CV - OSU Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
246 Noble Research Center
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
405-744-6192; 405-744-7799 (fax)
Ph.D. --- Biophysics
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Advisor: Dr. Muttaiya Sundaralingam
Thesis title: “X-ray crystallographic studies on RNA mismatches and tetraplexes”
M.S. --- Biophysics
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Advisor: Dr. Da-cheng Wang
B.S. --- Biochemistry & Biophysics 1988-1993
University of Science & Technology of China, Heifei, P.R. China.
Associate Professor 07/2011 – present Dept. of Biochemistry, Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor 11/2006 – 07/2011 Dept. of Biochemistry, Oklahoma State University
Post-doc fellow/Research Associate 10/2001- 11/2006
Howard Hughes Medical Institute at University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Supervisor: Dr. Wim HOL
Projects: Expression, purification and X-ray crystallographic studies on kinetoplastid RNA
editosome proteins and their ligands.
Research Assistant /Teaching Assistant
Biophysics program, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Supervisor: Dr. Muttaiya Sundaralingam
Projects: Synthesis, purification, and x-ray crystallographic studies on DNA-drug complex,
RNA mispairs, RNA bulges, and RNA tetraplexes. Maintenance of the in-house Raxis-IIc xray machine. Teaching several lab courses to undergraduate students in Chemistry
Graduate student 09/1993-07/1996
National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Supervisor: Dr. Da-cheng Wang
Projects: Purification, characterization and Crystallographic study on a scorpion
Research intern 09/1992-07/1993
National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Supervisor: Dr. Zhi-huan Lin
Projects: Structure/function studies on membrane lipids and membrane proteins.
1. Zhang B, Liu C, Qian W, Han Y, Li X, Deng J. Crystal structure of IL-17 Receptor B SEFIR
domain. The Journal of Immunology. 190:2320-2326.
2. Holyoak T, Zhang B, Deng J, Tang Q, Prasannan CB, Fenton AW. Energetic coupling between
an oxidizable cysteine and the phosphorylatable N-terminus of human liver pyruvate kinase.
Biochemistry. Epub Dec 27, 2012. PMID: 23270483.
3. Krumm B, Meng X, Xiang Y and Deng J. A Unique Bivalent Binding and Inhibition Mechanism
by the Yatapoxvirus Interleukin 18 Binding Protein. Plos Pathogens 2012. e1002876. Aug 23.
4. Peng X, Wang Y, Kolli, S, Deng J*, Li L, Wang Z, Raj JU, Gou D*. Physical and functional
interactions between ID1 and p65 for activation of NFkB. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2012. May
16 [Epub ahead of print] (* correspondence author)
5. Wu X, Meng X, Yan B, Rose L, Deng J, Xiang Y. Vaccinia virus virion membrane
biogenesis protein A11 associates with viral membranes in a manner that requires the
expression of another membrane biogenesis protein A6. J Virol 2012. 86:11276-86
6. Liu C, Swaidani S, Qian W, Kang Z, Sun P, Han Y, Wang C, Gulen MF, Yin W, Zhang
C, Fox PL, Aronica M, Hamilton TA, Misra S, Deng J, Li X. 2011. A CC' loop decoy
peptide blocks the interaction between Act1 and IL-17RA to attenuate IL-17- and IL-25induced inflammation. Sci Signal. 4(197):ra72
7. Xu C, Meng X, Yan B, Crotty S, Deng J, Xiang Y. 2011. An epitope conserved in
orthopoxvirus A13 envelope protein is the target of neutralizing and protective
antibodies. Virology. 418:67-73.
8. Wu M, Park YJ, Pardon E, Turley S, Hayhurst A, Deng J, Steyaert J, Hol WG. 2011.
Structures of a key interaction protein from the Trypanosoma brucei editosome in
complex with single domain antibodies. J Struct Biol. 174:124-136.
9. Li YC, Meng X, Xiang Y and Deng J. Structure function studies of vaccinia virus hostrange protein K1 reveal a novel functional surface for ankyrin-repeat proteins. 2010.
Journal of virology, 84:3331-3338.
