2012 Faculty and Staff Scholarly and Creative Works Report

Administrative Units
Academic Affairs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3-4
Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Administration……………………………………………………….5
University Division………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Romain College of Business
Accounting and Finance…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….7-9
Economics and Marketing……………………………………………………………………………….…………………….9-11
Business Administration and Business Education……………………………………………………………………..11
Management, Computer Science, and Computer Information Systems………………………………12-13
Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Geology and Physics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17-18
Kinesiology and Sport…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18-19
Teacher Education…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..21-23
College of Liberal Arts
Modern and Classical Language………………………………………………………………………………………….30-31
Performing Arts……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31-32
Political Science and Public Administration…………………………………………………………………………32-34
Social Work………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….34-35
Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Studies……………………………………………………….35-38
College of Nursing and Health Professions
Dental Assisting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40
Dental Hygiene………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….40
Diagnostic Medical Sonography………………………………………………………………………………………………..40
Food and Nutrition………………………………………………………………………………………………………………40-41
Health Services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….41-43
Occupational Therapy………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..51-52
Occupational Therapy Assistant……………………………………………………………………………….………………52
Radiological Imaging Sciences…………………………………………………………………………………………………..52
Professional Staff…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………52-53
External Grants………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………54-55
Administrative Units
Academic Affairs
Center for Applied Research
Library Services
The Office of Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
University Division
Academic Affairs
Berry, Laurie, and Amy Price. “Making the Most of Reorganization.” Great Lakes Association of
University Housing Officers Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November 4-6, 2012.
Berry, Laurie, Julie Leos, and Melissa Robertson. “#wlsaltIRL: A Discussion about the
Intersection of our Real Lives and Social Media”. Great Lakes Association of University
Housing Officers Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November 4-6, 2012.
Berry, Laurie, “Daring to be Vulnerable.,” WISA Women in Student Affairs (blog), October 2012,
Berry, Laurie,. “Daring to be Vulnerable,” Standing Committee for Women (blog), November 1,
2012, http://acpascw.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/scwbookclub/.
Cunningham, Stephanie J. “Feminist Pedagogy Outside the Classroom: Using a Feminist
Framework for Co-Curricular Programming” Paper presented at the annual meeting for
the Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 8-11, 2012.
Cunningham, Stephanie J. “Slow Burn: The Effects of Interpersonal Implicit Discrimination”
Paper presented at the annual Tri-State Diversity Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, February
20-23, 2012.
Garrett, Chris, C. Benedicks, N. Light, C. Parham, and J. Zubizarreta. “Creating and Sustaining
Faculty Learning Communities.” Presented at the Professional and Organizational
Development Network Conference, Seattle, October 2012.
Stetter, David and C. Blockley. “Transform your Greek Week from Unhealthy to Valued.” Paper
presented at the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Central Fraternal
Leadership and National Black Greek Leadership Conference, St Louis, Missouri,
February 2012.
Stetter, David and A. Snowden. “Active Retention: The Four Year Undergraduate Experience”
Paper presented at the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Central Fraternal
Leadership and National Black Greek Leadership Conference, St Louis, Missouri,
February 2012.
Stetter, David. “Put the “V” in AFLV” Paper presented at the Association of Fraternal Leadership
& Values Central Fraternal Leadership and National Black Greek Leadership Conference,
St Louis, Missouri, February 2012.
Rosenberg, Helen, Susan Reed, Anne Statham, and Howard Rosing. “ Service Learning and the
Nontraditional Student: What’s Age Got to do With It?” In Advances in Service Learning
Research, edited by J. A. Hatcher & R. G. Bringle, 157-158. Charlotte: Information Age
Publishing, 2012.
Rosenberg, Helen, Anne Statham and Catherine Folker. “Faculty Views on Community Based
Learning as a Teaching Tool: Benefits, Barriers and Policy Implications for Future
Engagement.” The Australasian Journal of University-Community Engagement 7, no. 2
(2012): 1-18.
Reed, S., H. Rosenberg, Anne Statham and H. Rosing, “The Role of CBSL Courses in the
Retention of Non-traditional Students.” Paper presented to the International
Association on Research for Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Baltimore,
Maryland, September, 24, 2012.
Rosenberg, H.,Anne Statham and C. Folker. “Faculty Views on Community Based Learning as a
Teaching Tool: Benefits, Barriers and Policy Implications for Future Engagement.” Paper
presented to the Annual Meeting of Engage Australia, Location?, July 10, 2012.
Womack, Kenneth, Jerry Zolten, and Mark Bernhard, eds. Bruce Springstein, Cultural Studies,
and the Runaway American Dream. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2012.
Center for Applied Research
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate Experiences: A
collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build, Whirlpool
Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat for
Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012.
Library Services
Reel, Brad N. “A Blessing To Us All: E.P. Ripley, S.E. Busser, and the Santa Fe Reading Room
System.” The Warbonnet 18, no. 4 (2012): pages?
Whiting, Peter, and Philip Orr. “Evaluating Library Support for a New Graduate
Program: Finding Harmony with a Mixed Method Approach.” Presentation given to the
27th Annual North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Conference, Nashville,
Tennessee, June 8, 2012.
The Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Administration
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate Experiences: A
collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build, Whirlpool
Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat for
Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012.
University Division
Broshears, Michael. “NACADA Leadership.” Paper presented at the National Academic Advising
Association Region V Conference, Akron, Ohio, April 12, 2012.
Broshears, Michael and M. Vegter. “Illustrating Your Passion for Academic Advising through
Campus and NACADA Involvement.” Paper presented at Illinois Academic Advising
Association State Conference, Joliet, Illinois, May 24, 2012.
Broshears, Michael. “Beyond Assessment: Telling Your Unit’s Advising Story.” Paper presented
at Illinois Academic Advising Association State Conference, Joliet, Illinois, May 24, 2012.
Broshears, Michael and A. Idema. “Advising Administration Commission: Setting the Stage.”
Paper presented at National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference,
Nashville, Tennessee, October 5, 2012.
Broshears, Michael and A. Idema. “Hot Topics in Advising Administration.” Paper presented at
National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee,
October 7, 2012.
Saxby, Lori E. “Motivating Students Toward Learning Success.” Paper presented at the College
Reading and Learning Association Ohio River Valley Regional Conference, Paducah,
Kentucky, April 13, 2012.
Sorrells, Darrin and Bryce Law. “Utilizing Student Athletes as Peer Educators in First-Year
Seminars and Academic Support Programs.” Paper presented at National Conference on
Students in Transition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 15, 2012.
Sorrells, Darrin and Bryce Law. “Implementing Strategic Planning to Provide Quality Learning
Assistance.” Paper presented at National Tutoring Association Annual Conference,
Scottsdale, Arizona, March 19, 2012.
Romain College of Business
Department of Accounting and Finance
Department of Economics and Marketing
Department of Business Administration and Business Education
Department of Management, Computer Science, and Computer Information Systems
Accounting and Finance
Hsiao, W. and Manfen W. Chen. “Faculty Adoption of Critical Thinking as a Grading Criterion in
Online Discussions.” E-Learn sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of
Computing in Education, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2012.
Hsiao, W. and Manfen W. Chen. “Using iPad Effectively in Higher Education.” E-Learn
sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,
Montreal, QC, Canada, October 2012.
Hunter, D. R., S. B. Shanklin, and Craig R. Ehlen. “The Integration of Fair Value Accounting into
U.S.” Allied Academies Vol.? No.? (2012): 1975-1995.
Khieu, Hinh D. and M. K. Pyles. “The Influence of a Credit Rating Change on Corporate Cash
Holdings and Their Marginal Value.” Financial Review, 47, no.? (2012): 351-373.
Khieu, Hinh D., D. J. Mullineaux, and H.C. Yi. “The Determinants of Bank Loan Recovery
Rates.” Journal of Banking and Finance 36, no.? (2012): 923-933.
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., R. Humphrey, and B. Long. “How To Track Enterprise IT Activities to
Provide More Accurate Cost and Profitability in a Service Organization.” Journal of
Academy of Business and Economics 12, no. 3 (2012): 125-130.
Kocakulah, Mehmet C and T. Bryan. “Does Cost of Quality improves Performance and
Profitability: A Case Study.” Presented at the 2012 American Accounting Association
Ohio Regional Meeting., location?, date?
Kocakulah, Mehmet C. and J. Powers. “Wellness Initiatives as a Cost Saving Strategy: A Model
of Return on Investment and other Financial Incentives.” Presented at the 2012
American Accounting Association Midwest regional Meeting, location?, date?
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., A. D. Austill, and B. J. Long. “Globalization of the Accounting Profession
in the United States: Accountability, Comparability, Mobility and Employability.”
Presented at the 2012 American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting,
Cincinnati, Ohio, date?.
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., A. D. Austill, and B. J. Long. “Globalization of the Accounting Profession
in the United States: Accountability, Comparability, Mobility and Employability.”
Presented at the 2012 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Washington,
District of Columbia, date?.
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., A. D. Austill, and M. Aldogan. “Bankruptcy Prediction, Financial
Analyses and Auditor's Opinion on Going Concern: Evidence from Greek
Banks.” Presented at the 2012 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting,
location?, date?
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., R. Humphrey, and B. Long. “How To Track Enterprise IT Activities To
Provide More Accurate Cost and Profitability in a Service Organization.” Presented at
the 2012 International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference, Las
Vegas, Nevada, date?.
Kocakulah, Mehmet C., B. Thornburg, and D. Danko. "Tactical Purchasing Helps Companies
Manage Cost and Increase Profitability." Presented at The 2012 Decision Science
Institute Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, November 17-20, 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “New Plans for the New Year.” Strategic Finance 93, no. 7 (2012): 6, 22.
McGuire, Brian L. “Providing High-Quality Service.” Strategic Finance 93, no. 12 (2012): 6, 18.
McGuire, Brian L. “Supporting Relevant Management Accounting Research.” Strategic Finance
93, no. 11 (2012): 6, 23.
McGuire, Brian L. “The Attributes of a Winner.” Strategic Finance 93, no. 8 (2012): 6, 61.
McGuire, Brian L. “The Power of Networking.” Strategic Finance 93, no. 10 (2012): 6, 24.
McGuire, Brian L. “Understanding the Global Economy.” Strategic Finance 93, no. 9 (2012): 6,
McGuire, Brian L. “Metrics to Measure Operational Results and Align with Strategic Planning.”
Presented at Moscow Chapter Technical Meeting, Moscow, Russia, April 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “Potential Applications of XBRL.” Presented at Switzerland Chapter Technical
Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “Recent Global Trends Impacting Management Accountants.” Presented at
Austrian Controller's Institute (OECI), Vienna, Austria, April 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “What CFOs Require from Recent Graduates.” Presented at Financial
University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, April
McGuire, Brian L. “Innovation Through Collaboration.” Presented at National Board Meeting,
Miami, Florida, February, 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “A Year of Accomplishments.” Presented at Annual Conference and
Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “ACCA and IMA's New Strategic Partnership.” Presented at Annual
Conference and Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “Enhancing the Leadership Academy.” Presented at the Institute of
Management Accountants’ National Board Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 2012.
McGuire, Brian L. “Ethics in Practice - Upholding High Ethical Standards.” Presented at the West
Virginia Society Educators' and Practitioners' Conference, Charleston, West Virginia,
September 2012.
Min, B. S., Jong C. Rhim, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “Mitigation of Agency Conflicts: South Korean
Board Reforms.” Presented at the Association for Global Business, United States, District
of Columbia, November 2012.
Min, B., Jong C. Rhim, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “A Study on the Corporate Governance Reform
in Korea.” Presented at the Pan-Pacific Conference XXIX, Haikou, China, May 2012.
Economics and Marketing
Burnett, Perry. “Industrial Composition and the Spatial Expansion of Cities.” Land Economics
88, no. 4 (2012): 764-781.
Burnett, Perry. “Sector Land Use and Industrial Mix in Urban Land Allocation.” Review of Urban
& Regional Development Studies 24, no. 1-2 (2012): 35-50.
Burnett, Perry, H. Cutler, and S. Davies. “Understanding the Unique Impacts of Economic
Growth Variables.” Journal of Regional Science 52, no. 3 (2012): 451-468.
