Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 QUALITY AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Name of School: Name and Designation of School Staff Consulted: Date of Inspection: The framework below forms the basis of a Register Inspection which will be carried out by an LA representative (under Regulations 10 and 11 of The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (amended) 2010). The purpose of a Register Inspection is to ensure that the school is fully complying with the legal requirements and statutory advice relating to the keeping of both the admissions register and the attendance register. Where it exists, a note has been added to the header of each section detailing where the legal requirements can be found. On completion of the Inspection, recommendations may be made. Recommendations will take one of two forms: Recommendations written in orange will denote changes which MUST be made to ensure the school complies with the relevant legislation. Recommendations written in blue denote changes which, whilst not legally required, would improve practice within the school. REGISTER INSPECTION CHECKLIST (Secondary) Comments Number 1. 2. 3. Total number of pupils said to be on roll - admissions register Number of pupils who are dual registered (and whether that tallies with the records at the other establishment) Number of pupils who are in alternative provision, or educated offsite (and do these tally with the records at the other provision?) Please tick Yes 4. Does the number of pupils stated to be on roll (taking into account pupils who are dual registered and/or educated off site(2 and 3 above)) match the actual number on roll? 5. Are there any anomalies? Comments No ADMISSIONS REGISTER Relevant legislation: The Education (Pupil XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 (amended)2010 : Regulation (5) 6. Is the full name of every parent recorded? Ask about Mum's common law husband, etc. Obtain the data capture/admissions form from school 7. Is parent of residence indicated? 8. Are there clear indicators as to who has Parental Responsibility? 9. Are home addresses clearly listed – for pupil/for all parents? 10. Are parental contact details available? And additional emergency contacts? (Need at least one telephone number) 11. Where pupils have a 'known by' name, is it clear which name is the legal name? 12. Is gender and ethnicity (DfE code) of child shown/recorded? 13. Is the name and address of the GP recorded? 14. How often are the above details updated? 15. Are details of last school attended listed? INDUCTION PROCEDURES 16. 1 Do Year 7 pupils have a phased start in September? If so, what are . the implications for the rest of school pupils and how are registers marked? (Y? use of inset?) 17. 1 What induction procedures are undertaken with year 7 pupils, e.g. . home visits & preadmission visits to school (sign in as visitors)? 18. 1 What induction procedures, if any, are undertaken for pupils other . than year 7? ADMISSIONS AND LEAVERS Relevant legislation: The Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 (amended)2010 : (8)(1)(an) details criteria for removal from roll. Paragraph (12)(3) details requirements re: notification to LA . 19. Are pupils put on roll from the first expected session (not the first time the pupil crosses the threshold)? Regulation (5)(3) XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments 20. Has the CME Team been notified of 'missing' pupils, including pupils who do not arrive when expected? 21. Does the school use electronic CTF? 22. Does the school post missing children to the missing pupil database? (including XXX-XXXX and MMM-MMMM) 23. Are onward destinations known for all leavers and do school follow the protocol re: notification to LA? Are reasons for removal from roll in line with those laid out in The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006? Is there evidence that appropriate practice takes place before a pupil is removed from the school roll e.g. with regard to EHE, emigration etc? 24. Are the records of admissions/readmissions correct (leavers report)? When are Year 11 pupils removed from the school roll? ATTENDANCE REGISTERS 25. Is there a first day response procedure in place and whose responsibility is it to undertake this and the follow up (in accordance with attendance procedural framework)? What time is FDR undertaken by? Ask how the information/communication between home and school is recorded and whether school record who they spoke to at home 26. Are registers formally closed each session? If so when? During which periods of the day are a.m. and p.m. registration 27. Where do the manual registers (data capture forms) go after registration when the data is not recorded through electronic methods? E.g. when register taken in PE/assembly/by supply teacher? 28. When the register is not taken electronically, how/when is data transferred to the SIMS? What, if any, are the implications for Health and Safety (evacuation procedure etc)? 29. Is there an adequate procedure in place for roll call in the event of an evacuation? (Are the registers taken outside, including contact details and late and visitors books, a phone, etc. If electronic registration is used, how is this managed?)? XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments CODE USAGE relevant legislation: The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 (Amended) 2010: Regulation (6) 30. Are any absences left blank on the paper register each session where this is used? 31. Is the use of the full range of codes restricted to specific school staff? Which codes are class teachers able to enter into register? (should be restricted to marking 'absent' or 'present' in most instances) 32. Who is authorised to make alterations to the register (on SIMS / PARS/ Lesson Monitor etc)?(the number of school staff authorised to make changes should be kept to a minimum) 33. To what extent are codes used within DfE guidelines? C/ I / D / E / G / F / H / O etc 34. Are Ls and Us differentiated (i.e. what time does L begin / cease to be used in accordance with attendance policy – cross reference the late book with SIMS) and what are the late-comers procedures (e.g. late book and signing in and out book)? 35. Is N used to record absences where the reason for absence is not yet known, and, if so, how long before the Ns are changed? Codes should be changed within no longer than a 2/3 week time frame unless in exceptional circumstances – in which case the comments option should be used. 36. For schools with PARS / Lesson Monitor; are there any codes available for use in addition to the DfE codes? E.g. for learning support unit / medical room etc. 37. To what extent is the recording of attendance of pupils off-site recorded and monitored correctly (B, D, etc.) What checks are undertaken? How frequently and by whom? Have appropriate Directions been issued as per guidance 38. Are there any pupils on part time timetables? If so, how are their registers marked? ('C' should be used for sessions not required to attend). Are arrangements regularly reviewed and are time limited Action Plans in place? XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments 39. Do school use 'R' to denote leave for religious observance? Does the number of 'R' codes tally with the ethnic profile of the school? 