10. Schnaufer A, Wu M, Park YJ, Nakai T, Deng J, Proff R, Hol WG and Stuart KD. A
protein-protein interaction map of Trypanosome ~20S editosomes. 2009. J Biol Chem.
11. Li YC, Wang Y, Jiang HB and Deng JP. Crystal structure of prophenoloxidase from
Manduca sexta provides insights into mechanisms of type 3 copper enzymes. 2009. Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106:17002-17006.
12. Li YC, Dunn L, Greggio E, Krumm B, Jackson GS, Cookson MR, Lewis PA and Deng
JP. The R1441C mutation alters the folding properties of the ROC domain of LRRK2.
2009. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 1792:1194-1197.
13. Greggio E, Taymans JM, Zhen EY, Ryder J, Vancraenenbroeck R, Beilina A, Sun P,
Deng J, Jaffe H, Baekelandt V, Merchant K and Cookson MR. The Parkinson's disease
kinase LRRK2 autophosphorylates its GTPase domain at multiple sites. 2009. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun. 389:449-454.
14. Krumm B, Meng X, Li Y, Xiang Y and Deng J. Structural Basis for Antagonism of
Human Interleukin-18 by Poxvirus Interleukin-18 Binding Protein. 2008. Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A, 105: 20711-20715.
15. Deng J*, Lewis PA, Greggio E, Sluch E, Beilina A, Cookson MR. Structure of the ROC
domain from the Parkinson's disease-associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 reveals a
dimeric GTPase. 2008. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105: 1499-1504. (*correspondence)
16. Tarun SZ Jr, Schnaufer A, Ernst NL, Proff R, Deng J, Hol W, Stuart K. KREPA6 is an
RNA-binding protein essential for editosome integrity and survival of Trypanosoma
brucei. 2008. RNA, 14:347-358.
17. Deng J, Ernst NL, Turley S, Stuart KD, Hol WG. Structural basis for UTP specificity of
RNA editing TUTase 2 (RET2) from Trypanosoma brucei. 2005. EMBO J., 24:40074017.
18. Deng J, Schnaufer A, Salavati R, Stuart KD, Hol WG. High resolution crystal structure
of a key editosome enzyme from Trypanosoma brucei: RNA editing ligase 1. 2004. J Mol
Biol., 343:601-613.
19. Deng JP, Davies DR, Wisedchaisri G, Wu MT, Hol WGJ and Mehlin C. An improved
protocol for rapid freezing of protein samples for long-term storage. 2004. ACTA
CRYSTALLOGR D, 60: 203-204.
20. Deng JP, Pan BC and Sundaralingam M. Structure of d(ITITACAC) complexed with
distamycin at 1.6 angstrom resolution. 2003. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR D, 59: 2342-2344.
21. Baocheng Pan, Yong Xiong, Ke Shi, Junpeng Deng & Muttaiya Sundaralingam. Crystal
Structure of an RNA Purine-Rich Tetraplex Containing Adenine-Tetrads: Implications
for Specific Binding in RNA Tetraplexes. 2003. Structure, 11: 815-823.
22. Deng, J., Xiong Y., Pan B. & Sundaralingam, M. Crystal structure of an RNA fragment
containing the symmetry internal loop in SRP domain IV of E. coli. 2003. ACTA
CRYSTALLOGR D, 59: 1004-1011.
23. Deng, J., Xiong Y., & Sundaralingam, M. X-ray analysis of an RNA tetraplex:
r(uggggu)4 with divalent Sr2+ ions at subatomic resolution (0.61Å). 2001. Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A, 98:13665-70.
24. Deng J., Xiong Y., Sudarsanakumar C., Shi K., Sundaralingam M. Crystal structures of
two forms of a 14-mer RNA/DNA chimer duplex with double UU bulges: a novel
intramolecular U*(A U) base triple. 2001. RNA, 7:1425-31.
25. Xiong Y., Deng J., Sudarsanakumar C., Sundaralingam M. Crystal Structure of an RNA
Duplex r(gugucgcac)(2) with Uridine Bulges. 2001. J Mol Biol., 313:573-82.
