*Best People* Management and Leadership Development Programme

‘Best People’ Management and Leadership Development Programme
This programme has been created to support the development of aspiring managers and leaders working in all professions at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
(PHT). It provides a mechanism for self-directed learning through a combination of; e-learning, classroom based sessions, shadowing, formal certificated
national and local programmes and modules accessed via the internet. The programme is separated into 3 competency based levels to assist with formal
assessments and talent conversations as part of the annual appraisal and personal development review between individuals and line managers. These
conversations will identify the ‘readiness’ of individuals to be appointed into a management position. It will also support the organisations succession
planning into critical posts.
Personal Development Plan
Your line manager will support and coach you through this development programme and formally discuss progress with you as part of your annual appraisal
and personal development review
Equivalent to band 3-4
Development Programme
Leadership Self-Assessment
Entering this level you will probably have limited or no previous supervisory or management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Skills and Competencies
provide and receive complex, sensitive information; barriers to understanding
undertake a range of procedures and practices, majority non-routine, theoretical knowledge to NVQ4/diploma level equivalent
follow policies in own role, may be required to comment on others
works within standard operating procedures, with someone available for reference
exhibits self-belief and believes in own ability to deliver
focuses on the achievement of goals for the organisation’s benefit as well as own benefit
makes effective decisions based on all available information
prepared to face a challenge and stand up for own professional viewpoint
driven by the needs of service users
How to access
To help you manage your
own learning and
development by allowing
you to reflect on which
areas of the leadership
framework you would
like to develop further
Link to - Leadership
Self-Assessment Tool
At your own
Learning Outcome
Provides valuable insight into your
leadership behaviour, which will
inform the priority development
areas for you to focus on and discuss
with you line manager whilst utilising
your strengths to reach your goals
Evidence of
Include selfassessment in
appraisal and
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Edward Jenner
Human Resources (HR)
Programmes to include:
 Appraisal & Personal
Development Review
 Attendance
 How to Prepare
Management Cases
 Managing Planned
and Unplanned Leave
 Managing Staff on
Long Term Sick
 Tips & Techniques for
Communication Using
Emotional Intelligence
This is a free online
learning programme
designed to give you
confidence and
competence in your role.
Aimed at staff in all roles
within healthcare
especially aspiring
Access via Thames
Valley & Wessex
Leadership Academy
A flexible
resource: learn
in your own
time at your
own pace
Designed by clinicians working on the
frontline of care, it is highly practical
and patient-focused – making it a
valuable resource for all staff who
want to build a more compassionate
Undertake a range of
short HR run workshops
to develop your
understanding of the
skills required when
managing others
Link to - Human
1-2 hours each
These short workshops aim to equip
you with the tools and knowledge
you need to effectively manage staff
and monitor attendance
This interactive and selfdiscovery course which
will enable you to apply
the principles of
Emotional Intelligence in
real situations, whether
work or personal. It will
Link to Communication using
1 day
You will know and manage your own
emotions as well as recognizing and
managing the emotions of others.
You will also understand the
principles of Transactional Analysis
and perceptions using the Johari
Designed to help you use your own
experiences as part of your learning
process, self-assessment in key
leadership areas and continuing
professional development.
record of
completion and
practice based
reflective tools
discussed and
considered with
line manager.
