Officer Report-1776583.pdf - Bolsover District Council

Demolish existing lean to at rear of cottage and erect single storey
extension at rear and new front porch.
98 High Street Clowne Chesterfield S43 4JQ
Mr Ian Kingman
FILE NO. PP-03333997
Mr Steve Kimberley
DATE RECEIVED 17th April 2014
The property is a predominantly stone built cottage set between two rows of terraced
properties. It has a small front curtilage previously set to lawn with a stone wall at the front
though at the time of the site visit this had been partly demolished to make way for a skip on
the front. There is a small UPVC porch positioned in front of the front door. On the rear
elevation there are the remains of a rear extension built partly of stone and brick with roofs of
tiles and sheeting. The rest of the rear curtilage is mainly set to lawn with a prefabricated
building at the rear. Boundaries are formed by a variety of fencing but predominantly brick
and stone walls. It is noted that the finished floor level of the existing extension is lower than
the properties on either side.
The proposal has two elements. The first is the removal and its replacement of an existing
porch to the front elevation of the building. This is to be built of blockwork with a rendered
finish and to have a pitched roof. The porch is to have a single entrance door and a small
window on the western facing elevation to provide light. The porch is to have a maximum
height of 2.7m and measure 2.3m by 1.4m.
The second element is the demolition of a poorly built extension at the rear and its
replacement with a new extension which is for the full width of the property. The extension is
to be built out of blockwork and have a rendered finish. The extension extends rearwards by
just over 3.5m and will have a maximum height of 4.26m. The extension will have a mono
pitch roof and two sets of rooflights in the roof giving light to the kitchen and the bathroom
area. On the rear elevation is a bi-fold full height glazed door.
The application form states that windows and doors are to be wooden and the roof is to have
pantiles to match the existing.
HISTORY (if relevant)
Derbyshire County Council Highway Authority – No objections 29/05/2014
Clowne Parish Council – Members expressed concerns and asked for involvement of the
BDC Conservation Officer .
Conservation Officer – Verbal comments stating that whilst no objections in principle but
would like control over details including, 4 panel timber door to front, timber windows/doors at
rear, conservation style rooflight, finish of render and pantiles to match existing. Suggest a
note should be attached suggesting that the applicant seek advice over the windows on the
front when they require replacing and a separate note pointing out that the stone wall to the
front should be reinstated. 09/07/2014
Site notice posted and two neighbouring properties notified.
No representations received.
Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP)
GEN1 (Minimum requirements for Development) GEN2 (Impact of Development on the
Environment) CON1 (Development in Conservation Areas)
National Planning Policy Framework
Para 17 and Heritage asset policies.
Other (specify)
Interim Supplementary Planning Document: Successful Places A Guide to Sustainable
Housing Layout and Design
The main issues for consideration are the impact on the character and appearance of the
Conservation Area and the potential impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
The property is a stone built two storey cottage which has been rendered in the past. At some
stage an adhoc extension was built at the rear which is to be removed and replaced. The
property is in Clowne Conservation Area and appears to have been built before the properties
on either side, a fact confirmed by old ordnance survey maps. As such the building has more
historical interest than the adjacent properties.
The proposal will remove the UPVC porch to the front and the adhoc extension to the back.
The front porch is to be replaced by a slightly larger porch with a pitched roof whilst the
extension to the rear will be slightly deeper than the existing. Both are to be constructed out of
breeze block with a rendered finish and both are to have pitched roof with pantiles to match
the existing roof. Whilst a more traditional construction would be preferred by the
Conservation Officer, given that these are replacing previous extensions of no traditional
construction and the fact that the finished result will not be visibly different to a more
traditional construction, it is unreasonable to refuse the proposal for this reason. Subject to
detailing of materials and design of the front door it is felt that the proposal as a whole will
improve the appearance of the building bringing benefits to the visual appearance of the area
and the Conservation Area.
The proposal includes windows on the rear elevation and a small window on the front porch.
None are considered to introduce any significant overlooking issues.
The rear extension is a maximum of 4.26m high and on the boundary with the adjacent
properties. However it will still be set back from the rear elevations of the adjacent properties
and consequently is not considered to introduce any loss of daylight to the adjacent
properties. The proposal as a whole is not considered to significantly impact on the amenity
of neighbouring properties and meets the requirements of the Interim Supplementary
Planning Document: Successful Places A Guide to Sustainable Housing Layout and Design
and policy GEN2 (Impact of Development on the Environment) in this respect.
As the proposal will adjoin the adjacent properties walls it is considered reasonable to place a
note reminding the applicant of the need to comply with the Party Wall Act 1996
Other Matters
The Highway Authority has no objections to the proposal. It is noted that at the time of the site
visit a stone front boundary wall had been partly demolished to make way for a skip to be
brought on site. It is considered that a note should be placed pointing out the need for the
reinstatement of this wall following development works.
Listed Building:
Conservation Area:
Crime and Disorder:
Access for Disabled:
Trees (Preservation and Planting):
SSSI Impacts:
Human Rights:
not applicable
see above assessment
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
none affected
not applicable
no known issues
no known issues
Grant subject to the following conditions:
1) A101
2) Before works start on the erection of walls above damp proof course a sample panel of
render shall be constructed and painted. Further works on the walls shall not
commence until the colour and texture of the render has been approved in writing as
satisfactory by the Local Planning Authority.
3) The roof tiles to be used both on the front porch and the rear extension shall be clay
pantiles to match those of the existing building.
4) Notwithstanding the submitted drawings the front door shall be a timber four panel
traditional door.
5) All new windows and doors shall be constructed in timber.
6) N24
1) Y101
2) Y132 – GEN1 (Minimum requirements for Development) and CON1 (Development in
Conservation Areas)
Y132 – GEN1 (Minimum requirements for Development) and CON1 (Development in
Conservation Areas)
Y154 – CON1 (Development in Conservation Areas)
Y154 – CON1 (Development in Conservation Areas)
Y154 – CON1 (Development in Conservation Areas)
The Conservation Officer considers the building to be of some importance in its
setting and would welcome the building being renovated in an appropriate style. If the
applicant wished at a later stage to replace the windows on the front elevation the
Conservation Officer is happy to provide advice on appropriate styles to preserve the
interest of the building. You can contact the Conservation Officer for advice on an
appropriate door to meet the requirement of condition 4 and window and door details of
condition 5 if you wish to develop in the manner most appropriate to the character of
the building.
The applicant should note that following all development works the front stone
wall should be reinstated.
Whilst not a planning requirement the development will potentially impact on
adjoining walls and the applicant is reminded of the need to comply with the
requirements of the Party Wall Act 1996
S Kimberley
Endorsing Officer
Determining Officer
C Doy
Date 10/7/14
referrals to 3rd officer)