Fossil Fuels Two Weeks Geometry Lesson Plan Teacher: 8th Grade Math Teacher Grade: 8th Grade Lesson Title: Moving Land: How Volume and Slope Shape our Landscape STRANDS Geometric Measurements and Dimensions Modeling with Geometry LESSON OVERVIEW Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link. The Teachers will introduce the lesson to students as a team with the Unit Hook (see Unit Plan). The math teacher will go over the math rubric for students and introduce the learning and project objectives for this unit in mathematics. Students will hear a presentation from a professional who is responsible for buying, inspecting, and burning coal in order to provide power to a local high profile plant. Through building a generator, students will learn how copper, metal, and magnets can be used to generate electricity and how the volume of the copper wire lends to the strength of the generator. Students will learn about a specific engineering method, cut and fill, for moving large volumes of land. Students will complete an activity to become familiar with this method. This will assist students in being able to use this information in their final debate when talking about the affects, whether good or bad, caused from mountaintop removal mining. MOTIVATOR Hook for the week unit or supplemental resources used throughout the week. (PBL scenarios, video clips, websites, literature) Day 1: "Exploring Other Dimensions" This motivator will utilize the following video clip – “Exploring Other Dimensions” (Appendix A). This clip goes introduces the idea of dimensions beyond our 3dimensional world. It does this by Day 2: "Mining Operations: Cut and Fill" This motivator will utilize the following video clip – “Mining Operations: Cut and Fill” (Appendix K). This clips has an entertaining way of students investigating the irrational number pi. It goes over what we know about pi, as well as what we do not know. This will spark a discussion about the similarity of circles and what knowing more about pi could do for us technologically and mathematically. DAY Objectives (I can….) 1 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects. I can apply concepts of Materials & Resources “Exploring Other Dimensions” Video Clip (Appendix A) “Hypercube” Handout (Appendix A) “Hypercubefacilitators guide” (Appendix A) “Hypercube Lesson-Other Dimensions, A Textbook” (Appendix A) iPad Calculator Instructional Procedures Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? 1/2 Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Creating Energy - Introduction Set: The teacher will begin showing the “Exploring Other Dimensions” video clip. This will introduce students to the idea behind the fourth dimension and what is may look like to us. Have a discussion afterwards to discuss the hypercube. Also discuss the common thought that time is the fourth dimension. Have the students share what they think. Remember that this concept is a bit fuzzy to them and allow them to give their thoughts. Teaching Strategy: 1. Assign students to heterogeneous groups of 2-4. Have groups open the “Hypercube” assignment. 2. Go over Pascal’s triangle and where it is derived from. Talk about where in nature this pattern occurs and also show them how the powers of 11 coincide. Show the students different ways Pascal’s Triangle is modeled. 3. After you have gone over Pascal’s Triangle, allow the students to work on their assignment. 4. Students will have a lot of difficult questions, as this is higher order thinking. Make sure as a teacher, you go over the hypercube handout Differentiated Assessment Instruction Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening discussion Performance Assessment: Teacher observation of completion of Pascal’s Triangle Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Completed Pascal’s Triangle density based on area and volume in modeling 1/2situations. 2 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to before you have this lesson with the students. Try to prepare for the types of questions they will have. 5. Make sure they have finished their Pascal’s triangle by the time they have finished this day’s lesson. If they have not, have them finish it for homework. “Exploring Other Dimensions” Video Clip (Appendix A) “Hypercube” Handout (Appendix A) “Hypercubefacilitators guide” (Appendix A) “Hypercube Lesson-Other Dimensions, A Textbook” (Appendix A) iPad Calculator Summarizing Strategy: As an exit ticket, have students summarize their findings. Ask students how we can try to imagine the 4th dimension. What would we be able to do if time really is the fourth dimension? Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? Set: The teacher will begin by asking students to pull up their work from the previous lesson. Have them write down any questions they may have at this point. Open up dialogue with the students. Allow them to share some of their questions if they are comfortable. Allow other students to try and answer the questions. Allow them to debate what they have discovered so far about the proposed fourth dimension. Teaching Strategy: 1. Allow students to go back to their groups from the day before and continue working on their hypercube assignment. Remind them that it will be due at the end of the day. 2. Circulate around the room and answer student questions. Today they should have a better grasp of the concept than they did the previous day. 3. Near the end of class, be sure to collect the finished assignments. Summarizing Strategy: Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening discussion and debate Performance Assessment: Teacher observation of completion of Pascal’s Triangle Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Completed Hypercube Assignment As an exit ticket, have the student answer the following questions: 1. How do you think Pascal’s Triangle helps us grasp and calculate the fourth dimension? 2. Do you think we live in four-dimensional world? Explain describe objects. I can apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations. 