At the end of
each module
you can print
your completion
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
How to Implement Change
Shadow Days – First Line
Attends team brief
show how we can relate
to others and
communicate more
effectively, and achieve
greater results from
business discussions and
This is a very practical,
common sense and
interactive course that
will give you a range of
tools and techniques that
you will feel comfortable
about using
An opportunity to
shadow an experienced
manager and get a better
understanding of the role
Monthly opportunity to
get together with staff
and senior leaders across
the organisation to
discuss key targets in
relation to quality,
performance, finance
and workforce. Also
allows for networking
and sharing good news
stories and best practice
Link to - How to
implement change
1 day
This will need to be
1-5 days
organised by yourself
with the support of
your line manager or
Clinical Service Centre
(CSC) management
Link to - Team Brief
1 hour per
dates and venues
You will gain an appreciation of, and
practical techniques & skills for
managing and implementing change
in the workplace in a confident and
proactive way
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
This will widen your depth and
breadth of knowledge and
understanding of a management role
‘in action’ including managing and
developing people. It will provide for
an opportunity to question/challenge
practice and process
You will gain an understanding and
appreciation of the wider
organisational issues and how your
role contributes. Also build on
networks from across the
organisation and within multiprofessional staff groups
Evidence of
practice signed
by manager
Feedback team
brief to
colleagues at
team meetings
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Access to a number of
management developments
some of which are NVQ
Staff Engagement
Signed off as competent to
level 1:
Various development
which includes customer
services, business
administration and time
Access the ‘Staff led
change’ toolkit (formally
known as Listening into
Hold an effective staff
depending on
This will vary, please see individual
development specification using the
Certificate of
Link to Staff Led
Change toolkit
At your own
Able to demonstrate the ability to
engage effectively and involve staff in
all changes that affect them with
positive outcomes
Share feedback
and outcomes
held with line
Evidence statement:
(Line Manager)
Complete assessment of ‘readiness’ at the end of this document.
Progress to level 2 (optional)
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Equivalent to band 5-6
Development Programme
National Leadership
Academy – Mary Seacole
(Leading Care I)
Fully accredited leading to a
Postgraduate Certificate in
Healthcare Leadership
Entering this level you will already have management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Skills and Competencies
provide and receive complex information, developed negotiating, motivational and persuasive skills
specialist knowledge across a range of procedures to degree level plus specialist/management knowledge and experience
responsible for policy implementation and for discrete policy or service development for a service or more than one area of activity
significant discretion to work within a set of defined parameters
takes ownership and prepared to be held accountable
role models ethical behaviours
makes the most of current opportunities to make improvements
develops and communicates standards and expected levels of performance
delegates effectively and develops team members
supports the evaluation of KPIs in own delivery area
This programme will
transform your natural
empathy and resilience
into an inspiring,
practical and resourceful
leadership style – and
make you a prime
candidate for your first
recognised leadership
You will boost the skills
needed to be a great
leader, including inspiring
others, making informed
decisions and focusing
even more on the
patients, service users,
carers and families you
support, while learning
how to make the NHS
How to access
Link to - Mary Seacole 12 month
(Leading Care I)
12-14 hours
study a week
for everyone
regardless of
role or
Learning Outcome
You will be able to look at how it
feels for you to be a leader in
healthcare, and the challenges that
you face.
Review the patient experience, and
how this can be improved and
Evidence of
certificate from
the National
Lead teams and improve
Identify how your leadership of
processes and systems can improve
outcomes, safety and the experience
of care
Understand, judge and navigate the
organisation and its politics
Engage with the human aspects of
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Leadership Behaviours
Frontline nursing and
midwifery programme
Conflicts and How to Resolve
Project Management
values even more central
to your daily role and
working environment.
Access and consider the
‘leadership behaviours’
and demonstrate
evidence against the
positive indicators
Because you care – the
NHS Leadership Academy
is looking to support
frontline nurses and
midwives and help you
do the job that you love,
even better and have a
greater influence on the
way care is delivered.
A programme designed
to offer tools and
techniques when faced
with conflict and
challenging people issues
This course is valuable
for anyone who is
already responsible for
managing projects and
/or someone who has
been given a new project
to manage and needs a
practical understanding
of the key elements of
planning a successful
delivering compassionate care
Appraisal &
Performance Review
At your own
Frontline nursing and
Online, 1/2
day induction,
2 x workshops
over 6 months
Must be nominated
following a talent
discussion (Appraisal)
with line manager
Link to - Conflicts and
how to resolve them
1 day
Link to - Project
1 day
To gain an understanding of
expectations of leaders working at
PHT and be able to demonstrate
application of them and they positive
impact on staff
The programme will help you reflect
on your strengths, your role and your
ability to do what you came in to the
profession to do – make a difference
to people’s lives.