26. Deng JP, Sundaralingam M.,Synthesis and crystal structure of an octamer RNA
r(guguuuac)/r(guaggcac) with G•G/U•U tandem wobble base Pairs: Comparison with
other tandem G•U pairs. 2000. Nucleic Acids Res, 28:4376-4381.
27. He XL, Deng JP, Wang M. Wang DC, Structure of a new neurotoxin from the scorpion
Buthus martensii Karsch at 1.76 angstrom. 2000. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR D, 56: 25-33.
28. Deng JP, Wang M and Wang DC, Purification and Crystallographic Analysis of a New
Mammal Neurotoxin with Both High Mammal and Insect Toxicity From Chinese
Scorpion Venom, 1996. Chinese Biomedical Journal, 12:603-607. (in Chinese)
29. Li SG, Lin ZH, Feng ZY, Deng JP, The activation of Mg2+ to F1F0-ATPase and its
relationship with the ion channel. 1995. Science in China, 25:379-386. (in Chinese)
30. Li SG, Lin ZH, Feng ZY, Deng JP, The Protecting Effect of Mg2+ on the Changes of
Cardiac Mitochondrial F1F0 Induced by Adrimycin , 1995. Progress in Biochemistry and
Biophysics, Vol.21, No.1, 1994. (in Chinese)
31. Li SG, Lin ZH, Feng ZY, Deng JP Elimination effect of ethyl alcohol on the DCCDinduced inhibition of hydrolytic activity of H+-ATPase complex. 1995. Shi Yan Sheng Wu
Xue Bao, 28(4):389-96. (in Chinese)
2000 July 22-27
St. Paul, MN. ACA Golden Anniversary Meeting.
“1.9Å Crystal Structure of an Octamer RNA with Tandem GG/UU Mispairs”
2000 Oct 26-28
Pittsburgh, PA. 58th Pittsburgh diffraction conference.
a. “X-ray Analysis of an RNA Tetraplex r(cggggc)4 at Ultra-High Resolution”
b. “Crystal Structure of a 14bp RNA Oligonucleotide Containing Double UU Bulges: A
Novel Intramolecular U*(AU) Base Triple”
c. “Crystal Structure of an RNA Duplex Containing a Uridine Bulge”
2001 Feb 17-21
Boston, Massachusetts. 45th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting
“Ultra-high resolution crystal structure of a RNA tetraplex r(cggggc)4”
2001 March 12
Argonne National laboratory, IL. Time-resolved workshop
a. “X-ray Analysis of an RNA Tetraplex r(cggggc)4 at Ultra-High Resolution”
b. “Crystal Structure of an RNA Duplex Containing a Uridine Bulge”
2001 June 19-23 Albany, NY. 12th Converstaion in the Discipline Biomolecular
Stereodynamics. Invited speaker
“X-ray Analysis of an RNA Tetraplex r(cggggc)4”
2001 July21-26
Los Angeles, CA. ACA Annual Meeting
a. “X-ray Analysis of an RNA Tetraplex r(cggggc)4 at Ultra-High Resolution”
b. “Crystal Structure of a 14bp RNA Oligonucleotide Containing Double UU Bulges: A
Novel Intramolecular U*(AU) Base Triple”
c. “Crystal Structure of an RNA Duplex Containing a Uridine Bulge”
d. “Crystal Structure of an RNA Fragment Containing the Symmetry Internal Loop in
SRP Domain IV of E. coli”
e. “The Crystal Structure of a Bulged Adenine from the SL2 Stem-loop of the HIV-1 ΨRNA”
2004 April 19-23 Seattle, WA. SGPP annual meeting. Invited speaker.
“Cracking the editosome: the first high resolution crystal structure of a key enzyme from
Trypanosoma brucei eidtosome”
2004 June 25-27 Seattle, WA. North West Crystallography Workshop, at Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Institute. Invited speaker.
“The first high-resolution crystal structure of a key enzyme from Trypanosoma brucei
2004 July 17-22 Chicago, IL. American crystallography Association annual meeting
“The first high-resolution crystal structure of a key enzyme from Trypanosoma brucei
2005 Oct 20 Seattle, WA. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute. Invited speaker.
“Structural basis for UTP specificity of RNA editing TUTase 2 (RET2) from
Trypanosoma brucei”
July 17 Stillwater, OK. Oklahoma State Univeristy. Invited speaker.
