3rd SW Extra Credit Movie “The Sword in the Stone” You will need to view the Disney movie, The Sword in the Stone, which touches on Medieval Europe and King Arthur. This is a topic we will be going over within Unit 8. This will count as 1 daily grade and 1 writing assignment grade. Summary: (Daily) You will need to first provide a summary on what Medieval Europe is. It must be a 5-8 sentence summary explaining the 5 Ws of Medieval Europe (Who was involved, What was it, When did it take place, Where did it occur, Why did it happen). Medieval References: (Daily) You will need to identify and explain 4 references to Medieval Europe within the movie. You will need to explain how it is a reference and provide a small summary on what it is. (5-6 sentences) Ex: Wart (Arthur) wants to be a squire to Kay when he is a knight. This is a reference to Medieval Europe due to the fact that this is a role within the Medieval among the class of Knights. A squire is… Non-Medieval Europe References: (Writing) Throughout the movie, the character Merlin makes several references to non-Medieval events and items. You will need to identify 2 of them and explain what they are and what time period they are from. (5-6 sentences) Ex: When Merlin introduces Wart to the Steam Engine through a model train The Steam Engine is from the time period of the Industrial Revolution. The Steam Engine is a machine that… Due Date: December 01, 2014 by 4PM for ALL classes