Supporting Information Journal of Biogeography Evidence for multiple founding lineages and genetic admixture in the evolution of species within an oceanic island weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) superradiation Christiana M. A. Faria, Antonio Machado, Isabel R. Amorim, Matthew J. G. Gage, Paulo A.V. Borges and Brent C. Emerson Appendix S1 Table S1 - List of sampling localities of the Laparocerus tessellatus complex in the Canary Islands with corresponding XY geographic coordinates. Code LP1 LP2 LP3 LP4 LP6 LP7 EH9 EH10 EH11 TF12 TF13 TF14 TF15 TF20 TF21 TF22 TF23 TF24 TF25 TF27 TF28 TF43 TF45 TF46 Locality La Palma: Montaña de Tagoja La Palma: Llanada de Barlovento La Palma: s. El Paso La Palma: Breña Alta La Palma: Mazo: Venijobre La Palma: El Paso: Montaña de Don Mendo El Hierro: Monte Ajares El Hierro: San Andrés: Piedras Blancas El Hierro: Cruz de Isora Tenerife: Cumbres de Arico Tenerife: Granadilla: Las Vegas Tenerife: Arico: Contador Tenerife: Tanque Bajo Tenerife: Cumbre de Bolicos Tenerife: s. Montaña Bermeja Tenerife: Güímar: Barranco Del Agua Tenerife: s. Icod El Alto Tenerife: Santa Úrsula: Barranco de Bensa Tenerife: Tacoronte: Fuente Fría Tenerife: Santa Úrsula: La Corujera Tenerife: El Portillo Tenerife: Pista de Las Yedras Tenerife: Anaga: El Pijaral Km 4.5 Tenerife: Anaga: Chinobre X 28.724580 28.817258 28.652309 28.619452 28.608606 28.561485 27.803063 27.756203 27.743302 28.197701 28.145034 28.191434 28.361465 28.313392 28.327162 28.308071 28.360967 28.390079 28.420114 28.403039 28.302921 28.538693 28.555583 28.558559 Y -17.782751 -17.809252 -17.845581 -17.822510 -17.786075 -17.859593 -17.917333 -17.965891 -17.978965 -16.531152 -16.545207 -16.527426 -16.775051 -16.820181 -16.533197 -16.442346 -16.598623 -16.454661 -16.407498 -16.492287 -16.566531 -16.300133 -16.181180 -16.175192 Table S1 (cont.) Code TF47 TF48 TF49 GC31 GC32 GC34 GC35 GC36 GC37 GC39 GC40 GC41 GC42 Locality Tenerife: Anaga: Cruz del Carmen Tenerife: Las Raíces Tenerife: Ifonche Gran Canaria: Valsendero: Barranco Oscuro Gran Canaria: Tamadaba NW Gran Canaria: Barranco de los Cernícalos Gran Canaria: San Bartolomé Gran Canaria: San Bartolomé Gran Canaria: Degollada de Osorio Gran Canaria: Cumbre: Roque Redondo Gran Canaria: Valsendero Gran Canaria: Las Huertecillas Gran Canaria: Barranco de la Mina X 28.531925 28.423824 28.132672 28.067702 28.053239 27.959703 27.912163 27.926115 28.072543 28.089959 28.043199 28.090170 27.998256 Y -16.280070 -16.379237 -16.688040 -15.588936 -15.691922 -15.531192 -15.572533 -15.577780 -15.557942 -15.593852 -15.593991 -15.560884 -15.587043 Details of PCR amplification and sequencing of the two genes used to investigate evolutionary history of the Laparocerus tessellatus complex in the Canary Islands A fragment of approximately 785 bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) was amplified using primers TL2-J-3038 (5’TAATATGGCAGATTAGTGCATTGGA) (Emerson et al., 2000) and TK-N 3782 (5’-GAGACCATTACTTGCTTTCAGTCATCT) (EVA-Harrison Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA). Primers M13REV-CAS5p8sFt (5’CAGGAAACAGCTATGACCTGAACATCGACATTTYGAACGCATAT) (Ji et al., 2003; as modified in Regier & Shi, 2005) and CAS28sB1d (5’TTCTTTTCCTTCSCTTAYTRATATGCTTAA) (Ji et al., 2003) were used to amplify a fragment of approximately 540 bp of the nuclear gene internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) contained NH4 buffer (1x), 3.0 mM MgCl2 (for COII reactions and 4.0 mM MgCl2 for ITS2 reactions), 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.4 µM of each primer and 0.5 U of Taq polymerase (Bioline) in 25µL final volume. PCR cycles were carried out using the following thermal profile for COII: 95 ºC for 3 min, 32 cycles at 95 ºC for 1 min, annealing temperature 48 ºC for 1 min, 72 ºC for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 oC for 3 min. For ITS2 