Legislative Action: Please support the “Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act” currently before both houses of Congress. The act is designed to punish officials who are involved in torture, murder, restrictions of religious freedom or other human rights, by taking away their right to travel to the US. Sergei Magnitsky was arrested in November 2008 on tax-evasion charges linked to his work with London-based Hermitage Capital Management. He was a Jewish U.S. lawyer who represented his client and exposed corruption in business dealings with Russia. According to the Associated Press, Hermitage Capital Mangement was one the largest investment firms in Russia. Magnitsky was inprisoned under harsh conditions, and was refused medical treatment. He died in prison on November 16, 2009, at age 37. William Browder, chief executive of the Hermitage Investment Fund, believes Russian authorities allowed pancreatitis, which Magnitsky developed in jail, to go untreated. He was repeatedly denied medical attention and was kept for almost a year in inhuman conditions without trial. The Interior Ministry said that Magnitsky died of apparent heart failure and toxic shock. Browder was banned from Russia in 2005 after accusing Interior Ministry officers of stealing more than $230 million in budget funds. Magnitsky and Browder made enemies through their campaign for greater transparency of Russia's biggest conglomerates, most of which have close ties to the state. See letter below. June 13, 2012 Dear Member of Congress, We are religious and human rights organizations which work together on issues of international importance and today we are writing you to support the “Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act” currently before both houses of Congress. Issues of human rights and religious freedom are inseparable. As representatives of a wide number of religions and faiths across the United States, we do everything possible to make sure that all people can practice their faith around the world without restriction or interference. For this reason, we strongly support the passage of the “Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act” (H.R 4405 / S.1039). This Act was named after Sergei Magnitsky, a young lawyer in Russia who bravely stood up to corruption, and ultimately paid the highest possible price by losing his life at the hands of the official of the Russian state involved in the corruption he uncovered. The details of his story are extremely sad, but his sacrifice will hopefully lead to an important and new method for fighting human rights abuses which could have a dramatic effect everywhere. Among other things, we support this legislation because it specifically targets officials who abuse human rights with effective travel and financial sanctions. America's rule of law, property rights and entrenched freedoms make our country a magnet for millions of people all over the world. They visit our great nation to enjoy our stability, use our banking system and feel safe. We support sharing our way of life with people from all over the world who want to visit our country. At the same time, coming to America is a privilege and not a right, and when foreign officials are involved in torture, murder, restrictions of religious freedom or other human rights abuses, they should have that privilege taken away. We believe that this law would not only create an effective punishment for people who have violated human rights, but also a powerful deterrent for people not to do these things in the future. It is one thing to talk about human rights and religious freedoms and quite another to actually do something about it. Because of the well thought out terms of this legislation, we believe that this bill will become an effective lever that the United States will have in dealing with this pernicious and growing problem of human rights abuses around the world. We strongly urge you to co-sponsor this bill in the short term and vote for its passage into law. Sincerely Yours, ORGANIZATIONS ACTION FOR POST-SOVIET JEWRY AMERICAN ISLAMIC CONGRESS CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY HINDU AMERICAN FOUNDATION HUMAN RIGHTS LAW FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM PARTNERS FOR A PROGRESSIVE ISRAEL UNITED MACEDONIAM DIASPORA UNION OF COUNCILS FOR JEWS IN THE FORMER SOVIET UNION (UCSJ) Individuals C. Naseer Ahmad President AZI Consulting Inc. Professor Jerome A. Chanes Senior Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY Rabbi Israel S. Dresner, Temple Beth Tikvah Wayne, NJ Mark Gold, Former President Americans for a Progressive Israel Teaneck, NJ Professor Leonard Grob Professor Emeritus, Fairleigh-Dickinson University Rutherford, NJ Rabbi Roger Lerner, Temple B'nai Brith, Kingston, PA Greg Mitchell President The Mitchell Firm Senge Hasnan Sering President Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies Michael Stoddard Ph.D. Visiting Fellow, Greyfriars Hall, Oxford University Visiting Fellow, The Oxford Institute on International Law & Justice Lecturer, San Diego State University