Corporation Board 16th December 2014 CARLISLE COLLEGE

Corporation Board 16th December 2014
Held on Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 5.30pm in Room G38, Carlisle College
PRESENT: Ian Boit, David Carter (Chair), Darren Crossley (part), Sheila Don, Craig
Johnstone, James Johnston, Khaled Pervaz, Margaret Robb and Moira Tattersall.
Equivalent to 75% attendance (including three member vacancies)
IN ATTENDANCE: Elaine Price, Deputy Principal, Steven Salkeld, Vice Principal. Also
Katherine Dalgliesh, Clerk to the Corporation.
Prior to the meeting, governors received a presentation and had an opportunity to ask
questions on recent developments in marketing and student recruitment.
25/15 Apologies
26/15 Declaration of Interests
27/15 Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 21st October 2014
The Board received the minutes of the last meeting held on 21st October 2014.
Resolved that the minutes be approved as an accurate record of the meeting and
signed by the Chair.
28/15 Termly Teaching, Learning and Assessment Monitoring Report
The Deputy Principal reported that, in line with the report issued to Board members,
there are currently no areas of concern and any teaching observations requiring
improvement will be addressed and re-observed in the new year.
The Board commented on the favourable increase in attendance in the humanities
department (from 48% last year to 87% this year). The Deputy Principal reported that
this had been closely monitored by the Executive Leadership Team.
The Board requested that, for clarity:
a) The lesson observations on page 1 are split to show how many were grade 1 and
how many were grade 2; and
b) the information in column 7 of the Apprenticeships table on page 5 of the report
is presented as a number rather than just a percentage.
(ACTION – Deputy Principal).
29/15 Self Assessment Report 2013/14
The Deputy Principal presented the Self-Assessment Report for 2013/14 which has
been moderated by the panel, resulting in an overall grade of 2 (‘good’).
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There has been a drop in success rates this year, mostly in relation to retention rates
rather than achievement rates. There is anecdotal evidence that the ‘dips’ seen in
some areas at Carlisle College are reflected nationally, and may be related to the
introduction of study programmes as well as compulsory maths and English which
has been significant. Final statistics will be available for benchmarking in January.
Areas that have shown a decrease in retention are hair and beauty, humanities, care
and childcare. The gap data this year shows a bigger challenge with young females,
probably due to the decreases in predominantly female curriculum areas. There is a
three-year declining trend on success rates for adults, and this may be due to a
significant change to the programme last year, and therefore may be reflected
The Deputy Principal confirmed that the Executive Leadership Team are monitoring
these issues very closely.
The Board requested more details on what had caused the drop in success rates in
care and childcare. The Deputy Principal reported that there were several issues
relating to ensuring learners were on the right programme at the right level, as well
as high levels of staff sickness, and a high number of new staff being recruited in the
last year. In response to this, the ELT are enrolling many staff on a level four
qualification in providing advice and guidance.
The Board asked how the ELT would be addressing the highlighted areas for
improvement. The Deputy Principal reported that the Quality Improvement Plan
which is the result of the self-assessment process, is currently being developed,
although some actions have already been put in place. The Principal confirmed that
there is some minor work to be done to finalise the Self-Assessment Report (for
example, updating the commentary in the governance section) and that governors
would be issued with a copy when complete (ACTION – Clerk).
The Board noted that the result was a ‘solid’ grade 2, but the College’s ambition is to
be a grade 1, and requested to know what more could be done to achieve this goal.
The Principal responded that with a significant number of new teachers, some still
undergoing training, the College needs time to embed those teachers and therefore
address the staffing issues which have recently been quite significant.
30/15 Destinations Report 2013/14
The Deputy Principal presented the Destinations Report for 2013/14, highlighting it
as a key strength for Carlisle College. The number of learners going into employment
has risen, particularly into jobs related to their course aims, which demonstrates that
the curriculum is a good ‘fit’ with where jobs are available. The numbers of those
leaving the college without going into either education or employment remain very
low at 3%.
The Board commented on the helpful layout, noting that the information was clear to
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The Board were pleased that this report provides supporting evidence to show that
coming to Carlisle College gives learners the skills they need to be employable. The
Deputy Principal agreed it was an important message for employers and parents too.
The report also demonstrates that learners do not have to remain at school in order
to get into Higher Education.
31/15 Learner Voice – SPOC 3
The Deputy Principal presented the outcomes of the SPOC 3 survey from the end of
the 2013/14 academic year. The response rate has been maintained from last year,
but it is hoped this will improve as the Art College learners are now on site and will
have better access to the necessary technology to complete the survey.
There was a decrease in level of the effectiveness of the student representatives.
The Deputy Principal reported that consideration is being given to how to work with
them more this year to improve this. The Board queried if there was a high level of
interest in taking on the role of student representative, and the Deputy Principal
reported that it varied across courses, with areas such as construction being less
The Board noted the 48% response rate and asked which groups of learners were
most likely to engage with a survey of this kind. The Deputy Principal acknowledged
that surveys should be triangulated with other information to provide a complete
picture, and responses are likely to reflect strong feelings at either end of the
spectrum of satisfaction.
32/15 Principal’s Report to Board (including KPIs)
The Principal introduced the report, explaining that the format had been amended
since the last report, placing the commentary beside the relevant data.
