo: La (in)comunicación en Los disparates de Francisco Goya.”

Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference . Furman University

February, 2009 – “¡Todos a bordo!: Viajes al tercer sexo madrileño en A Sodoma en tren botijo de Álvaro Retana.”

Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language, and Culture . University of Arizona

November, 2008 – “Entre la obra y el (hiper)texto: El andalucismo islamista en Blas Infante, un musulmán andaluz .” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association .

Louisville, Kentucky

October, 2008 – “All Aboard: Journeys Towards a Sexually-Dissident Subculture in Álvaro

Retana’s A Sodoma en tren botijo .” Border Crossings: Boundaries of Cultural

Interpretation . Vanderbilt University

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Conference Organization

November, 2013 – Director of Professions, the 28 th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in the

Humanities . University of West Georgia

January, 2013 – Organizer of the Special Session “Spectacles of Gender and Desire in Silver Age

Spain” with Maite Zubiaurre (UCLA), Alejandro Mejías-López (Indiana U-

Bloomington), and Rakhel Villamil-Acera (Adelphi U). Modern Language Association

Convention . Boston, Massachusetts.

November, 2012 – Organizer of four panels on Gender Studies. 27 th

Annual Interdisciplinary

Conference in the Humanities . University of West Georgia.

October, 2010 – Organizer of the Panel “Latin American Women Filmmakers.” Mountain

Interstate Foreign Language Conference , Radford University

September, 2009 – Organizer of the Symposium “Goya at the Equinox II.” Department of

Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky

April, 2008-2013 – Chair for Panels in the Spanish Peninsular Section, Kentucky Foreign

Language Conference, University of Kentucky

Other Presentations

February, 2012 – “Chaste Inverts between Tradition and Modernity in La antorcha apagada and

El ángel de Sodoma .” Brown Bag Research Presentation to Department of Foreign

Languages and Literatures, University of West Georgia


Rueda, Ana. “Voices in Combat: Nineteenth-Century Heroic Rhetoric in Episodes on the

African War.” To be read by the author. Invited lecture. University of North Carolina-

Chapel Hill. March 22, 2013.

Rueda, Ana. “Turkey, the Ancient Hispano-Ottoman Rivalry, and the New Sensibility in

Nineteenth-Century Spanish Culture.” Read by the author. 4 th International Conference of Mediterranean Worlds . Istambul. September 5-7, 2012.


Fall, 2011 and Spring, 2009 – Travel Grants for Conference Presentations, Graduate School,

University of Kentucky

2010 – Dissertation Grant, Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of

Culture and United States Universities

2007-2010 – Multi-Year Fellowship, Graduate School, University of Kentucky

2007-2010 – Daniel R. Reedy Quality Achievement Award, Graduate School, University of


2007-2009 – T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowship, College of Arts and Sciences,

University of Kentucky

2003-2007 – Full Scholarship, McDaniel College

2003-2007 – Finalist, Maryland Distinguished Scholar Program, State of Maryland

2003-2007 – Maryland Senatorial Scholarship, Senator of Maryland

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Spring, 2009 – Keller Award for Outstanding Research, Department of Hispanic Studies,

University of Kentucky

Spring, 2007 – Argonaut Award for Valedictorian, McDaniel College

Spring, 2007 – Edith Farr Riddington-Phi Beta Kappa Writing Award for Best Honors Thesis,

McDaniel College

Spring, 2007 – Frank and Margaret Malone Award for Excellence in a Foreign Language,

McDaniel College

Spring, 2007 – Eloise B. and Lowell S. Ensor Award for Graduate or Professional Study,

McDaniel College

Spring, 2007 – Jacob K. Javits Commended Scholar, United States Department of Education

Spring, 2007 – Finalist, American Graduate Fellowship, Council of Independent Colleges

Spring, 2006 – H. Samuel Case and Susan Snodgrass Case Award for Excellence in Scholarly

Research, McDaniel College

Spring, 2005 – Millard Milburn Rice Non-Fiction Writing Prize, McDaniel College


University of West Georgia

SPAN 4785 – Special Topics: Nature and Art in Hispanic modernismo (Su 2013)

SPAN 4484 – Senior Capstone (Sp 2013, F 2013)

SPAN 4260 – Modern Spanish Poetry (F 2013)

SPAN 4205 – Hispanic Literature and Culture in Context: Costa Rican modernismo in the Latin

American Context (projected Su 2014)

SPAN 4012 – Spanish Culture and Civilization (projected Sp 2014)

SPAN 3102 – Spanish Composition (F 2012)

