MTH Fundamentals Descriptions - CLOSED/OPEN ENROLLMENT CLASSES MTH Fundamentals Course(s) required as part of programming o o o o Students will be assigned appropriate Fundamentals course prior to any other course. Students may be assigned to both a MTH and a RLA course simultaneously. Students must make level gain before being assigned to next course Students making a level gain (0.0 to 7.9 on TABE) in the Fundamentals course will be assigned to one of the approved CCR courses MTH Fundamentals 1 MTH Fundamentals 2 0 – 5.9 on TABE Math avg. 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 4 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success 6.0 – 10.9 on TABE math avg. 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 4 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success Or MTH Fundamentals Topics o o o o o 0.0 – 10.9 on TABE Math avg. 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 2 or 4 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success MTH CCR Courses- Required for Programming MTH I and MTH II OR Math Topics Students making a level gain (8.0+ on TABE) in the Fundamentals course will be assigned next to the GED Ready Courses or Math Topics MTH GED Ready OR Math Topics RLA Fundamentals Descriptions - CLOSED/OPEN ENROLLMENT CLASSES RLA Fundamentals Course(s) required as part of programming o o o o Students will be assigned appropriate Fundamentals course prior to any other course. Students may be assigned to both a MTH and a RLA course simultaneously. Students must make level gain before being assigned to next course Students making a level gain (0.0 to 7.9 on TABE) in the Fundamentals course will be assigned to one of the approved CCR courses RLA Fundamentals 1 RLA Fundamentals 2 0 – 5.9 on TABE Language and/or Reading 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 4 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success 6.0 – 10.9 on TABE Language and/or Reading 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 4 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success OR RLA Fundamentals Topics o o o o o 0.0 – 10.9 on TABE Language and/or Reading 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) Class meets 2 days per week Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success ELA CCR Courses - Required for Programming ELA I and ELA II OR ELA Topics Students making a level gain (8.0+ on TABE) in the Fundamentals course will be assigned next to the GED Ready Courses or Math Topics MTH ELA Ready OR ELA Topics Fundamentals Topics Course - CLOSED/OPEN ENROLLMENT CLASSES Fundamentals Topics requires Program Director approval Fundamentals Topics (MTH and RLA) o 4.0 + on TABE Math avg., Language, and/or Reading o 3 week course (may repeat until progress is made) o Class meets 2 days per week in the evening o Students will be required to complete enrolled subject area Fundamentals course with a level gain before attending any other course o Syllabi will need to be created using the following textbook: Achieving TABE Success Express Descriptions - CLOSED/OPEN ENROLLMENT CLASSES Express Course(s) required as part of programming GED Express o 9.0+ on TABE @ entry – all 3 subjects Or TABE Locator indicates A level o 3 week course o Class meets 2 to 4 days per week o Syllabi will need to be created