Celuch, Kevin, J. H. Bantham, and C. J. Kasouf. “Change as a Moderator of Inter-Firm
Communication and Conflict Management in Relationship Continuity.” Journal of
Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior 25, no.? (2012): 4662.
Celuch, Kevin G. and Timothy Schibik. “A Design Attitude Applied Ambidextrously to a COB
Reorganization.” Presented at the Academic Chairs Conference, Orlando, Florida, date?.
Celuch, Kevin G., N. M. Robinson, and A. M. Walz. “How can I (the Company) get you (the
Customer) to talk to me? The Role of Retail Employee Behavior, Social Benefits, and
Commitment in Customer Feedback.” Presented at the Consumer Satisfaction,
Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, La Verne, California, date?.
Walz, A. M., Kevin G. Celuch, and N. M. Robinson. “I Will Have No Other! - The Role of
Communication and Trust in Driving Exclusive Behavior.” Journal of Consumer
Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior 25, no.? (2012): 80-95.
Choe, Sang T. and H. J. Cho. “Adjustment Patterns in Food Consumption From Extreme Poverty
to Affluent Society: A Case of North Korean Defectors (Saeteomins) in South
Korea.” Global Awareness Society vol.?, no.? (2012): pages?
Choe, Sang T. and H. J. Cho. “Adjustment Patterns in Food Consumption: From Extreme Poverty
to Affluent Society.” Presented at Global Awareness Society, New York, New York, May
Friesner, D., M. McPherson, D. Hackney, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “Measuring the Financial
Health of U.S. Bankruptcy Filers: An Application of Financial Epidemiology.” Presented at
the MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois, date?
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. (2012). “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate
Experiences: A collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build,
Whirlpool Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat
for Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, date?.
Milewicz, Chad, Sudesh Mujumdar, and Mohammed Khayum. “A Qualitative Examination of
University 'Engagement' through the Lens of Business Executives.” Online Journal of
New Horizons in Education 2, no. 3 (2012): 1-6.
Milewicz, Chad, K. Heishmidt, E. Karsaklian, K. McManus, and N. Novotorova. “Global
Exchanges: Partnering with Foreign Companies and Education Institutions.” Presented at
the Pre-Marketing Management Association Conference, City?, Minnesota, date?.
Mujumdar, Sudesh and M. D. White. “Strategic Trade Policy with Generalized Social Welfare
Functions.” Global Business and Finance Review 17, No. 1 (2012): 13-20.
Mujumdar, Sudesh, Curtis R. Price, and Gregory Valentine. “Has Anything Changed about the
Teaching and the Teachers of High School Economics in 20 years?” The Online Journal of
New Horizons in Education. (2012).
Price, Curtis. “Does the Gender Preference for Competition Affect Job Performance? Evidence
from a Real Effort Experiment.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 33 No. ? (2012):
Price, Curtis. “Gender, Competition and Managerial Decisions.” Management Science, 58 No. 1
(2012): 114-122
Heo, Sangwoo., Jong. C. Rhim, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “An Estimation of Early Exercise
Premium on American Put Options: Quadratic Approximation of Fractional Black-Scholes
Partial Differential Equation.” Presented at the MBAA International Conference,
Chicago, IL, March 30, 2012.
Min, B. S., J. C. Rhim, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “Mitigation of Agency Conflicts: South Korean
Board Reforms.” Presented at the Association for Global Business, United States, District
of Columbia, November 2012.
Min, B., J. C. Rhim, and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “A Study on the Corporate Governance Reform in
Korea.” Presented at the Pan-Pacific Conference XXIX, Haikou, China, May 2012.
Schibik, Timothy J., Mohammed Khayum, and D. Friesner. “The Quantity of Unique
Information in Student Ratings of Instruction.” Atlantic Economic Journal, 40 No. 2
(2012): 221-223.
Schibik, Timothy J. “An Econometric Approach to Optimizing Student Enrollment.” Academy of
Business Economics (2012).
Schibik, Timothy J. “Using Information Theory to Measure the Amount of Content Contained in
Business Sentiment Surveys.” Academy of Business Economics (2012).
Business Administration and Business Education
Johansen, Jane T. “The International Business Communication Model in Three
Dimensions.” Global Advances in Business Communication (2012).
Johansen, Jane T. “Facilitating Research and Pedagogy Using a Three-Dimensional International
Business Communication Model.” Presented at ABC International Convention,
Nijmegen, Netherlands, May 2012.
Johansen, Jane T. “Sustaining International Business Communication Using a ThreeDimensional Model.” Presented at ABC International Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii,
October 2012.
Nunn, Leslie E. “The Science of Training.” Players Edition, 38, 39, 60 (2012).
Valentine, Gregory P., S. Mujumdar, and K. Elkhal. “Using Entertainment (Movies, Music, and
TV) to Teach Economics.” Business Education Forum, 67 No 1 (2012): 40-42, 50.
Management, Computer Science, and Computer Information Systems
Perkins, W. C., Abbas Foroughi, and J. C. Hershauer. “E-Negotiation: Can a Decision Support
System (DSS) Help in Negotiations Even if Only One Participant Has a DSS?” Presented at
2012 DSI Annual Meeting, location?, Date?
Gillard, S. A. and Sharlett K. Gillard. “The Children Left Behind.” Journal of College Teaching
and Learning (2012): pp?.
Hall, Ernest H. and J. Lee. “Conceptual Operationalization Issues Within the Context of an
International Study: Japanese and American Firms.” Asian Academy of Management
Journal, 17 No. 1 (2012): 97-120.
Kim, Sang and A. Simha. “The Nature of the Relationship between FDI and International
Migration.” Global Business and Finance Review, 17 No. 1 (2012): 75-89.
Kim, Sang. “Initial public offering and the strategic behavior of firm: Differentiation and
performance.” Presented at the Korean Academic Association of Business
Administration, Seoul, Korea, 2012.
Chastagner, K., A. Sahaym, and Sang Kim. “International acquisitions: The role of knowledge
breadth, uncertainty, and culture.” Presented at the Academy of Management Africa,
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2012.
Partridge, Dane M. “Reviewing and Revising the University Core Curriculum at the University of
Southern Indiana.” Presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Association for
General and Liberal Studies, Portland, Oregon, 2012.
Shemroske, Kenneth. “IS 2010 Implementation: A Survey.” Presented at Society for the
Advancement of Information System Conference, 2012.
Williams, Jennifer J., Kenneth Shemroske, and S. K. Gillard. “ Personal Productivity Tools in the
IS Curriculum.” Society for the Advancement of Information Systems (SAIS) 2012.
Clark, C. L., A. Hennington, Jennifer J. Williams, and J. Clark. “Technology Acceleration and
Corporate Ergonomic Policy.” International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk
Management, 3 No. 2 (2012): 136-147.
Hennington, A., J. Clark, C. L. Clark, and Jennifer J. Williams. “Maintaining Academic Currency
in a Changing Business Environment: A Study of AACSB Internation Member Response to
Trends in IT Project Management.” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 12
No. 3 (2012): pages?.
Pott College of Science, Engineering,
and Education
Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Engineering
Department of Geology and Physics
Department of Kinesiology and Sport
Department of Mathematics
Department of Teacher Education
Department of Biology
Haines, E., Behrens, J. & Bandoli, James. “Vertebrate Surveys as a Part of the Process of
Creating a Nature Preserve in Southwestern Indiana.” Presented at Indiana Academy of
Science, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2012.
Mandel, M. M., A. L. Schaefer, J. R. Graber, and Deloney-Marino, Cindy. “Squid-derived Chitin
Oligosaccharides Are a Chemotactic Signal During Colonization by Vibrio fischeri.”
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78 No. 13 (2012): 4620-4626.
Deloney-Marino, Cindy R. and K. L. Visick. “Role for cheR of Vibrio fischeri in the Vibrio=squid
symbiosis.” Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 58 No.? (2012): 29-38.
Niemeier, Evan, Arenas, Abby, Bedell, Cassie, et. all, Hopper, Mari. “Changes in Physiological
Indicators of Health in a Cohort of College Students Between Their Freshman and
Sophomore Years.” Presented at 2nd Annual Indiana Physiological Society Meeting,
Location?, 2012.
Winsett, Katherine E. and S.L. Stephenson. “An Annotated Checklist of the Myxomycetes of the
Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas.” Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of
Texas 6, no. ? (2012): 287-298.
Winsett, Katherine E. “Research Fellowship.” Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of
Virginia, Pembroke, VA, date?
Winsett, Katherine E. Science Contributor. The Trend, WNIN, Tri-State Public Media. Evansville,
Department of Chemistry
Blunt, Shelly and Kathy V. Rodgers. “Effective STEM Initiatives for Talented or At-Risk
Students.” Presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Kansas
City, Missouri, November 2012.
Hewavitharanage, Priya. “Triphenylcyclopropenium hydroxytris (pentafluorophenyl) borate
salt for solvent free epoxy curing.” European Journal of Chemistry, 3 No. 4 (2012): 395398.
Hewavitharanage, Priya, Prince Nzeata, and Jeffery Wiggins. “Synthesis of an E-BODIPY based
Fluorescent Copolymer Containing Organoboron Quinolate Units.” European Journal of
Chemistry, 3 No. 1 (2012): 13-16.
Hewavitharanage, Priya, Eva Beabout, and Richard Bennet. “Synthesis, Photophysical
Properties and Cellular Uptake Studies of Amphiphilic BODIPY Derivatives.” Presented at
American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, California, 2012.
Walsh, Kenneth E. and Edmir O. Wade. “Organocatalytic Enantioselective 1,4-Addition as a
Capstone Experiment in Organic Chemistry.” The Chemical Educator, 17 No.? (2012):
Department of Engineering
Hill, A. Jason and V. S. Neary. “Annual Water Budgets for a Seasonally Inundated Sinkhole
Wetland.” Wetlands, 32 No. 5 (Oct. 1, 2012): 963-974.
Hill, A. Jason and Zane W. Mitchell. “Competitive Problem Based Learning in an Environmental
Engineering Laboratory Course.” Presented at American Society of Engineering
Education Conference (Illinois/Indiana Section) City? State? April 1, 2012.
Rivera, Adrienne R., Julian L. Davis, J. W. Grant, R. W. Blob, E. H. Peterson, A. B. Neiman, and M.
Rowe. “Quantifying Utricular Stimulation During Natural Behavior.” Journal of
Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 317 No. 8 (2012): 467480.
Field, Brandon and Ellert, Dave. “Central Plant Energy Savings by Operator Training.” Presented
at ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, Illinois, January 12, 2012.
Field, Brandon and Mitchell, Zane. “Increasing Student Involvement in a Sustainability Course.”
Presented at ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 12,
Field, Brandon. “Analysis of Secondary Features from Visualization of Two-Phase Refrigerant
Flow.” Presented at ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, Houston, Texas, November 2012.
Kissel, Glen. “Anderson Localization Effects Via the Invariant Measure for Discretely Disordered
Negative and Positive Index Structures.” Presented at 2012 SPIE Optics + Photonics, San
Diego, California, September 24, 2012.
Kissel, Glen and Aaron Williams. “The Invariant Measure for Anderson Localized Negative Index
Metamaterials Continuously Disordered.” Presented at 2012 SPIE Optics + Photonics,
San Diego, California, September 24, 2012.
Kuban, Paul. “A Finite State Machine Approach to the PLC Traffic Light Problem.” Journal of
Applied Global Research, 5 No. 14 (Oct. 2012): 34-44.
Kuban, Paul. “A Finite State Machine Approach to the PLC Traffic Light Problem.” Presented at
Intellectbase International Consortium, Nashville, Indiana, 2012.
Lara Gracia, Marca A. and Joseph Vangampler. “A Decision Support System for Conflict
Resolution in Supply Chain Security.” Presented at 2012 International Conference of
Society and Information Technology, Orlando, Florida, March 1, 2012.
McDonald, Thomas, E. Van Aken, and K. Ellis. “Utilizing Simulation to Evaluate Production Line
Performance Under Varying Demand Conditions.” International Journal of Industrial
Engineering Computations, 3, No. 1 (2012): Pages?.
Milewicz, Chad, Zane Mitchell and Kerry Hall. “Ideation Competition: Creating Linkages
Between Business and Engineering.” Presented at ASEE Annual Conference and
Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 12, 2012.
