Yearly Forecast Class 1 Overview Communication & Language Listening & Attention Understanding Speaking Physical Development Moving & Handling Health & Self-Care Personal, Social & Emotional Development Self-Confidence & Emotional Development Managing Feelings & Behaviour Making Relationships Term 1 Jolly Phonics Autumn Harvest Starting School All about me Food Changes Christmas Outdoor continuous provision e.g. Bikes & Scooters Role play Games, Dance Gym Sticky Kids action rhymes Christmas show Getting to know School routine Sharing resources Being helpful, Tidy up time Making friends: Buddy Time Teddy Bears Picnic with Parents Harvest walk to Church Christmas Post, Parties, Panto Celebration Assemblies Term 2 Jolly Phonics Bears Chinese New Year Going places Term 3 Phonics Plants & Flowers Sand & Water Summer – sun safety, water safety Outdoor continuous provision Games, Dance Gym Chinese Dragon Dance Walks Outdoor continuous provision Games, Dance Gym Sports Day Walks Maintaining School routine Looking after resources Tidy up jobs Making friends: Buddy Time Teddy Bears Picnic Farm Visit Village Walks Maintaining School routine Be responsible for class resources and reliable Making friends: Buddy Time Sports Day New children Visits Village Walks – Pre-School Transition visits to new classes Yearly Forecast Class 1 Literacy Reading Writing Mathematics Number Shape, Space & Measure Print around us (i) e.g. names & labels Alphabet books, Chants, Rhymes & songs e.g. a, b, c Nursery Rhymes e.g. 1,2 buckle my shoe Print around us (ii): lists, captions, instructions e.g. The Supermarket Narrative: Predictable structures & patterned language e.g. Tell me a story Non-fiction: All about me Narrative e.g. Let’s write a story, The Bear Hunt Poetry: modern rhymes & action verses e.g. rhythm and rhyme Non-fiction: labels & captions for information e.g. The Exhibition Narrative: Traditional stories e.g. Fee,Fie,Fo,Fum Narrative: structure e.g. story patterns Non-fiction: recounts – shared experience e.g. true stories Poetry: poems & chants e.g. Let’s write a poem Narrative: language features e.g. Once upon a time… Non-fiction: information texts e.g. questions & answers Number sequencing, ordering, matching, sorting, counting, estimating, measurement, weight, length, capacity, symmetry, shape patterns, number rhymes, 2D shapes, money, time Addition and counting on, counting forwards & backwards, estimating, measurement, weight, length, capacity, symmetry, shape patterns, number rhymes, 2D/3D shapes, money, time Counting, estimating, measurement, weight, length, capacity, symmetry, shape patterns, number rhymes, 2D/3D shapes, money, time Yearly Forecast Class 1 Understanding the World People & Communities The World Technology Creative Expressive Art & Design Exploring & Using Media & Materials Being Imaginative All about me Autumn Celebrations – Harvest, Christmas Changes – making jelly & rice crispy cakes iPad & laptop games, IWB Chinese New Year Bear biscuits Teddy bears’ Picnic Going places – walks, farm visit, train iPad & laptop games, IWB Plants & flowers Sand & Water Summer Make rock cake “pools” iPad & laptop games, IWB Autumn – leaf prints, rubbings Rainbows – painting, song Leaf pictures Snow flakes, snow people Umbrellas Hand prints Drawing Christmas songs, cards, trees Chinese Lanterns, Dragons, Chinese writing Bears – paw prints, collages, drawings Dragon dance & rhyme Wax resist Under the Sea pictures Lighthouses Printing Boats Fish Pirates