the thermal profile used was: 94 ºC for 3 min, 34 cycles at 95 ºC for 40 sec, annealing temperature 50 ºC for 1 min, 72 ºC for 40 sec, and a final extension at 72 ºC for 2 min. Sequencing was performed in a PerkinElmer ABI3700 automated sequencer with BigDyeTerminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (applied Biosystems, California, USA). The thermal profile used for all sequencing reactions was: 96 ºC for 10 sec, 50 ºC for 5 sec and 60 ºC for 4 min, 25 cycles. Sequences for COII were obtained with the forward primer only. The majority of COII PCR products yielded clean and unambiguous sequences with the forward primer (TL2-J-3038), but in some samples the first 48 nucleotides were not clear, requiring the use of an internal reverse primer (LapCOIIRev1 5’GGYATRAATCTATGATTTGTT), which binds at positions 588 to 608 at the end 3’ of the aligned sequences. COII and ITS sequences used in the present study are available for download at under GenBank accession numbers KT275683-KT275810. Appendix S2 Simulation of stochastic lineage sorting To evaluate stochastic lineage sorting as an explanation for shared mitochondrial genetic variation between La Palma and the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, simulations of lineage extinction were performed for Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Contemporary mtDNA sequence variation sampled from the island of Tenerife consists of 28 different mtDNA haplotypes, with 26 on the island of Gran Canaria. Considering the close relatedness of some haplotypes from Tenerife and La Palma (Figure 2, node D), we allow for the possibility that closely related mtDNA haplotypes within the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria could have evolved subsequent to a colonisation event from either island to La Palma. We thus consider a combined ancestral pool of 47 haplotypes shared across both islands by removing 7 closely related haplotypes from the data set. We simulated the ancestral occurrence of shared variation between Gran Canaria and Tenerife such that all 47 haplotypes occur on both islands, yielding 94 geographically references haplotypes. We then simulated the random extinction of 50% of these 94 haplotype records, with 100 simulations, to estimate haplotype sharing between Gran Canaria and Tenerife from incomplete lineage sorting. After 100 simulated extinction events, an average of 24 shared haplotypes (range: 16-30 haplotypes) were estimated between islands. The minimum estimate of 16 shared haplotypes does not support an explanation of incomplete lineage sorting for the observed data, where no closely related sequences are shared between the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Analysis of species boundaries in Tenerife The joint analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers provides the opportunity to assess the biological significance of divergent genetic lineages when those lineages are sampled in sympatry (e.g. Cicconardi et al., 2013). Divergent lineages can be formally evaluated for consistency with the biological species concept (BSC) (Mayr, 1942) by testing for Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and linkage disequilibrium (LD) when they occur sympatrically within sampling sites. In the case of divergent genetic lineages sampled sympatrically within species of the L. tessellatus complex, HWE and LD were calculated using ARLEQUIN (Excoffier & Lischer, 2010), and statistical significance was tested using 100,000 dememorization steps and 100,000 steps in Markov chain, with Bonferroni adjustments (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995) for multiple comparisons. The null hypothesis considered that individuals within a sampling site belong to a panmictic population. Heterozygote deficit (FIS) at the ITS locus within populations sampled for divergent mtDNA lineages