Academic Integrity - Plagiarism

Academic Integrity Violation
[student name]
[student ID]
[student email address]
Dear [name],
On [date], you submitted [name of assignment] as part of the coursework for [course]. By submitting this
work under your name, you are attesting that it is your own work.
An investigation has been conducted to determine if the material you submitted as your own has been
plagiarized. This investigation has led to a determination that you have engaged in academic misconduct
contrary to BCIT policy 5104, Academic Integrity and Appeals, section 2.1, Plagiarism.
As a consequence of this breach of policy, a grade of zero has been given for the [assignment]. The work
submitted will not be returned to you.
The Institute’s expectations regarding academic integrity is noted on all BCIT course outlines [Optional:
and was referred to during the program orientation]. It is the responsibility of each student at BCIT to be
aware of BCIT’s policy requirements and to abide by them.You may review Policy 5104 at:
You may request a review of this decision per BCIT policy 5104, Academic Integrity and Appeals, section
5 - Appeals and Decision Reviews. You may also seek advice from BCIT’s Student Judicial Affairs Office.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
[name and signature]