Dear Parents/Guardians, Your students are learning about the history of the United States of America and the people who made significant contributions to our country. We will be examining the cause and effect of the Revolutionary War, investigating important events, and learning about the people that were part of the birth of our country. Your student will be completing a research paper, designing a Colonial Mobile, and “becoming” a person that lived during colonial times and was involved in the Revolutionary War. Included in this letter is a week-by-week list of what your child will be learning and what will be due. The Dates to Remember section is very important! Remember, no late work will be accepted. Parents, please remember your children are learning new skills and it is important to help them answer any questions they may have. This project integrates several common core standards and students will be building upon important skills that they have learned and will continue to use throughout their academic careers. Please understand that this project is worth a total of 130 points. The research paper is worth 50 points, the Colonial Mobile is worth 20 points, the oral presentation is worth 30 points, and attendance at Colonial Biography Night is worth 30 points. Students will need a few supplies at school, including construction paper (blue, brown, white, black), a hanger from home, pipe cleaners or yarn, crayons or colored pencils if they have them. Although the majority of this project will be done in class, any parts not finished must be completed at home prior to the due date. TIME LINE The week of November 30th: Students will learn requirements of the project, pick their person, and receive their info sheet (DUE DECEMBER 11th) During the Week of December 7th: Students will turn in their completed information sheet Students will begin writing the rough draft of their research paper (DUE DECEMBER 17TH) During Winter Break: Students will self-edit their rough drafts and have a parent edit their paper Students can type their papers on Google Docs Students can begin creating a costume for their presentation Students can write their oral biography January 11th: Students will be completing the typing of their papers (DUE JANUARY 19th) Students will be working on Colonial Mobile: This is done in class (DUE JANUARY 22ND) Students will be working on oral biography (DUE JANUARY 19TH) Week of January 18th: Students will be turning in final typed papers, Colonial Mobile, and making sure they know their oral biographies for their presentation Students give presentations in class (costume not required for in class presentation) January 28th: Colonial Biography Night at SJVA from 4:30 to 5:30 Remember to wear your costume for Colonial Night IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER DECEMBER 11TH: INFORMATION SHEET DUE DECEMBER 17TH: ROUGH DRAFT DUE DURING WINTER BREAK, STUDENTS MUST SELF EDIT AND EDIT RESEARCH PAPERS WITH A PARENT. THEY CAN ALSO BEGIN TYPING THEIR PAPERS ON GOOGLE DOCS, CREATE THEIR COSTUMES, AND WRITE THEIR ORAL BIOPGRAPHY (PRESENTATION SPEECH) JANUARY 19TH: FINAL (TYPED) DUE/ORAL BIOGRAPHY DUE JANUARY 22ND: MOBILE HANGER PERSON DUE JANUARY 25TH: IN CLASS PRESENTATIONS JANUARY 28TH: COLONIAL BIOGRAPHY NIGHT PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ON DECEMBER 4, 2015 STUDENT NAME______________________________________ I AM COMPLETING A PROJECT ON ___________________________________________________ I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL REQUIRED PARTS OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING DUE DATES, PRESENTATION, AND ATTENDANCE AT COLONIAL BIOGRAPHY NIGHT FROM 4:15 TO 5:30 STUDENT SIGNATURE____________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE_____________________________________ If you have any questions about this project, please call or email your child’s teacher.