40. What are the arrangements for marking registers during exam periods? Year 10 during Mock Exams, Year 11 up until the last Friday in June. Is this marked accurately in the registers? 41. Have the school had any uses of the ‘Y’ (Enforced Closure) code during either this academic year or the previous one? If so, ascertain when and the reason why – also whether the Y was applied to the whole school or a discrete group of pupils. See below for how to do this. MONITORING PROCESS 42. How are pupils with persistent absence identified and within what time frame would steps be taken to investigate? Do all PA pupils have a relevant, regularly reviewed Action Plan? 43. Is there a senior manager who is regularly appraised of any issues/concerns raised through the registration of pupils and who can ensure that timely actions are taken to address the issues? Is the Attendance Lead on SLT – how much involvement does he/she have with the management of interventions etc? Can school demonstrate how they have made use of the devolved EWS funding to deliver the EWS functions? e.g. carrying out of home visits, use of Parenting Contracts, assessments etc. 44. 45. Is there evidence of analysis of the reasons for absence and are actions taken to address the main reasons for absence? For example, Is there evidence that authorised medical absence is challenged if the registration pattern gives cause for concern? 46. Does the school undertake analysis of vulnerable groups and take action as necessary? 47. Are absences monitored by ethnicity using the DfE codes? EXCLUSIONS 48. Are there more than 10 E marks in any one block? (NB with fixed term exclusions, it is the school's responsibility to identify provision from Day 6 onwards. For permanent exclusions, Day 6 provision is LA responsibility). XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments 49. Are there periods of absence immediately following a period of fixed term exclusion? Some schools require pupils/parents to attend a reintegration meeting prior to allowing the pupil to recommence attending school. This is not lawful and constitutes an unofficial exclusion. Check for use of 'C's. HOLIDAYS relevant legislation: The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 (Amended) 2010: Regulation (7) (3-4) 50. What are the procedures for requesting leave in term time and who authorises this? How is this communicated to parents? 51. Is 'leave' noted correctly (e.g. H, F, G and C etc.)? 52. Is a return date agreed prior to extended leave? MISCELLANEOUS 53. Are registers in use other than by form/class (e.g. separate register (hard copy) for swimming class/ college classes etc)? 54. Is SIMS data backed up monthly (as a minimum) or more frequently? If so, how and where are the back-ups kept? relevant legislation The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (Amended) 2010: Regulation ( 15) 55. How long are registers kept (including notes from parents)/ admissions/attendance registers? According to Regulation (14) information should be kept for 3 years as a minimum. 56. Does school close early on the last day(s) of term? If so, how is the register marked and are parents informed and offered alternative arrangements? Similarly, does school partially close to allow for student review days? 57. Is school open to all pupils for the required 380 sessions each academic year? Education (School Day and School Year) Regulations 1999 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION 58. Check registration practice against school attendance policy. Does school have an attendance policy and when was it last reviewed? XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 Comments Was there consultation with parents and pupils when the attendance policy was reviewed? When was the attendance policy last publicised to pupils and parents? And is it both adequate and compliant with relevant legislation/regulation? (Check that the terminology is correct and reflects practice within the school) Is reference made to Fixed Penalty Notices within the SAP? (Refer to discussion held with Court Officer prior to visit re: school's previous court actions). 59. 60. 61. Reports The reports listed below can be used to support information given above. Under The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations (Amended) 2010 Paragraph 11 the LA representative is able to print and retain this data to assist with the completion of the report. The data will then be securely disposed off. Analysis by Attendance Category Breakdown of UA and AA and overall absence for full previous year (Sep to July), previous year to this point, and this year to date (3 reports) Group Analysis by Code Full year for previous year (Sep to July), previous year Sep to this point, and this year to date (3 reports) Chosen Code Report o Use the Group Analysis by Code to highlight which codes seem irregular or used a lot, then use the Chosen Code Report by pupils by sessions – do C, U, O, H, I, R etc.. Count how many children have more than a threshold of that code, e.g. 5 sessions of C, 20 sessions of H and I, B code use. o Use also to identify PA pupils by running report for all AA and UA up to specified thresholds for each Half Term period (thresholds will be entered here once these are known). Unexplained Absences Report (only need to run if Ns highlighted on Chosen Code Report) Edit Marks Report Focus, Attendance, Edit Marks then manually count the number in each class Missing Marks Report Check using the pie chart on the home page and run the missing marks report History of Changes Report (under Module Reports) Check that only one person is listed as making the changes Check that entries have not been changed more than once Leavers Reports, Run Reports, Focus, Student, 'Leavers' (school can customise report to show destination if not shown). Set the date between 1 Sep and today to monitor potential CME and check that school has forwarding schools in and CTF procedure Use of Y code Focus; Attendance; Exceptional Circumstance; select dates; Search – should list all instances of Y that have occurred during the specified period. Then you should be able to select each one in turn to be able to view the reason given. NB: Y should not be used in a ‘planned way’ (e.g. to allow certain groups of pupils to be absent when other groups have induction days – phased entry etc). Y should only be used when closure is unavoidable for either whole school or discrete group (e g. snow days, heating broken at school, flooding etc). XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: Draft Sac 11(s) (Secondary) V.3 17.8.11 NB: The text in green should be deleted before sending the report to school XXXX – School Name –Secondary Register Inspection – Date Lead SAC: Supporting SAC: