
Daily Lesson Plan Template
Demographic Information
Student’s Name: Chloe Lubbe and Nicole Crowell
Cooperating Teacher’s Approval:
Date: June 16, 2015
Subject: Writing
Topic: Action Verbs
Grade: 1
Student Population: The class consists of 20 first graders,
including one student with a hearing impairment and one
student diagnosed with ADHD. The class is energetic and
students benefit from movement opportunities.
Allocated Time: 60 minutes
State Standards and/or District Requirements
State Standards
Exact Wording→ Write using adjectives, precise nouns, and action
Specific Number→ 1.5.1.D
District core curriculum, benchmarks or standards if required by the district.
Specific Number→
Exact Wording→
Instructional Elements
Goal for Understanding→ Students will understand that a verb is an action word.
Instructional Objective Statement→ The student will be able to identify an action verb and use it to write a complete
sentence describing a photograph on the Balloon Stickies Plus app.
Student Behaviors↓
-Students will collectively identify
Sources of Evidence↓
-the ability to identify action verbs in
action verbs in sentences on the
-Students will each provide their own
-the ability to identify one action verb
example of an action verb that can be
demonstrated in the classroom. -
- the completed Balloon Stickies Plus
Students will write a sentence using
photograph with a sentence.
their action word to go along with the
Criteria for Evaluation↓
-identifying 3 out of 4 action verbs in
-providing a word that is an action
-writing a sentence that includes one
action verb
Teaching to the Objective →
Estimated Time↓
10 minutes
Teaching to the Objective↓
Knowledge: We will play a few rounds
of “Simon Says.” The action words used
during the game will be introduced as
action verbs. Students will watch, listen,
(Required for Each Section)
*appropriate for kinesthetic, visual
and auditory learners
and move to the Verb Rap Song on the
20 minutes
Developmental Activities:
Whole Group Practice- Students will
read 4 sentences on the board and record
the action verb from each sentence on
their dry erase boards
Students will move to the rug and each
provide one action verb to our whole
group brainstorm. Students will record
their action verb on a post-it.
25 minutes
Balloon Stickies Plus app -Students will
use the action verb on their post-it to act
out and use in a sentence on their
Balloon Stickies project. 10 will be usedstudents will pair up and take each
other’s photos. They will add the bubble
with a sentence containing their action
verb independently.
*Students who need additional oneon-one support will meet with the
teacher prior to the lesson to
brainstorm some verbs as a
preteaching. The act of preteaching
allows this child to actively
participate with the whole group and
achieve a level of success.
*Students will be grouped
accordingly to fit their needs. Teacher
will plan in advance to support all
academics and social-emotional
5 minutes
Closure: Exit Ticket- Students will be
asked to list 3 action verbs
Follow-up: Class photos from the app will be compiled into a slideshow and used as a review the next day
Materials: dry erase boards, dry erase markers, erasers, post-its, iPads, and SMARTboard.
Resources: Verb Rap Song, iPads, iPad Application: Ballon Stickies Plus
References Have Fun Teaching. (2012, December 3). Verb Rap Song. Retrieved from
Technology: A classroom mic and mic for the hearing impaired student will be used throughout the lesson. The
SMARTboard will be used to show the Verb Song video. Ipads will be used to access the Balloon Stickies Plus app.