SPAN 3030 – Introduction to Hispanic Literature (Sp 2012, Sp 2013)

SPAN 2002 – Intermediate Spanish II (Sp 2013, F 2013)

SPAN 2001 – Intermediate Spanish I (Su 2012, F 2012)

SPAN 1001 – Elementary Spanish I (Sp 2012, project Sp 2014)

XIDS 2100 – Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies (Sp 2013)

XIDS 2002 – What Do You Really Know About International Sports? (F 2012, team-taught with

three other instructors)

XIDS 2002 – What Do You Really Know About Language Learning? (F 2013, team-taught with

two other instructors)

University of Kentucky

SPA 310 – Spanish Composition through Textual Analysis (Sp 2011)

SPA 203 – High Intermediate Spanish (F 2011)

SPA 201-202 – Intermediate Spanish I and II (Sp 2010, F 2010, Sp 2011)

SPA 101 – Elementary Spanish I (F 2009)

SPA 101-102 Lab – Elementary Spanish I and II, Lab (Su 2008)

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September, 2011 – Invited Lecturer, SPA 482, Spanish Enlightenment and Romanticism, Dr.

Ana Rueda

Fall, 2009 – Course Leader for SPA 101 (coordinated, revised, and distributed exams; mentor to other 101 instructors)

Pedagogy Course and Workshop Participation

Spring, 2011 – Course, Instructional Technology, University of Kentucky

Fall, 2010 – Certificate, Written Spanish Workshop Series, Department of Hispanic Studies,

University of Kentucky. Led by Judith Liskin-Gasparro, Janet C. Eldred, and Cecilia M.


Fall, 2008 – Course, Teaching of Spanish, University of Kentucky

Spring, 2006 – Course, Metodología de la enseñanza del español como segundo idioma,

Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)


University of West Georgia, university-wide service

Fall, 2012-present – Director of Professions: 28 th

Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities , University of West Georgia (October 31-November 2, 2013)

Fall, 2013 – Co-facilitator, Safe Zone RA training during RA orientation

Spring, 2013 – Discussant, Episodes in Sexuality , student theatrical presentation, University of

West Georgia

Spring, 2012-present – Director of the Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies

University of West Georgia , College of Arts and Humanities

Fall, 2013 – Executive Committee (replacement for Dr. Lisa Connell during her leave)

Fall, 2013 – Graduate Studies Subcommittee

University of West Georgia, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Fall, 2013 – Curriculum Committee (replacement for Dr. Julia Farmer during her leave)

2012-2014 – Faculty Co-Director, Summer Study Abroad in Costa Rica 2013 and 2014

2012-2014 – FLAIR Learning Community Committee

2012-2014 – Study Abroad Committee

2012-2013 – Advising for Language Majors at Summer Orientation

Spring, 2012 – Foreign Languages Preview Day Representative

Spring, 2012 – Search Committee Member, Assistant Professor Position in Spanish

Spring, 2012 – Search Committee Member, Instructor Positions in Spanish

University of West Georgia, Spanish Section

Fall, 2013 – Presenter of Spanish short films for Luso-Hispanic Day

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Spring, 2013 – Presenter in the Hispanic Film Series: Cityscapes in Latin American Film

Fall, 2012 – Organizer, Hispanic Film Series: Contemporary Latin American Women


Spring, 2012-present – Leader for Spanish tertulia (weekly conversation hour) and panzón

(monthly dinners)

University of Kentucky

2011-2012 – Paid Research Assistant, Committee on Social Theory

Spring, 2011 – Paid Research Assistant, Hispanic Kentucky Oral History Project

2011-2012 – Assistant to the Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Hispanic Studies

2011-2012 – Vice President, Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Association

2009-2010 – Secretary, Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Association

2008-2009 – Vice President, Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Society)


English – native speaker

Spanish – near-native

French – reading, intermediate speaking and writing

Italian – reading, elementary speaking and writing

Portuguese – reading

Catalan – reading


Dr. Susan Larson

Dr. Ana Rueda

Dr. Marion Rust

University of Kentucky

Department of Hispanic Studies

Director of Graduate studies

(859) 257-1569

University of Kentucky

Department of Hispanic Studies, Chair

(859) 257-7091

University of Kentucky

Department of English, Interim Chair

(859) 257-6960

Dr. Alan Brown

Dr. Thomas Deveny

Zamostny 8

University of Kentucky

Department of Hispanic Studies

Director of Undergraduate Studies

(859) 257-7093

McDaniel College

Department of Foreign Languages

(410) 857-2460
