Unit 1 Review KEY



Use your Unit 1 binder materials to review and answer the following questions


1) Name the big three European countries to colonize in the Americas? Spain, France, England

2) What are the three G’s—primary reasons for exploration and colonization? Gold, God, Glory

3) Another reason for settlement of the Americas—this was a popular economic theory held by

European countries in which they believed that the more wealth a country had, the more economic and political power it would have. Under this economic idea, the colonies benefitted for the good of the mother country. What is this economic system called?


4) MAP: show us the primary regions where each country settled?

5) Which country had the best relationship with the Indians based upon their extensive fur trade?


6) Which country sent the most missionaries to convert Native Americans to Christianity and established missions all along the American southwest? Spain


7) What year was Jamestown founded? 1607

8) What was the name of the joint stock company that founded Virginia/Jamestown? Virginia Company

9) Name two reasons why the Jamestown colony struggled to survive. Wealthy gentlemen not accustomed to work, just wanted to look for gold, didn’t know how to plant/grow crops in America, settled in swampy, mosquito infested, diseases, etc .

10) The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting what? Tobacco

11) Who led the charge to plant tobacco? What was his name? John Rolfe

12) Who did he marry? Pocahontas

13) Who did she save? He was the leader of the Jamestown colony. John Smith

14) How had John Smith saved the colony at one point? What did he tell the people ? He who will not work, shall not eat

15) When he left, things fell apart, only 60 out of 500 settlers lived through the period known as the what? The Starving Time

16) After establishing tobacco, Jamestown took off, and by 1619 established the first representative government body in the colonies—this first example of limited self-government was known as the __ the Virginia House of Burgesses_.


17) The Pilgrims were also known as the _ Separatists _.

18) The Pilgrims sailed on what ship? Mayflower

19) They were supposed to land in Virginia but instead they landed where? Cape Cod/Plymouth/Massachusetts

20) The charter from the king giving them permission to settle in Virginia was no good since they didn’t land there. So before leaving the ship they set up their own rules for democratic, majority rule of the colony, agreed to obey all laws/rules passed—they established self-rule and limited, self-government with this document that most of the men signed known as the _ Mayflower


21) What year was Plymouth founded and who was the leader? 1620, William Bradford

22) The Pilgrims went through their own Starving Time, but they got help from the Native Americans who taught them how to survive and grow crops in America—particularly one Indian named __ Squanto __.

23) Name two reasons for the development of self-government in the colonies.

Colonial religious communities largely practiced democratic self-rule, elected pastors and officers

Colonists were familiar with the English historical traditions (Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights) and representative gov’t structure (Parliament)

They were far away from England, making them independent => isolated

“Salutary neglect” by the British made them even more self-sufficent

Many settlements were far apart and isolated—representatives could meet to decide issues

To gain some stability in a chaotic and different place—provide law and order in the colonies


24) MAP: The 13 original colonies were primarily located along what region? Atlantic Coastal Plains

25) Give two reasons why the English colonies were located along the Atlantic coast. Straight shot

from England, good natural harbors

26) What is primary cause of differences in the way the colonial regions and cultures develop—i.e., what is the main reason for the differences economically and culturally between New England, the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies? geography

27) NEW ENGLAND: What religious group settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Puritans –

Puritans came for religious freedom, yet weren’t good about granting the same to others => banished lots of people who then founded other New England colonies—like which ones?

Discuss RI, CT, NH

28) He believed in separation of church and state, religious toleration, and fair treatment of Native

Americans—so the Puritans banished him from Massachusetts Bay and he established Rhode

Island. Who is he? Roger Williams

29) This woman was ordered out of Massachusetts Bay because she held bible studies in her home and said that “God had spoken directly to her.” Who was she? Anne Hutchinson

30) Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts Bay and founded Connecticut where he wrote the first written constitution in the colonies. What is this first written colonial constitution called?

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

31) Name one physical characteristic of New England and one human characteristic.

Physical characteristics: rocky soil, long/cold winters, subsistence farming

Human characteristics: industry—shipbuilding, fishing, logging; town hall meetings, most religious—daily activities around the church, etc. {show Review Sheet section on New England}


32) MIDDLE COLONIES (MID-ATLANTIC): What are the Middle Colonies known as? Nick name?

