CST Student Conduct Guidelines

School of Computing
and Academic Studies
Program: Computer
Systems Technology
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Jason Harrison
Office Location: SW2 125
Office Hrs.:
Office Phone: 604-453-4008
E-mail Address: Jason_Harriso
Office Phone:
E-mail Address:
 Learning Resources
Structured Computer Organization (Fifth Edition)
ISBN 0-13-148521-0
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Computer Organization and Architecture
William Stallings
Computer Organization
Hamacher et al.
 Information for Students
Assignments: Late assignments, lab reports or projects will not be accepted for marking. Assignments must be done on an
individual basis unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
Makeup Tests, Exams or Quizzes: There will be no makeup tests, exams or quizzes. If you miss a test, exam or quiz, you will
receive zero marks. Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances. In such a case, it
is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor immediately.
Ethics: BCIT assumes that all students attending the Institute will follow a high standard of ethics. Incidents of cheating or
plagiarism may, therefore, result in a grade of zero for the assignment, quiz, test, exam, or project for all parties involved
and/or expulsion from the course.
Attendance: The attendance policy as outlined in the current BCIT Policy will be enforced. Attendance will be taken at the
beginning of each session. Students not present at that time will be recorded as absent.
Illness: A doctor’s note is required for any illness causing you to miss assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, or exam. At the
discretion of the instructor, you may complete the work missed or have the work prorated.
Attempts: Students must successfully complete a course within a maximum of three attempts at the course. Students with two
attempts in a single course will be allowed to repeat the course only upon special written permission from the Associate Dean.
Students who have not successfully completed a course within three attempts will not be eligible to graduate from the
appropriate program.
Course Outline Changes: The material or schedule specified in this course outline may be changed by the instructor. If
changes are required, they will be announced in class.
Labs: Lab attendance is mandatory. Lab exercises are due at the end of the lab period.
I.D. Required in Examination Centres: Effective December 2000, in order to write exams, students will be required to
produce photo-identification at examination centres. Photo I.D. must be placed on the desk before an exam will be issued to the
student. The I.D. must remain in view on the desk while writing the exam, for inspection by invigilators. Students should bring
a BCIT OneCard or alternatively two pieces of identification, one of which must be government photo I.D. such as a driver’s
licence. Please see BCIT Policy #5002, Formal Invigilation Procedures.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Student Conduct
Responsible Use of Information Technology at BCIT: your receipt of this outline and your attendance in this
course signifies that you have been made aware of these official BCIT policies which are detailed on the BCIT web
site and referred to on the last page of this outline.
 Assignment Details
There will be 4 or 5 assignments in this course. You are required to submit the assignments in groups of two. The
assignments will cover the essentials of the various chapters. It is strongly suggested that you work on those
problems, master them, and then try different scenarios on your own to reinforce the concepts. We will be
discussing the assignment problems in the labs.
Each week during the lab you will be given a short quiz to work on. The quiz will cover the material covered during
the previous week or so. In many cases the quiz will be taken directly out of the notes with a slight variation. The
idea is to encourage you to keep up with the course material.
*Topics may be omitted, replaced or added at the discretion of the instructor.
Introduction to Computer Organization
Chapter 1
 Structured Computer Organization
 Milestones in Computer Architecture
 Example Computer Families
Computer Systems Organization
Chapter 2
Primary Memory
Secondary Memory
The Digital Logic Level
Chapter 3
Combinational Circuits
CPU Chips and Buses
Example CPU Chips
 The Pentium 4
Example Buses
 The ISA Bus
 The PCI and PCI Express Bus
 The USB Bus
The Microarchitecture Level
Chapter 4
Example Microarchitecture
Design of the Microarchitecture level
 Speed versus cost
 Reducing the execution path length
 A design with prefetching
 A pipelined design
 Improving Performance
 Cache memory
 Branch prediction
 Out-of-Order Execution
 Speculative Execution
 Examples of the Microarchitecture Level
 The Microarchitecture of the Pentium II CPU
The Instruction Set Architecture level
Chapter 5
Overview of the ISA Level
 Properties, Memory Models, Registers
 Overview of the Pentium ISA level
 Data Types
 Numeric and Nonnumeric Data Types
 Data types on the Pentium
 Instruction Formats
 Design Criteria
 Expanding Opcodes
 The Pentium series Instruction Formats
 Addressing
 Addressing modes (sections 5.4.1 to 5.4.9)
 The Pentium Addressing modes
 Instruction Types
 Data Movement Instructions
 Dyadic and Monadic operations
 Comparisons and Conditional Branches
 Loop Control
 Input/Output
 The Pentium Instructions
 Flow Control
 Traps
 Interrupts
Miscellaneous Topics (Time Permitting)
Note: It is expected that you have a working knowledge of solving algebraic equations and manipulating
logarithms. It cannot be emphasized enough that the only way to assimilate the large number of concepts
is to actually do the problems yourself. You will find it most beneficial to pre-read the material before
lectures and in fact attend the lectures.
You are required to read the specified chapters in your textbook as per the course outline. From time to time (as
required), some notes be posted on the Data Comm Web server which you may access using the following
CST Student Conduct Guidelines
The School of Computing and Academic Studies expects the highest level of professional conduct and ethical
behaviour from all students enrolled in Computer Systems Technology (CST) courses and programs.
All students are reminded of the following BCIT policies related to student conduct:
 Policy 5002 Cheating and Plagiarism
 Policy 5002 Student Conduct
 Policy 3501 Responsible Use of Information Technology at BCIT
CST students are especially reminded that the Computing and IT knowledge and skills acquired in the course of
their studies confer upon them, as with all IT professionals, a special responsibility to use this knowledge in a
responsible, professional and ethical manner.
Given that misuse of computer facilities at BCIT can have significant legal and/or economic impacts, upon
evidence of any violation of Policy 3501, the School may recommend immediate suspension, even for first
By attending this course, every student has been made aware of these policies and the actions that will be taken.
Please follow the links provided, each student is responsible to read and comply with these policies.