Final 6th pacing

9 weeks
(2 weeks)
6. P. 2. 1 Recognize that all
matter is made up of atoms and
atoms of the same element are
all alike, but are different from
the atoms of other elements.
Essential Questions/
Learning Targets
•Categorize elements based on their properties as metals,
nonmetals, metalloids based on the Periodic Table of Elements.
•Understand the levels of organization of matter from atoms to
(2 weeks)
6.P.2.2 Explain the effect of heat
on the motion of atoms through
a description of what happens to
particles during a change in
6.P.2.3 Compare the physical
properties of pure substances
that are independent of the
amount of matter present
including density, melting point,
boiling point, and solubility to
properties that are dependent on
the amount of matter present to
include volume, mass and
(2 weeks)
6.P.1.1 Compare the properties
How do atoms and matter relate to life?
How is matter organized?
How has technology influenced the study of how all
matter is made up of atoms?
•Explain the effect of heat on motion of atoms during a phase
•Calculate density using D= M/V
•Determine melting and boiling points
•Identify parts of the solution.
How does heat affect the motion of atoms in a phase
How does heat affect physical properties?
How are physical and chemical properties of matter
How does one determine the density of an object?
•Identify parts and types of the wave(s).
Key Vocabulary
Chemical Property
Compound Element
Heterogeneous Mixture
Homogenous Mixture
Matter Metal Metalloid
Noble Gases Nonmetal
Periodic Table Pure
Boiling Point Density
Gas Heat Liquid Mass
Melting Point Phase
Change Physical
Property Pure Substance
Solubility Solute
Solution Solvent
Thermal Energy Volume
Amplitude Compression
of waves to the wavelike
property of energy in
earthquakes, light and sound.
9 weeks
(3 weeks)
•Demonstrate how waves carry energy through different
•Explain how properties of waves relate to light and sound.
6.P.1.2 Explain the relationship
among visible light, the
electromagnetic spectrum, and
6.P.1.3 Explain the relationship
among the rate of vibration, the
medium through which
vibrations travel, sound and
6.P.3.2 Explain the effects of
electromagnetic waves on
various materials to include
absorption, scattering, and
change in temperature.
6.P.3.1 Illustrate the transfer of
heat energy from warmer objects
to cooler ones using examples of
conduction, radiation and
convection and the effects that
may result.
6.P.3.3 Explain the suitability of
materials for use in technological
design based on a response to
How are frequency, pitch, amplitude, and loudness
How would one describe the similarities and differences
between the properties of waves and wavelike properties
of energy in earthquakes, light and sound?
How are visible light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and
sight related?
How does sound travel through different states of
How do the structure, function, and conditions of the
vocal cord affect the sound that is made?
How do the structure, function, and conditions of the ear
affect hearing?
How do the structure, function, and conditions of the eye
affect vision?
•Compare radiation, conduction, and convection.
•Explain basic principles of Thermal Dynamics (hot, cold,
•Determine the best suited materials to use as a
•Convert temperature (F, C, K) How is energy transferred by
convection, conduction, and radiation?
How would one describe the effects that may result in the
transfer of heat energy?
Crest Electromagnetic
Energy Frequency
Human Ear Human Eye
Intensity Light
Light Wave Longitudinal
Wave Loudness
Diffraction Reflection
Refraction Absorption
Doppler effect Color
Hertz (Hz) Optical
Illusion Pitch
Potential Energy
Rarefaction Sound
Sound Wave Transverse
Wave Trough
Vacuum Vibration
Visible Light Vocal Cord
Wave Wavelength
Absorption Conduction
Conductor Conservation
of Energy Contraction
Convection Electrical
Energy Equilibrium
Heat Energy Infrared
Light Insulator Ozone
Radiation Scattering
Thermal Dynamics
heat (to include conduction,
expansion, and contraction) and
electrical energy (conductors and
(2 weeks)
6.E.2.1 Summarize the structure
of the earth, including the layers,
the mantle and core based on
the relative position,
composition and density.
●Summarize the structure of the earth based on the relative
position, composition, and density.
●Elaborate on the layers mantle, inner and outer cores
●Discuss the magnetic field and its purpose
●Construct an interactive and three-dimensional model of Earth’s
(2 weeks)
6.E.2.2 Explain how crustal plates
and ocean basins are formed,
move and interact using
earthquakes, heat flow and
volcanoes to reflect forces within
the earth.
