MABLETHORPE AND SUTTON TOWN COUNCIL NOTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Held on 5th January 2015 Present: Cllr S Palmer (in the Chair) Cllrs Mrs J Cook B Dobbs K Pinion Absent: G Cullen A Howard R Dawes D Mellor Cllrs Mrs I Burnett, Mrs J Taylor, B Varnam, I Wild In attendance: Mr S Fletcher (Town Clerk) 6 members of the public 58. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 There were none. 59. TO APPROVE AS A CORRECT RECORD THE NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1ST DECEMBER 2014 AND AUTHORISE THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN THE OFFICIAL MINUTES It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the Chairman sign the official minutes of the planning meeting held on 1st December 2014 60. UPDATE ON BEST PRACTICE IN RELATION TO MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Cllr S Palmer advised the committee that, following issues in respect of a previous application, advice had been sought from LALC in relation to the way planning resolutions are taken. When an ordinary resolution is defeated, the opposite is adopted; however, the ‘best practice’ way to deal with a planning matter (following the defeat of a proposal) is to make a further proposal to ensure clarity and transparency. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That following any future defeat of any resolution, a further proposition and vote will be made and taken to ensure clarity and transparency 51-14 61. CLERK’S REPORT AND UPDATE FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) Enforcement Complaint – Land adj. 42 The Strand, Mablethorpe A land registry search has been carried out by ELDC enforcement and the owners of the land have been contacted and asked to take steps to remove the overgrowth and tidy the land, which includes the removal of the derelict caravan, within 28 days (from 29th December 2014). If no action was taken by this date, ELDC would consider legal action to secure compliance under section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 62. b) Application N/110/02147/14, 22 Alford Road: erection of detached double garage (which has already been erected) existing garage on site has been removed, will be presented to the ELDC Planning Committee on 15th January 2015. c) LCC is currently preparing the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (report presented) ELDC PLANNING AND APPEAL DECISIONS a) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/01790/14 Tilbridge Developments and Mr R B McEwan The Garage, Station Road, Sutton on Sea Erection of a convenience store with associated servicing, car parking and alterations to existing vehicular access on the site of existing filling station, vehicle repair garage and lock ups which are to be demolished. Full Planning Permission granted The Town Council SUPPORTED this application b) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02209/14 Sutton Springs Trusthorpe Springs Leisure Park, Mile Lane, Erection of an amenity building which is within the curtilage of a listed building, consisting of showers, wcs, a lobby, a laundry room and an office, alterations to existing plant room to provide a new flat roof on the site of part of the existing building which is to be removed. Full Planning Permission granted The Town Council SUPPORTED this application with comments that they support the Historical officer comment and encourage the use of wooden window and a slate roof. The slate roof is stipulated within the conditions of approval. 52-14 c) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02210/14 Sutton Springs Trusthorpe Springs Leisure Park, Mile Lane, Listed building consent in connection with the above Full Planning Permission granted The Town Council SUPPORTED this application with comments as previously discussed. d) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02065/14 Mr R Earp Sea Shells, 4 Grove Road, Sutton on Sea Alterations to existing guest house and erection of a detached single garage. Full Planning Permission granted The Town Council SUPPORTED this application. e) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/00043/14 D & S Tyres Unit 7, Enterprise Road, Mablethorpe Extension to existing commercial garage in accordance with amended plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 5 March 2014 and additional noise information received on 11 August 2014. Full Planning Permission granted The Town Council OBJECTED to this application standing by observations submitted in April 2014. The Town Council notes that a noise assessment has been undertaken and hopes that a condition pertaining to the closure of doors be invoked by the District council should planning permission be granted. 63. GOLF ROAD, LINDUM HOMES DEVELOPMENT STORAGE TANKS A drainage plan for new storage tanks adjacent to Golf Road had been provided, for information, by Anglian Water. This item was for information only. The Town Clerk advised that residents in the following locations had been notified of the proposed works: Alford Road Faldo’s Way Hickory Drive The Drive The Fairway 53-14 64. SUTTON ON SEA BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS Any comments on proposed bus stop improvements proposed by LCC Highways were invited to be made by Friday 9th January 2015. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the Town Council supports the proposed bus stop improvements. 65. PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That in accordance with Schedule 16 of the Local Government Act 2000, observations on the following planning application be submitted to East Lindsey District Council. a) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02332/14 Lidl UK GmbH Lidl UK GmbH, High Street, Mablethorpe Extension to existing supermarket car park on the site of an existing dwelling which is to be demolished That the Town Council SUPPORTS this application with the following observations: Concerns in respect of the cumulative effect of multiple car park expansion projects resulting in safety concerns in respect of access and highways impact. The Town Council encourage a full review of access and egress to and from the site as part of this proposal. b) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02382/14 Mr & Mrs Hanson Brooklands, Sea Lane, Sandilands Extension and alternations to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor kitchen and cloakroom with first floor bedroom over on site of existing utility room which is to be demolished. That the Town Council SUPPORTS this application c) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02228/14 Mr T Seward 1 South Street, Sutton on Sea Erection of a detached double garage in accordance with amended plan 14.SR.01A, received by the Local Planning Authority on 11th December 2014. That the Town Council SUPPORTS this application. 54-14 d) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/110/02401/14 Greenwood Dale Foundation Trust Mablethorpe Primary Academy, High Street, Erection of 2no. detached single-storey classrooms on the site of 2no. existing classrooms which are to be removed. That the Town Council SUPPORTS this application e) Application Number: Applicant: Location: Proposal: N/016/01046/14 Energiekontor UK Ltd Land to South of Asserby and North of Thurlby, off Sutton Road, Asserby (within Bilsby and Huttoft), Alford Erection of 4no. wind turbines (each with a maximum blade tip of up to 115 metres and a hub height of up to 70 metres) and associated infrastructure including hard-standings, an electricity substation, provision of a temporary site construction compound enclosed by fencing, alterations to existing vehicular access, construction of field drain crossings and underground cabling . Receipt of Regulation 22: Additional Environmental Assessment That the Town Council OBJECTS to this application and stands by its previously submitted comments. 66. TO NOTE ANY MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST OR FOR INCLUSION IN NEXT AGENDA Cllr A Howard wished to highlight the Council’s recent award of Quality Status in the newly introduced Standards of Practice Scheme for local councils. Cllr R Dawes proposed a vote of thanks for their work to the Town Clerk and his assistant with regard to the achievement of Quality Status, and Members concurred. The meeting closed at 7.48 p.m. 55-14