Monday April 1st – 5th Sounds of Spring April 8 – 12th th Sounds of Spring April 15th–19th Sounds of Spring April nd 22 – 26th Sounds of Spring Barnyard Toddlers Tuesday Wednesday Thursday April Calendar -Bible Story -Arrange Green Blocks -Rock a bye Robin -Duck & -Ducklings Puzzle -Funny Face Feelings -Robin Vocabulary Card -Flower Count -Sunny Funny -Solar Stretch -Follow Mama Bird -Follow the Mud Tracks -Lady Bug Trace -Cloud Vocab. Card -Mixing Colors: Yellow & Green -Weather Shakers -Walking On Clouds -Give’em A Hand -Where Did It Go -Cloud Angles -“Birds In The Spring” Felt Set -Where Is The Sound From? -Puddles -Torn Paper Clouds -Dress For The Weather -I Spy Some Clouds -Rain Vocab. Card -Photo Puzzle -Yummy Yellow Foods -Rain Dance 2 -Raindrop Choices -Pouring Down Rain -Hide & Seek -Rainbow Vocab. Card -Octagon Shape -Sun Catcher -Rainbow Puzzles -Soothing Sounds -Roll Out The Colors -Rainbow Scarf Race -Bible Story -“Rain” Felt Set -Rain Dancer Headband -Divine Drops -Rainy Day Feelings -Let It Rain -Build A Rain Fort -Bible Story -Wipe The Spill -Shining Color -Rainbow Crayons -It’s Raining Friends -All In The Rainbow Friday -Tweet, Chirp, Tweet -I Mix & See -Paint & Feathers -Rainbow Literacy Mat -Blueberry Muffin -Feather Touches -Coffee Filter Butterfly -Sign Language: No -Number Hunt -Yellow & Green -Puddle Jumping -Lost Clouds -Puff It Up -Find The Sun -Picture Perfect Weather -Stick To Yellow -Science Is Fun -Robin Nests -A House For Muffin Man -How I Like Blue -Keep It Straight -Counting Clouds -Butterfly Art -Book List -Stir Up The Paint -Blue Flowers -Top It Off -Yes & No -Making It Dance -In The Sun -Scarf Play -Dressing for Spring -Yellow Book -Swirling Things & Numbers -Water Sounds -Rain Drops -How Does The Sun Feel -Sunny Weather Friends -Yellow Ball -Sing Like A Bird -Use It Right, Take It Left -Cloud Dough -Rain On Me -Joyful Clouds -Thinking Big Like The Sun -Fun Run In The Sun -Pop Goes The Flower -How Ice Changes -Raindrops & Clouds -Umbrella Art -Rain Drops Falling -Mud Puddles -Relay Sack Race -Sailing -Number Count Poster -Rainbow CDs -Rainbow Steps -Happy Feelings -Funny Texture -Rainbow Games -I Spy A Rainbow -Sign Language: Rain -Water Ace -Growing Flowers -Showers of Rain -Rain Boots And Rain Coat -Rain Gear -Amazing Paths -Five Little Raindrops -Reading About Weather -Number Count Game -Rain Dance -Rain On Me -Look At This -Sparkling Rain -Rub-a-dub-dub -Let’s Talk About The Ocean -Let’s Ride In A Tub -Fan-tastic Fun -Reading About Weather -Rainbow Breeze -Find The Colors -Puddle -What’s Inside -Tub Time -Puddle Sailing -Listening Walk -Let Us Make A -Rainbow Freeze Tag April showers bring May flowers Barnyard Toddlers April This month we will be learning all about the sounds of spring. We will be Newsletter reading books and talking about pictures of robins, ducks, and things that are the color yellow. We will also begin learning about spring weather such as clouds, raindrops, and rainbows. Our class will be making silly faces in our classroom mirror for the activity “Funny Face Feelings”. This activity will help us begin to explore self-awareness. Since Arbor Day is celebrated this month, we will watch the Preschool Bears class plant a tree. Who knows, we may even get to help plant a tree of our own! Spot Light Student Brielle J. Brielle is doing such a great job. She has learned to recognize the two colors from last month’s curriculum. Great work Brielle! Comings & Goings: We would like to welcome Jakob W. and Taylor W. to the barn! We are so glad to have you in our class! Class & Center Reminders We will be painting faces for American Circus Day on April 4th. Please be sure to have an appropriate weather change of clothes.