Smith, Natasha, Jose Camberos, and Ed Alyanak. “Design of Experiments for Aeroelastic
Analysis.” Presented at International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Houston, Texas, November 15, 2012.
Department of Geology and Physics
Boardman, D. R., Jack D. Beuthin, and William S. Elliott Jr. “Chronostratigraphic and
Sedimentological Interpretation of the Barnett Shale (Mississippian) of the Llano Uplift
and Fort Worth Basin, Texas.” American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Abstracts
with Program. Long Beach, CA (2012).
Broach, Clinton M. , William P. Gilhooly III, and William S. Elliott Jr.. “Paleoenvironmental
history of five Late Middle Pennsylvanian cores (Carbondale Group) from the Illinois
Basin, Southwest Indiana: A combined geochemical and geophysical approach.”
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 7 (2012): 562.
Dahlquist, Maxwell, William S. Elliott Jr., and William P. Gilhooly III. “Provenance of cobbles in
the Rocky Gulch Sandstone Member of the Hornbrook Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in
Siskiyou County, California.” Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs.
Vol. 44, No. 7 (2012): 554.
Devine, Morgan W. Kristen E. Scheisser, and Joseph A. DiPietro.“Metamorphic pressuretemperature analysis of the Gandaf Formation, Indus Syntaxis, Pakistan Himalaya.”
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 5 (2012): 72.
Doss, Paul K. and Amy Bleichroth. “Obsidian artifacts from Indiana sourced to Yellowstone
Plateau-Following the path of stone.” Yellowstone Science. Vol. 20, No. 2 (2012): 12-14.
Doss, Paul K. and Jessica N. Heighton. “Modeling Thermal Gradients to Quantify Groudwater—
Stream Interactions in the Headwaters of the White River: Resource Management in
Manistee National Forest.” Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs. Vol.
44, no. 7 (2012): 204.
Doss, Paul K., Jessica N. Heighton, and Caleb Gravemier. “Groundwater Sustainability of
Streamflow by Distinct Modes of Streambed Seepage In The White River, Manistee
National Forest, Michigan.” Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol.
44, No. 5 (2012): 20.
Hatfield, Travis, William S. Elliott Jr., and Jad A. D’Sllura. “Preferential preservation of
sedimentary fabrics and textures in mudrock concretions from the Hornbrook
Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in Siskiyou County, California.” Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 7 (2012): 551.
Heighton, Jessica N. and Amy Bleichroth. “Streambed Thermal Gradients in the Groundwater
Dominated Headwaters of the White River, Manistee National Forest, Michigan.”
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 5. (2012): 11.
Maria, Anton and Max King. “Petrography and geochemistry of an ultramafic dike in southern
Illinois.” Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 7 (2012).
Voegerl, Ryan, Clinton M. Broach, and William S. Elliott Jr.. “Mudrock variability above coals of
the Carbondale Group (Desmoinesian) in cores from Vanderburgh County, Indiana.”
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 7 (2012): 551.
Department of Kinesiology and Sport
Anderson, Austin. “Heterosexism in Sport: Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men.” Presented
at NRPA Congress and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, October 2012.
Bower, Glenna. “Experiential Classroom Learning: Developing a Sport Management Club.”
Indiana AAHPERD, 41 No. 1 (2012): 12-16.
Bower, Glenna. “Gender and Mentoring: A Strategy for Women to Obtain Full Professor.”
Journal of iPhysical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 83 No. 2 (2012): 6-7.
Bernhard, Reed, Bakke, Glenna Bower, and Rowser. “Distributed Empowerment Models for
Community Revitalization.” Presented at National Outreach Scholarship Conference,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, October 2012.
Hambrick, Hums, Glenna Bower, and Wolff. “Elite Athlete Attitudes Toward Technology and
Innovation in the Sporting Goods Industry.” Presented at National Association for Sport
Managers, Seattle, Washington, May 2012.
Bower, Glenna. “Women as Leasers in Physical Education and Sport Management Academia.”
Presented at American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2012.
Bower, Glenna. “NAGWS Group Mentoring Initiatives.” Presented at American Association for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2012.
Seymour, Klass, and Glenna Bower. “The Implementation of a HOF 5k Race.” Presented at
Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Indianapolis,
Indiana November 2012.
Frederick, Evan, Lim, Clavio and Walsh. “Why We Follow: An Examination of Parasocial
Interaction and Fan Motivations for Following Athlete Archetypes on Twitter.”
International Journal of Sport Communication, 5 No. 4 (2012): 481-502.
Clavio, Burch and Frederick, Evan. “Networked Fandom: Applying Systems Theory to Sport
Social Network Analysis.” International Journal of Sport Communication, 5 No. 4 (2012):
Blaszka, Burch, Frederick, Evan, Clavio and Walsh. “#WorldSeries: An Empirical Examination of
Twitter Hashtag Use During a Major Sporting Event.” International Journal of Sport
Communication, 5 No. 4 (2012): 435-453.
Frimming, Renee and Polsgrove. “Using Social Media to Promote Health and Fitness in Youth.”
Presented at Third Annual International Conference on the Health Risk of Youth, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, January 2012.
Frimming, Renee, Polsgrove, Yochum and Hosterman. “Triathlon Training Program.” Presented
at Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Regional
Conference, Vincennes, Indiana, October 2012.
Polsgrove and Frimming, Renee. “Impact of a Social Based After School Running Walking
Program.” Presented at American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation,
and Dance National Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2012.
Huang, Guoyuan, Shi and Offutt. “Influence of BMI on Aerobic Fitness and Academic
Performance in Middle School Students.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45
No. 5 (2012): S160.
Maxwell, Huang, Guoyuan and Gibson. “Outside of School Physical Activity Participation in
Children and Adolescents from the Urban Core.” Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, 44 No. 5 (2012): S475.
Huang, Guoyan. “Dose-Response Relationship of Aerobic-training and Resting-heart-rate
Changes in Older Adults.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83 No. 1 (2012): A13.
Huang, Guoyuan, Shi and Offutt. “Influence of BMI on Aerobic Fitness and Academic
Performance in Middle School Students.” Presented at American College of Sports
Medicine 59th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, May/June 2012.
Maxwell, Huang, Guoyuan and Gibson. “Outside of School Physical Activity Participation in
Children and Adolescents from the Urban Core.” Presented at American College of
Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, May/June 2012.
Huang, Guoyuan. “Dose-Response Relationship of Aerobic-Training and Resting-Heart-Rate
Changes in Older Adults.” Presented at 2012 AAHPERD 127th National Convention &
Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2012.
Department of Mathematics
Donnelly, John. “Subsemigroups of Cancellative Amenable Semigroups.” Interntaional Journal
of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 7, no. 23 (2012): 1131-1137.
Heo, Sang Woo, Jong Rhim and Peter Cashel-Cordo. “An Estimation of Early Exercise Premium
on American Put Options: Quadratic Approximation of Fractional Black-Sholes Partial
Differential Equation.” Presented at MBAA International Conference, Chicago, Illinois,
March 30, 2012.
Cross, Dionne I., Rick A. Hudson, Olufunke Adefope, Mi Yeon Lee, Lauren Rapacki, and Arnulfo
Perez. “Success Made Probable: Creating Equitable Mathematical Experiences Through
Project-Based Learning.” Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 5, no. 2 (2012): 5586.
Hudson, Rick A. “Finding a Balance at the Elusive Mean.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle
School 18, no.? (2012): 300-306.
Hudson, Rick A., Peter Kloosterman, and Enrique Galindo. “Assessing Preservice Teachers’
Beliefs About the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Science.” School Science
and Mathematics 112, no.? (2012): 433-442.
Hudson, Rick A., Dionne I. Cross, Mi Yeon Lee, and Lauren Rapacki. “Learning to Tinker.”
Teaching Children Mathematics 18, no.? (2012): 508-513.
Walcott, Crystal, Rick A. Hudson and Doris Mohr. “Cognitive Demand of Main NAEP
Mathematical Items.” Presented at the Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education, Kalamazoo, Michigan, November 2012.
Hudson, Rick A. “Constructing the Mean as a Mathematical Point of Balance.” Presented at the
2012 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, April 2012.
Edenfield, Kelly, Jean S. Lee, Rick A. Hudson, Stephanie Whitney, and Barbara Reys. “CCSS-Math
Practice Across Classes: Constructing Arguments and Critiquing Reasoning.” Presented
at the 2012 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session,
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, April 2012.
Amador, Julie, Ingrid Weiland, Rick A. Hudson. “Preservice Formative Assessment Interviews:
The Development of Responsive Questioning.” Presented at the 2012 National
Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference,
Indianapolis, Indiana, March 2012.
Hudson, Rick A., Jean S. Lee, Paula Lahann, Leann Ferguson, and Mi Yeon Lee. “Learning to
Assess: Using Project-Based Learning to Teach Assessment in Secondary Mathematics
Methods.” Presented at the 2012 Association of Mathematics Teachers Educators
Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, February 2012..
Hudson, Rick A. “Viewing the Standards for Mathematical Practice Through the Lens of Data
Analysis and Statistics.” Presented at the 2012 Association of Mathematics Teacher
Educators STaR Pre-session, Fort Worth, Texas, February 2012.
Newton, Jill and Rick A. Hudson. “What Do You Need to Know to Teach Algebra?” Presented at
the 2012 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference, Indianapolis,
Indiana, October 2012.
Hudson, Rick A. “Teaching Mathematics to Preservice Elementary Teachers.” Presented at the
2012 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana,
October 2012.
Walcott, Crystal, Rick A. Hudson and Doris Mohr. “Cognitive Demand of Main NAEP
Mathematics Items.” Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American
Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PMENA), Kalamazoo, Michigan, date?.
Lee, Kyong-Hee Melody and Ekaterina N. Wassel. “How Can We Make One Step Forward in
Curing a Sick Giant Elephant—The Current Elementary Mathematics Education in the
United States?” National Teacher Education Journal 5, no. 4 (Nov. 2012): 5-8.
Mohr, Doris, Crystal Walcott, and Rick A. Hudson. “The Preparation and Development of
Mathematics Teachers According to NAEP.” Presented at the 2012 Association of
Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, February 2012.
Kloosterman, Peter, Mike Roach, Crystal Walcott, and Doris Mohr. “Performance Trends in
Algebraic Reasoning: 1996 to 2011.” Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the North
American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education (PME-NA), Kalamazoo, Michigan, November 2012.
Walcott, Crystal, Doris Mohr, and Peter Kloosterman. “Looking at NAEP and the Standards
Through the Same Lens.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 17, no. 9 (2012):
Walcott, Crystal, Doris Mohr, Peter Kloosterman, and Linda Wilson. “How is Students’
Mathematics Knowledge Changing? Evidence from NAEP.” Presented at Research Presession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM), Philadelphia, Philadelphia, April 2012.
Mohr, Doris, Crystal Walcott, and Rick A. Hudson. “The Preparation and Development of
Mathematics Teachers According to NAEP.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Fort Worth, Texas, February 2012.
Stump, Sheryl and Doris Mohr. “A Case for Elementary Mathematics Specialists in Indiana/”
Indiana Mathematics Teacher vol.?, no.? (Fall 2012): 41370.
Blunt, Shelly and Kathy V. Rodgers. “Effective STEM Initiatives for Talented or At-Risk
Students.” Presented at American Association of Colleges and Universities, Kansas City,
Missouri, November 2012.
Wells, Judy, Gina Berridge and Samantha Penney. “eFACT: Formative Assessment of Classroom
Teaching for Online Classes.” The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 13, no. 2
(April 2012) Article 4.
Department of Teacher Education
Berridge, Gina, Samantha Penney and Judy Wells. “Formative Assessment of Classroom
Teaching for Online Classes.” The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 13, no. 2
(Apr. 2012).
Berridge, Gina and Vella Goebel. “Social Literacy: Experiencing the Past in the Middle Grades
by Reading Aloud Historical Literature.” Indian Reading Journal 44, no. 2 (Apr. 2012):
Berridge, Gina. “Experiencing the Past in the Middle Grades by Reading Aloud Historical
Literature.” Presented at the Indiana Reading Association Fall Conference, Indianapolis,
Indiana, September 2012.
