oracle 10g installation

: Oracle 10g
: LINUX (32 Bit)
For installing oracle 10g software in the server machine(Linux) from the client
machine(Windows) in which two machines are at different places, we have to connect to the
server machine through a middleware called "PuTTY". In order to connect with the server
machine we require the Host Name or IP address of the server machine.
Open PuTTY application in which we have to give the host name or IP address of server and
click on Open.
It will then connect to the server machine as a root user. Give the user name and password for
Here some pre-requisite steps need to be done.
Step 1 : To install oracle software on Linux, User must be in the group of "OINSTALL". So add
group oinstall.
Step 2 : To perform Database Administration activities, User must be in the group of "DBA". So
add group DBA.
Step 3 : Now User must be added in order to perform the actions with OINSTALL as primary
group and DBA as secondary group.
(Syntax : useradd -g <primary group> -G <secondary group> <user name>)
Step 4 : For Authentication set password to the user. ( Syntax : passwd <username> )
Step 5 : To access the mount point directories, user must have ownership on all the mount
points. (Syntax : chown <username>:dba <filename>).
(Here we have only one mount point-/u01)
Step 6 : We can increase the performance of database by setting the kernel parameters. By
setting these parameters we can make oracle to use limited resources. We can find the kernel
parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf file. As this is a file we have to open it with vi editor.
Set the following kernel parameters to
kernel.shmmax=2147483648 (The maximum size of a shared memory segment i.e., SGA)
kernel.shmmni=4096 (The minimum size of a shared memory segment i.e., SGA)
kernel.shmall=2097152 (For the usage of background processes other than SGA)
kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128 (For semaphore usage)
fs.file-max=65536 (This defines the maximum number of files that oracle can create on a
These files are used for swap area and for internal memory
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000 (This is for listener port configuration)
Set the values in INSERT mode and type :wq! to save and quit.
To copy the software from Windows system to Linux system we have the following tools
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - Command line tool
WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy)
Third Party Tools
Among these tools WinSCP is widely used tool as it transfers the file securely. Open WinSCP
tool in which we are supposed to give the Host Name (or) IP Address, User name and Password.
Click on Login once the data is given.
If a warning wizard pops up then click on Yes else continue with the next step.
Then the following window opens in which we have to copy the oracle 10g software zip file
from windows to the Linux box in the desired location.
To copy the software, switch to user and create a directory in the desired location, open that
location in Linux box (Right block in the above screenshot) and drag the zip file from windows
to Linux box.
While dropping the file in the Linux box the below window will pop-up in which we have to set
the transfer settings.
Click on Transfer settings tab and select binary to disable the ASCII format because if we copy
without changing the settings it may or may not be copied successfully.
Click on Copy and the process will carried out for some time.
Here we copied the file as root user so we have to change permissions of that file in order to
Verify whether the permissions got changed or not by doing the following steps.
Go to the directory where the software is copied and unzip the file. (Syntax : unzip <filename>)
The process will carried out for some time.
In order to invoke Graphical User Interface(GUI) in which commands are issued by using a
mouse (If in PuTTY we have to give the commands manually) we have some tools like
VNC Server/Viewer
Humming Bird
XWindows etc.,
Commonly used tools
Lets invoke GUI using VNC Server/Viewer. To know whether VNC Server is running or stopped
check the status by giving 'service vncserver status' command.
If Running - No need to start again (Continue with the next step)
If Stopped - Give the below command to start
To start the VNC Server we have to give the command 'service vncserver start' from root user.
Switch to User and go to " /usr/bin" location where the VNC file resides. Type the command "ls
-ltr vnc*" which shows all the vnc files. Run vnc server by giving "./vncserver" command. Here
we'll get the host name.
Open VNC Server and give the host name or IP Address followed by colon and serial number.
Click OK
Give the password for VNC Server and click on OK.
Then we'll get a below VNC Graphical Screen.
Go to the location where we copied the oracle software, there we can find a directory named
database. Change the directory to database and type ls to see the list of contents in which we'll
find runInstaller. Run it by giving "./runInstaller" command. This process will continue for some
time and Installation wizard will open.
Select Advanced Installation and Click on Next.
The below window opens when we are installing the software for the first time. Enter the
desired path of the Inventory Directory and change the Operating System group name to
"oinstall" and click Next.
Note : Oracle Inventory is the central repository for the oracle softwares that are installed on a
Select the Type of Installation based on the requirement. Go for Enterprise Edition which has
many features and is a self-managing database. Click Next.
Specify the name for installation and the path(Preferably small path) where the product need
to be installed. Click on Next.
Here installer will verify whether minimum requirements for installing met or not. We have to
check and verify the items that are flagged with warnings (check the box or ignore) and Click on
Select Install database Software Only which is necessary to run a database and perform any
database configuration later. Click on Next.
Here we can verify the summary of Oracle Database and then click on Install to install the
Installation process will continue for some time.
A window with the following scripts will get opened in which we have to run the scripts as the
"root" user. (We'll get the oraInventory script(1st Script mentioned below) if we install for the
first time otherwise we'll get only the 2nd script).
Copy the 1st script and execute as a "root" user which changes the permissions and
Copy the 2nd script and execute as a "root" user where the entries will be added to /etc/oratab
Then go to Execute configuration scripts and click on OK.
Then comes to End of Installation. Click on Exit.
Click on Yes to Exit.