Economic History II (History of Labour and Industrial Relations) PROF. ALDO CARERA; PROF. MARIANNA DE LUCA COURSE AIMS The transformation of labour and of the organisation of labour in industrial firms in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries represent the backdrop for the formation of contractual relationships within firms and the representation of the socio-economic interests of labour within contemporary democratic societies. The material will be studied from a comparative perspective, with the typical aspects of the Italian case reviewed and analysed in the third part of the course. Using an active instructional approach, the students attending class on a regular basis will learn a specific methodology for historical research. COURSE CONTENT PART I: History of labour in industrial society (Prof. A. Carera) 1. Introduction: concepts and historiographic categories. 2. Labour and origins labour relations in industrial society (nineteenth century). 3. The Fordism era and post-Fordism era (twentieth century). PART II: Industrial relations in a comparative analysis (Prof. A. Carera) 1. From conflict to the first forms of representation (nineteenth century). 2. Origins and consolidation of industrial relations in the first part of the twentieth century. 3. Regulation and partnership in the second half of the century. Part III: Overview of the history of collective bargaining in Italy (Prof. M. De Luca) 1. Origins and involution of the negotiation system (from the end of the nineteenth century to WWII). 2. Country in transformation put to the test (1940s-1970s). 3. The search for new rules (from the 1980s to today). READING LIST M. ROMANI, Appunti sull'evoluzione del sindacato, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 1981 (or subsequent editions). A. CARERA (edited by), Temi di storia del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali, – academic year 2013/2014 (an anthology is available from the Photocopy Room). A free choice of one of the following texts G. BERTA, L’Italia delle fabbriche, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001. M. DE LUCA, «Nel rispetto dei reciproci ruoli…». Lineamenti di storia della contrattazione collettiva in Italia (in printing). A. CARERA (a cura di), Opere sociali e responsabilità d’impresa. Casi e temi del Novecento, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2009. A. CARERA, Allievi sindacalisti. Formazione e organizzazione al Centro studi Cisl di Firenze (1951- 1953), Biblio Lavoro, Sesto San Giovanni, 2007. The reading list for students attending class on a regular basis will be announced in class. TEACHING METHOD Lectures and active analysis of documentation (written and audiovisual) provided by the tutor. ASSESSMENT METHOD Single oral examination covering the whole course, including the supplementary course, Full-time students will be given the opportunity of actively taking part by means of papers on the material provided by the tutor. This work is in addition to the reading list. NOTES Students taking this course should have a knowledge of the main developments of contemporary history (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) as outlined, for example, in a good high-school history book. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.