Through annual
review and
This programme will help you
understand and deal with the
behaviours that trigger conflict. You
will learn some communication
techniques that will help you manage
specific situations and deal with
those difficult people
This programme will allow you to
identify the critical success factors of
a project, describe the key elements
and complete a project planning
document based on a real workplace
scenario. Recognise and manage
risks and engage with key
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Certificate of
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Wessex Mentoring
Development Programme
Shadow Days to include:
 Senior Operational
 Cross CSC/specialty
 Clinical Shadowing
Myers Briggs
This programme is still in
development and will be
made available shortly, in
the meantime you can
arrange for one to one
training by contacting the
finance department
Develop skills that can be
used in everyday working
life – for those who wish
to be a mentor or
develop mentoring skills
To be confirmed
To be
Link to - Wessex
4 days plus
To be confirmed
This programme will help you
develop skills than can be used to
mentor individuals – mentoring is a
learning relationship which helps
people take charge of their own
development, to release their
potential and achieve results which
they value
An opportunity to
This will need to be
1-5 days
This will widen your depth and
shadow an experienced
organised by yourself
breadth of knowledge and
manager/clinician and
with the support of
understanding of a management role
get a better
your line manager or
‘in action’ including managing and
understanding of their
Clinical Service Centre
developing people. It will provide for
role and the services they (CSC) management
an opportunity to question/challenge
impact upon
practice and process
The Myers-Briggs Type
Contact the L&MD
This will allow you to discover your
Indicator (MBTI)
inbox to register an
questionnaire personality type and leadership style.
assessment is a
to be
The model of personality tells you
completed –
about some of those similarities and
questionnaire designed
feedback will
differences. By raising awareness of
to measure psychological
be provided by yourself and others, it can improve
preferences in how
a skilled MBTI your relationships. It can also help
people perceive the
you make better decisions about
world and make
your future, your career, and your
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Certificate of
Evidence of
practice signed
by manager/
A report
describing your
personality type
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
360 degree feedback
A feedback tool most
often collated from
subordinates, peers and
supervisors as well as a
self-evaluation which will
help individuals develop
themselves, their teams
and the organisations
Signed off as competent to
level 1:
Evidence statement:
Contact the L&MD
inbox to register an
to be
completed –
feedback will
be provided by
a skilled
The results from a 360-degree
A report will be
evaluation are often used by the
person receiving the feedback to plan
and map specific paths in their
development. It will help you better
understand your leadership
capability and development through
consideration of direct feedback
from your peers
(Line Manager)
Complete assessment of ‘readiness’ at the end of this document.
Progress to level 3 (optional)
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Equivalent to band 7-8
Development Programme
Leadership Self-Assessment
Tool (re-assessment)
Frontline nursing and
midwifery programme
Entering this level you will already have management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Skills and Competencies
provide and receive highly complex, sensitive or contentious information,
highly developed specialist knowledge across a range of procedures to masters level
responsible for policy implementation and for discrete policy or service development for a service or more than one area of activity.
Is guided by general health, organisational or broad occupational policies, establishes the way in which these
should be interpreted
establishes a culture of team work and cooperation
able to influence and persuade with own team and senior people
able to work comfortably in a complex work environment
is able to spot and encourage potential
creates a climate of support but holds people to account
sets stretching and challenging goals in area of responsibility and drives the evaluation of KPIs
To help you manage your
own learning and
development by allowing
you to reflect on which
areas of the leadership
framework you would
like to develop further
Because you care – the
NHS Leadership Academy
is looking to support
frontline nurses and
How to access
Leadership SelfAssessment Tool
Frontline nursing and
At your own
Online, 1/2
day induction,
2 x workshops
over 6 months
Learning Outcome
Provides valuable insight into your
leadership behaviour, which will
inform the priority development
areas for you to focus on and discuss
with you line manager whilst utilising
your strengths to reach your goals
The programme will help you reflect
on your strengths, your role and your
ability to do what you came in to the
profession to do – make a difference
Evidence of
Include selfassessment in
appraisal and
Certificate of
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
National Leadership
Academy – Elizabeth Garrett
Anderson (Leading Care II)
Fully accredited leading to a
Masters in Healthcare
Leadership and an NHS
Leadership Academy award
in Senior Healthcare
(Completion of the Mary
Seacole – Leading Care I
programme, will give credits
that exempt you from the
first 7 months of this
Senior Operational Leaders
midwives and help you
do the job that you love,
even better and have a
greater influence on the
way care is delivered.