3 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to iPad Internet Calculator Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? Set: Have students to write down what type of pool they would have in their backyard if they could pick. What would it look like, and where would they place it? Allow students to open a discussion about their dream pool. After the short discussion, ask them to write down how much water they think their pool will hold. Teaching Strategy: 1. Allow students some time to research the Internet. Have them choose two pools they would like to purchase, one above ground and one below ground. 2. Calculate the volume for each of these pools. The measurements of the pool will be listed online and must be provided in the student’s work. 3. You will also calculate the area of the yard that will be covered and the ratio of the area of the pool to the whole yard. 4. Draw a figure showing the amount of yard along with one of the pools you have chosen from online. Include all measurements as well as the yard to pool ratio. 5. Summarizing Strategy: Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening discussion Performance Assessment: Teacher observation student work Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Completed Pool Project describe objects. 4 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects. I can apply concepts of “Mining Operations-Cut and Fill” Video Clip (Appendix B) “Cut and Fill” Handout (Appendix B) iPad Calculator As an exit ticket, have the student answer the following questions: 1. What role does area play in putting in a pool to your backyard? 2. What role does volume play in putting in a pool into your backyard? 3. What will happen to the volume of land that will need to be dug up for your pool? Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? ½ Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Creating Energy – Learning from a STEM Professional Set: The teacher will begin showing the “Mining Operations: Cut and Fill” video clip. This will show students about the cut and fill method is used to get to coal that is embedded in the mountaintop, and how the earth is moved in order to get to that coal. Teacher will then begin a discussion about how much land needs to be moved, and what is done with the land. How do engineers figure the amount of land they will be moving? The teacher will then talk about volume and how it will play a role in this process. Have the students down how they think volume will be found. Teaching Strategy: 1. Assign students to heterogeneous groups of 2-4. Have groups open the “Cut and Fill” assignment. 2. Next, the teacher will go over the definition of cut and fill, and walk through the beginning of the document with the students. This explains how professions use the cut and fill method and why. 3. Have students Begin working on the assignment. Explain that this will Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening discussion Performance Assessment: Teacher observation of estimates and graphs Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Cross-sectional graphs with estimated area rectangles density based on area and volume in modeling situations. take several days to complete, and like engineers and architects must also do, they will work in groups in order to complete this task. The numerous amounts of calculations mean that it will be easy to make a few small calculation errors. For this reason they will each individually complete this assignment while working together in groups. This way they can compare answers and locate mistakes. 4. The teacher should circle the room, answering questions and clearing up any misconceptions. Students will find the verbiage and look of the task to be challenging at first. Once an understanding of the goal is met, they will feel more comfortable. 5. Make sure the students save all their work before they leave class. They will continue this task when they return the next day. 6. By the end of the first day, the students should have a mental grasp on the objective of the cut and fill project, and should have correctly drawn in all of the rectangles for each of the cut and fill crosssectional areas in order to begin calculations the next day. Summarizing Strategy: 7. As an exit ticket, have students summarize their findings. Ask students how we can estimate surface area for each cross-section. 5 Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Creating Energy – Building a Generator 6 Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Creating Energy – Debating Mountaintop Removal Mining Research 7 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their “Cut and Fill” Handout (Appendix B) iPad Calculator ) Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? ½ Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Energy – Researching the Generator Set: The teacher will begin by asking the students to revisit the cut and fill assignments what was started on day 4. At this point they should understand their objective and have their graphs sectioned into rectangles that are all 10ft in width. The heights will depend on their assessment of the land and which whole number on the graph with which the land best lines up. Ask the students before you being to discuss what they are to be calculating during today’s lesson, and how this will lend to finding the overall volume. Use this to drive instruction of area as a 2-dimensional measurement and volume as a 3-dimensional measurement. Talk about what type of units they should have when finished with the area and clear up any misconceptions. Teaching Strategy: Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening discussion Performance Assessment: Teacher observation of estimates and graphs Area Calculations made by students Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Cross-sectional graphs with estimated area rectangles and estimated areas properties to describe objects. 1. Assign students to heterogeneous groups of 2-4. Have groups open the “Cut and Fill” assignment. 2. Have students begin calculating the area of each cross-section. They need to have a way to organize the cut and fill in order to keep those calculations separate from one another. This will take the majority of the class period. 