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Personal Time with God
Week 16
Monday read Leviticus 24:10-23
1. What was the punishment for cursing God and blaspheming His name? (15,16)
2. What was the penalty for murder? (17)
3. Our sinful human nature wants to hurt our attacker worse than they hurt us; we seek vengeance, but
God puts a limit on it. Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, ________for _______. Jesus when He came,
taught us that rather than seeking revenge against people, we are to be forgiving, we are to go the extra
mile. For extra credit, see Matt 5:38-42
Pray for missionaries. Pray for Turkish Connections International as they plant new churches in Turkey
Tuesday read Leviticus 25:1-7
1. In the same way Israel celebrated a Sabbath day of rest, every 7th year they were not to harvest their
crops, their trees or their vineyards, but let it ________ (4)
2. Who was allowed to eat the crops that grew during the Sabbath year? (6,7) Exodus 23:11
3. Today we know that giving the land a rest every seven years helped restore vital nutrients to the soil,
but it also forced Israel to trust God. Imagine if every seven years we stopped producing food in this
country and had to trust God for our daily needs…
Pray for anything on your heart. Pray particularly for those in your Oikos
Wednesday read Leviticus 25:8-22
Our founding fathers inscribed Lev 25:10 on the Liberty Bell. Imagine if every 50 years your families land
and possessions were returned to you. Regardless of the hardship or irresponsible behavior within a
family, God gave every generation a do over…
A new beginning…
1. How has God given you a new beginning? (2 Cor. 5:17)
2. What was their motivation to not oppress one another? (17)
3. If Israel obeyed God, what did He promise them? (18,21)
Pray for anything on your heart. Pray for workers at jobs, home or church
Thursday read Leviticus 25:23-38
1. Israel was commanded to grant redemption of the land because the land belonged to who? (23)
2. Jesus is our Kinsman-redeemer because we were bought at a price. The people of Israel’s property
could be redeemed prior to the year of Jubilee by a redeeming ___________ (25)
3. What did God command they do for the poor among them? (35)
Pray for anything on your heart. Pray for those who lead at the city, state, national, world and church
Friday read Leviticus 25:39-55
1. God allowed people to sell themselves as hired servants, not slaves, if they could not pay their debts.
They would have to work off their debt as a servant. These laws commanded fair, just and
compassionate treatment of any Jewish man so unfortunate and if by the year of Jubilee, the man had
not worked off his debt, they and their family were released.
2. What reason does God give them for treating their servants properly? (42)
3. Who are we all servants to? (55) All of God’s children have been bought and paid for.
Pray for anything on your heart. Pray for your family and friends