wish list - BC Children`s Hospital

Child Life Department
Wish List Items – 2015
At BC Children's Hospital our primary concern is the comfort and welfare of our patients and their
families. Therefore due to our protocols for Infection Control and the Privacy and confidentiality of our
families, here are a few guidelines, which need to be followed:
1. All donations must be new & stuffed toys are discouraged.
2. Donations must NOT be wrapped. Toys need to be inspected so they can be matched with the
appropriate child.
Infants and Toddlers
 Plastic washable infant toys (rattles, teethers, toys that light up or make sounds, activity centre type
 Washable mobiles (not fabric)
Baby crib “Aquariums”, small baby rattles, infant musical wind-up toys, not battery operated, music
 Baby board books (especially with photos of real babies)
 Crib-mounted mural books (washable)
 Shape sorters
 Cars and trucks (large toddler style rather than hot wheels)
 Washable, plastic musical instruments
 Music CDs for infants/toddlers
 Cause and effect toys (e.g. pop-up animals)
Toys and Games (washable)
 Thomas the Train (or other) trains
 Mr. Potato Head
 “Totally Me!” beading kits
 Small cars and trucks (hot wheels)
 Lap tables for children to use in bed (washable, not fabric. Available at Michaels.)
 Fisher Price Toys: small “Family” dolls with movable parts, and household furniture, cash register,
Medical Kits (ones with blood pressure cuffs), etc.
 Small sets of Lego Building kits with instructions (all ages, especially more complex for older kids)
 15-20 piece wooden puzzles and 30-100 Piece thick cardboard puzzles (age 3-4)
 Melissa and Doug toys
 Melissa and Doug “Decorate your own wooden race car” kits or other kits
 Washable 6”-10” baby dolls (no clothes or blankets)
 Board games for all age groups: Guess Who, Connect Four, Trouble, Checkers, Operation, Sorry,
Candyland, Battleship
Mind games like Rubiks’ cube, or other hand manipulated mind games
Bop-it, Etch-a sketch
Decks of cards
Playmobil Play Sets
Polly Pocket sets
Window Clings or wall décor stickers
“I-Spy” books, “Where’s Waldo” books, Disney theme “Seek & Find” books
Pre-school and School-age board books
CDs of children’s music & lullabies
Musical instruments from empiremusic.ca (Chiquita shakers & baby music sets)
Little People sets
Littlest Pet Shop sets
My Little Pony
Good quality animals (dinosaurs, farm animals, wild animals, marine animals, etc.)
Superhero figures
Light spinners
Fart Machines (Available at Kids Market on Granville Island)
Animal Planet ‘Big Tub of Dinosaurs’, 40 pieces (available at Toys R Us)
 CD’s – pop, rock, country, relaxation music, compilation albums, Top 40
 Paintable items: picture frames, T-shirts, terra cotta pots and boxes, canvases
 Acrylic & fabric paints
 Magazine subscriptions (Teen People, Snowboarding, Tony Hawke, fashion, health & fitness)
 Beauty Products : nail polish, hair accessories, bath products, travel size shampoo, conditioner, detangler, blow-dryer, creams, etc.
 Board games: Risk, Cranium, mind games, etc.
 Beading supplies including hemp, clasps, crimp beads, stretch plastic lacing and tools
 Big craft projects that take time to build
 Mugs and Starbucks gift cards
 Hoodies, pajama sets, purses/bags
 Gift cards (see list below)
 Mario games of any kind
 Insignia 24” LCD TVs
 Nintendo DS and games (especially Mario games [Mario Cart, Super Mario Bros], racing games, and
“Lego” games)
 iPod chargers
 iPod players
 iPod docking stations
 Playstation 3 (PS3)
 PS3 Games (rated E for everyone)
 Xbox 360 Controllers
 Nintendo Wii and games
 Wii remotes
 Headphones
 Adolescent DVD’s (rated only as high as 14A) – especially new releases
Adolescent DVD’s of live concerts (Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry)
Children’s DVD’s (G or PG ratings) (Barbie Princess movies, Disney Princess movies)
X-Box 360 systems
X-Box 360 games
Universal remote controls
Digital cameras and small HP printing stations for each unit (10)
Portable DVD players
Small DVD players for attaching to TVs
Snoezelen accessories (available through Flaghouse website)
Small CD players
Bose quiet comfort noise cancelling headphones (Model #: QC15)
Gift cards (see list below)
Craft Supplies
*For infection control reasons we accept NEW items only please
 Unlimited quantities of such things as: Pony Beads and plastic lace (lots!); craft kits – e.g. small
simple bead or paint kits; wooden/ceramic paintable craft items; wooden picture frames; artist’s
quality watercolour or sketching paper; charcoal, and real sketching pencils; Crayola markers for the
younger children
 Small plastic paint palettes for mixing paint colours
 Stickers
 Big foam stickers
 Children drip-proof paint pots with lids and paint brushes
 Small craft kits with all supplies needed included in the package
 Children’s scissors (both straight & patterned edges)
 Crayons, felts, pencil crayons, feathers, pompoms, sequins, etc.
 Glue-able or peel-&-stick foam shapes, letters, holiday-themed shapes
 Glitter glue
 Glue sticks
 Card stock
 Stamps
 Scrapbooking supplies (acid free paper, glue sticks, acid free stickers, albums, etc.)
 Spin Art
 Playdough, rolling pins and playdough shape cutters
 Fimo
 Plastescine
 Knitting kits (how-to books, with yard and needles)
 Sticky mosaic sets
 For patient birthday: Gift bags, tissue paper, battery operated candles, party decorations (no candles
or balloons please)
Gift Cards (in small denominations)
 iTunes
 Chapters
 Future Shop
 Best Buy
 Opus Framing, Michael’s, or other craft supply store
 Gap
 Aeropostale
Sport check
Garage clothing
Bath & Body works
Forever 21