Opportunities - Child Life Graduate Degree Program

Volunteer Opportunities Throughout the Lowcountry
Blissful Dreams
Blissful Dreams, located in Huger, SC, is an organization that provides an accepting
environment that helps to develop friendships, build self-worth and establish purpose in
each individual though therapeutic riding. This mission is accomplished through the
loving support of volunteers. Volunteers would be required to travel to the farm and
help individuals with special needs ride the horses, engage them in conversation, and
facilitate friendships amongst all participants and volunteers.
Contact Jamie Kohler
Phone (843) 442-0621
Email jamiekohler@aol.com
Website http://www.blissfuldreams.org/index.php
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Become a big brother or big sister of Charleston. You can either volunteer in the
community-based program where you are matched with a mentee (1 on 1 3-4 times a
month) or in the school based program (1 hour a week). We ask that you commit to a
minimum of 1 year when volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Volunteers must
pass a background check for both the community and school based program.
Volunteers in the community-based program must also provide a clean driving record,
proof of car insurance, and a valid divers license.
Contact Christina Hoffecker
Phone (843) 266-5256
Email choffecker@cydc.org
Website http://becomeabig.org/
Bridges of Charleston
Bridges of Charleston offers bereavement care to families in Charleston. Volunteers
are needed for two particular programs: Shannon’s Hope, an overnight camp help twice
a year, and Rainbows, an 8-week afterschool program addressing child bereavement.
Through participation in fun, yet intense, activities, Shannon’s Hope campers are
encouraged to speak openly about issues of death and grief. Together they create
friendships and support that allow them to identify and express their emotions in a safe,
secure environment. Rainbows includes interactive sessions in an 8 week series with
games, other activities, and discussion, affirms that feelings of loss and grief are normal
and decreases feelings of isolation, focuses on building confidence and self-esteem,
improving communication with families and peers, and prevention of destructive
behaviors such as gang involvement and substance abuse.
Contact Nicole Cooper
Phone nicole@bridgessc.org
Email 843-810-5626
Website http://bridgessc.org/children/
Charleston County GAL Program
Volunteers work with children in foster care to help them find safe, permanent, nurturing
homes as quickly as possible. As a volunteer you would work as a court appointed
advocate for an abused or neglected child. We work one-on-one with children to learn
as much as we can about them, and help them find safety and security by providing
advocacy and support. Must be willing to commit 4-6 hours per month to your child. To
begin volunteering, the volunteer must be 21 or older, complete 30 hours of training,
and pass a background check. (Training hours will not count as the 100 volunteer hours
required for admittance to the child life program.)
Contact Holly Hansen (Charleston County Coordinator)
Phone (843) 577-6975
Email hhansen@oepp.sc.gov
Website http://charleston.scgal.org
Charleston Area Children's Garden Project
The Charleston Area Children's Garden Project works to provide kids with a communitybased outdoor learning experience. Most of our gardens are planted in neighborhoods
where problems such as crime, poor health, or financial hardship are part of everyday
life for many youngsters.
Contact Holly Seigler
Phone (843) 478-3748
Email cgp.volunteering@gmail.com
Website http://www.childrensgardenproject.org
Camp Happy Days
Camp Happy Days is a pediatric oncology camp, serving children with cancer and their
families. Volunteers can help by becoming a camp counselor for 1 week in the summer.
This year, camp runs from June 27-July 4th. Volunteers can also participate in hospital
visits through the Check-Up Program as well as Dream Date events, which are special
days held throughout the year. All volunteers must complete training and pass a
background check.
Contact: Teresa Bishop
Phone (843) 571-4336
Email teresa@camphappydays.com
Website http://www.camphappydays.org/
Camp Rise Above
Camp Rise Above is a unique non-profit organization that provides fun, life changing
camp experiences to children with serious illnesses, life challenges, and disabilities. We
want these children to experience the “magic” of childhood regardless of their medical
status. We will focus our work with as many as 20 different camp partner organizations
to create customized programs to teach our campers to recognize their innate strengths
and talents, overcome obstacles, and build their strength of character and confidence. It
will be a time for the kids to escape the medicine, doctors and other hard-to-face daily
realities of fighting their diseases.
Contact Erin Ulmer
Phone (843) 300-9100
Email erinu@campriseabove.org
Website http://campriseabove.org/
Carolina Studios
Carolina Studios is an after school music program, where we teach kids how to use
Apple computers to create music. Volunteers would aid students throughout the
creative process.
Contact No Specific Contact Person
Phone (843) 795-9751
Email info@carolinastudios.net
Website http://www.carolinastudios.net/
Communities in Schools
Communities In Schools works within the schools to help at-risk youth stay in school
and be successful. You have the opportunity to be a mentor and tutor to children in the
Lowcountry. Opportunities are available to work with elementary middle and high school
students in multiple downtown Title I schools. Please commit at least 1 hour a week to
this organization.
