July 15, 2015 Press Release Quayside Art Gallery 15-17 E. Zarragosa Pensacola, FL 850-438-2363 www.quaysidegallery.com Feature Artist Show: "Creative Trio" Feature Artists: Diane Brim Marilyn Givens Ruth Gordon Reception Date: September 4 Show Exhibits: Sept. 3 - Oct 13 The annual artist reunion of Diane Brim and Marilyn Givens is joined this year by Ruth Gordon. The three display abstract paintings and pottery familiar to local residents and visitors to the area. Diane Brim’s most recent abstract paintings utilize her usual intuitive approach. Her painting tools are whatever allows her to best express her inner emotions and to create a delight for the viewer. Marilyn Givens’ creates works with high-fired stoneware and porcelain. Strong color and organic design is the basis for her work. Ruth Gordon paints in acrylics, loves to paint flowers and other subjects in bold colors, and her interpretations are mostly abstract.