Minutes Village of Orchard Park Board of Trustees The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Orchard Park was held on Monday, April 13, 2015 in the Municipal Center, 4295 South Buffalo Street, Orchard Park, New York. Mayor Clinton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Members present: Others present: Mayor Jo Ann Litwin Clinton Clerk-Treasurer Mary Beth Jensen Trustee David A. Rood Building Inspector Jeffrey Sweet Trustee Francis T. Hogenkamp Trustee Joseph R. Wales Trustee Matthew J. Hartung Mayor Clinton made the following announcement: “Fire exits are located at the rear in the Board Room and at the doorway to the lobby. In the event of a fire, you will be notified by announcement on the public address system. If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exit.” A ceremonial swearing in of Mayor Clinton was conducted by Village Justice Daniel Kane. Mayor Clinton opened the Annual Organizational meeting at 7:00 p.m., making the following Trustee duty designations: Trustee Rood Deputy Mayor State & County Liaison Building Department Liaison Village Code Review Solid Waste & Recycling Finance & Budget Zoning Board Liaison Trustee Hogenkamp Street lights, sidewalks, signals Senior Projects Town Board Liaison Franchises Trustee Wales Revenues from outside Village Events & Celebrations Beautification Trustee Hartung Public Works/Water Youth Coordinator Planning Board Liaison Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the Mayor's Trustee Duty Designations be approved. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Five Year Appointments: Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals – Steve Snyder Member of the Planning Board – Stephen Bray Moved by Trustee Hartung, seconded by Trustee Rood that the Mayor's five year appointments be approved. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Two Year Appointments: Clerk Treasurer – Mary Beth Jensen Affirmative Action Officer – Mary Beth Jensen Record Access Officer – Mary Beth Jensen Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that the Mayor's two year appointments be approved. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried One Year Appointments Director of Public Works – Andrew J. Slotman Deputy Clerk-Treasurer – Kelly M. Stressinger Attorney – Philip M. Marshall Prosecutor – Nancy Hart Code Enforcement Officer - Jeffrey N. Sweet Chairman - Zoning Board of Appeals – Ted Pieczonka Chairman - Planning Board – Ronald G. Tronolone Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals – Christine Hanavan Historian - Suzanne Kulp Dog Control Officer - Dennis Buczkowski Deputy Dog Control Officers – Elise Able, Wende Mulawka Registrar – Remy Orffeo Deputy Registrar - Kathy Swarbick Acting Village Justice – Philip M. Marshall Clerk to Village Justice – Brigid Lavelle Clerk (Court) – Cynthia Jondle Disaster Coordinator – Rich Mrugalski Assistant Disaster Coordinator –Andrew Geist / Jeffrey Sweet Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that the Mayor's one year appointments be approved. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Meeting Dates: Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the regular Village Board meeting for the fiscal year 2015-2016 be scheduled for 7:00 PM on the second and fourth Monday of each month, with the following exceptions: July, August & December 2015 the Village Board will only meet on the second Monday. Be it further moved that a work session for the Board of Trustees be scheduled on each Monday of the month as needed. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Hartung, seconded by Trustee Rood that the Planning Board Meetings be scheduled the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM; and the Zoning Board Meetings be scheduled for the third Wednesday after the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Official Depository: Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that J.P. Morgan Chase Bank be designated as the official depository for the Village of Orchard Park for the fiscal year 2015-2016. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Official Newspaper: Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that the Orchard Park Bee be named the official newspaper and the Buffalo News be named the alternate official newspaper for the Village of Orchard Park for the fiscal year 2015-2016. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Mileage Rate: Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the mileage rate be set for the fiscal year 2015-2016 at 57.5 cents per mile. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Justice Stenographer: Moved by Trustee Hartung, seconded by Trustee Rood that the Village Justice be authorized to hire a stenographer when necessary at a cost up to $100.00 per hour for the fiscal year 2015-2016. