Medieval House of Horrors project

Medieval House of Horrors
Prepare to take a walk on the ‘dark side’ of the Dark Ages, as we turn the classroom into
a truly terrifying glimpse of the Middle Ages on Friday, October 30th!
There were some very scary things that people in the Middle Ages experienced, sometimes as part of daily life.
Your group’s task is to research your assigned topic, become experts, and create an interactive display for our
‘Medieval House of Horrors’ presentation. Other students will be visiting your display, so you must become
experts who can teach others about the topic you are assigned!
You will create an interactive display that will serve as your ‘showpiece’ for our House of Horrors. The goal of
your presentation should be to educate other people on an element of life in the Middle Ages, and to SCARE
THEM, of course! The visual component of your display should include the following (on a tri-fold board):
□ at least FIVE pictures/visuals WITH explanatory captions
□ factual information on your topic, typed in bullet points, and placed onto your board (use your 5
Ws/H research sheet to guide you)
□ Neat & Creative decoration
□ Evidence that ample research was completed
□ Evidence that time was spent on the board
The interactive component of your display is where your topic ‘comes to life’ and you can get really creative! Get
fake weapons, rats, spiders/cobwebs! Create sound effects, fog, or steaming cauldrons! Set up a ‘body’ of a Plague
victim or wear a mask with boils on it! Create a simulation for your visitors to experience, or have a ‘giveaway’
that people can take with them from your display. AT LEAST ONE PERSON MUST DRESS UP IN AN OUTFIT
** Also, ALL displays must be relevant to your topic!! **
On Friday, October 30th, you will have the first ten minutes of class to set up your presentations & displays, in the
Media Center. Then, our visiting guests will be coming to our House of Horrors – make sure you are EXPERTS on
your topic – you will be expected to teach them a few things about it!
Topic Options:
Medieval Torture:
Medieval Medical Practices:
Medieval Warfare & Weaponry
Medieval Sanitation
Medieval Superstition (including witchcraft)
The Bubonic Plague:
Medieval House of Horrors
Group Member Names:
Assigned Topic: ___________________________________________________________________________
Visual (50 points possible)
Evidence of excellent & accurate research
Quality of work (neat, well-done, etc.); Creativity & originality
ALL required elements included
Presentation (50 points possible)
Well planned, organized, knowledgeable, confident, etc.
‘Interactive’ elements included; at least ONE person relevantly dressed
Creativity & originality; evidence of understanding of topic
You must turn in:
 at least ONE completed copy of your 5Ws/H research sheet
 ONE copy listing the sources you used for research
 ONE copy of the points sheet
***These are due on 10/30 -If these items are missing, it is -5 pts each
In-Class Work Days:
Tuesday, 10/20: Intro, Pick Groups, Draw Topics, Get Started!
Thursday, 10/22: Media Center (books + computers) = RESEARCH
 7th Period will be in Lab 5301 this day
Tuesday, 10/27: Media Center – 2nd and LAST Research Day in class
Friday, 10/30: DUE DATE – Presentations in the Media Canter!
Bring materials to class to work on your display! Divide up the
workload. Failure to bring materials will result in your group being
assigned an alternative assessment!!!
**BEWARE of the websites you use! Be sure to determine whether the website is trustworthy & contains
accurate, factual information**