WHAT IS IT WE EXPECT STUDENTS TO LEARN? Collaboratively review, discuss and become knowledgeable of common core standards Develop team SMART goals Collectively review teaching tools and teaching strategies to determine how they can best be used to support learning Establish common expectations for mastery/quality across courses/grade levels Become knowledgeable of district adopted resources and supplemental resources Collaboratively develop instructional units Identify what mastery of skills looks like HOW WILL WE KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE LEARNED IT? Develop grading rubric or scoring guide Create common assessments Determine proficiency levels Create and share anchor papers with students Collaboratively “score” student work Analyze benchmark assessment results and plan action based on those results HOW WILL WE RESPOND WHEN THEY DON’T? Identify systematic responses for students who are failing Create additional interventions for students who fail to meet proficiency on common formative assessments Identify students who fail common assessments Group students for instruction by specific standard HOW WILL WE RESPOND WHEN STUDENTS ALREADY KNOW IT? Create enrichment tasks that require students to go deeper into the content Identify students who demonstrate learning on common formative assessments Identify systematic responses for students who have already mastered the standards Group students for instruction by specific standard Collaboratively review, discuss and become knowledgeable of common core standards Develop team SMART goals Establish common expectations for mastery/quality across courses/grade levels Collectively review teaching tools and teaching strategies to determine how they can best be used to support learning Develop grading rubric or scoring guide Create common assessments Become knowledgeable of district adopted resources and supplemental resources Determine proficiency levels Create and share anchor papers with students Collaboratively score student work Analyze benchmark assessment results and plan action based on those results Collaboratively develop instructional units Identify systematic responses for students who are failing Create additional interventions for students who fail to meet proficiency on common formative assessments Create enrichment tasks that require students to go deeper into the content Identify students who demonstrate learning on common formative assessments Identify systematic responses for students who have already mastered the standards Identify students who fail common assessments Group students for instruction by specific standard Identify what mastery of skills looks like