Berridge, Gina, Vella Goebel, and Brandon Eggelston. “An Urban Experience: Perceptions of
Pre-service Teachers in an Inner City Charter School.” Journal of Cooperative Education
and Internships 46, no. 1 (2012): 4-14.
Boostrom, Robert. “The Practice of Reverent Teaching.” Reference and Teaching vol.?, no.?
(2012): pages?
Boostrom, Robert. “Thinking About Play.” Presented at the American Association for Teaching
and Curriculum, San Antonio, Texas, October 2012.
Davidson, Patricia. “Siblings, A Forgotten Piece of the Pie.” Presented at the Science Education
for Students with Disabilities National Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, date?.
Elgin, Jane, Jane Meyer and Thuy Dao-Jensen. “Probing Beliefs About Childhood Through
Personal Stories and Play Memories.” Presented at the National Association for the
Education of Young Children, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2012.
Gooden, Susan. “Comprehension Strategies Teachers Use When They Read.” Journal of
Reading Educators 37, no. 2 (2012): 16-19.
Gooden, Susan. “Comprehension Strategies Teachers Use When They Read Informational
Material.” Presented at the 57th International Reading Association Conference, Chicago,
Illinois, April 2012.
Gulley, Joyce, Pam Blessing and Joyce Rietman. “Revamping Field Experiences to Meet
Stakeholders’ Requests.” Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators Annual
Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 2012.
Ndemanu, Michael. “Exploring the Historical Foundation of Diversity and Equity Courses in
Teacher Education Programs: History and Areas of Concerns in Multicultural Teacher
Preparation.” Working Papers in Literacy, Culture and Language Education vol.?, no.?
(2012): pages?
Ndemanu, Michael. “The Contribution of E-mail Exchanges to Second Language Acquisition: A
Case of Cross-Cultural Communication Between Africa and North America.” The Reading
Matrix 12, no. 1 (2012): 1-11.
Parkison, Paul. “Dissident Teacher Education: A Heterological Paradigm for Teacher
Preparation.” Teacher Education and Practice 25, no. 2 (2012): 257-270.
Thomas, Jeff and White. “Aligning the STARS: A Partnership Brings Community Together for a
Night of Astronomy.” Science and Children 49, no. 6 (2012): 41-45.
Thomas, Jeff. “Integrating Web 2.0 Video Technologies and Analogies to Promote Science
Literacy.” Spectrum 37, no. 3 (2012): 29-33.
Thomas, Jeff. “Investigating Literacies in Prospective Elemetary Teachers Utilizing Web 2.0
Technologies.” Presented at Proceedings of Society for Information Technology &
Teacher Education International Conference, Chesapeake, Virginia, date?.
Thomas, Jeff, Gina Berridge and Joyce Gulley. “Use Appropriate Texts and Reading Strtategies
to Promote Science Literacy in Elementary Classroom.” CESI Newsletter 14, no. 1 (2012):
Thomas, Jeff and Joyce Gulley. “Using Science Activity Centers to Increase Time “Off Task”
Learning.” CESI vol.?, no.? (2012): pages?.
Bambina, Antonina and Jeff Thomas. “Why It Works: Understanding the Long-term Success of a
Large Living-Learning Community Program.” Presentation at the National Collegiate
Honors Council’s Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2012.
Parkison, Paul. “Dissidence in Teacher Education: Challenging the Neoliberal Paradigm.”
Presented at the ICET International Yearbook on Teacher Education, location?, date?.
Bordelon, Thomas, Iris Phillips and Paul Parkison. “Teacher Efficacy: How Teachers Rate
Themselves and How Students Rate Their Teachers.” Action in Teacher Education 34, no.
1 (2012): 14-25.
College of Liberal Arts
Department of Art
Department of Communications
Department of English
Department of History
Department of Modern and Classical Language
Department of Performing Arts
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Department of Psychology
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Studies
Department of Art
Baker, Jill. “An Analysis of Profile Portraits from Burrow’s Cave.” Presented at Ancient Kentucky
Historical Association Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, July 21, 2012.
Holen, Alisa with Joe Smith and Jenny Smith. July 2012. “Becoming Evansville,” Sculpt EVV,
selected for exhibition in the Haynies Corner Arts District.
Holen, Alisa. July 2012. “Fracking for a Better Tomorrow,” Adams Art Gallery, selected for
exhibition for Clay EVV, Evansville, IN.
Holen, Alisa. Fall 2012. “East/West/North: A Collaboration,” Evansville, IN.
Holen, Alisa. Fall 2012. “Art Explosion,” Evansville, IN.
Holen, Alisa. Fall 2012. “Working Together,” Evansville, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. August 2012. Honorable Mention, 19th Annual Juried Art Exhibit, Jasper
Arts Center, Krempp Gallery, Jasper, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. November 2012. Special Recognition, 10th Color: Bold/Subtle Juried
International Exhibition, Upstream People Gallery, Omaha, NE.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. A Feeble Armada, Sinclair Gallery, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Water-Craft, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. A Feeble Armada, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. 56th Mid-States Art Exhibition, Evansville Museum, Evansville, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob and Howard Haarer. Two Sculptors, Union Street Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. SRAM pART Gala, Cedar Lake Theatre Gallery, New York, NY.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Masquerade, ARC Gallery, San Francisco, CA.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Re-Purposed: Earth Friendly Art, Priddy Library Gallery, Rockville, MD.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. East/West/North, Evansville Museum, Evansville, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Small Works, TEJAS Gallery, Dayton, OH.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. 19th Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Jasper Arts Center, Krempp Gallery,
Jasper, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Off the Wall, Studio Place Arts, Barre, VT.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. KY7 Biennial, Lexington Art League, Lexington, KY.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. 68th Annual Wabash Valley Juried Exhibition, Swope Art Museum, Terre
Haute, IN.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. In, On,Of Paper, Paper Circle, Nelsonville, OH.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. The Jackalope Exhibition, Gallery 413, DeKalb, IL.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Galex 46, Galesburg Civic Art Center, Galesburg, IL.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Delicious, Rua Gallery, Dayton, OH.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Storytime, Studio Place Arts, Barre, VT.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Looks of Lowell, The Revolving Museum, Lowell, MA.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Chowan University National Juried Exhibition, Green Hall Art Gallery,
Murfreesboro, NC.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Blue, dispatch, Chicago, IL.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. notBig, M.S. Rezny Gallery, Lexington, KY.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Weathering it Out, Studio Place Arts, Barre, VT.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. 15th Annual Art Auction, Paris Gibson Square Museum, Great Falls, MT.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Steampunk Soiree, The Revolving Museum, Lowell, MA.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. Sarah McAdams, UMass Lowell Magazine, “Rob Millard-Mendez: Playing
with art”, 1*, 52*
Millard-Mendez, Rob. (October 12, 22, 2012). Ralph Pritchard, The Gazette, “Sculptures by
Millard-Mendez to be featured in Coe Exhibit”.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. (August 8, 17, 2012). Laurel Black, “New art exhibition sets sail at the
Yeiser”, The Paducah Sun.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. (January 8, 2012). Tim Schellberg, “Sculpture with a playful side”, The
Northwest Times.
Millard-Mendez, Rob. (April 13, 2012). Pamela Dillon, “Mouth-watering food is calorie free”,
Dayton Daily News.
Department of Communications
Henning, Zachary. "Knowing Your Audience: Demographic and Situational Topic Analysis."
Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota,25 no.1
(2012): 61-63.
Henning, Zachary. "From Barnyards to Learning Communities: Student Perceptions of Teachers’
Immediacy Behaviors." Qualitative Research Reports in Communication vol.?, no.?
(2012): 37-43.
Henning, Zachary. "Nina: An Empathy Case Study." Presented at the Southern States
Communication Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2012.
Young, Stephanie L. “‘The Consumer Has No Color’ (Paul Kinsey in Mad Men).” In Lucky Strikes
and a Three-Martini Lunch: Thinking about Television’s Mad Men, edited by Jennifer C.
Dunn, Jimmie Manning, and Danielle Stern, 72-88. Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars, 2012.
Young, Stephanie L. “Half and Half: An (Auto)ethnography of Hybrid Identities in a KoreanAmerican Mother-Daughter Relationship.” Journal of International and Intercultural
Communication 2, no.? (2012): 139-167. [Abstract]. In Communication in Our Lives (6th
edition), edited by Julia Wood, 51. Boston: Wadsworth, 2012.
Young, Stephanie L. “Personal Stories of “Coming In” and Coming Out of the Closet.” Review of
Narrating the Closet: An Autoethnography of Same-Sex Attraction, by Author?. Sexuality
& Culture, 16, no.? (2012): 205-207.
Young, Stephanie L. “Demarcating Boundaries, Disciplining Bodies: Exploring White Male
Privilege in Mad Men.” Presented at the National Communication Association Meeting,
Orlando, Florida, November 2012.
Young, Stephanie L. “Bi and Bi: Performing Hybrid Racial and Sexual Identities in the
Classroom.” Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender
Meeting, Tacoma, Washington, October 2012.
Young, Stephanie L. “Missing Ties and Magic Underwear: The (Re)fashioning of Mitt Romney’s
Presidential Style.” Presented at the Rhetorical Society of America Meeting,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2012.
Department of English
Conaway, Charles. "'The...monster which doth mock / The meat it feeds on': R.E.M.'s
Monst(e)rous Othello." Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance 5, no. 1 (2012): 524.
Conaway, Charles. "Looking for Shakespeare in Antony and Cleopatra." Presented at the 2012
Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference: "Extreme[ly] Shakespeare[an]." Marietta, Ohio,
October 18-20, 2012.
Galbus, Julia. “Moral Debt in Edwidge Danticat’s ‘A Wall of Fire Rising.’” Presented at the
Midwest Modern Language Association, location?, November 2012.
Hoeness-Krupsaw, Susanna. “O Canada! Canadian Literary Identity and Boundaries of the Self.”
Presented at the Conference of the College English Association (CEA), Richmond,
Virginia, April, 2012.
Hoeness,-Krupsaw, Susanna. “Sleuths Gone Wild? The Great Cat Nap and Beastly Things as a
Reflection of Contemporary Social Concerns.” Presented at the Conference of the
Indiana College English Association (ICEA), Valparaiso, Indiana, October, 2012.
Hoeness-Krupsaw, Susanna. “The Value of Grace Or How Grace Marks Got What She
Deserved.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Modern Language
Association (MMLA), Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 2012.
Hoeness-Krupsaw, Susanna. “Ivorian Bonus: Teaching Abouet and Oubrerie’s Aya.” In Teaching
Comics and Graphic Narratives: Essays, Strategies, and Practice, ed. by Lan Dong.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing, 2012: 161-172.
Kearns, Michael S. “Cosmology Incompleteness Memory #5.” Dash Vol. 5, no.? (2012): 20.
Kearns, Michael S. “Maisie Farange as Debt, Debtor, Collateral, Creditor, and Conduit.”
Presented at Midwest MLA, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 2012.
Montz, Amy. “‘Now She’s All Hat and Ideas’: Fashioning the British Suffrage Movement.”
Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty 3, no. 1-2 (2012): 117-129.
Montz, Amy. “Costuming the Resistance: The Hunger Games and the Female Spectacle of
Rebellion.” In Of Bread and Blood: Essays on The Hunger Games Trilogy edited by Mary
Pharr and Leisa A Clark. Publication location?:McFarland Press, 2012.
Montz, Amy. Review of The Unnaturalists by Tiffany Trent. Neo-Victorian Studies 5, no. 1
(2012): pages?.
Montz, Amy. “‘Look Back at Me’: The Material Re-Performance of the Victorian in North and
South.” Presented at the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference,
Lexington, Kentucky, March 2012.
Montz, Amy. “All Along the Clocktower: Redefining Feminine Violence in Wonder Woman and
The Birds of Prey.” Presented at the From Catwoman to Katniss Conference,
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, March 2012.
Montz, Amy. “‘I Do Feel Greedy!’: Hunger Strikes, Consumption, and the Incarcerated
Suffragette Body.” Presented at the Food Networks: Gender and Foodways Conference,
Notre Dame, Indiana, January 2012.
Reid, Nicole Louise. December 2012. “The Truest Truth There Ever Was,” Dos Passos Review,
Reid, Nicole Louise. “A Purposeful Violence,” Yemassee, 18 No. 1&2 (2012): pages?.
