A & O Vocabulary Quiz

NAME: _______________________
DATE: _4/30/14_
Unit XIII: Australia and Oceania Vocabulary Quiz
Directions. Write the appropriate vocabulary term matching the picture of description
in the space provided.
1. Limestone deposits formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures.
2. The illustration below depicts the creation of what landform?
3. A deep crack that forms in ice or snow.
4. A curved throwing stick used by Aborigines for hunting in Australia.
5. A partially self-governing country with close ties to another country.
6. A region placed by the UN under temporary political and economic control of
another country after WWII.
7. “Throw some shrimp on the barbie,” is an example of Australian English.
8. A shallow pool of water at the center of an atoll.
9. A dialect mixing English and the local Aborigine language.
10. Mammals whose offspring mature in a pouch on the mother’s abdomen.
11. Seasonal weather event that can cause droughts in Australia and cyclones in the
South Pacific.
Southern Pygmy
NAME: _______________________
DATE: _4/30/14_
Unit XIII: Australia and Oceania Vocabulary Quiz
Directions. Write the appropriate vocabulary term matching the picture of description
in the space provided.
1. Limestone deposits formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures.
2. The illustration below depicts the creation of what landform?
3. A deep crack that forms in ice or snow.
4. A curved throwing stick used by Aborigines for hunting in Australia.
5. A partially self-governing country with close ties to another country.
6. A region placed by the UN under temporary political and economic control of
another country after WWII.
7. “Throw some shrimp on the barbie,” is an example of Australian English.
8. A shallow pool of water at the center of an atoll.
9. A dialect mixing English and the local Aborigine language.
10. Mammals whose offspring mature in a pouch on the mother’s abdomen.
11. Seasonal weather event that can cause droughts in Australia and cyclones in the
South Pacific.
Southern Pygmy