How does heat travel?
How does heat affect our daily lives?
How do electromagnetic waves affect various materials in
terms of absorption, scattering, and change in
How has the world advanced in the suitability of materials
for use in technological design based on a response to
heat and electrical energy?
Density Earth
Earth Layers Earth
System Earth’s Magnetic
Field/ Sphere Inner Core
Mantle Outer Core Crust
How are coastal and oceanic plates formed?
How are the four major components of the Earth related?
How the Earth’s interior is organized based on the relative
position, composition, and density?
●Explain how crustal plates and ocean basins are formed
●Discuss worldwide geological events such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and mountain building
●Explain how the movement and interaction of earthquakes, heat
flow, and volcanoes reflect forces within the earth
Thermal Energy
Ultraviolet Light
Ultraviolet Wave
C=5/9(F - 32)
F= 9/5(C) + 32
How are earthquakes and volcanoes interrelated?
How do scientists use technology to measure
How do crustal plates move?
Convergent Crustal Plate
Divergent Earthquake
Epicenter Fault (Normal,
Reverse, Strike – Slip)
Focus Magma/Lava
Mid-ocean Rift Zone
Mercalli Scale
Oceanic Plate Plates
Primary Wave Richter
(2 weeks)
6.E.2.3 Explain how the
formation of soil is related to the
parent rock type and the
environment in which it
●Evaluate cross cut diagrams of the lithosphere to explore the
Principle of Superposition, the concepts of weathering/erosion
and nonconformity, and parent rock to soil formation.
●Understand how plant roots and debris, bacteria, fungi, worms,
insects, and other organisms affect the composition and texture
of soil and its fertility and resistance to erosion
●Explain how the formation of soil is related to the parent rock
type and the environment
●Examine the relationship between plate movement and the rock
9 weeks
(2 weeks)
6.E.2.4 Conclude that the good
health of humans requires:
monitoring the lithosphere,
maintaining soil quality and
How are earthquake waves used to provide information
about Earth’s interior?
How do earthquakes, heat flow, and volcanoes affect
How is the formation of soil related to the parent rock
type and the environment in which it develops?
How do earthquakes, heat flow, and volcanoes affect
How does movement affect rocks and soil through
erosion and deposition?
What can soil tell a geologist about an environment?
Why is soil composition significant?
How are rocks, minerals, and soil properties interrelated?
●Evaluate ways in which human activities have affected Earth’s
atmosphere and the measures taken to control the impact
●Conclude that the good health of humans requires: monitoring
the lithosphere, maintaining soil quality and stewardship
●Understand how technology, such as remote sensing, has
allowed humans to better study the human impact and help
prevent erosion How does maintaining soil quality affect the
Secondary Wave
Subduction Surface
Fertility Humus Igneous
Inorganic Matter
Metamorphic Rock
Moisture Organic
Matter Parent Rock pH
Rock Cycle Sedimentary
Rock Soil
Soil Erosion Soil Fertility
Texture Principle of
Conservation Plowing
Contour Plowing
Crop Rotation
Deposition Climate
Erosion Resistant
Irrigation Nutrient
humans’ way of life?
(2 week)
6.E.1.1 Explain how the
relative motion and relative
position of the sun, Earth and
moon affect the seasons, tides,
phases of the moon, and
•Model the phases of the moon.
•Determine how latitude and the direct rays of the sun affect
global climates by researching the seasonal conditions in ten
important global cities over one year and creating a graph and
•Track and record the moon phases over 4 weeks in the science
journal, including a correct title, illustration and diagram of the
Earth- Moon-Sun position
(1 weeks)
6.E.1.2 Explain why Earth
sustains life while other planets
do not based on their properties
(including types of surface,
atmosphere and gravitational
force) and location to the Sun.
How have human activities affected the atmosphere in a
positive and negative ways?
How do humans monitor the atmosphere?
How do the relative motion and relative position of the
sun, Earth and moon affect the seasons and tides?
How do the relative motion and
relative position of the sun, Earth and moon affect the
phases of the moon, and eclipses?
Why does Earth sustain life while other planets do not
based on properties and position from the sun?