Reid, Nicole Louise. “The Truest Truth There Ever Was,” ROAR, (2012).
Reid, Nicole Louise. “Like the Moon,” Keeping Track: Fiction of Lists, Yelizaveta P. Renfro, ed.,
Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2012.
Shaw, Patrick. “Burke, McKeon, Weaver: Reframing Modernist Rhetoric.” Presented at the 15th
Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25-28
Shaw, Patrick. “Gaps Between Theory and Practice: Their Implications for First-Year Programs.”
Presented at the 31st Annual Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 18-22, 2012.
Shen, Alice. End of the Line – A One-Act Play. Staged Reading. Stevenson University
Comparative Drama Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 31, 2013.
Wicker, Marcus. Maybe the Saddest Thing. New York: Harper Perennial, 2012.
Wicker, Marcus. November 29, 2012. “Trash Night Compline,” Third Coast, Fall 2012, pg. 117.
Wicker, Marcus. December 9, 2012. “Morning in the Burbs,” “Tiki Torch Cookout
Vespers,” Cincinnati Review, Winter 2012, pgs. 78 – 79.
Wicker, Marcus. December 12, 2012. “Creation Song with Lightning and Cooling
Brimstone,” Hayden’s Ferry Review, 51, pg. 136.
Wicker, Marcus. November 14, 2012. “Love Letter to RuPaul,” Verse Daily.
Wicker, Marcus. September 10, 2012. “Call,” Ninth Letter, 5 Issue 2, pg. 76.
Wicker, Marcus. October 11, 2012. Teitman, Ryan. “A Game of Chicken,” “My Problem with
Description,” “False Start,” Pinwheel, Issue 1.
Wicker, Marcus. October 1, 2012. “To You [They were curious],” Cave Canem Anthology XII, pg.
Wicker, Marcus. October 20, 2012. “Stakes is High,” Poetry Daily.
Wicker, Marcus. April 5, 2012. “Stakes is High,” Boston Review.
Wicker, Marcus. April 1, 2012. "1998,” “Interrupting Aubade Ending in Epiphany,” “Self
Dialogue Staring at a Mirror,” Southern Indiana Review, Spring 2012, pgs. 2- 6.
Wicker, Marcus. May 5, 2012. “The Light,” “Something Like Sleep,” “I remember the scene in
that movie,” Vinyl, Issue 5.
Wicker, Marcus. “Maybe the Saddest Thing Reading.” Presented at Devil’s Kitchen Literary
Festival, University of Southern Illinois Carbondale, October 25, 2012.
Wicker, Marcus. “Poets on Process Panel.” Presented at Devil’s Kitchen Literary Festival,
University of Southern Illinois Carbondale, October 25, 2012.
Department of History
Harison, Casey. Review of Reforming Urban Labor: Routes to the City, Roots in the Country by
Janet L. Polansky. American Historical Review 117, no.? (April 2012): 597-598.
Harison, Casey. “Louis Michel: Revolution, Feminism and Communalism.” Communal Studies
Association, Oneida, New York, October 2012.
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Apodaca-Valdez, Manuel. “Mujeres oscuras: Prostitución y madrinazgo en La novia oscura de
Laura Restrepo y Nuestra Señora de la Noche de Mayra Santos-Febres.” Estudios de
Literatura Colombiana, 29, no.? (2012):123-145.
Apodaca-Valdez Manuel. “Vudú Dominicano: Religiosidad, magia y cultura.” Delaware Review
of Latin American Studies 13, no. 2 (2012): pp?
Apodaca-Valdez, Manuel. “Vudú dominicano: religiosidad, magia y cultura.” 3rd Annual
Conference Negritud, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March, 21-26, 2012.
Apodaca-Valdez, Manuel. “Identidad y Africanía en Coplas y Fandangos de la Costa Chica” The
Ninth Biennial International/Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the AfroLatin/AmericanResearch Association (ALARA), San José, Costa Rica, August, 7-12, 2012.
Apodaca-Valdez, Manuel. “Rituales funerarios de la diáspora Africana en México y República
Dominicana.” IV Coloquio Afroamérica, U.N.A.M., Mexico, D.F.
Halling, Anna-Lisa. “Countering the Male Gaze: Feminist Elements in Mira de Amescua’s La casa
del tahur.” Miríada Hispánica 3, no.? (2012): 69-83.
Halling, Anna-Lisa and Emily Tobey. “Adapting Theater as a Tool for Basic-Level Language
Teaching” Miami University Conference on the Teaching of Languages, West Chester,
Ohio, October 2012.
Halling, Anna-Lisa. “Choosing Resistance Intramuros: Maria do Ceo's Virgin Mary and the Male
Gaze.” Brigham Young University Women’s Studies Conference, Provo, Utah, November
Halling, Anna-Lisa. “To See or Not to See: Mary and the Male Gaze in Sor Maria’s Clavel y
Rosa.” Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer en España y las Américas Conference, Portland
State University, Portland, Oregon, September 2012.
Halling, Anna-Lisa. “Integrating Early Modern Women Writers in a Hispanic Civilization Course.”
Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer en España y las Américas Conference, Portland,
Oregon, September 2012.
Rode, Silvia Anna. “Harmonist Archetypes: Millennnial Messengar, Seductress, and
Industrialist.” Presented at the Communal Studies Association Conference, Oneida
Community Mansion House & Hamilton College, New York, October, 2012.
Rode, Silvia Anna. “George Rapp’s “Gedanken über die Bestimmung des Menschen:“ Intention
and Reception of Utopia.” Presented at the 65th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference,
Lexington, Kentucky, April, 2012.
Department of Performing Arts
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, God of Courage. New Harmony Theatre, New Harmony,
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, Retreat From Moscow. New Harmony Theatre, New
Harmony, IN.
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, Pete ‘N Keely. New Harmony Theatre, New Harmony, IN.
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, Pride and Prejudice. The Repertory Project, Evansville, IN.
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, All’s Well That Ends Well. The Repertory Project,
Evansville, IN.
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, Death of a Salesman. The Repertory Project, Evansville,
Jensen, Shan. 2012. Costume Design, The Matchmaker. The Repertory Project, Evansville, IN.
Department of Philosophy
Gennaro, Rocco. The Consciousness Paradox: Consciousness, Concepts, and Higher-Order
Thoughts. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012.
Gennaro, Rocco. “Synesthesia, Experiential Parts, and Conscious Unity.” Philosophy Study 2,
no.? (2012): 73-80.
Gennaro, Rocco. “Should HOT Theory require that Conscious States involve Prefrontal Cortical
Activity?” Presented at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, The
University of Sussex, Brighton UK, July 4, 2012.
Gennaro, Rocco. “HOT Theory and the Prefrontal Cortex.” Presented at the “Toward a Science
of Consciousness” Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 10, 2012.
Gennaro, Rocco. “Commentary on Miguel Sebastian’s ‘Experiential Awareness: Do you Prefer It
to Me?’” Presented at the OnLine Consciousness Conference, February 17, 2012.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Armeanu, Oana I. “Religion and Vote.” In Presidential Elections in Romania, edited by Mircea
Comşa, Andrei Gheorghiţă, and Claudiu D. Tufiş, 217-239. Cluj-Napoca: Presa
Universitară Clujeană, 2012.
Armeanu, Oana and Florin N. Feşnic. “Clientelism and Voting Behavior in Romania.” Presented
at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 12-15, 2012.
Feşnic, Florin N. and Oana I. Armeanu. “Institutional, Political and Economic Determinants of
Voting Behavior and Realignment in the Romanian Party System.” Presented at the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 12-15, 2012.
Hallock Morris, Mary. “Dealing with Dead Zones: Sustainability Concerns, Policy Frameworks,
and the Problem of Hypoxia.” Presented at the Annual meeting of the Southern Political
Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2012.
Hallock Morris, Mary. “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Developing a Coherent Institutional
Framework for the Standardization of Ecotourism Policies.” Presented at the Indiana
Political Science Association Annual Meeting, South Bend, Indiana, March 2012.
Hallock Morris, Mary. “From Flooding to Focusing Events: A Political History of Levee
Construction in the Lower Mississippi Valley.” Presented at the 2012 Policy History
Conference, Richmond, Virginia, June 2012.
Hallock Morris, Mary. “From History to Tragedy: How Our Attempts to Control the Mississippi
Have Led to the Drowning of the Louisiana Coast.” Presented at the 4th Annual
Louisiana Studies Conference, Natchitoches, Louisiana, September 2012.
Gilderbloom, J. I., J. D. Ambrosius, G. Squires, K. Anacker, Matthew J. Hanka, and Z. Kenitzer.
“Investors: The Missing Piece in the Foreclosure Racial Gap Debate.” Journal of Urban
Affairs 34, no. 5 (2012): 559-582.
Gilderbloom, J. I., Matthew J. Hanka, and J. D. Ambrosius. “Without Bias? Government Policy
that Creates Fair and Equitable Property Tax Assessments.” American Review of Public
Administration 42, no. 5 (2012): 591-605.
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. (2012). “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate
Experiences: A collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build,
Whirlpool Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat
for Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, date?.
Bakke, E., Nickerson, L. M., Hanka, Matthew J., Opartny, M., Phillips, I., & Priest, R. October
2012. “Building More Than Homes: Habitat, Academic, and Corporate Partnerships.”
13th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Bakke, E., Draughon, K., Hanka, Matthew J., Khayum, M., Opartny, M., Phillips, I., & Priest, R.,
August 2012. Habitat for Humanity Podcast. Habitat for Humanity International.
Hanka, Matthew J. May 2012. “Investors: The Missing Piece in the Foreclosure Racial Gap
Debate.” 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
Gilderbloom, J. I., Meares, W., & Hanka, Matthew J. April 2012. “Rethinking HOPE VI: Are the
Critics Right to End It?” 42nd Urban Affairs Association (UAA) Annual Meeting,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Priest, R. & Hanka, Matthew J. (2012, April). “The Impact of Habitat for Humanity
Homeownership.” National Social Sciences Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Bakke, E., Draughon, K., Hanka, Matthew J., Opartny, M., Phillips, I., & Priest, R. March 2012.
“Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate Experiences: A collaborative study by Habitat
for Humanity International Women Build, Whirlpool Corporation, and the University of
Southern Indiana.” International Women’s Day Women Build, Atlanta, GA.
Department of Psychology
Reynolds, D’Arcy J., T. Hanley, and M. Wolf. “Reaching out across the Virtual Divide: An
Empirical Review of Text-based Therapeutic Online Relationships.” In Online Guidance
and Counselling: Toward Effectively Applying Technology, edited by B. I. Popoola & O. F.
Adebowale, Location?:IGI Global, 2012.
Department of Social Work
Bordelon, Thomas D., Phillips, Iris, Parkison, Paul T., Thomas, Jeff., and Howell, Corinne.
“Teacher Efficacy: How Teachers Rate Themselves and How Students Rate Their
Teachers.” Action in Teacher Education, 34 No. 1 (2012): pages?.
DeCoster, Vaughn and S. Lewis. “Improving post-combat readjustment using a client-directed
photographic activity”. Official Journal of the Association for Psychiatry & Psychology for
Adults & Children vol.?, no.? (2012): pages?
DeCoster, Vaughn, R. Gershon, and S. Green. “Paraprofessional non-directed child-led play as
an early intervention in elementary schools: A four year evaluation of the Primary
Project”. Paper presentation at the 7th International Conference on Child & Adolescent
Psychopathology, Roehampton University, London, July 2012.
DeCoster, Vaughn and S. Lewis. “Improving post-combat readjustment using a client-directed
photographic activity”. Poster presentation at the 17th International World Conference
of the Association of Psychology & Psychiatry for Adults & Children: Recent Advances in
Psychology, Neuropsychiatry & Social. Athens, Greece, May 2012.
DeCoster, Vaughn and S. Lewis. “The therapeutic use of photography in mental health
treatment”. Paper presentation at the 17th International World Conference of the
Association of Psychology & Psychiatry for Adults & Children: Recent Advances in
Psychology, Neuropsychiatry & Social. Athens, Greece, May 2012.
DeCoster, Vaughn. “The challenges of leaving war: Recognizing and treating normal
readjustment vs. PTSD.” Presented at a Workshop at the Indiana NASW Annual State
Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, October 2012.
