CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15 A.1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations AgEd Agricultural Education The prefix for agricultural education courses. APE Adapted Physical Education An added authorization offered by the Department of Kinesiology that prepares teachers to assess individual students and develop, adapt and implement specialized physical education programs in the motor domain AURTEC All University Responsibility for Teacher Education A group composed of a cross-section of university faculty and administrators who provide feedback to the unit about program quality. BbLearn Blackboard Learn CSU Chico’s learning management system. BTSA Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment An induction program for new teachers. CATS Content Area Tasks The three Content Area Planning Tasks (social science, science, and math) are part of a state-adopted assessment for credential candidates. These tasks demonstrate your ability to organize curriculum, instruction, and assessment to help your students meet content standards and develop academic language. In addition, they provide evidence of your ability to select, adapt, or design learning tasks and materials that offer your students equitable access to curriculum in three content areas: history/social science, science and math. CMSD Communication Sciences and Disorders The Communication Sciences and Disorders Program offers a MA in Communication Sciences and Disorders while obtaining a California credential to serve as a Speech Language Pathology specialist in public schools. CT Cooperating Teacher The credential candidate’s teaching mentor during student teaching. CTC Commission on Teacher Credentialing The California agency responsible for licensing and credentialing professional educators. CSU California State University The country’s largest state university system, with 23 campuses located throughout California. DAP Degree Audit Program Web-based program that allows the education office and credential analysts to monitor candidate performance from admission to recommendation for credential. EBP Evidence Based Practice An instructional strategy, intervention, or teaching program that has resulted in consistent positive results when experimentally tested. 1 CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15 EDAD Educational Administration A program in which candidates earn a master’s degree in education and a preliminary administrative credential. EDTE Teacher Education Prefix for teacher education courses. ELD English Language Development English Language Development is instruction designed specifically for English language learners to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. EPP Educator Preparation Provider The body of programs at CSU Chico who educate teachers and other professionals for P-12 public schools. IPO Initial Program Orientation Orientation at beginning of credential program. IAP Improvement and Accountability Plan Annual report made by each CSU to the CSU Chancellor’s office, with data speaking to mandated indicators as well as campus-chosen indicators. MA in Ed Masters in Education A program, offered by the School of Education, in which candidates earn a masters degree in education,. MASCOT Math and Science Special Education Coteaching A grant-funded subgroup of the single subject program focused on co-teaching as a method for student teaching. Multiple Subject Program This program leads to a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential for teaching all subjects in self-contained classroom settings, such as the classrooms in most elementary schools, in grades preschool, K-12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. MSP NorCAL PRIE Northeastern California Preparation of Indian Educators A grant-funded program focusing on recruiting teaching candidates from Native American populations. PACT Performance Assessment for California Teachers. An assessment of credential candidates’ abilities to successfully plan, teach, assess student learning, and reflect on instruction. The School of Education adopted PACT, which was developed and tested by a consortium of Universities, in response to Senate Bill 1209. PAR Program Assessment Report Program narrative describing how program meets state standards. PI Practicum I The first semester of student teaching. PII Practicum II The second semester of student teaching. PPS Pupil Personnel Services Program offering a credential to serve as a school psychologist. 2 CSU Chico IR Addendum 1/8/15 PPO Practicum Orientation Orientation meeting for candidates entering student teaching. PRISMS Promoting Rural Improvement in Secondary Math and Science A grant-funded program (under development in 2014-15) leading to a secondary credential and a master’s degree. RTR Rural Teacher Residency Program This program leads to either a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential or a Preliminary Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential. In addition to the credential, candidates simultaneously earn an M.A. in Education. SLO Student Learning Outcome Educational objective used for assessment of programs and candidates. SPED Education Specialist Program This program leads to a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in either Mild/Moderate Disabilities (for students with specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, or other health impairments) or Moderate/Severe Disabilities (for students with Autism, moderate/severe intellectual disabilities, deaf-blindness, emotional disturbance, or multiple disabilities) in grades K-12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22. SSP Single Subject Program This program leads to a Preliminary Single Subject Credential for teaching only the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in most middle schools and high schools, in grades preschool, K- 12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. STEPS Student Tracking, Evaluation and Portfolio System Web-based software that provides and organized repository for data and streamlines the analysis and reporting process. TPE Teaching Performance Expectation A version of the CSTP designed to be met by credential candidates. TQP Teacher Quality Partnership A federal grant program sponsored by the US Department of Education. WASC Western Association for Schools and Colleges Higher education accrediting agency who grants accreditation to CSU Chico. 3