Contact Paige Hatley
Phone (843) 740-6793
Email phatley@cischarleston.org
Website http://www.CISCharleston.org
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
The South Carolina Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation organizes events to raise
money for "CF" research. We host many events throughout the year as well as raise
awareness in the community. On May 2, 2015, the CF foundation will organize a “Great
Strides” walk at the James Island Country Park. Volunteers are needed for this annual
event to plan and conduct child friendly games and activities.
Contact Emily Weichel
Phone (843) 722-6460
Email eweichel@cff.org
Website http://www.cff.org
Charleston Miracle League
Charleston Miracle League provides children with special needs the opportunity to
participate in “America’s Pastime”… Baseball! When you volunteer with the Charleston
Miracle League, you help make joyous memories that will last a lifetime - for both our
players and for you. As a buddy you are paired up with one of our players and assist
that player hit the ball, run the bases, and field as necessary. Many of our
player/buddies form lasting friendships!
Contact: Call office or register online
Phone (843)763-2513
Email MiracleLeagueED@gmail.com
Website http://www.charlestonmiracleleague.org/
Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center- Child Advocate
The child advocate position is a wonderful opportunity for volunteers who enjoy working
with children. These volunteers spend time with the children in our waiting area by
playing games, making crafts, and reading stories. Child advocates receive training at a
special volunteer orientation session held by the DNLCC staff that provides information
on child abuse as well as confidentiality issues. Child advocate volunteers need to
attend a volunteer orientation session. A background check is also required.
Contact Pandie Nelson
Phone (843) 723-3600
Email pnelson@dnlcc.org
Website http://www.dnlcc.org/
HALOS- Kinship Care Program
Once a month, caregivers of abused and neglected children participate in a support
group with other caregivers who welcomed children into their homes. Volunteers will
help provide childcare to abused and neglected children during the support group
meetings. Two support groups meet monthly, one downtown on Morris Street and the
other in North Charleston. HALOS volunteers must be 18 years of age and up.
Additionally, all volunteers must pass a background check for a fee of $10.
Contact Tara Durham
Phone (843) 953-9539
Email volunteer@charlestonhalos.org
Website http://www.charlestonhalos.org/index.php
MUSC Children’s Hospital
Volunteers in the atrium work one on one with children in the atrium or at bedside
providing companionship and play opportunities for our patients, ages 0 to 18.
Placements are available 10am-12pm, 2-4pm Monday through Sunday and 5-7:30pm
Monday through Friday. For weekly placements, student volunteers must commit to a
two-hour weekly shift for a minimum of six months (total fifty hours), all other volunteers
must commit to a two-hour weekly shift for one year (total one hundred hours).
Contact Please look at the website to find and complete the volunteer application
Phone (843)792-3120
Email chvolunteer@musc.edu
Website http://www.musckids.org/volunteers/index.htm
Pattinson’s D.R.E.A.M Academy
Pattison’s D.R.E.A.M. Academy aims to improve the quality of life for children with
multiple disabilities by providing comprehensive education and rehabilitation programs.
We are a TEAM of educated, well trained, problem-solving, passionate children,
parents, teachers, therapists, administrators, early interventionists, service coordinators,
board members, doctors, nurses, businesses, and community members dedicated to
achieving this mission. The school needs after school childcare assistants as well as
classroom assistants. Any volunteer opportunity involving contact with the children will
require a SLED background check and Darkness to Light training. These things are
provided at no charge.
Contact Nikki Dickens
Phone 843-849-6707
Email volunteer@pattisonsacademy.org
Website http://pattisonsacademy.org/volunteer/
Ronald McDonald House Charities
There are a number of ways you can be involved as a volunteer and we hope that you
will consider joining us in our effort to make the Ronald McDonald House of Charleston
a "Home Away From Home" for families of seriously ill children. Consider the amount of
time you wish to give. Whether you wish to work weekly, monthly or yearly, we have
various ways in which you can donate your time. Please contact the organization for
specific volunteer opportunities.
Contact Kim Lamasters
Phone (843) 723-7957
Email Kim@RMHCharleston.org
Website http://www.rmhcharleston.org/index.php
WINGS for Kids
WINGS mission is to teach these skills – how to behave well, make good decisions and
build healthy relationships - to elementary school age kids. They do this by weaving a
comprehensive social and emotional learning curriculum into a fresh and fun after
school program. WINGS is happy and honored to utilize a variety of volunteers from
high school students to retirees. Our volunteers help out with a number of things
including assisting with Academic Center, working one-on-one with a child, or serving
dinner at the programs that offer it.
Contact Caroline Savage
Phone (843) 603-1222
Email Caroline@wingsforkids.org
Website http://www.wingsforkids.org/volunteer