The programme
structure is based around
a number of set themes
which support the
development of self,
teams, and
Must be nominated
following a talent
discussion (Appraisal)
with line manager
This programme is open
to nursing and midwifery
staff operating at AfC
Band 8. For example,
senior clinicians who
wish to enhance their
current leadership skills;
nurse commissioners, or
for people who are
aspiring to a nurse
Link to – Senior
Operational Leaders
Link to - Elizabeth
Garrett Anderson
(Leading Care II)
to people’s lives.
24 months to
Up to 15 hours
a week study
This intensive programme will give
Certificate of
you the skills to drive and sustain real completion
change – building a culture of
patient-focused care at a wider
departmental or functional level
Designed to give you high-level
people management skills and worldclass business acumen to prepare
you for the demands of senior
leadership in today’s NHS.
4 day
residential plus
1 day.
Applications via
learning set
Maggie.Woods@tvwl activities as
eadershipacademy.nh required.
Upon completion, participants will:
Understand their leadership
approach and the climate they create
for others. Formulate a personal
development plan that supports
them as a leader and translates to
improvement in the delivery of care.
Have access to a broader network of
peers and support over time to help
embed their development. Be better
Certificate of
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
director role
Wessex Vital Conversations
A programme designed
to help you influence
hearts and minds with
one vital conversation at
a time using a facilitative
leadership style
Link to - Wessex Vital
2 days plus
equipped as the next generation of
senior nurse leaders to improve
patient care.
This will enable you to avoid using
“loaded words” that trigger
defensiveness in others and start
conversations of this nature in a
direct yet respectful manor.
 Be clear on the vital
conversations that will make
the biggest difference in your
team, projects and key
 Know when to raise an issue
and when to let it go.
 Manage your emotions and
confidence throughout the
 Convey what’s important to
you without dancing around
the issue
 Handle the other persons
strong emotions or difficult
 Respectfully question to get
beyond others defensive
 Go beyond hearing to
listening for facts, feelings &
underlying interests
 Investigate both sides of the
“story” to generate real
Certificate of
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Wessex Influence with
Wessex Coach to Lead or
Coaching Skills Programme
Wessex Leadership
Development Centre or PHT
Leading Together
The programme will
focus on practical
techniques of how to
negotiate with people
you don’t directly
manage and therefore
have little authority to
These are about
developing coaching
skills, they will not
provide individuals with
the skills or qualifications
to become a coach. The
provide a foundation in
learning to apply
practical coaching skills
that will adapt and
develop your leadership
Link to - Wessex
Influence with
1 day Master
This master class will enable you to
explore how to keep a cool head in
the planning, delivery and closing of
a negotiation using a style that best
fits the situation
Certificate of
Link to - Wessex
Both 2 day
run by Wessex
Certificate of
The Leadership
Development Centre is
the penultimate course
in the PP. It is an intense,
multi-disciplinary, twoday residential course
supporting personal
development, offering
Link to - Leadership
Development Centre
2 day
run by Wessex
These skills will enhance your success
in working with others to deliver
quality improvements to your service
and will enable you to:
 Demonstrate personal
confidence in using coaching
 Articulate a clear
understanding of when a
coaching style is appropriate
 Demonstrate attainment of
the foundation coaching skills
 Have a basic understanding of
improvement methodology
 Have a basic understanding of
skills required to coach teams
 Be able to provide effective
The course focuses on the individual,
with delegates gaining a clear,
personal insight into their
performance in a variety of common
and relevant non-clinical challenges.
It builds on strengths and addresses
any areas for further development
Certificate of
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
individual assessment of
leadership and
management skills.
Shadow Days – CSC Board
Members or cross
CSC/Executive Team
Leading together is
jointly run with Southern
Health and delivered in
house by employed
clinicians. It seeks to
develop leaders from
both the hospital and
community trust in the
same classroom.
