English as a Second Language Course Expectations

Binghamton High School
An International Baccalaureate School
English for Speakers of Other Languages Program
Course Expectations and Requirements
Mrs. Carrie Kay
Teacher, English to Speakers of Other Languages
Binghamton City School District |
Student and Parent(s) or Guardian(s) welcome to the English for Speakers
of Other Languages (ESOL) Program at Binghamton High School. The English
as a Second Language (ESL) classes help English Language Learners (ELL’s) to
improve their skills in reading, writing, speaking and understanding English.
The English language is taught using literature as well as materials from the
academic content areas of mathematics, science, social studies and the arts.
A. Placement
Students are placed in ESL classes based on their scores on one of the
following tests:
 Language Assessment Battery-Revised (LAB-R)
Given to new students who are identified as possibly needing ESL classes
 New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test
Given to ELL’s annually to measure yearly progress and to determine placement
B. Texts and Materials
Primary text series: Visions: Language, Literature, Content by Marylou
McCloskey and Lydia Stack Heinle: 2004.
Text website: http://visions.heinle.com
Secondary text: Step-by Step Writing: A Standards-based Approach by Linda
Lonon Blanton Thomson Heinle: 2008.
Additional Materials
Students may use the Activity Book for the Visions series. Students may be
issued texts to keep at home. Supplementary materials may include bilingual
and English Language Learner dictionaries, grammar texts and workbooks,
audiovisual materials and online resources. Bilingual glossaries are also
available for many subjects and may be used by students when taking the New
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York State Regents exams. Graded fiction and non-fiction readers are available
in the B 315 classroom. Both the B 315 and D 203 classrooms have young
adult fiction. The Library Media Center has bilingual English-Spanish fiction,
other foreign language books, graphic novels and both fiction and non-fiction
books of high-interest to the young adult English Language Learner.
Class Supplies and Materials
Students are responsible for bringing their materials to class each day, unless
otherwise instructed.
____1. Blue or black pen
____2. Pencil
____3. Eraser
____4. Looseleaf paper
Student will be provided with a three-ring binder and a spiral notebook for a
C. Attendance
1. You are expected to come to class on time, every day. Students should
strive for a 95% attendance record or no more than 8 absences in one
school year.
2. If you are absent, bring a note from home signed by a parent or
guardian. Bilingual and simple English excuse forms are available.
When you take the note to your principal’s office, you will be given a
white (legal) or pink (illegal) admission slip. You will give this slip to
each of your teachers on the day of your return. You usually need a
white admission slip to make up missed work.
3. You will have 2 days to make up work missed after a legal absence.
4. When the bell rings, you should be in your seat and ready for class.
Late students will be asked to sign in to class. If a student is late three
times in one quarter, he or she will receive a warning. After that, each
tardy will result in detention.
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D. Hall Passes
1. We observe the “10-10” rule which means that corridor passes are
issued in emergencies only the first and last ten minutes of class time.
2. Passes to the Nurse’s Office are limited except of course in an
3. Students will sign in and out of class when leaving class and carry
their planner hall pass or classroom pass.
E. Classroom Procedures and Behavior
 Please sit in the same seat every day or the seat assigned by your
 Please raise your hand to speak.
 Please show respect for others by not interrupting.
 Please come prepared with your materials and completed homework.
 Please be helpful to other students.
 Please do only ESL work in ESL class.
 Please be kind and respectful to substitute teachers.
 Please use technology in the classroom only with the permission of the
 Please use computers at BHS for educational purposes only.
 Please keep your desk and the classroom clean and orderly.
 We use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports also called “PBIS”
at BHS. You may be given “tickets to success” which you may turn in at
the guidance or principals’ offices for prize drawings. Good luck being
Remember the Three R’s: Be Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn
Binghamton City School District |
F. Field Trips
Students in the ESOL Program may take local field trips in the neighborhood,
to the Broome County Public Library and other places. Long distance field
trips have included visits to the IMAX theater at the Museum of Science and
Technology (MOST) in Syracuse, New York, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island
and Broadway plays in New York City, and the Independence National
Historical Park in Philadelphia. Field trips address the academic, social,
linguistic and cultural needs of ELL’s and are part of the ESL curriculum.