Dickerson, James, C. Collins-Camargo, and R. Martin-Galijatovic. “How Collaborative the
Collaboration? Assessing Interagency Collaboration Within a Juvenile Court Diversion
Program." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 63, no. 1 (2012): 21-35.
Dickerson, James. “The Effects of Shared Meaning on Interagency Collaboration”. Presented at
the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences Conference, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, June 2012.
Elpers, Kathy & Fitzgerald, E. “Issues and Challenges in Gatekeeping: A Framework for
Implementation.” Journal of Social Work Education: The International Journal Vol.?,
no.? (March 2012): 1-15.
Elpers, Kathy. “Issues of Family Caregiving.” Presented at the American Society on Aging
Conference, Washington, DC, March 28-April 1, 2012.
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate Experiences: A
collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build, Whirlpool
Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat for
Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012.
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Studies
Bambina, Antonina and Jeff Thomas. “Why It Works: Understanding the Long-term Success of a
Large Living-Learning Community Program.” Presentation at the National Collegiate
Honors Council’s Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2012.
Banerjea, Niharika. “Teaching ‘India’ in Southern Indiana: Pedagogical Lessons and
Epistemological Questions.” Presented at the National Women’s Studies Association
Conference Panel on Teaching “India” in U.S Academia: Challenges for a Feminist
Pedagogy, Oakland, California, November 8-11, 2012.
Banerjea, Niharika. “Critical Urban Collaborative Ethnographies: Articulating Community and
Activism with Women Loving Women in Kolkata, India.” Presented at the Crossing
Boundaries, Workshopping Sexualities, The Sexualities Section of the American
Sociological Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 15-16, 2012.
Banerjea, Niharika. “Writing the Global South: Articulating Community and Activism with
Women Loving Women in Kolkata, India.” Presented at the RGS-IBG 2012 Annual
Meeting, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, England, July 3-5, 2012.
Banerjea, Niharika. “Critical Collaborative Ethnography and Women Loving Women in Kolkata:
Methods and Political Imperatives.” Presented at the Queer Places, Practices, and Lives
Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 18-19, 2012.
Bauer, Daniel. “Emergent Identity and Community Politics: Ethnogenesis in Coastal Ecuador.”
Presented at the 2012 International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association,
San Francisco, California, May 23-26, 2012.
Bauer, Daniel. “Emergent Identity, Cultural Heritage, and El Mestizaje: Notes from the
Ecuadorian Coast.” The Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 21, no. 1 (2012): 103121.
Buck, Andrew. “Coalitions and Democracy: National and Regional Variations in the Former
Soviet Union.” Paper prepared for the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian
Studies Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2012.
Buck, Andrew. “Social Movements and Energy Politics.” Invited speaker to Roundtable on
Lessons from Post-Communism: Energy and Conservation, Russian and East European
Institute, Indiana University, April 2012.
Bakke, Elissa, Katherine Draughon, Matthew J. Hanka, Mohammed Khayum, Marie Opartny, Iris
Phillips, and Rhonda Priest. “Impact of Homeownership and Affiliate Experiences: A
collaborative study by Habitat for Humanity International Women Build, Whirlpool
Corporation, and the University of Southern Indiana.” Presented at Habitat for
Humanity International, Atlanta, Georgia, 2012.
Schroer, Todd. “The Strategy Debate Within the White Racialist Movement: Leaderless
Resistance or Respectability?” Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society Meeting,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 30, 2012.
Solinas-Saunders, Monica and Melissa J. Stacer. “Prison Resources and Physical/Verbal Assault
in Prison: A Comparison of Male and Female Inmates.” Victims and Offenders 7, no. 3
(2012): 279-311.
Desmond, Scott A., Alan S. Bruce, and Melissa J. Stacer. “Low Self-Control, Opportunity, and
Delinquency.” Deviant Behavior 33, no. 6 (2012): 425-447.
Stacer, Melissa J. “The Interaction of Race/Ethnicity and Mental Health Problems on Visitation
in State Correctional Facilities.” Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 10, no. 1 (2012):
Stacer, Melissa J. and Monica Solinas-Saunders. “Veterans in Prison: Adaptation to Institutional
Environments.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois,
November 14-17, 2012.
Spencer, Susan Dale and Robert Allen Mahaney. “What To Do With Presence/Absence Data:
The Benefits of Cluster Analysis in Estimating the Timing of Trauma at a Pre-Columbian
Site in West-Central Illinois.” Presented at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee, April 21, 2012.
Spencer, Susan Dale. “Detecting Violence in the Archaeological Record: Clarifying the Timing of
Trauma and Manner of Death in Cases of Cranial Blunt Force Trauma Among PreColumbian Amerindians of West-Central Illinois.” International Journal of
Paleopathology 2, no. 2-3 (2012): 112-122.
Powell, Mary Lucas, Della Collins Cook, Maia M. Langley, Jennifer Raff, Frederika Kaestle and
Susan Dale Spencer. “The ‘African Queen,’ a Portuguese Mystery.” In The
Bioarchaeology of Individuals, edited by Ann Lucy Stodder and Ann M. Palkovich.
Location?: University Press of Florida, (2012): 127-147.
Baxter, Brandon Dale, Lora Bolton, Casey Coffey, Hayden Dayson, Whitley Draper, Aaron
Durchholz, Scott Finney, Kathryn Howard, John-Thomas Norris, and Susan Dale Spencer.
“Understanding Population Variation through Discrete Traits and Cluster Analysis: A
Class Project.” Presented at the Midwest Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology
(BARFAA) Annual Meeting, Carbondale, Illinois, October 27, 2012.
Draper, Whitley Paige, Brandon Dale Baxter and Susan Dale Spencer. “The Woman with an
Unusual Smile: A Case of a Fused Mandibular Lateral Incisor and Canine in a PreColumbian Amerindian from Southwestern Indiana, USA.” Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science, West Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 2012.
Rosenberg, Helen, Susan Reed, Anne Statham, and Howawrd Rosing. “ Service Learning and the
Nontraditional Student: What’s Age Got to do With It?” Advances in Service Learning
Research 11, no.? (2012): 157-178.
Rosenberg, Helen, Anne Statham, and Catherine Folker. “Faculty Views on Community Based
Learning as a Teaching Tool: Benefits, Barriers and Policy Implications for Future
Engagement.” The Australasian Journal of University-Community Engagement 7, no. 2
(2012): 1-18.
Reed, S., H. Rosenberg, Anne Statham, and H. Rosing. “The Role of CBSL Courses in the
Retention of Non-traditional Students.” Presented at the International Association on
Research for Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Baltimore, Maryland, September,
24, 2012.
Rosenberg, H. Anne Statham, and C. Folker. “Faculty Views on Community Based Learning as a
Teaching Tool: Benefits, Barriers and Policy Implications for Future Engagement.”
Annual Meeting of Engage Australia, location?, July 10, 2012.
Peterson, Staffan, and Michael Strezewski. “2012 Addendum to ‘Lincoln’s Boyhood Landscape
Archaeology Education Project, Spencer County, Indiana.” Report of Investigations HPF
#21820-8. Submitted to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of
Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Strezewski, Michael, Kristen M. Hedman, and Thomas E. Emerson. “Oakwood Mound, A
Langford Mortuary Site in Will County, Illinois.” Wisconsin Archeologist 34, no. 2 (2012):
Strezewski, Michael. “Mississippian Origins in the Middle Ohio River Vally: A View from the
Kuester Site.” Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Memphis, Tennessee, April 18-22, 2012.
York, Melinda R. and Melissa J. Stacer. “Offender Re-entry and Recidivism: A Program
Evaluation Testing the Theory of Reintegrative Shaming.” Presented at Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences, New York, New York, March 15, 2012.
York, Melinda R. “A social worker’s role in drug court.” Paper presented at the American
Society of Criminology Conference 68th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 14,
College of Nursing and Health Professions
Department of Dental Assisting
Department of Dental Hygiene
Department of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Department of Food and Nutrition
Department of Health Services
Department of Nursing
Department of Occupational Therapy
Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant
Department of Radiologic Imaging Sciences
Professional Staff
Department of Dental Assisting
Parsons, Kimberly. “Dental Assisting Students’ Perceptions Toward Electronic Textbook Usage.”
Presented at the 45th Annual National American Dental Education Association Allied
Dental Program Directors’ Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 9-12, 2012.
Parsons, Kimberly and Emily Holt. “Shape Your Future with an E-Portfolio.” Access 26, no. 5
(2012): 19-21.
Holt, Emily and Deborah Carl Wolf. “Identifying and Treating the Oral Effects of
Methamphetamine Use.” The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners 16, no. 3/4
(2012): 25-30.
Department of Dental Hygiene
Holt, Emily and Deborah Carl Wolf. “Identifying and Treating the Oral Effects of
Methamphetamine Use.” The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners 16, no. 3/4
(2012): 25-30.
Holt, Emily and Sara Werner. “An Inclusive Dental Hygiene Case of a Recovered
Methamphetamine Addict.” ADHA Access 26, no. 4 (2012): 18-21.
Parsons, Kimberly and Emily Holt. “Shape Your Future with an E-Portfolio.” Access 26, no. 5
(2012): 19-21.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Emily Holt. “Shine a Light.” Dimensions of Dental Hygiene 10, no. 9
(2012): 25-27.
Department of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Ehlman, Katie, Amy Wilson, Renee Dugger, Brandon Eggleston, Nadine Coudret, and Sheri
Mathis. “Nursing home staff members’ attitudes and knowledge about urinary
incontinence: The impact of technology and training,” Urologic Nursing, Vol. 32, Issue 4
Department of Food and Nutrition
McCullough, Julie and Serah Theuri. “Issues in Tracking Locally-Grown Seasonably Available
Food in the Inner-City.” Presented as the Society for Nutrition Education Annual
Conference, Washington, DC, July 14-17, 2012.
McCullough, Julie. “A Service Learning Group Project: Making Nutrition Education Videos
Utilizing Project Management and Video Software.” Presented at the Indiana Dietetic
Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 18-19, 2012.
Theuri, Serah, Julie McCullough, Janet Rennels and Nadine Coudret. “Implications of Fruit and
Vegetable Availability Information for the Food and Nutrition Professional.” Presented
at the Indiana Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 18-19,
McCullough, Julie, Janet Rennels and Serah Theuri. “A Service Learning Project: Examination of
Food Access Issues in the Inner-City Contributing to Poor Quality Diets.” Presented at
the Indiana Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 18-19,
Theuri, Serah and Julie McCullough. “Store Type and Shelf Space Influence on the Availability of
Fruits and Vegetables in an Urban Environment.” Presented at the Society for Nutrition
Education Annual Conference, Washington, DC, July 14-17, 2012.
Theuri, Serah. “Design and Development of a Service Learning Course to Teach Nutrition
through the Life Cycle and Health Program Development Skills.” Presented at the 2012
Indiana Campus Compact Service Engagement Summit, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 2829, 2012.
Breton, E., Hillou, W.K. Kuo, F. Al Anouti, Serah Theuri and A.P. Sowa. “Primary School As a
Setting for the Healthy Eating: Results from Abu Dhabi.” Presented at the 13th World
Congress on Public Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 23-27, 2012.
Theuri, Serah. “Essential Research and Statistics concepts for the Health Care Professional.”
Presented at the Annual Dietetic Internship Orientation and CPE Seminars, Oakwood
University, Huntsville, Alabama, July 9, 2012.
Department of Health Services
Eggelston, Brandon. Biostatistics. Des Moines: Kendall-Hill Publishing, 2012.
Berridge, Gina, Vella Goebel, and Brandon Eggelston. “An Urban Experience: Perceptions of
pre-service teachers in an inner city charter school.” Journal of Cooperative Education
and Internships 46, no. 1 (2012): 4-14.
Eggelston, Brandon. “Evaluation of the Benefits of Middle School Yoga Program.” Presented at
the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California,
October 2012.
Eggelston, Brandon. “Salient Elicitation Interviews of Yogis from Around the World.” Presented
at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California,
October 2012.
Ehlman, Catherine, Amy Wilson, Renée Dugger, Brandon Eggelston, Nadine Coudret, and Sherri
Mathis. “Nursing Home Staff members’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Urinary
Incontinence: The impact of technology and training.” Urologic Nursing, Vol. 32, Issue 4
(2012): 205-213.
