Week 18B, Tuesday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 8:50 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation 10:20 11:20 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Science Fair Presentations Math 8: Multiple Representations, 4.1.7, What are the Connections? 1. Homework Due: 54-58 2. Objective: Completing the Web 3. Homework: 4-62 to 66 None 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Chemical Investigation 3: Particles, Part 1, Air is Matter, Day 1 Group: Lab Notebook, 24-27, 29 Resource Book, 14 Etc. Morning Meeting: Math 7: Proportional Reasoning and Statistics, 4.3.1, How do shapes change? 1. Homework Due: 4-65 to 68 2. Objective: Dilations and Similar Figures 3. Homework: 4-75 to 79 Resource Page Recess/Lunch Objective(s): Content. Gas is Matter- it has mass occupies space. Content. Gas compresses when force is applied; gas expands when force is withdrawn. Investigate. Use syringes to observe the effects of pressure on gases. Explain. Use drawings and words to explain gas compression and expansion. Explain. Explain the composition of gas in terms of individual particles in constant motion. 2:00 2:50 2:50 Advisory Caregiver Pick-up Class: Transparency 5-8 Wednesday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Proportional Reasoning and Statistics, 4.3.2, Are they similar? 1. Homework Due: 4-75 to 79 2. Objective: Identifying similar shapes 3. Homework: 4-86 to 90 Resource Page 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Chemical Interactions, Investigation #1: Substances, Part 2: Mixing Substances, Day 1 Class: a. Nine white substances: 1. Ascorbic Acid 2. Calcium carbonate 3. Calcium chloride 4. Citric acid 5. Magnesium sulfate 6. Sodium bicarbonate 7. Sodium carbonate 8. Sodium chloride 9. sucrose b. syringe c. 5-ml spoon d. Funnel stand e. Hand lenses Morning Meeting Objective: Content. Chemical names communicate information about the composition of substances Content. Chemical formulas communicate the composition of substances Content. A chemical reaction occurs when substances interact to form new substances (products) Investigate. Mix substances with water in order to determine the identity of an unknown mixture of substances Investigate. Evaporate experimental results to obtain information about the identity of mystery mixture. Explain. A reaction provides evidence that starting substances change into new, different substances. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Group: a. Set of 9 white substances in vials b. Vial of mystery mixture c. 10 minispoons d. FOSS vial holder e. 2 Well trays f. 2 dropper bottles of water g. Protective goggles h. Resource books, 97 i. Lab sheets: 1, 7, 9, 11 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Multiple Representations, 4.2.1, When are they the same? 4. Homework Due: 4-62 to 66 Resource Page 5. Objective: Introduction to Systems of Equations 6. Homework: 4-71 to 75 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Chemical Investigation 3: Particles, Part 1, Air is Matter, Day 2 Objective(s): Content. Gas is Matter- it has mass occupies space. Group: Lab Notebook, 24-27, 29 Resource Book, 14 Etc. Content. Gas compresses when force is applied; gas expands when force is withdrawn. Investigate. Use syringes to observe the effects of pressure on gases. Explain. Use drawings and words to explain gas compression and expansion. Explain. Explain the composition of gas in terms of individual particles in constant motion. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Special Caregiver Pick-up Class: Transparency 5-8 Thursday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Proportional Reasoning and Statistics, 4.3.3, What do similar shapes tell us? Day 1 of 2 1. Homework Due: 4-86 to 90 2. Objective: Working with corresponding sides 3. Homework: 4-98 to 102 None 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Chemical Interactions, Investigation #1: Substances, Part 2: Mixing Substances, Day 2 Class: f. Nine white substances: 10. Ascorbic Acid 11. Calcium carbonate 12. Calcium chloride 13. Citric acid 14. Magnesium sulfate 15. Sodium bicarbonate 16. Sodium carbonate 17. Sodium chloride 18. sucrose g. syringe h. 5-ml spoon i. Funnel stand j. Hand lenses Morning Meeting Objective: Content. Chemical names communicate information about the composition of substances Content. Chemical formulas communicate the composition of substances Content. A chemical reaction occurs when substances interact to form new substances (products) Investigate. Mix substances with water in order to determine the identity of an unknown mixture of substances Investigate. Evaporate experimental results to obtain information about the identity of mystery mixture. Explain. A reaction provides evidence that starting substances change into new, different substances. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Group: j. Set of 9 white substances in vials k. Vial of mystery mixture l. 10 minispoons m. FOSS vial holder n. 2 Well trays o. 2 dropper bottles of water p. Protective goggles q. Resource books, 97 r. Lab sheets: 1, 7, 9, 11 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Multiple Representations, 4.2.2, When are they the same? 1. Homework Due: 4-71 to 75 2. Objective: Writing Rules from Word Problems None 3. Homework: 4-80 to 84 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Investigation 4: Kinetic Energy, Part 1, Gas Expansion, Day 1 Objective: Content. Kinetic energy is energy of motion Content. The particles in substances gain kinetic energy as they warm, and lose kinetic energy when they cool. Content. Matter expands when the kinetic energy of its particles increases; matter contracts when the kinetic energy of its particles decreases. Investigate. Heat and cool gas to observe expansion and contraction. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Special Caregiver Pick-up Group: 2 water bottles 2Insulated, foam cups 4 Clear, plastic cups tray #4 stopper 45 cm plastic tubing 1 balloon Bubble solution in plastic cup Lab pps 32-33 Class: 2 thermometers Hot water Cold water Dishwashing detergent, liquid Friday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: Math Differentiation Math 7: Proportional Reasoning and Statistics, 4.3.3, What do similar shapes tell us? Day 2 of 2 1. Homework Due: 4-86 to 90 2. Objective: Working with corresponding sides 3. Homework: 4-98 to 102 None 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Chemical Interactions, Investigation #2: Elements, Part 2, Elements in the World, Day 1 Group: Resource Book: 9 Lab Notebook: 16, 17, 21 Morning Meeting Objective: Content. Elements combine to make all the substances on Earth Investigate. Use information in the periodic table to analyze substances in terms of their elemental composition. Class: Periodic Table PP Consumer Product packages Response Sheet, 19 Explain. Explain that all common matter is made of elements. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Multiple Representations, 4.2.3, When are they the same? 4. Homework Due: 4-80 to 84 5. Objective: Solving systems algebraically 6. Homework: 4-90 to 94 Overhead Algebra Tiles 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Investigation 4: Kinetic Energy, Part 1, Gas Expansion, Day 2 Group: 2 water bottles 2Insulated, foam cups 4 Clear, plastic cups tray #4 stopper 45 cm plastic tubing 1 balloon Bubble solution in plastic cup Lab pps 32-33 Objective: Content. Kinetic energy is energy of motion Content. The particles in substances gain kinetic energy as they warm, and lose kinetic energy when they cool. Content. Matter expands when the kinetic energy of its particles increases; matter contracts when the kinetic energy of its particles decreases. Investigate. Heat and cool gas to observe expansion and contraction. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:05 Special Caregiver Pick-up Class: 2 thermometers Hot water Cold water Dishwashing detergent, liquid