“Cracking the editosome: Crystallographic studies on essential RNA editing proteins
from Trypanosoma brucei”
Aug 22 Detroit, MI. Wayne State Medical School. Invited speaker.
“Cracking the editosome: Crystallographic studies on essential RNA editing proteins
from Trypanosoma brucei”
Aug 26 Seattle, WA. NorthWest Crystallography Workshop. Invited speaker.
“Structural basis for Uridine specificity of RNA editing Terminal Uridylyl Transferase 2
from Trypanosoma brucei (TbRET2)”
July 13 Bates College, ME. Gordon Research Conference, Diffraction Methods in
Structural Biology.
“Strucutre of the ROC domain from the Parkinson’s disease-associated leucine-rich
repeat kinase 2 reveals a dimeric GTPase”
Jan 29 7th cytokines and Inflammation conference. San Diego, CA.
“Structural mechanism of antagonism of human IL-18 by poxvirus IL-18 binding protein”
2010 Feb 10 Wichita State University. Invited speaker.
“Structure of Manduca sexta PPO provides new insights into the mechanisms of type 3 Cu
2010 Feb 18 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Invited speaker.
“IL18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune and infectious diseases”
2010 April 16
55th ACS annual pentalsection meeting, Norman, OK. Invited speaker.
“IL18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune and infectious diseases”
2010 May 16
1st World Congress of Immunodiseases and Therapy. Beijing, China.
Invited speaker.
“Structural insights from IL-18 /IL-18BP complex and potential applications in
autoimmune and inflammatory diseases”
2010 July 25th
Chicago, IL. ACA annual meeting
“Structure function studies of vaccinia virus host-range protein K1 reveal a novel
functional surface for ankyrin-repeat proteins”
2011 April 14
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmunity and poxvirus infection”
2011 Nov. 4 ShenZhen, China. 9th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science
and Technology. Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases”
2011 Dec 16 University of Kansas. Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases”
2012 Jan 30 Johns Hopkins University, School of public Health, Dept. of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune diseases and poxvirus infection”
2012 Feb 26 Oklahoma State University, Dept. of Microbiology, Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune diseases and poxvirus infection”
2012 Oct 11 Oklahoma State University, School of Vet Med, Invited speaker.
“IL-18 & IL-18BP in autoimmune diseases and poxvirus infection”
2012 OSU Facility Renovation and Core Facility Proposals. Christina Bourne and Junpeng
OSU interdisciplinary grant. 2012. Infrared Structural Biology Initiative. PI, Aihua Xie, CoPI, Junpeng Deng.
OCAST. HR11-118. Structure function studies on ROC dimeric GTPase. 09/2011-08/2014.
NIH/NIAID. 1RO1AI081928. Structure-function studies on IL-18, IL-18 binding proteins
and receptors. 07/01/2009- 06/30/2014.
NIH/NIHGM. Initiation and Regulation of Immune Protease Pathways. PI: Haobo Jiang, PI:
Junpeng Deng. 02/01/2010-01/31/2014.
NIH/NINDS. 1R15NS062287. Structural insights into the mechanism of the novel dimeric
ROC GTPase. 09/30/2008-08/31/2012.
Facility Renovation and Core Facility Proposals (PI: Stacy Benson), Co-PI: Junpeng Deng.
Vice President for Research, OSU.
Manuscripts reviews
o Protein & Peptide Letters
o Biochemie
o International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
o Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
o Plos Pathogens
Macromolecular crystallography proposals reviewer for the Advanced Photon
Source, Argonne National lab.
Ad hoc grant reviewer for Netherland Organization for Scientific Research, Research
Grant Council of Hong Kong.
Seminar Program chair, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Oklahoma State
University, 2008-2010
Department of Biochemistry representative to Division of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources faculty council, 2010-2011
DASNR Dean’s search committee 2012
 American Crystallographic Association (ACA)
 American Biophysical Society
Undergraduate research
Biochemical Principles (graduate core)
Advanced Biochemical Techniques
Graduate Research
Protein structure and enzyme function (graduate)