Rubric for Diary/Journal Article Told from the character’s point of view _____/5 Summarizes major part of the book _____/20 At least three paragraphs in length _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Guess the Book Listed at least 20 facts/events to summarize the book _____/20 Each fact in sentence form _____/10 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Timeline At least 15 events from the story are listed in order _____/20 Each event in sentence form _____/10 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Movie Poster Title, author, characters are listed _____/10 Summary of a major event _____/15 At least two paragraphs in length (summary) _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Newspaper Article Includes a headline for the article _____/5 Answers who, what, where, when, why while summarizing the story _____/20 At least three paragraphs in length _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Postcard Includes a picture on the front _____/5 Written from the point of view of one of the characters _____/5 Summary of book or major event from the book _____/20 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Accordion Fold Includes title and author on the first fold _____/5 Summary of book on other 7 folds using complete sentences _____/20 A picture on each fold which goes along with the sentence _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Interview with a Character Written as an interview between you and the character _____/5 Includes summary of book or major event from book _____/15 At least ten questions in complete sentences _____/10 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Miniature Stage Setting Created a setting from a part of the story _____/15 Written explanation of the importance of the setting _____/10 At least two paragraphs in length _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50 Rubric for Sequel Continues the original story in a well written way _____/20 Use of at least one major character from the story _____/5 At least three paragraphs in length _____/5 Uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation _____/10 Presentation _____/5 Creativity _____/5 Total Points _____/50