G. Grading
1. Participation
Your positive participation in ESL class is essential to your success as an
English Language Learner. Your participation grade includes class work,
preparation and behavior. You will receive a weekly participation grade.
2. Quizzes/Tests/Projects/Presentations
There will be a minimum of one quiz per chapter and one test per unit. Some
quizzes will be “pop” quizzes. Tests and projects count twice as much as
quizzes. Students may also be graded on oral presentations according to a
3. Homework
When homework is assigned, it must be presented at the beginning of the
class when it is due.
4. Journal
You will maintain a journal for ESL. It will normally be graded according to a
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H. Extra Help
I am available by appointment Periods 3, 6 and 9, before and after school.
Please plan in advance for help with long-term assignments in other subjects.
Mrs. Debra Card is the counselor for most English Language Learners. Her
office is on the first floor off the Student Commons area. Your counselor can
help you with scheduling, transfer of credits, transitional planning and other
issues related to your educational success at BHS and beyond.
I. Educational Opportunities
Students may also be enrolled in LEP (Limited English Proficient) Global
Studies 10. Advanced level students may consider taking Advanced
Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Students in grades 11 &
12 may enter the two-year program for the traditional IB Diploma, or the IB
Careers Certificate Program, or take individual IB classes to enrich their high
school experience. Eleventh graders may also enroll in vocational classes at
the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES). Students in grades 9
& 10 benefit from the district’s participation in the Middle Years Program
(MYP) component of the IB program.
J. Extracurricular Activities
BHS has many extracurricular activities including clubs and sports. Students
should be enrolled in at least one “extra” activity. Mrs. Kay is the advisor for
Interact/Multicultural Club which meets most Fridays during lunch.
K. Parent Involvement
I encourage parents to visit the school and to be involved in the Parent
Teacher Student Association (PTSA).
L. Contact information
Parents may reach me at the ESOL Program office:
762-8262 or via e-mail at:
Binghamton City School District |
Students and parents both may find helpful information at the district
website: http://www.binghamtonschools.org
To access information about the ESOL Program:
1. Click on the “Schools” tab
2. Select “Binghamton High School” from the “Schools” list
3. Select “Classrooms”
4. Click on “ESOL” to find program information and helpful links
The International Baccalaureate Program
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at Binghamton High
School includes the traditional IB Diploma, IB Careers Certificate, IB
Binghamton City School District |
courses and the Middle Years Program (MYP). This program helps
students develop an “international mindedness”. Like the IB Program,
the ESOL Program helps students to understand and appreciate the
world, while sharing their native cultures. It also introduces American
civics to newcomers to the United States. The goals of the ESOL
Program and the IB Program intersect in many ways. The ESOL Program
supports these understandings of the IB Program:
Middle Years Program Fundamental Concepts
Holistic learning through:
 Establishing links between subjects, cultures and other areas of
 Enhancing student knowledge of different learning styles and strategies
 Integrating language skills and developing a range of transferrable
study techniques
Intercultural Awareness through:
 Developing awareness of linguistic, cultural and societal similarities and
 Increasing student awareness of the various needs within their
communities and abroad
 Appreciating one’s own and another’s cultures and traditions
Communication through providing opportunities for:
Speaking, writing, reading and listening
The IB Learner Profile
Binghamton City School District |
The IB Learner Profile describes what we would like our students to become:
Binghamton High School
English for Speakers of Other Languages Program
Binghamton City School District |
Course Expectations and Requirements 2011-2012
Mrs. Carrie Kay
I have read and understand the Course Expectations for the English for Speakers of Other
Languages Program:
Student’s Name (Please print) ____________________________________________________
Student’s Signature _______________________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (Please print) ___________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ____________________________________________________
Parent’s phone number(s):
Parent comments:
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