Mr. President: If not America then who? By Dan Perkins I have been watching the news about what America is doing to help the Christians and Muslims stranded on Sinjar mountain in Northern Iraq. As I understand the president has ordered food and water to be dropped on the mountain. In addition the president has ordered selective air strikes upon military targets. The administration has not released the details as to the length of the humanitarian aid flights. Very little was released describing the type and number of ISSI targets other then to say they have destroyed some artillery and some convoys. From what I was able to gather before we dropped the supplies Christians and Muslims were already burring their dead in shallow graves on the mountain who died for a lack of food and water. The Christians had to make a choice, stay on the mountain and die from starvation and dehydration or go down the mountain and face death for their faith. No doubt that some people in order to live have already renounce their religion. My first question Mr. President where you waiting to see if some other nation would step in a feed and give water to those people on the mountain? It appears that the greater cooperation of nations you were looking for did not materialize in this crisis. When nobody stepped up to save those Christian and Muslin’s you finally stepped in and helped save them, at least for now. I commend you for your action but I wonder how many thousands of people have been slaughtered by ISIS before this action and lay in trenches like the one shown in the photograph below all over western Iraq. On June 14 almost a month a go this photograph was published on the web( This photo reminds me of the mass murder of the Jews by the Nazis in WW11. I believe that this was not an isolated incident but representative of what was and is taking place in those parts of Iraq attacked by ISIS. I was just born at the end of WW11 so what I know about the Jewish holocaust is what I have seen in books, TV shows, and movies. As I watched the genocide in the security of my home I asked myself this question. Mr. President if not America than who? The world including America has watched for months the barbarian attacks by ISIS and yet no nation did anything. The only two nations that have some military resources that could have helped were France and England. One only has to look at the protests in the streets of London and Paris with the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Hamas to see why neither nation wanted to get involved in Iraq. It seems the Muslims are powerful intimidators in those two countries and these nations could not come to the rescue. I wonder how anybody regardless of religion or lack there of can look at this picture and not be shocked and outraged. Mr. President it appears that you have answered my question at least for now about providing for the people on the mountain food and water, but they can’t live on top of the mountain forever. With in a few months the winter will come and it will be below freezing and a possible of snow. Will ISIS wait at the foot of the mountain for the people to come down looking for shelter from the cold with the trenches already dug like the one shown in the photo? What is your long-term plan for the protection of the innocent or are you waiting for CNN to tell you Mr. President there is a problem. Dan Perkins Dan Perkins is a Registered Investment Advisor with over 40 years of money management experience and has written a trilogy on terrorism call the Brotherhood of the Red Nile. He can be contacted at his book web site