Focusing on educating
leaders together in order
to break down the
artificial divides that can
naturally build up
between organisations.
An opportunity to
shadow an experienced
senior manager/clinician
and get a better
understanding of their
role and the services they
impact upon
Secondment – at Operational An opportunity to work
manager level internal or
and gain practical
external to PHT
experience in another
area or organisation in
Link to - Leading
12 half day
delivered over
12 months (1
per month)
The mission for both organisations is
the same – to deliver high quality
patient care. It therefore makes
sense to develop our leaders
together by using patient pathways
that are shared between both
organisations to illustrate how
leadership skills can empower front
line staff to drive change to improve
clinical effectiveness, for example,
the discharge pathway or admission
Certificate of
This will need to be
1-5 days
organised by yourself
with the support of
your line manager or
Clinical Service Centre
(CSC) management
This will widen your depth and
breadth of knowledge and
understanding of a senior
management role ‘in action’
including managing and developing
people and services. It will provide
for an opportunity to
question/challenge practice and
Evidence of
practice signed
by senior
This will need to be
organised by yourself
with the support of
your line manager or
This will widen your depth and
breadth of knowledge, skills and
experience of a management role ‘in
action’ including managing, leading
Dependent on
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
the role you aspire to
progress into
Wessex Masterclass various
Action Learning sets
Master class PHT
PHT Induction for Leaders
interactive one-day
Masterclasses providing
a wealth of information
and advice, which are
delivered by highly
Action learning is done in
conjunction with others,
in small groups called
action learning sets. It
enables each person to
reflect on and review the
action they have taken
and the learning points
arising. This should then
guide future action and
improve performance
A master class to focus
on a particular area of
management and
leadership – this may
involve external speakers
Clinical Service Centre
(CSC) management
Link to - Wessex
1 day
and developing people
Will vary depending on which master
class is attended – see further detail
by clinking on the link
Certificate of
You will either be
contacted directly to
attend a learning set
with colleagues
progressing through
level 3 or will be able
to book via the
You will learn together by tackling
real issues and reflecting on your
actions. Learning will be acquired
through actual actions and practice
rather than through traditional
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
An effective means of development
allowing depth of understanding on a
specific skill or area of expertise
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
be printed)
Run on a quarterly basis, there will
also be an invite to senior leaders to
network with these newly appointed
staff over lunch to build relationships
Recorded onto
your learning
record within
ESR (which can
Short 2 hour
You will either be
Short 2-3 hour
contacted directly to session
attend a learning set
with colleagues
progressing through
level 3 or will be able
to book via the
Provide key information
This will become
4 hours
at both national and local available in April 2014
level regarding quality
and governance,
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
performance, business
development and
leadership behaviours,
including staff
and identify key contacts which is an
essential component of a leader’s
be printed)
** Throughout this development programme you should have an identified mentor or coach to support, guide and advise you. This can be your line manager
or other appropriate senior manager. To access a formal mentor, contact the learning and development department
Assessment of readiness
Ready now
Ready in 1-2 years
Ready 2 years plus
Line Manager
Management and leadership experience
Manages staff undertakes appraisals and staff
Formal qualification gained at masters level
Highly developed skill and competencies to be
evidenced equivalent to level 3 (outlined above)
Management experience
Formal qualification gained at postgraduate level
Skills and competencies developed and
evidenced equivalent to level 2 (outlined above)
Limited or no supervision of staff
Requires experience in supervision and first line
management skills
Leadership certificate (Edward Jenner)
Skills and competencies evidenced as level 1
(outlined above)
Evidence to be included which clearly demonstrates alignment to Portsmouth Hospitals core values and leadership behaviours:
Leadership Behaviours
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care
Respect and dignity
Working together
Quality of care
■ Strategic approach
■ Relationship building
■ Personal credibility
■ Passion to succeed
■ Harness performance through teams
Signed aspiring manager and leader:
Print Name:
Signed line manager:
Print Name:
Assessment made against level:
Document1 v3
Best Hospital, Best People, Best Care