3. The teacher should circulate and assist students as they have questions. Remind students to compare their calculations with other students. They should not be exactly the same as this is a way of estimating, but they should be relatively close. 4. Make sure students are using the correct units and have viable answers. This will keep them from having to redo calculations at the end of this project, therefore keeping them on schedule. I can apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations. 8 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of “Cut and Fill” Handout (Appendix B) iPad Calculator Summarizing Strategy: As an exit ticket, have students summarize their findings. Ask students what methods could make more accurate estimates than the method we are using. Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? Set: The teacher will begin by having students share some of their findings from this point about the areas found in each cross section. Explain that today they will be finding the total volume that is being cut and the total volume that is being filled and comparing the two numbers. Ask students to write down how they will be able to find the volume of each cross section if they have already figured the area, and what units will be used. After allowing the students time to answer the question, ask students to share some of their answers. Use this to steer the students in the correct direction for today’s objectives of finding and comparing the total volume of cut and total volume of fill. Clear up any Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring Heterogeneous Grouping Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of opening writing assignment Teacher observations of opening discussion Performance Assessment: Teacher observation of volume estimates, graphs, and cost cutting suggestions Exit ticket two-dimensional objects. misconceptions for the students. Next discuss what the contractor will have to do if the cut volume is higher then the fill volume and visa versa. Explain what this means in terms of the contractor’s plans and costs. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects. Summative Assessment: Completed Cut and Fill Assignment Teaching Strategy: 1. Assign students to heterogeneous groups of 2-4. Have groups open the “Cut and Fill” assignment. 2. Have students begin calculating the volume of each cross-section. This will go more quickly then finding the area, but the students will have several questions to answer concerning their findings after they have finished calculating the total volume cut and total volume fill for the lot of land at which they are looking. Make sure their units are correct. 3. Allow the students to continue working together to sort through some of the tougher questions. Do not answer the questions for each student but be sure to lead them in the correct direction. 4. Students should finish their cut and fill assignment today with all units correctly identified and all questions answered in the assignment. Let students know that tomorrow they will be presenting their findings to the class. I can apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations. Summarizing Strategy: As an exit ticket, have students summarize their findings. Ask students what factors they control and do not control in determining ways for the contractor to cut costs on this project. 9 Debate Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Creating Energy – Debating Mountaintop Removal Mining 10 I can use volume formulas for cylinders, “Cut and Fill” Handout (Appendix B) Essential Question(s): 1. How can I use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems? 2. How can I identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three- Remediation: Peer Tutoring Heterogeneous Formative Assessment: Teacher observations of pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. I can identify the shapes of twodimensional cross-sections of threedimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. I can use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects. I can apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations. iPad Calculator dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects? 3. How can I use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects? 4. How can I apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations? ½ Project Day – See Unit Plan The Cost of Energy – The Debate Set: The teacher will begin by allowing students to look over their findings in preparation for their presentation. Give students a chance to ask you final questions about any confusions or misconceptions. Let them know the order in which they will be presenting and tell them they will not be allowed to work on their assignment or presentation while other classmates are presenting. Teaching Strategy: 1. Students will present to the class on their findings. All should be relatively similar. Allow students to ask those presenting questions if they have any. 2. Summarize this project with the students. How were their findings similar and what were some differences? How did their suggestions to cut cost compare to one another? 3. Discuss what were the best options for cost cutting. What do contractors face on a daily basis when trying to be cost efficient? What happens when mistakes are made and who has to suffer the cost of these mistakes? Summarizing Strategy: As an exit ticket, have students summarize their findings. Ask students why cut and fill is an excellent way for professionals to make estimates and create plans. In what ways can technology improve this process? In what ways can technology leave room for mistakes? Grouping Enrichment: Peer tutoring opening discussion Performance Assessment: Presentation Exit ticket Heterogeneous Grouping Summative Assessment: Completed Cut and Fill assignment STANDARDS Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies. G.GMD.A.3 Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems. G.GMD.B.4 Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of twodimensional objects. G.MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder). G.MG.A.2 Apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g., persons per square mile, BTUs per cubic foot)