15th Medical Group Medical Contingency Response Plan APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX T - TCCOR 5 AND TCCOR 4 ACTIONS TCCOR 5 DEFINITION: 1 June – 30 November (Hurricane Season in Hawaii). Possible arrival of 50 knot (58 mph) winds or greater. TCCOR 4 DEFINITION: 72 hours prior to possible arrival of 50 knot (58 mph) winds. Upon notification of TCCOR 5 or TCCOR 4 or more severe weather conditions, the following personnel/sections will: 1. 15 MDG/CC: 1.1. Initiate a telephone recall of all MDG personnel, if required. Use one of the following statements: Hotel 1 - This is a notification of a hurricane threat. We are currently at TCCOR Level __. A mandatory evacuation for personnel living on base and in the local community is in effect. Hotel 2 - This is a notification of a hurricane threat. We are currently at TCCOR Level __. A mandatory evacuation for personnel living on base is in effect, and for those living off base monitor local media for instructions in the local community. Hotel 3 - This is a notification of a hurricane threat. We are currently at TCCOR Level __. No evacuation has been ordered; all shift workers for the next 24 hours will contact their OIC/NCOIC for instructions. All other personnel should report to duty at the normal duty hours in the BDU/ABU uniform. Hotel 4 - This is a notification of a hurricane threat. We are currently at TCCOR Level __. No evacuation has been ordered. All personnel should report to duty at the normal duty hours in the BDU/ABU uniform. Take appropriate personal precautions to prepare for the hurricane. EXAMPLE: This is (RANK, NAME) with a recall message. Message number (X) TCCOR Level (X). Please call the next person in your chain and have the last person contact the Squadron Superintendent upon completion of the chain. 1.2. Evaluate need to activate the MCC. 1 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. MEDICAL CONTROL CENTER (MCC) TEAM CHIEF: 2.1. Activate the MCC using applicable checklists and start an events log, if required. 2.2. Make contact with the JBEOC. 2.3. Send a representative to the /JBEOC and/or WOC when meetings are called. 2.4. Brief key staff on impending situation and provide updates as needed. 2.5. Make MDG announcements and conference calls to inform MDG personnel of impending situation and actions to take. 2.6. Contact family members of MDG personnel on leave and TDY to assess if they need help in sheltering if and when an event occurs. 2.7. Ensure that LMRs are allocated to critical personnel. 3. CHIEF, MEDICAL STAFF: Determine the extent of clinic activities and publicize. 4. CHIEF NURSE EXECUTIVE: 4.1. Coordinate staffing schedules if no evacuation is ordered. 5. OUTPATIENT CLINICS: 5.1. Operate as directed by the MDOS/CC. 5.2. Ensure new patients have adequate supplies/medications to withstand the emergency. 5.3. Provide patients with information on seeking medical care during the emergency. 6. MEDICAL LOGISTICS/FACILITY MANAGER: 6.1. Determine the need to contact NAVFAC to deliver sand for sandbags. 6.2. Coordinate with the MCC team chief for manpower to sandbag and secure the facility. 6.3. Devise a system to account for and secure high cost equipment on the second floor during category 3 - 5 hurricane. (See TCCOR 2 checklist). 2 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7. VEHICLE CONTROL OFFICER: 7.1. Ensure vehicles are parked clear of trees. 7.2. Keys for vehicles parked inside will be left in the ignition. Keys for vehicles left outside, when a total evacuation will not occur, will be left with the VCO. When a total evacuation is likely or has already been ordered, keys for vehicles left outside will be left under the driver’s seat. All vehicles will be fully fueled before being stored or parked. Also, if feasible, members of the Critical Personnel Team will evacuate in any remaining vehicles during total evacuation when they have no vehicles of their own to use. 7.3. Refer to Annex O, Appendix 1 for the parking plan of MDG vehicles during a disaster type situation. 8. ALL SECTIONS: When all actions are completed and area is secure, contact the MCC (448-6305/448-6385), for further instructions. Personnel will be utilized as needed. Duty Sections responsible for posting signage on exterior doors must place the appropriate TCCOR sign on the door(s) assigned. 9. OPR: The Medical Readiness Office is responsible for maintaining this appendix. 3 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 15th Medical Group Medical Contingency Response Plan APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX T - TCCOR 3 ACTIONS TCCOR 3 DEFINITION: 48 hours prior to possible arrival of 50 knot (58 mph) winds or greater. Upon notification of TCCOR 3 or more severe weather conditions, review TCCOR 4 checklist. In addition, the following personnel/sections will: 1. MCC TEAM CHIEF: 1.1. Activate the MCC and start an events log, if required. 1.2. Evaluate need to send designated medical teams to designated location. 1.3. Ensure hurricane evacuation disks/binders to account for status and destination of all medical group personnel are current and available once the evacuation order has been carried out. 2. FIELD RESPONSE TEAM (FRT): 2.1. Obtain record boxes for possible storage of flyers’ medical records to prevent water damage. 2.2. Cancel all physical exams and routine appointments. Continue service for flyers on an as needed basis until evacuation order is given. 