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Meeting Attendance: Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that representatives of the Village be authorized to attend Erie County Village Officials meetings, the Erie County Governments meetings and the N.Y.S. Conference of Mayors meetings with all expenses incidental to the meetings to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that representatives from the Village be authorized to attend the WNY Municipal Recycling Summit on April 29, 2015 at the Cheektowaga Fire Training Facility and the Local Government Conference at Houghton College on May 6, 2015 with all expenses incidental to the meetings to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the Clerk and Deputy Clerk be authorized to attend Erie County Municipal Administrative Officers Association meetings and the N.Y.S. Fiscal Officers & Municipal Clerks Training School with all expenses incidental to the meetings to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Hartung, seconded by Trustee Rood that the Director of Public Works be authorized to attend the Erie County Town Highway Superintendents Association meetings, the Village Public Works and Streets Superintendents meetings and the Cornell Highway Superintendents School with all expenses incidental to the meetings and schools to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that two Department of Public Works employees be authorized to attend NYCOM Public Works School to be held in the fall and the N.Y.S. Rural Water School with all expenses incidental to the schools to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that the Building Inspector be authorized to attend the Niagara Frontier Building Officials meetings with all expenses incidental to the meeting to be paid by the Village. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried That concluded the Organizational Meeting. Mayor Clinton opened the Tentative Budget Hearing at 7:10 p.m. She asked three times for positive comment regarding the tentative budget and three times for negative comments concerning the tentative budget. There were none. Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the budget hearing be closed at 7:11 p.m. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Rood that the minutes of March 23, 2015 be approved as received. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the vouchers numbering 11781 to 11813 in Abstract #16 of 2014-2015 in the amount of $45,350.83 be paid as presented. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Hartung that the reports of the Village Justice, Acting Village Justice, Water Department and Treasurer for the month of March be received and filed. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Comments from the floor: James Holowka (131 S Lincoln Ave) asked for an update from the Board on St John’s project. Mayor Clinton replied that there have been no submittals from the church to the Village, but based on the plans the residents supplied previously, there would be various variances and the project would need to go before the Board(s). Patrick Keem, Town Supervisor, on behalf of the Town Board, congratulated Mayor Clinton, Trustee Rood and Trustee Hartung on their recent election. He commented that the Town looks forward to continuing working together with the Village Board. Moved by Trustee Hartung, seconded by Trustee Rood that WHEREAS , the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) has implemented a web based reporting system called Equitable Business Opportunities (EBO) to streamline and satisfy the Title VI Civil Rights Reporting requirements for Federal-Aid locally sponsored contracts, and WHEREAS, NYSDOT requires each local municipality as a sub-recipient to NYSDOT of Federal funds and sponsor of Federal-Aid contracts to identify a single primary user in order to access and use the system for Title VI compliance reporting requirements, NOW, THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Orchard Park Board of Trustees identifies the Village Clerk Treasurer as the Village’s Responsible Local Official (RLO) authorized to access the EBO system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution is effective immediately. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that a public hearing be scheduled on April 27, 2015 on proposed Local Law #1 of 2015 Adding §56 of the Village of Orchard Park Municipal Code. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that a public hearing be scheduled on Monday, May 11, 2015 to hear public comment on the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) Annual Report, available for review in the Orchard Park Village Office on May 8, 2015. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that Director of Public Works Slotman be authorized to let for bids on a used 2014 or newer Wheel Loader as per specifications. On the question: 4 voting “Aye” 0 voting “Nay” Carried Building Inspector Sweet reported that tags can be purchased in the Village Office for the pickup of extra bags of refuse, which may be needed during spring clean-up for yard debris. He will soon be reporting on the success of our recycling program. Director Slotman reported that the DPW has been busy with Spring clean-up – brush and leaf collection as well as putting out the benches. Trustee Hogenkamp commented on the use of a mulching mower. He also mentioned that the flower box that is placed in front of his business every year is not put there because he is a Village Trustee, but because his business donates to BOP II. Trustee Rood had nothing to report. Trustee Wales congratulated Mayor Clinton, Trustee Rood and Trustee Hartung on their recent election. He reported that BOP is a joint venture between the OP Garden Club and the Village. Private donations are solicited. Trustee Hartung had nothing to report. Clerk-Treasurer Jensen had nothing to report. Mayor Clinton had nothing to report. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2015. Moved by Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp to adjourn at 7:23 p.m. On the question: voting “Aye” voting “Nay” Carried Respectfully submitted Mary Beth Jensen Village Clerk-Treasurer