was assessed using FSTAT (Goudet, 1995). Similar analyses were also conducted for other populations with sufficiently large sample size, but for which only a single mtDNA lineage was sampled. Divergent mitochondrial lineages occurring sympatrically were found at two sampling sites in Tenerife (Fig. 2, sites TF45 and TF48) and the possibility of cryptic species was evaluated by assessing co-segregation of alleles (e.g. Cicconardi et al., 2013). The genotypes sampled at these sites are listed in Table S2. For the 11 individuals (successfully sequenced for ITS2) of L. tessellatus sampled at site TF45, mitochondrial lineages correspond to different nuclear groupings, while at site TF48 (n=11), individuals of L. freyi with divergent mitochondrial lineages are consistent with a single nuclear grouping. At site TF45, both null hypotheses of linkage equilibrium and HWE were rejected (p-adj<0.001), while at site TF48 neither of the null hypotheses could be rejected (p>0.05). Heterozygote deficit (FIS) at the ITS locus within populations was calculated for sites T45 and T48, as well as three other sites with sufficiently large sample sizes (LP6, TF22 and GC35). Sites TF45, TF48 and GC35 presented high levels of heterozygote deficit (FIS: 0.48, 0.46 and 0.65 respectively) while the populations TF22 and LP29 presented lower FIS values (0.12 and 0.06 respectively). All FIS values were significantly positive (p-adj=0.004). Table S2 - Genotypes of individuals collected sympatrically in two sites in Tenerife (TF45 – El Pijaral and TF48 – Las Raíces). Both sites are represented by only one of the two species, but each presents sequence variation from two divergent mtDNA lineages found on Tenerife (Figs. 2 and 3). MtDNA alleles are preceded by “C” and nuclear alleles are preceded by “IT”. Individual L157 sampled from TF45 is not included, as ITS2 sequences were not obtained for this individual. TF45 (El Pirajal) Individual COII lineage TF48 (Las Raíces) Genotype Individual COII lineage Genotype 150 C76 IT20/29 165 C76 IT24/24 153 C76 IT51/51 167 C76 IT06/06 C76 IT51/51 169 C76 IT24/24 154 Clade 2 Clade 2 155 C76 IT20/52 172 C76 IT24/24 156 C76 IT20/52 174 C76 IT24/24 158 C76 IT51/51 175 C76 IT24/24 148 C25 IT06/24 166 C22 IT20/24 151 C29 IT20/28 171 C22 IT24/24 C29 IT29/29 173 C23 IT24/24 147 C33 IT06/06 170 C24 IT20/24 149 C33 IT06/06 168 C28 IT24/24 152 Clade 4 Clade 4 Appendix S3 Figure S1 Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the complete mtDNA COII data set (172 sequences, 633 bp) inferred using the GTR+G model of sequence evolution showing relationships within the Canary Islands Laparocerus tessellatus complex. The tree is rooted with L. vicinus. Bayesian posterior probabilities are shown below nodes. Letters and numbers immediately to the right of species names correspond to location codes, see Table 1. Figure S2 Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the complete ITS2 nuclear gene dataset (330 sequences, 411 bp) inferred using the GTR+G model of sequence evolution showing relationships within the Canary Islands Laparocerus tessellatus complex. The tree is rooted with L. vicinus. Bayesian posterior probabilities are shown below nodes. Letters and numbers immediately to the right of species names correspond to location codes, see Table 1. Figure S1 (part 1) Figure S1 (part 2) Figure S2 (part 1) Figure S2 (part 2) Figure S2 (part 3) References Benjamini, Y. & Hochberg, Y. (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B Methodological, 57, 289–300. Cicconardi, F., Fanciulli, P.P. & Emerson, B.C. 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(1942) Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist. Columbia University Press, New York. Regier, J.C. & Shi, D. (2005) Increased yield of PCR product from degenerate primers with nondegenerate, nonhomologous 5 ' tails. Biotechniques, 38, 34-38.