•Research, create a comparison chart of the atmospheres and
geologic activity of Mars Mercury, Venus, and Earth, and judge
which fact
•Compare the Jovial/Gas or was the most important for life to
exist. Giant planets with the Terrestrial/inner planets.
•Explore the technology used by global astronomers to discover
Sediment Deposition
Soil Quality Terracing
Stewardship Vegetative
Crescent Earth’s Axis
Eclipses (Lunar/Solar)
Gravity Moon
Moon Phases
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
Ocean Tides
Rotational Period
Waning Waxing
Asteroid Astronomical
Unit Atmosphere
Black hole
Chandra X-Ray
Observatory Comet
6.E.1.3 Summarize space
exploration and the
understandings gained from
extra-solar planets.
•Create a timeline of the history of NASA’s major launchings.
•Create a news article of a current/future space exploration
landmark based on Internet research and informational
(4 weeks)
6.L.1.1 Summarize the basic
structures and functions of
flowering plants required for
survival, reproduction and
6.L.1.2 Explain the significance
of the processes of
photosynthesis, respiration, and
transpiration to the survival of
green plants and other
6.L.2.2 Explain how plants
respond to external stimuli
How do characteristics found on Earth help support life?
How has space exploration helped people learn more
about the Universe, Solar System and Earth?
Why does Earth sustain life while other planets do not
considering their properties and location to the sun?
How has the advancement of space technology benefited
the human race?
How can one justify further space exploration?
How does distance from the sun affect planetary gravity,
atmosphere, and temperature?
•Label the parts of the flower
•Compare the function of plants used in reproduction,
survival/defense, and food productions.
•Explain how photosynthesis and respiration are complimentary
•Describe how leave structures are related to transportation.
How do plants support life on this planet?
How do carbon dioxide and oxygen benefit plants,
animals, and other living organisms?
How would you describe the significance of
photosynthesis and respiration to the survival of green
plants and other organisms?
How would you describe the significance of transpiration
to the survival of green plants and other organisms?
Hubble Telescope
International Space
Light Year Meteor
Milky Way Galaxy
Planets (Inner/Outer)
Space Shuttle
Carbon Dioxide Cellular
Respiration Chlorophyll
Cuticle Dormancy Egg
Epidermis Fertilization
Flowering Plant
Glucose/Sugar Guard
Cell Fruit
Ovary Ovule Oxygen O2
Photosynthesis Pistil
Pollen Pollination
Producer Reproduction
Respiration Seed
Sepal Stamen Stomata
(including dormancy and forms
of tropism) to enhance survival in
an environment.
9 weeks
5 weeks
6.L.2.1 Summarize how energy
derived from the sun is used by
plants to produce sugars
(photosynthesis) and is
transferred within food chains
and food webs (terrestrial and
aquatic) from producers to
consumers to decomposers.
6.L.2.3 Summarize how the
abiotic factors (such as
temperature, water, sunlight,
and soil quality) of biomes
(freshwater, marine, forest,
grasslands, desert, Tundra) affect
the ability of organisms to grow,
survive and/or create their own
food through photosynthesis
4 weeks
Transpiration Tropism
•Using examples describe a food chain and/or food web of
aquatic and terrestrial organisms.
•Explain how biotic/abiotic factors interact in a biome.
•Describe and compare the major abiotic factors in biomes to the
extent of the effects on the biotic factors.
Why are decomposers significant to the environment?
How can changes in habitat affect an organism’s growth
and survival?
How is energy derived from the sun used by plants and
transferred within food chains?
How is energy transferred from the Sun to within a food
chain or food web?
How to producers, consumers, and decomposers interact
in a terrestrial and/or aquatic food chain/food web?
How do plants respond to external stimuli to enhance
survival in an environment?
How do the abiotic factors of biomes affect the ability of
organisms to grow, survive, and/or create their own
Abiotic Factor Bacteria
Biotic Factor Consumer
Decomposer Desert
Ecosystem Energy
Forest Freshwater
Grassland Biome
Omnivore Herbivore
Carnivore Limiting factor
Nutrient (nitrogen) cycle
Mountain Nitrogen
Nutrient Organism
Oxygen Photosynthesis
Predator Stimulus
Vegetation Water Cycle