Ms Marvel Follow

After reading the episodes of Ms Marvel…
Can you identify specific scenes where the cultural behaviors (listed below )are evidenced /illustrated/brought to life in
the telling of Ms. Marvel’s stories? Try it:
 take a screen shot of each the concepts and give it a title (name the concept)
Ethnicity (one’s identity as a member of a culture group—based on language, nation, region, religion, even race)
Ethnocentrism (and related obstacles to Inter-cultural understanding:
 Believing in stereotypes
 Assuming we’re all alike
 Believing One’s culture is superior to another’s (Cultural Superiority)
Enculturation --cultural conditioning –has taken place
traditional beliefs & values
*customs are the visible expression of “invisible” traditional beliefs & values about, i.e.
Authority & power
gender roles
proper/acceptable dress, behavior, food, etc.
cultural transmission
the role of institutions in shaping the identity and behavior of an individual
the family, government, religion, education are examples of societal institutions
The challenges of living in a country/society/culture NOT one’s own by birth
cultural adaptation
cultural assimilation
values in conflict (dilemma) - should I conform to what my family/culture/society expect of me…
Select 2 characters in the comic, and
Create an “iceberg” visual for each one (or a “version” of an iceberg )---this might
List a few of the external cultural behaviors
 List the “internal” or invisible behavior that CAUSE the visible behavior?
Have a conversation about the article discussing the questions/prompts below:
1. What did YOU, personally, find interesting /thought provoking about Ms Marvel’s stories?
What examples did you find of the behaviors (listed above)?
Describe what was visible & link it to an “invisible” aspect of culture (cause-effect, remember?)
So, as you see it, what does the author want readers to think about?
How are stereotype created and perpetuated
Can you think of an example of a stereotype that has changed over time? How do you think the stereotype
7. How, do you think, might people be able to dispel stereotypes?