Sphere Holiday Party - Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham

Mark your calendars for these
exciting art events lined up for this
Call now to register for these events 905-4777000 ext.3261
Thank you for joining us on Monday, 11 March to hear Varley Art
Gallery Education Coordinator, Sandy Saad, give an inside peak into
what it is like to be an emerging curator. Sandy spoke very candidly
about being an emerging Toronto based curator, her education
background and expertise. She drew parallels between curatorial research and her current
role as Varley Art Gallery Education Coordinator.
We invite you to visit Bread and Butter, curated by Sandy Saad, currently on exhibit at
Jackman Humanities Institute (170 St. George Street, 10th Floor).
Visit the Sphere Facebook page to view the entire photo album.
York Region Arts Council - Arts Cafe and Symposium
CARFAC: Resources and Best Practices for Visual & Media Artists
When: Wednesday, 20 March at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Varley Art Gallery of Markham
Admission: Free of charge to York Region Arts Council, Varley Art Gallery and Sphere
Members. Register by calling 905-726-3278 or email artscouncil@yorkscene.com
Close Encounters of the Art Kind
Part I: People and Places
When: Thursday, 28 March at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Varley Art Gallery of Markham
Admission: Free
The Varley Art Gallery is happy to present, a two-part series of fun and interactive gallery
discussions. While exploring Canada on Canvas with gallery staff, visitors will come face to
face with a variety of artworks of various subject matter and styles. Emphasis will be placed
on how to observe and to talk about the paintings on view. Part I will focus on landscape
and portraiture.
Exclusive to Sphere Members only Guided Tour - Exploring Cape Dorset Art
Saturday, 20 April at 1 pm. (meet by front doors at 12:45 pm)
Where: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 10365 Islington Avenue, Kleinburg
Admission: Complimentary for Sphere Members. Please RSVP your attendance with
Francesca Dauphinais by 11 April. 905-477-7000 ext.3264
Close Encounters of the Art Kind
Part II: Paint
When: Thursday, 11 April at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Varley Art Gallery of Markham
Admission: Free
The Varley Art Gallery is happy to present, a two-part series of fun and interactive gallery
discussions. While exploring Canada on Canvas with gallery staff, visitors will come face to
face with a variety of artworks of various subject matter and styles. Emphasis will be placed
on how to observe and to talk about the paintings on view. Part II will explore abstraction.
Solo Exhibition by Ernestine Tahedl, RCA, OSA
When: Saturday, 11 May at 11:00 a.m.
Where: Lunch at an Aurora restaurant (further details closer to the
date!) and then on to the Aurora Cultural Centre, 22 Church Street,
Admission: Free to the Aurora Cultural Centre. Lunch at member's
own expense.
Sphere members are invited to join us for lunch in Aurora at 11:00 a.m.We will then move
on to the Aurora Cultural Centre for an Artist's Talk and screening of the Bravo film, The
Artist's Life: Ernestine Tahedl. (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Ernestine Tahedl is a member of the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham Board of
Directors and sits on the Art Acquisitions Committee.
Please send your lunch RSVP to Francesca Dauphinais by Saturday, 4 May. 905-477-7000
Art For All: Enriching Lives with Art the Varley Fine Art Auction
When: Wednesday, 15 May.
5:30 p.m. Silent Auction and Preview of Live Auction)
7:30 p.m. Live Auction begins.
Where: Varley Art Gallery of Markham, 216 Main Street Unionville
Admission: Tickets $75 each or two for $100. Sphere members receive a 10% discount on
the purchase of tickets (maximum 2 per member)
Join us as the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham presents
the 15th annual Fine Art Auction fundraiser at the Varley Art Gallery!
This exceptional evening offers you an opportunity to view and bid
on a diverse selection of original Canadian art and sculptures in the
Live Auction. There will also be a wide variety of art and artisanal
works in our always popular Silent Auction. Wine and gourmet
refreshments will be served. We are proud to present renown pianist
Robert Scott as our musical guest.
Proceeds from this event benefit the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham which
supports the core activities of the Varley Art Gallery, including exhibition and educational
programming and art acquisitions.
A preview of the works that will be on the auction block will be available here two weeks
prior to the event.
To reserve your tickets today, please call 905-477-7000 ext. 3261
Art Bus in partnership with York Region Arts Council
When: Saturday, 8 June. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Registration: $15 for Sphere members and York Region Arts Council members. $25 for nonmembers.
Join us for a guided tour for The Plasticiens and Beyond: Montreal 1955 - 1970. We will enjoy
a light lunch at the Varley Art Gallery before boarding the bus and visiting the Georgina
Arts Centre and Gallery. Along the way, we will stop at Tamarack Studios to visit artists
Pauline Holancin and Jake Mol. Refreshments provided.
Registration open from 1 April 2013. To register, please contact Francesca Dauphinais 905477-7000 ext. 3264.
Garden in White Party
When: Saturday, 20 July at 5:00 p.m.
Where: McKay Art Centre Gardens, 197 Main Street, Unionville
Admission: Tickets complimentary for Sphere members
Dress code: White
Sphere is proud to present the second annual Sphere Garden in White Party. Further details
will follow in late May 2013.
View the 2012 event photo gallery
Art Show and Tell
When: Sunday, 15 September
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Varley Art Gallery of Markham, 216 Main Street, Unionville
Complimentary for Sphere Members. Light refreshments will be served.
Every work of art tells a story. Bring a favourite piece from your collection and share it with
other Sphere members. What about it appeals to you? How did you acquire it? Who is the
artist, what is their background? Enjoy an afternoon learning about and appreciating each
others' collections.
When: Saturday, 26 October
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Where: Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Sphere members benefit from a special discounted ticket price! Details to follow in late
When: Evening Tour - Friday, 8 November (4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.) or Daytime Tour Saturday, 9 November (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Where: Receptions will be held at the Markham Civic Centre, 101 Town Centre Blvd,
Sphere members receive a 10% discount on the purchase of event tickets.
Details to follow in October.
Sphere Holiday Party
When: Thursday, December 12
Where: To Be Announced.
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Complimentary for all Sphere members. A buffet-style dinner and drinks will be served.
Join us in a toast to the season! Celebrate with staff of the Varley Art Gallery, the VarleyMcKay Art Foundation of Markham and the Sphere volunteer planning committee!
Sphere Culture Club
c/o Varley Art Gallery
216 Main St Unionville
Markham, ON
L3R 2H1
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