Ehlman, Catherine, Sheri Mathis Mathis and Renee Dugger. November 2012. “Bladder Buzz: A
Urinary Incontinence Educational Program for Nursing Home Staff,” 65 th Gerontological
Society of America Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Ligon, M., Catherine Ehlman and G. Moriello. “Benefits of an Oral History Project: A Win, Win,
Win Endeavor.” Presented at the 65th Gerontological Society of America Scientific
Meeting, San Diego, California, November 2012.
Ehlman, Catherine, M. Ligon and G. Moriello. “Generativitiy and Development in Late-life: The
Impact of Oral History.” Presented at the Association of Higher Education Annual
Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, Arlington, Virginia, February 2012.
Ehlman, Catherine, Sheri Mathis and Renee Dugger. “Bladder Buzz.” Presented at the 17th
Annual Nursing and Health Professions Educator Conference, Evansville, Indiana,
October 17, 2012.
Ehlman, Catherine and Kevin Valadares. “Innovative Service Learning: The Utilization of
Student-Created Video Documentaries to Benefit Interprofessional Nursing Home Staff
Members.” Presented at the 17th Annual Nursing and Health Professions Educator
Conference, Evansville, Indiana, October 17, 2012.
Wilson, Gabriela Mustata and Y. Muftuoglu, Computational Strategies in Cancer Drug Discovery
in Cancer Treatment / Book 4, ISBN 979-953-307-210-3 (accepted and to be published in
Wilson, Gabriela Mustata Co-Author on 3 Invention Disclosures submitted to the Office of
Technology Management, University of Pittsburgh
Small Molecule Analogs of the Nemo Binding Peptide that Inhibit Inducible IkB Kinase
(IKK) for Regulation of NF-kB; Innovators: Paul D. Robbins (University of Pittsburg (Pitt)),
Laura J. Niedernhofer (Pitt), Gabriela Mustata Wilson (USI)
Novel small molecule inhibitor-1 of beta-catenin signaling and activity; Innovators:
Satdarshan Pal Singh Monga (Pitt), Gabriela Mustata Wilson (USI), Evan R. Delgado
Novel small molecule inhibitor-2 of beta-catenin signaling and activity; Innovators:
Satdarshan Pal Singh Monga (Pitt), Gabriela Mustata Wilson (USI), Evan R. Delgado
Titzer, Jennifer, Constance Swenty and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Promoting Interprofessional
Collaboration Utilizing an Academic Health Record System,” Presented at the Rutgers
30th Annual International Interprofessional Technology Conference, New Brunswick,
New Jersey, April 15-18, 2012.
Swenty, Constance, Jennifer Titzer and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Facilitating Interprofessional
Collaboration among Nursing & Healthcare Profession Students,” Presented at Purdue
University School of Nursing Research Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, November
9, 2012.
Wilson, Gabriela Mustata. Editorial Board Member, Dataset Papers in Pharmacology Journal,
Wilson, Gabriela Mustata. “An Integrated Strategy to Identify New Aromatase Inhibitors,”
Current Topics in Pharmacology, 16 No.? (2012): 15-24.
Liang, M., T. B. Tarr, K. Bravo-Altamirano, G. Valdomir, G. Rensch, L. Swanson, N. R. DeStefino,
C. M. Mazzarisi, R. A. Olszewski, and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Synthesis and
Biological Evaluation of a New Calcium Channel Agonist,” Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 3
No. 12 (2012): 985-990.
Department of Nursing
Beckham, Roxanne. “Development of Informatics Wisdom in a Graduate Nurse Informatics
Course,” Presented at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s 2013 Master’s
Education Conference, Orlando, Florida, February 21-23, 2013.
Brakovich, Betsy, Elizabeth Bonham and Lewis VanBrackle. “War on the Spore: Clostridium
difficile Among Patients in a Long Term Acute Care Hospital.” Journal for Health Care
Quality, (2012) DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-1474.2011.00182.x.
Bonham, Elizabeth. “Psychiatric Mental Health Tenets Transform Incivility in Nursing Practice
and Education,” Presented at the 2012 International Society of Psychiatric-Mental
Health Nurses Psychopharmacology Institute and Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia,
March 27-31, 2012.
Bonham, Elizabeth. “Juvenile Justice Population,” in Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A
Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care Practitioners in Nursing,
Edited by Edilma Yearwood, Geraldine Person and Jamesetta Newland, 355-373. West
Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Hallas, D. and Elizabeth Bonham. “Evidence-based nursing practice,” in Child and Adolescent
Behavioral Health: A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Care
Practitioners in Nursing, Edited by Edilma Yearwood, Geraldine Pearson and Jamesetta
Newland, 475-482. West Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Bonham, Elizabeth. “Is Incivility the New Civility: How Do I Turn this Boat Around?” Presented
at the 6th Annual Creating a Healthy Work Environment, Indianapolis, Indiana,
September 27, 2012.
Brakovich, Betsy and Elizabeth Bonham. “Solving the Retention Puzzle: Let’s Begin with Nursing
Orientation,” Nurse Leader, 10 No. 5 (2012): 50.
Bonham, Elizabeth. “The Emotional Evolution of Chronic Disease,” Presented at the CMSA Ft.
Wayne Chapter Seminar: Piecing Together the Case Management Plan, Ft. Wayne,
Indiana, October 9, 2012.
Bonham, Elizabeth. “Compassion Fatigue in the Case Manager,” Presented at the CMSA Ft.
Wayne Chapter Seminar: Piecing Together the Case Management Plan, Ft. Wayne,
Indiana, October 9, 2012.
Bonham, Elizabeth and Kathy Riedford. “Baccalaureate nursing students describe nursing
research: A qualitative explication of concept mapping,” Paper presented at conference
proceedings of the University of Southern Indiana 13th Annual Nursing Research and
Evidence Based Practice in Health Care Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Burger, Jeri. “Student Perception of the Effectiveness of NCLEX Preparation,” Presented at the
23rd Annual Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, Colorado, July 1821, 2012.
Burger, Jeri, Rebecca Rodriguez, Katrina Phillips, Loren Garza and Christina Hamon.
“Coordination, Collaboration and Application: Increasing the Relevance of EvidenceBased Practice for Novice Nursing Students,” Presented at the 23rd Annual Nurse
Educators Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, Colorado, July 18-21, 2012.
Coudret, Nadine and Mayola Rowser. “Paying it forward – a program that uses equity
contributions as payment for healthcare services for the uninsured,” Presented at the
2012 National School-Based Health Care Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June
25, 2012.
Theuri, Serah, Julie McCullough, Janet Rennels and Nadine Coudret. “Implications of Fruit and
Vegetable Availability Information for the Food and Nutrition Professional.” Presented
at the Indiana Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 18-19,
Ehlman, Mary Catherine, Amy Wilson, Renée Dugger, Brandon Eggelston, Nadine Coudret, and
Sherri Mathis. “Nursing Home Staff members’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Urinary
Incontinence: The impact of technology and training.” Urologic Nursing, 32 No. 4
(2012): 205-213.
Ehlman, Mary Catherine, Sheri Mathis, and Renee Dugger. “Bladder Buzz: A Urinary
Incontinence Educational Program for Nursing Home Staff,” Presented at the 65th
Gerontological Society of America Scientific Meeting, San Diego, California, November
Ehlman, Mary Catherine, Sheri Mathis and Renee Dugger. “Bladder Buzz.” Presented at the
17th Annual Nursing and Health Professions Educator Conference, Evansville, Indiana,
October 17, 2012.
Hall, Mellisa. “Faculty prioritization in evaluating student performance: Use of anecdotal
notes,” Presented at the NETNEP 2012: 4th International Nurse Education Conference,
Baltimore, Maryland, June 17-20, 2012.
Hall, Mellisa. “Alcoholism and depression,” Home Healthcare Nurse: The Journal for the Home
Care and Hospice Professional, 30 No. 9 (2012): 543-550.
Hall, Mellisa. “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma,” Home Healthcare
Nurse: The Journal for the Home Care and Hospice Professional, 30 No. 10 (2012): 603612.
Hall, Mellisa. “Acne vulgaris,” in Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.), Edited by T.M.
Buttaro, J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J. Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2012.
Hall, Mellisa. “Fungal infections (superficial),” Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.),
Edited by Buttaro, T.M., J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J. Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia:
Elsevier (2012).
Hall, Mellisa. “Sinusitis,” in Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.), Edited by T.M.
Buttaro, J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J. Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2012.
Hall, Mellisa. “Diverticular Disease,” in Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.), Edited
by T.M. Buttaro, J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J. Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia: Elsevier
Hall, Mellisa. “Jaundice,” in Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.), Edited by T.M.
Buttaro, J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J. Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2012.
Hall, Mellisa. “Obstructive Uropathies and Tumors of the genitalurinary tract,” in Primary Care:
A Collaborative Practice, (4th ed.), Edited by T.M. Buttaro, J.A. Trybulski, P.P. Bailey and J.
Sandberg-Cook. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2012.
Hand, Mikel. “ Post Mortem Nursing Care Efficacy as Perceived by Licensed Funeral Directors.”
Presented at the MNRS 36th Annual Research Conference, Dearborn, Missouri, April 1215, 2012.
Hand, Mikel. “Post Mortem Nursing Care Efficacy as Perceived by Licensed Funeral Directors.”
Presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International 23rd International Nursing Research
Congress, Brisbane, Australia, July 30-August 3, 2012.
Hand, Mikel. Project Team Member of the Oncology Nursing Society Leadership Core
Competencies for the Oncology Nursing Society, Dec 2011-March 2012.
Smith-Stoner, Marilyn and Mikel Hand. “A Disciplined Analysis of Post Mortem Care Policies in
California Hospitals,” MEDSURG Nursing, 21 No. 6 (2012): 360-366.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Elizabeth Bonham. “Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned from
Developing a Community / Academic Partnership to Improve Health Care Access for a
Latino Population,” Presented at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner
Faculties 38th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, April 14, 2012.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Emily Holt. “Shine a Light.” Dimensions of Dental Hygiene 10, No. 9
(2012): 25-27.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Elizabeth Bonham, “Developing a Community / Academic Partnership to
Improve Health Care Access for a Latino Population: Lessons Learned,” Journal of
Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Vol ? No.? (2012): pages?.
Hoebeke, Roberta. “Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome: Is it on Your Radar Screen?” The
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 8 No. 9 (2012): 751-752.
Oakley, J. and Roberta Hoebeke. “I Choose Health: A Primary Prevention Model for Diabetes
Prevention in Latino Adolescents,” presentation at 16th Annual Research and Evidence
Based Practice in Health Care Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Hetzler, K. and Roberta Hoebeke. “Growing Your Health through Gardening,” poster
presentation at 16th Annual Research and Evidence Based Practice in Health Care
Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Elizabeth Bonham, “Developing a Community / Academic Partnership to
Improve Health Care Access for a Latino Population: Lessons Learned,” Journal of Health
Care for the Poor and Underserved, Vol. ? No.? (2012): pages?.
Hoebeke, Roberta and Elizabeth Bonham. “Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned from
Developing a Community / Academic Partnership to Improve Health Care Access for a
Latino Population,” Presented at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner
Faculties 38th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, April 14, 2012.
Kinner, Tracy, Gina Schaar, and Marilyn Ostendorf. “Capitalizing on Student Attributes to
Enhance Real-Life High-Fidelity Simulations,” Presented at the 11th Annual International
Nursing Simulation/Learning Resources Centers Conference. San Antonio, Texas, June
21, 2012.
Hauck, Sheila, Rebecca Winsett and Judi Kuric. “Leadership Facilitation Strategies to Establish
Evidence-based Practice in an Acute Care Hospital,” Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Riedford, Kathy and Elizabeth Bonham. “Ascertaining Perceptions through Visual
Representations: A Qualitative Explication of Concept Mapping,” Presented at the 26th
Annual Conference of American Association of Psychiatric Nurses, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, November 7-10, 2012.
