. – History of Christianity (general course – 1° term- cannot be repeated) PROFESSOR GIAN LUCA POTESTÀ . – History of Christianity (advanced course – 2° term) PROFESSOR MARIA PAIANO . – History of Christianity (general course – 1° term- cannot be repeated) PROFESSOR GIAN LUCA POTESTÀ Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff COURSE AIMS Introduce students to the main bibliographical tools, reference works, collections of texts; learn to critically read written and iconographic sources; gain familiarity with studies and current research projects into international historiography related to the history of Christianity. COURSE CONTENT Historical outline of Christianity from the beginning of the sixteenth century up to the present, with particular emphasis on the following topics: Christians, Jews, Muslims in the West between the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age. The colonisation of America and missions in the new worlds. Reform and reforms in the sixteenth century. The Roman reaction, transformation of the structure of control and new religious orders. Missions in Eastern Asia (sixteenth-seventeenth centuries). Religious wars and confessional conflicts. Ecclesiastical discipline strategies and practices. Christianity as an interior religion and daily practice: Pietism. Churches, Papacy, religious orders faced with Modernity and Revolution. The Catholic Church, the Restoration and the status of Christianity between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Roman church and religion of the Risorgimento: prophets, martyrs and saints. The Roman church and the eradication of “modernism”. Churches, colonialism and wars at the beginning of the twentieth century. Christian churches and totalitarianism. Christian experiences under the communist, Fascist and Nazi regimes: co-existence and resistance. Papacy and Jews within the twentieth century. Prospects and ecumenical achievements. The Second Vatican Council. The papacies between Paul VI and Frances. Forms of Christianity at the beginning of the third millennium. READING LIST 1) Lecture notes, including material (text, maps and images) distributed or made available by the tutor in electronic form. 2) G. L. POTESTÀ – G. VIAN, Storia del cristianesimo, Nuova edizione, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014, chapters between 16 and 24. TEACHING METHOD Lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board. Students unable to attend lectures will replace the course notes and material with the indepth study of one of the following subjects: - G. VIAN, Il modernismo. La Chiesa cattolica in conflitto con la modernità, Carocci, Roma 2012 - J. O'MALLEY, Che cosa è successo nel Vaticano II, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2010 Students may see Professor G. L. Potestà after lectures or by appointment. . – History of Christianity (advanced course – 2° term) PROFESSOR MARIA PAIANO TEXT UNDER REVISION. NOT YET APPROVED BY ACADEMIC STAFF COURSE AIMS The course intends to make the students have a critical attitude towards the History of contemporary Catholicism by examining the historiographical debate on the subject it deals with. It also intends to make the students develop the ability to analyse and contextualize the historical-religious sources. COURSE CONTENT The course examines Catholics’ attitudes to the war during the last two centuries. The first part is dedicated to a short description of the Christian tradition on the war from the origin to the Modern age. A second part illustrates the reworking of this tradition in the Nineteenth century, particularly by some intellectuals who influenced the Catholic culture in the following century, too. Then it will focus the positions of the Catholic Hierarchy and (as far as the state of the studies permits it) of the different Catholic circles on specific conflicts: from European rebellions in the Nineteenth to the Italian Risorgimento, the colonial wars and the two World Wars. It will dedicate specific attention to the initiatives and reflections that in the second part of the Twentieth century tried to introduce some new elements in the Catholic speech on war and on peace. READING LIST 1) Notes of the lessons and photocopies given by the teacher 2) One of the following essays: - M. TOSCHI, Pace e Vangelo: La tradizione cristiana di fronte alla guerra, Queriniana, Brescia 1980 (antologia di testi) -G. MICCOLI, La guerra nella storia e nella teologia cristiana. Un problema a molteplici facce, in Pace e guerra nella Bibbia e nel Corano, Morcelliana, Brescia 2002, pp.103-141. - Chiesa e guerra dalla «benedizione delle armi» alla «Pacem in terris», a cura di M. Franzinelli e R. Bottoni, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005 (una scelta di 8 saggi) - D. MENOZZI, Chiesa, pace e guerra nel Novecento, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008 - La spada e la croce. I cappellani italiani nelle due guerre mondiali, a cura di G. Rochat, atti del convegno di studi sulla Riforma e i movimenti religiosi in Italia (Torre Pellice, 28-30 agosto 1994), Fascicolo monografico del «Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi», giugno 1995, n. 176. - Religione, nazione e guerra nel primo conflitto mondiale, a cura di D. Menozzi, fascicolo monografico della «Rivista di storia del cristianesimo», 2/2006, pp. 305-408. - La Chiesa e la guerra. I cattolici italiani nel primo conflitto mondiale, a cura di D. Menozzi, fascicolo monografico di «Humanitas», 6/2008, pp. 900-992 - R. MOROZZO DELLA ROCCA, Cappellani militari e preti-soldati (1915-1919), Studium, Roma 1980 - G. MICCOLI, I dilemmi e i silenzi di Pio XII. Vaticano, Seconda guerra mondiale e Shoah, Rizzoli, Milano 2000. - L. CECI, Il papa non deve parlare. Chiesa, fascismo e guerra d’Etiopia, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2010. - Clero e guerre spagnole in età contemporanea (1808-1939), a cura di Alfonso Botti, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2011. If interested in a specific aspect of the subject of the course, the students can agree on another text with the teacher.. TEACHING METHOD Lectures with critical analysis of the sources. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral Examination. NOTES The students who cannot come to lesson have to study for the examination two texts, chosen in the list published in the teacher’s web page, or settled together with the teacher. Time and place for consulting the teacher: On Thursdays, after the lesson.