The Board questioned what action was being taken to reduce the sickness absence
levels and received assurance from the Principal that strategies were in place, such
as ‘return to work interviews’ after each absence, and closer monitoring by the
Executive Leadership Team. Work is underway to consider wider wellbeing issues, to
assist with prevention of staff sickness.
33/15 Draft Annual Report of the Corporation – template and process
The Principal presented the draft Annual Report and suggestions for improvement
regarding the format and content were made by Board members.
34/15 Stakeholder Engagement – Link Event November 2014
The Deputy Principal reported that the Link Event had covered maths and English
provision to highlight the particular challenges the College faces in these areas. The
Board members who had been present reported that it had been very useful to
understand more about this key issue. A similar event will be delivered for staff, and
Board members who were unable to attend will be welcome.
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35/15 Projects – Lessons Learned
The Principal presented the report on actions taken to strengthen the management
and control of project activity as requested by the Board.
The current contract ceases in July 2015. A new EU commissioning round is being
planned, via LEPs who will have a view on what is required, particularly in relation to
benefit to employers. It is hoped that tenders will be invited in January with a view to
agreeing contracts in March before purdah. More funding is now available through
competitive bids than through traditional allocations.
The Board requested clarification on the staffing arrangements in relation to projects.
The Principal confirmed that a member of staff had been seconded to focus on the
project work. Audit results have improved, processes are now quicker, and the
Project Board is getting positive feedback.
Discussions are ongoing with the other Cumbrian colleges regarding how to
progress, and whether Carlisle College – having now developed a proven track
record – should be the lead.
The Board requested a further report on progress with projects at the next Board
meeting (Action – Principal).
36/15 Treasury Management Annual Report 2013/14 and Policy Review
The Vice Principal presented the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2013/14
which details the College’s borrowings, and the policy which has been revised to
incorporate new job titles.
Resolved that the revised Treasury Management Policy be approved.
37/15 Financial Statements and Regularity Audit
The Vice Principal reported that a successful audit had been carried out and the
documents, which are in line with information previously reported to the Board, are
now ready to be signed by the Chair and Principal.
The Board alerted the Vice Principal to a number of typos which will be rectified
before sign-off (Action – Vice Principal).
Resolved that, subject to the amendment of typos, the Board approves the
financial statements for sign-off.
38/15 Minutes of the Finance Monitoring Group 27th November 2014
(including Management Accounts for October 2014)
The Chair reported that this had been a useful meeting where the management
accounts were scrutinised in depth. A number of actions arose from the meeting
which are now in hand.
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Resolved that the minutes of the Finance Monitoring Group 27th November
2014 be approved and signed by the Chair.
39/15 Minutes of the Audit Committee 28th November 2014
The Chair of the Audit Committee presented the minutes of the recent committee
meeting. Two significant issues were raised in relation to the potential for the external
auditors to qualify the financial statements which has now been resolved, and the
movement away from more traditional assurance around financial projections by the
College’s internal audit service. It was agreed that this should be addressed in the
next internal audit planning process.
Resolved that:
a) The minutes of the Audit Committee of 28th November 2014 be approved
and signed by the Chair of the Committee;
b) The Audit Committee Annual Report be approved;
c) The revised Audit Committee Terms of Reference be approved; and
d) The external audit engagement letter be approved for signature by the
Chair of the Board.
40/15 Governance Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
The Clerk presented the Governance QIP for 2014/15 as an outcome of the
Governance Self-Assessment process for 2013/14. The Board noted that governor
attendance has improved.
41/15 Application of the College Seal
The Clerk presented the report on recent applications of the College Seal. It was
noted that with regard to the first document, a typo should be corrected so that the
description reads as follows: “The contract for Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool,
Cumbria and Lancashire ESF 2013-15 Funded NEET Provision”.
42/15 Governor Recruitment and Succession Planning
The Clerk reported that a full recruitment and succession planning report is being
prepared for a meeting of the Appointments Committee early next term, however,
three issues require the Board’s urgent attention.
In relation to the proposal to reinstate David Johnston as a member of the Board, the
Board requested further information on what other action was currently being taken
to fill member vacancies. The Principal explained that an accountancy firm have
been approached, and an application has been received through the School
Governor One Stop Shop Service (SGOSS).
It was agreed that coopted members on committees and task and finish groups were
sometimes without all necessary information and this resulted in a disjoint with Board
members. This issue will be considered as part of the Governance Review next term.
Resolved that attempts will be made to recruit two new external governors as
proposed by the Principal with the option to invite David Johnston back onto
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the Board via a Chair’s Urgent Action before the next Board meeting if neither
candidate is suitable.
Resolved that Khaled Pervaz is appointed to serve as a member of the Audit
Committee, pending the recruitment of new Board members.
43/15 Termly Health and Safety Report
The Vice Principal presented the termly update on Health and Safety. It was reported
that following the recent RIDDOR incident, a verbal confirmation has been received
from the Health and Safety Executive that no further action will be taken.
Resolved that, as the items to be discussed related to commercially sensitive
information, as well as information relating to the terms and conditions of
senior post holders, the Board moved into confidential session.
This part of the meeting closed at 7.10pm.
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