Tara Barnes

Tara Barnes
2013 SMART Goals
Professional Practice Goal
Goal 1: (Instructional Coach Rubric: II-A-3 Meeting Diverse Needs) Build teacher capacity in
order to increase student achievement by planning, co-teaching, and debriefing effective Tier 1
instruction with Grade 4 and 5 teachers at Brayton and Sullivan Schools.
Action Steps
1. Create two templates for planning Tier 1 instruction that incorporates effective strategies
to implement the District’s 3:1:1 model by October.
2. Collaboratively plan with teachers using a template at a rate of one teacher per unit (4
3. Co-teach with a teacher after planning a unit at a rate of one teacher per unit (4 total).
4. Observe teachers 1-2 times at least 1 month after co-teaching to provide feedback on
continued implementation of strategies.
Progress Benchmarks
1. 50% of the teachers that have collaboratively planned with me will have a completed unit
plans showing evidence of 3:1:1 strategies by February.
2. 50% of teachers that have collaboratively planned will show evidence of 3:1:1 strategies
in follow up observation by April.
Goal 2: Decrease the percent of students in Warning on MCAS in grades 4 and 5 by 15%.
Action Steps
1. Develop individual student action plans for 50% of students in Warning on MCAS from
2012 and support implementation and adjustment of plans by January.
2. Monitor and adjust student action plans based on monthly data from district assessments
throughout the year.
Progress Benchmarks
Cohort for Individual Plans will be identified by November.
25% of Individual Plans will be developed by 12/30
50% of Individual Plans will be developed by 1/15
100% of Individual Plans will be developed by 1/30
25% of Targeted Students will show progress out of Warning on District Assessments.