Gibson, M., L. Roth, M. Stoll and Kathy Riedford. “What system changes can be implemented
to reduce phlebitis rates in hospitals?,” Paper resented at conference proceedings of the
University of Southern Indiana 13th Annual Nursing Research and Evidence Based
Practice in Health Care Conference, , Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Johnson, A. and Kathy Riedford. “Community-based caregiver awareness program,” Paper
presented at conference proceedings of the University of Southern Indiana 13 th Annual
Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice in Health Care Conference, Evansville,
Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Riedford, Kathy. “Contemporary Roles in Mental Health Nursing and Interprofessional
Collaboration,” invited presentation with students and faculty interaction through
electronic means with University of Malta, December 2012.
Riedford, Kathy. “Role of the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner in America,” invited
presentation with students and faculty interaction through electronic means with
University of Malta, May 2012.
Taylor, R., M. Stoll and Kathy Riedford. “High fidelity simulation scenario as a teaching method
for pediatric competency day education,” poster presentation at conference
proceedings of the University of Southern Indiana Annual Nursing Research Conference
in Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Taylor, R., M. Stoll and Kathy Riedford. “High fidelity simulation scenario as a teaching method
for pediatric competency day education,” Paper/podium presentation at conference
proceedings of the 2012 MSHA Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference at
Northeast State Community College, Kingsport, Tennessee, June 14, 2012.
Toon, J., and Kathy Riedford. “A mentoring program for new graduate nurses,” poster
presentation at conference proceedings of the University of Southern Indiana 13th
Annual Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice in Health Care Conference,
Evansville, Indiana, April 11, 2012.
Rock, Mary, Gina Schaar and Constance Swenty. “Nurse attorney’s role: Linking legal concepts
to an obstetrical simulation,” Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2012)
Rowser, Mayola and Ruth Metzger. “Interprofessional Education in a New School-Based
Health Center,” Presented at the 2012 National School-Based Health Care Convention,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 25, 2012.
Schaar, Gina, Constance Swenty and Maria Shirey. “Nursing Sabbatical in the Acute Care
Setting: What is the Evidence?” Presented at the MNRS 36th Annual Research
Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, April 12-15, 2012.
Schaar, Gina, Marilyn Ostendorf and Tracy Kinner. “Simulation: Linking QSEN Competencies to
the Observer Role Clinical Simulation in Nursing,” Clinical Simulation in Nursing,
Schaar, Gina, Constance Swenty, Lori Phillips, Jeni Embree, Belle McCool, and Maria Shirey.
“Nursing sabbatical in the acute care hospital setting: A cost benefit analysis.” The
Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 No. 6 (2012): 340-344.
Schaar, Gina. “Nurses Facilitate Change in medical Practice: Unmasking Postpartum
Depression,” Presented at the Association of Women’s health Obstetric and neonatal
Nurses Convention, Washington, DC, June 23, 2012.
Seibert, Susan. “Safety Consciousness: Assignments that Expand Focus Beyond the Bedside,”
Presented at the 4th International Nurse Educator Conference, Baltimore, Maryland,
June 17-20 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “Group Think, Organizational Strategy and Change.” Journal of Nursing
Administration, 42 No. 2 (2012): 67-71.
Shirey, Maria. “Cultivating Strategic Thinking Skills,” Journal of Nursing Administration, 42, No.
6 (2012): 311-314.
Shirey, Maria. “Guest Editorial: Giving and Receiving Feedback,” Journal of Continuing
Education in Nursing, 43 No. 6 (2012): 243-244.
Higdon, K.S. and Maria Shirey. “Implementation of a caring theoretical framework in a multihospital system,” Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 No. 4 (2012): 190-194.
Shirey, Maria. “Stakeholder analysis and mapping as targeted communication strategy,”
Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 No. 9 (2012): 399-403.
Shirey, Maria, D. E. Holland, L. M. Rhudy, V. A. Hascup and M. E Olson. “Coordinates for the
future: The role of the nurse,” Presented at the 21st Annual Nursing Research
Conference, Rochester, Minnesota, March, 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “Nurse manager cognitive decision-making amidst stress and work complexity,”
Presented at the 21st Annual Nursing Research Conference, Rochester, Minnesota,
March, 2012.
Bryant, C.P. and Maria Shirey. “Facilitation and evaluation of a call center at St. Mary’s Medical
Center,” Presented at the Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Evansville,
Indiana, April, 2012.
Gray, L. and Maria Shirey. “Nurse manager engagement,” Presented at the Research and
Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April, 2012.
Wilder, C. and Maria Shirey. “Transformation following the implementation of an electronic
health record,” Presented at the Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference,
Evansville, Indiana, April, 2012.
Clickner, D. A. and Maria Shirey. “Implementation of a nursing peer review program with
professional comportment as a foundational element,” Presented at the Research and
Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April, 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “Nurse Manager Cognitive Decision-Making Amidst Stress and Work Complexity:
Implications for Education, Practice and Policy,” Presented at the 2012 Annual Health
Research Meeting of Academy Health, Organizational Behavior and Management
Theme, Orlando, Florida, June 25, 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “Leadership for Building an Extraordinary Career in Nursing,” Presented at the
37th Annual National Association of Hispanic Nurses Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
July 17-20, 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “Deputy Editor: Succession Planning and Editorial Leadership for the Future,”
Presented at the International Academy of Nursing Editors, Montreal, Canada, August 2,
Shirey, Maria. “Pacing Doctoral Students for Program Progression, Completion, and
Professional Impact,” Presented at the 23rd International Networking for Education in
Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, September 4-6, 2012.
Shirey, Maria. “The Cognitive Work of Nurse Managers: Why it Matters to Patient Care Quality
& Safety,” Presented at the Data-driven Evidence to Inform Improvements in Healthcare
Practice and Policy Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, November
9, 2012.
Shirey, Maria, P.R. Ebright and A.M. McDaniel. “Nurse manager cognitive decision-making
amidst stress and work complexity,” Journal of Nursing Management, (2012) DOI:
Shirey, Maria. “Review: Walking a tight rope: An investigation of nurse managers’ work
stressors and coping experiences. Journal of Research in Nursing, (2012) DOI:
Shirey, Maria. “How Resilient are Your Team Members?” Journal of Nursing Administration, 42
No. 12 (2012): 551-553.
Shirey, Maria. “Nurse manager cognitive decision-making amidst stress and work complexity:
Implications for education, practice, and policy,” Presented at the 2012 Annual Research
Meeting of Academy Health, Health Workforce Interest Group, Orlando, Florida, June
St. Clair, Julie. “I am The Cure: A Service Learning Opportunity,” Presented at the Association
of Community Health Nurse Educators 2012 Annual Institute, Portland, Oregon, June 79, 2012.
St. Clair, Julie. “The Diner: Serving More than Meals,” Presented at the Association of
Community Health Nurse Educators 2012 Annual Institute, Portland, Oregon, June 7-9,
Swartz, Mary. “Addressing diversity in the patient with heart failure,” presented at the
webinar for American Association of Heart Failure Nurses, July 2012.
Swartz, Mary. “Using a Coaching Intervention to reduce readmissions withing 30 days of
discharge in a cardiovascular population,” Presented at the University of Southern
Indiana Annual Research, Evidence-based Practice and Performance Improvement
Conference, Evansville, Indiana, April 2012.
Swenty, Constance, Jennifer Titzer and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Facilitating
Interprofessional Collaboration among Nursing & Healthcare Profession Students,”
Presented at the Purdue University School of Nursing Research Conference, West
Lafayette, Indiana, November 9, 2012.
Titzer, Jennifer, Constance Swenty and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Promoting
interprofessional collaboration utilizing an academic electronic health record,”
Presented at the University of Southern Indiana Educator Conference, Evansville,
Indiana, October 2012.
Titzer, Jennifer, Constance Swenty and Gabriela Mustata Wilson. “Promoting
Interprofessional Collaboration Utilizing an Academic Health Record System,”
Presented at the Rutgers 30th Annual International Interprofessional Technology
Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15-18, 2012.
Titzer, Jennifer. “Nurse Manager Succession Planning: A Concept Analysis,” Nursing Forum,
Titzer, Jennifer and Maria Shirey. “Succession Planning and the Advanced Practice Nurse,”
Transition into Hospital Based Practice: A Guide for Nurse Practitioners and
Administrators, Mona N. Bahouth, Kay Blem, Shari Simone, Eds. New York: Springer
Publishing Company (2012): 263-275.
Titzer, Jennifer. Interprofessional Education Panelist, 2nd Annual Indiana League for Nursing
Dinner and Discussion, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2012.
Walsh, Colleen. “Wrist Fractures in the Young and Elderly,” OR Nurse, 6 No. 3 (2012): 28-37.
Walsh, Colleen. Secretary of the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses 2012-2015.
Gray, F. and Ann White. “Role confusion: A concept analysis,” Nursing Forum, 47 No. 1 (2012):
Department of Occupational Therapy
Kilbane, Janet and Jennifer Nunning. “General Supervision Requirements for Level I & II FW,”
Presented at the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association Fall Conference,
Indianapolis, Indiana, November 10, 2012.
Ehlman, Mary Catherine, Amy Wilson, Renée Dugger, Brandon Eggelston, Nadine Coudret, and
Sherri Mathis. “Nursing Home Staff members’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Urinary
Incontinence: The impact of technology and training.” Urologic Nursing, 32 No. 4
(2012): 205-213.
Ehlman, Catherine, Sheri Mathis and Renee Dugger. “Bladder Buzz: A Urinary Incontinence
Educational Program for Nursing Home Staff,” Presented at the 65th Gerontological
Society of America Scientific Meeting, San Diego, California, November 2012.
Ehlman, Catherine, Sheri Mathis and Renee Dugger. “Bladder Buzz.” Presented at the 17th
Annual Nursing and Health Professions Educator Conference, Evansville, Indiana,
October 17, 2012.
Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant
Arvin, Mary Kay and Rebecca Bahnke. “Entry-Level for OTA – Associate’s vs. Bachelor’s
Degree?,” Presented at the 2012 Program Directors and Academic Fieldwork
Coordinators Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 5-6, 2012.
Hutchins, Matthew, Jim Melancon and Jennifer Nunning. “Teaching Self-Efficacy of a Selected
Group of Secondary Health Education Teachers.” Journal of Health Education Teaching,
3 No. 1 (2012): 27-32.
Kilbane, Janet and Jennifer Nunning. “General Supervision Requirements for Level I & II FW,”
Presented at the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association Fall Conference,
Indianapolis, Indiana, November 10, 2012.
Department of Radiologic Imaging Sciences
Cook, Joy and Heather Schmuck. “Teaching and Technology: Engagement in the Classroom
with Student-Owned Technology,” AEIRS Spectrum, 23 No. 2 (2012): 4-7.
Cook, Joy. “MRI and thermoregulation: Recognizing the thermoregulatory compromised
patient and adapting the MRI exam,” Presented at the 2012 Indiana Society of
Radiologic Technologists Annual Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 2012.
Cook, Joy. “Comparison of Instructional Methods: Outcomes and Attitudes,” Presented at the
2012 Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists Annual Conference, Fort Wayne,
Indiana, September 2012.
Cook, Joy. “MRI burns: Avoidable accidents,” Presented at the 2012 Indiana Society of
Radiologic Technologists Annual Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 2012.
Professional Staff
Stevens, Sarah. “When Student Success Collides with Systemic Oppression: Integrating
Academic Advising and Social Justice Work,” Presented at the NACADA Annual
Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, October 4-7, 2012.
Stevens, Sarah. “Connecting Teaching, Activism, and Empowerment through Liberating Acts
and Other Exercises,” Presented at the Midwest Modern Languages Association Annual
Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 8-11, 2012.
Stevens, Sarah. “PAYING IT FORWARD: 2nd Wave, 3rd Wave, and the New Wave in Feminist
Pedagogy,” Chaired panel at the Midwest Modern Languages Association Annual
Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 8-11, 2012.
Department of Kinesiology and Sport
Bower, Glenna. 2012. “The SMART Program: An Intervention Program Aimed at Fighting
Obesity.” IAHPERD Advocacy Grant. $750.00
Timmis, Bower, Glenna. 2012. “SMART Fitness Programs for Global Youth Service Days.” Indian
Campus Compact Community Service Mini-Grant. $1000.00
Frimming, Renee and Jay Polsgrove. 2012. Indiana AHPERD Mini Grant. $1500.00
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
Buck, Andrew. April, 2012. Travel Grant. Russian and East European Institute, Indiana
University, $500.
Beyin, Amanuel. National Geographic Society, $20,000.