3. ANCILLARY SERVICES (PHARMACY, LABORATORY, RADIOLOGY and DENTAL CLINIC: 3.1. Pharmacy will lock up all controlled drugs and maintain drug cabinet keys in the vault for all sections except for Dental. 3.2. Continue services until directed by MCC to discontinue patient services. 3.3. Protect electrical equipment from water damage. 3.4. Bring records at least 3 feet up off floor to prevent water damage. NOTE: THE FACILITY MANAGER IS THE FOCAL POINT FOR ALL ASPECTS OF SECURING THE FACILITY. NOTE: MANPOWER WILL BE USED TO FILL SANDBAGS AND PLACE THEM AT LOCATIONS AROUND THE FACILITY AT THE DIRECTION OF THE MANPOWER/SECURITY TEAM CHIEF. 4 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. OUTLYING BUILDINGS: Building custodians will secure buildings to include: 4.1. Unplugging and protecting computer systems. 4.2. Moving all electrical devices from areas vulnerable to water damage. 4.3. Policing the outside area to ensure that hoses, sprinklers, and any loose objects are taken indoors. 5. 15 MDG CLINIC: 5.1. Collect record boxes stored in the clinic. 5.2. File the records from the bottom three rows of the record shelving into the cardboard boxes. 5.3. Relocate the boxes to the Medical Logistics Warehouse (Hangar 4, Bldg 2060) where they will be stored. 6. ALL SECTIONS: When all actions have been completed and areas are secure, contact the MCC (448-6305/448-6385), for further instructions. Personnel will be utilized as needed. Sections responsible for placing signage on exterior doors must place the appropriate TCCOR status sign on the door(s) assigned. 7. OPR: The Medical Readiness Office is responsible for maintaining this appendix. 5 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 15th Medical Group Medical Contingency Response Plan APPENDIX 5 TO ANNEX T - TCCOR 2 ACTIONS AND TCCOR 1 ACTIONS TCCOR 2 DEFINITION: 24 hours prior to possible arrival of 50 knot (58 mph) winds or greater. TCCOR 1 DEFINITION: 12 hours prior to possible arrival of 50 knot (58 mph) winds or greater. Upon notification of TCCOR 2 and TCCOR 1 or more severe weather conditions, review the TCCOR 5, TCCOR 4 and TCCOR 3 checklists. In addition, the following personnel/sections will: 1. MCC TEAM CHIEF: 1.1. Activate the MCC and start an events log, if required. 1.2. Continue to account for status and destination of all MDG personnel if a full account of personnel is not yet complete. 1.3. Ensure all portable radios are turned over to the MCC before personnel depart the area. 2. ALL PERSONNEL - UPON THE ORDER TO EVACUATE THE INSTALLATION: 2.1. Immediately notify their supervisor of their destination and destination phone number prior to departure. All personnel living off base must obey civil evacuation orders. 2.2. Supervisors will in turn annotate information and relay to their superintendents prior to their departure to a safe location. NOTE: SUPERVISORS WILL ENSURE THAT THEY OBTAIN A COMPLETE LISTING OF THEIR PERSONNEL’S DESTINATIONS AND PHONE NUMBERS FOR THEIR SUPERINTENDENTS PRIOR TO EVACUATING. 3. CRITICAL PERSONNEL TEAM LIST (Member’s listed in Appendix 1 to this Annex): 3.1. Secure medical campus buildings. 3.2. Make periodic checks of the interior of the buildings to assess damage. 6 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.3. Provide emergency medical care, as required. Use DD Form 555, Patient Visit Register, and SF 600, Chronological Record of Care, to document care; CHCS system will not be operational. Manually maintain patient treatment log. NOTE: THE 2d AND 3rd FLOORS OF THE MDG WILL BE OFF LIMITS EXCEPT AS DIRECTED BY THE 15 MDG/CC OR FACILITY MANAGER. 4. OUTLYING BUILDINGS: Secure desktop computers. 5. FIELD RESPONSE TEAM (FRT): Secure flyers’ medical records. 6. ALL FIRST FLOOR STATIONS: Secure all desktop computers, peripherals and typewriters off the floor by at least one foot as directed by the Information Systems Flight. Cover computer, peripherals, etc. with plastic. 7. TOTAL EVACUATION: When a total evacuation is ordered, the actions outlined in this annex and appendix will be strictly followed. 8. ALL PERSONNEL: Are responsible for monitoring the recovery status of the community/base. All personnel assigned to the MDG will report back to duty at the first reasonable opportunity. It is imperative that all personnel report promptly because medical aid may be needed immediately following the storm. In cases of severe damage, an alternate medical facility may need to be established using salvaged supplies. Additionally, even in cases of minor damage, we will be needed to aid in recovery activities throughout the base. Duty sections responsible for placing signage on exterior doors must place the appropriate TCCOR status signs on the doors assigned. 9. OPR: The Medical Readiness Office is responsible for maintaining this appendix. 7 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 15th Medical Group Medical Contingency Response Plan APPENDIX 6 TO ANNEX T – TCCOR 1E AND TCCOR R ACTIONS TCCOR 1E DEFINITION: This occurs at landfall. All personnel will shelter-in-place until all clear is sounded. TCCOR R DEFINITION: This is the recovery period and begins after all clear has sounded. - Only designated Emergency Personnel may engage in rescue/recovery operations after passage of the hurricane. - Recovery period may last for days/weeks after passage of a severe storm. - Tenants must be prepared to assist with rescue and recovery of critical and mission essential functions. - Upon completion, normal operations will be restored. 8 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY