7th Social Studies Olen September 14-18, 2015 Monday 1. Students will continue with the Latitude and Longitude Practice. 2. Students will start working on Latitude and Longitude Practice 2. Standards Maps LT 4: I can locate cities in the world by using latitude and longitude coordinates. GEO 6-8.1.1 Tuesday Maps 1. Students will take the Latitude and Longitude LT 4: I can locate cities in the world by using Practice Quiz. latitude and longitude coordinates. GEO 6-8.1.1 2. As a class, we will review the Latitude and Longitude Practice Quiz. Wednesday Maps 1. Students will take the Latitude and Longitude LT 4: I can locate cities in the world by using Quiz. latitude and longitude coordinates. GEO 6-8.1.1 2. After the quiz, students will read and answer questions about World Climate Zones. Thursday I can identify the differences between world 1. As a class, we will review the World Climate climate zones and explain how that affects how Zone questions. people live throughout the world. 2. Students will find images of each of the climate zones. Friday 1. Students will complete the Climate Study Guide and we will review for the climate test. 2. Students will look at images of different climate zones. HW: Study for Climate Quiz I can identify the differences between world climate zones and explain how that affects how people live throughout the world.