I have checked the manuscript carefully and believe it to be free of

Revised 2/16/ 2012
CRU Author’s Manuscript Checklist
CRU Author(s):
Publication outlet:
Summary of work/importance (2 sentences):
Anticipated publication date:
Example Summary: “This study examined the thermal preferences of warm-water fishes as related to climate change. It will
assist fisheries managers in accounting for climate change in their management efforts.”
1. Overall readiness (check all)
I have checked the manuscript carefully and believe it to be free of typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors and is
ready to be submitted for review
I have followed the guide for authors for the proposed outlet
2. U. S. Geological Survey affiliation (check all)
I have included the appropriate U.S. Geological Survey affiliation byline for all Unit scientists and other USGS scientists
I have not identified non-federal university students or technicians as U.S. Geological Survey employees
3. Prepublication disclaimer statement
I have included the following disclaimer on the first page of the review copy:
“This draft manuscript is distributed solely for purposes of scientific peer review. Its content is deliberative and
predecisional, so it must not be disclosed or released by reviewers. Because the manuscript has not yet been
approved for publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), it does not represent any official USGS finding or
4. Product disclaimer statement (Check one)
I do not refer to specific trade names or products, including commercial software or computer programs
I refer to specific trade names or products so I’ve included the following statement:
“The use of trade names or products does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Government”
5. Issues related to policy and political sensitivity (answer all questions)
Yes No
Does the manuscript make specific policy or management recommendations for which the authors might be held
Does the manuscript refer to, or is it likely to influence or impact, USGS, DOI or other federal policies, laws or
Does the manuscript refer to, or is it likely to influence or impact, state agency or other cooperator policies, laws
or practices?
Is the manuscript likely to have significant economic implications for public policy or commercial interests?
Do you consider the manuscript to contain materials that might be publicly or politically sensitive?
6. Animal Care and Use
Yes No
Were live animals used as part of the research being reported?
If yes, did you include a statement such as:
“This study was performed under the auspices of [Your University] protocol #