Breadbasket Colonies

33) This religious group believed that everyone was equal, so church services and officials were unnecessary. They were pacifists. They helped to settle Pennsylvania, were led by William

Penn. Who was this religious group? Quakers—even refused to bow to lords and ladies because they believed all people were equal.

34) The Middle Colonies were the most egalitarian of all the colonies. What does this mean?

Egalitarian Society--Treated people equally—Middle Colonies were most tolerant of the colonies religiously and culturally—most ethnically and religiously diverse of all the regions

35) Who originally settled the New York area? the Dutch What did they call the area —New Amsterdam

36) Why did England take over New Amsterdam in 1664? To unite their colonies

37) Name at least one physical characteristic and one human characteristic of the Mid-Atlantic colonies

(Middle colonies).

Physical characteristics: mild winters, good soil, natural ports, raw materials;

Human characteristics: “Bread Basket” colonies (grew wheat, grain), most religiously tolerant society,

*Quakers, Egalitarian society—treated people equally so most ethnically and religiously diverse; greatest population distribution (most people—more than New England or South)


38) SOUTHERN COLONIES: Whereas the New England colonies were all founded for religious purposes, most of the Southern colonies were founded were what? Profit or economic purposes

39) What was the major economic characteristic of the Southern colonies? Agriculture

40) What is a “cash crop”? major crop grown in surplus for profit—make money from it—as opposed to “subsistence farming”

41) Name three major cash crops of the Southern colonies. Tobacco, cotton, indigo, rice, sugar cane

42) The South had an authoritarian and deference society. What does this mean? authoritarian: based on servitude; deference: based on rank

43) Maryland was founded for this religious group. Catholics

44) Name at least one physical characteristic and one human characteristic of the Southern colonies.

Physical characteristics: rich soil, warm climate, navigable rivers, raw materials.

Human Characteristics: House of Burgesses, cash crops, Anglican Church/Church of England, close ties to England…so authoritarian and deference society (based on servitude/slavery and rank)


45) This refers to a period during which there was a split in the Catholic Church due to people protesting certain church practices. Many new Christian churches emerged and many people went to the colonies seeking religious freedom or to escape persecution in Europe. What is this period called? Protestant


46) This refers to a shift in religious/spiritual perspective that encouraged ideas of equality and the right to challenge authority which contributed to the idea of independence in years to come.

What is this movement called? The First Great Awakening

47) This was an intellectual movement that embraced liberty, democracy, republicanism, and religious tolerance as well as fostering the questioning of gov’t and religion. What is this movement called? The Enlightenment

48) Which Enlightenment thinker influenced the development of our American legal system? Blackstone

49) Which Enlightenment thinker influenced the Declaration of Independence with his writings on the natural rights of life, liberty, and personal property protection? Locke—Locke

50) Which Enlightenment thinker influenced the U.S. Constitution with his writings on branches of gov’t, separation of powers and checks and balances? Montesquieu -- Locke wrote first about branches of gov’t—legislative and executive—Montesquieu added the third branch of the judiciary


51) The trade routes from Europe, to Africa, to the Americas, and then to Europe again is known as what? Triangular Trade

52) The leg of the triangle in which Africans were brought on ships under horrible conditions to

Brazil, the islands of the West Indies, or British colonies is called the __ Middle Passage __.

53) What led to the establishment of slavery in the Southern colonies? Expansion of tobacco as a crop, plantation system

54) Who was used for labor before Africans? Native Americans, then European indentured servants


55) This was signed in 1215 by King John and served as a foundation for future protection of rights for all people. It is known as the “Great Charter”. Magna Carta

56) Who founded Rhode Island and why? Roger Williams, separation of church and state, religious toleration

57) Who founded Connecticut and what important document did he write? Thomas Hooker,

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

58) Who founded Pennsylvania? William Penn

59) What law granted the right to worship freely and provided religious freedom for Catholics and

Protestants alike in Maryland? Maryland Act of Toleration 1649

60) Which colony was created so debtors and poor people could start over? Georgia

61) What other purpose did Georgia serve? acted as a buffer between the Spanish in Florida and the other English colonies

62) Which colonies were founded for religious reasons? Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,

New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland ,

63) Which colonies provided economic opportunities for settlers? All of them
