Check against delivery 13 March 2015 Sarajevo Conference on “Human security through the perspective of gender equality” Host: Gender Equality Agency of BiH Location: Grand Hall, BiH Parliament. Speech by H.E. Ambassador Fredrik Schiller about the Swedish feminist foreign policy – What does it mean? Excellencies, Ministers, members of Parliament, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends; During this week of Women’s International Day we highlight the work of women activists, we discuss gender equality and we mark 20 year since the Beijing declaration. Then, the other 51 weeks of the year, things go back to normal. Let me remind ourselves what is still “normal” for women around the world today in the first months of 2015: One in 3 women will have experienced some physical, or sexual violence, often by men that they have close relations with; 27 girls are every minute (every minute) forced into early marriage, often to men twice their age, or older; and they have no choice, no say, in the matter; Women today still have just 60 - 75 % of the wages that men have for the same jobs; and ……we are in Parliament today Only 22 % of all national parliamentarians globally were women as of last January; that is, fewer than 1 in 4 MPs are women. 2 So, whatever have we globally been doing since Beijing? Well, as you know tens of thousands of really serious actors have indeed worked hard to affect positive change since Beijing, but more is clearly needed still. I am proud to represent a government which takes this seriously; and that would like to change this picture – not only today, this week; but over time, all the time and as a clear and transparent priority in all its work. A couple of days ago all the male ministers in the Swedish government were among the first in the world to all join the UN campaign “HeforShe”. This campaign unites men around the world who are willing to fight for women’s rights. We all benefit from gender equal societies. This is why more men should become active agents for change; and this is why also I this week joined the campaign. I now encourage the leading men of Bosnia and Herzegovina to do the same. Sweden has also adopted a feminist foreign policy. Let me tell you a little bit about what that means to us; The basis for change can be summarized in three words: Rights, representation and resources Firstly, respect for human rights and the rule of law remain key starting points for every discussion about gender equality. Ensuring women's rights and access to justice are central to achieving the overall human rights agenda. This is far from the case today, when women's rights often are seen as a specific and separate issue. Well, it is not. Secondly, increasing women's representation at all levels in society - in governance and in international 3 peacebuilding efforts, throughout our economies and core institutions – it is essential for achieving gender equality. Only through women's active participation at different levels of decision-making can we transform our agendas so that the needs, and interests, of women are truly reflected and addressed throughout. Today’s theme: “Human security through the perspective of gender equality” is all about making women heard, because women’s security is not always the same as men’s. Reality on the ground gives considerable scope for improvement; from 1992 to 2011, fewer than 4 per cent of signatories of peace agreements, and less than 10 per cent of peace negotiators, were women. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a law that stipulates that at least 40 % of the least represented gender should be part of the parliaments. We know that this law is not implemented, since only 23,8 % of the House of Representatives are women. I do not believe the argument that there are not enough competent women around. Aida Hadzialic, is now the youngest minister of all time in the Swedish Government. She is originally from Foca.You should all be proud. We are. And I am sure that there are many more smart young women politicians in this country. We would encourage you all to stand for election in 2018. Finally, resources to achieve these ends should be increased and channeled to make sure that key gender goals are adequately funded. In a sample of six postconflict countries, less than 8% of spending was budgeted to empower women, or to promote gender equality. I am glad that gender budgeting is part of the Bosnia and 4 Herzegovina Gender Action Plan. This is a good basis for change here. Dear colleagues, dear friends; Sweden will continue to give priority to the following five interdependent pillars, which we think are essential to achieve gender equality targets and for improving the lives of women and girls everywhere. 1. Rule of law and human rights; 2. Combatting gender-based and sexual violence both in peace time and in conflict; In the rural areas of Bosnia and Hercegovina 49 % of the women have been subject to violence. Every second woman has been maltreated, often by the man she shares her life with. Sweden has for many years through “Kvinna to Kvinna” projects supported these women and worked for a change. This work continues on a broad basis. 3. Sexual and reproductive health and rights. The issue of women's reproductive rights is an issue that concerns the whole of society, men and women alike. Involving men in this work is therefore just as crucial as increasing women's representation in relevant forums. 4. We will integrate feminist perspectives in our work to promote sustainable development. My embassy takes this quite seriously and will from now on strengthen our work to ensure all our development projects are designed, monitored and evaluated, from a gender perspective. 5 5. We will continue to work for the economic empowerment of women, because we know that this will lead to overall economic growth and development. The IMF has recently showed that not only women and men gain on closing the gender gap in the labour market – but that the whole global economy does. The study finds a positive correlation between gender equality and per capita GDP, the level of competitiveness, and human development indicators. (And do not forget who runs the IMF.) So, in closing; The way to get more gender equality in the labour market is to combat discrimination; but also to promote women's legal rights with regard to inheritance, land acquisition and possession, as well as equal access to various social services. Bosnia and Herzegovina already has good laws with regard to this. Now we should encourage more women to take advantage of them. We Swedes have said, and I confirm this today, that we will stand behind this country on its way towards the European Union - and that the road towards the EU goes through reforms and via good economic development. Gender equality leads to economic development. BiH simply cannot afford to continue to largely ignore this fact. So improved gender equality between Bosnian men and women is indeed an urgent thing to fix. Thank you. Hvala. 6 Sarajevo, 13 March 2015/fs