Minutes of a Meeting of the Ruskington Patient Participation Group held at Ruskington Medical Centre on Tuesday 4 March 2014 at 2.00.pm. 1. Present Julie Walsh Practice Manager, Yvonne Woodland Practice Administrator and Stacey Wilbraham. Patient Representatives Mrs J Fletcher (JF), Mrs P Barber (PB), Mr T Rose (TR), Mrs I Vint (IV), Mrs C Gill (CG) and Mrs A Cunningham (AC). Apologies Dr Ryder, Sarah Barker, Mrs W Dann and Mrs Cable. 2. Appointments of Staff at Ruskington Surgery a. Dr. Murcherla is moving to a surgery in Grantham. b. Dr Helen Wilson has been appointed to Ruskington Surgery from July. c. Dr Qadir and Dr McCreedy have been appointed as locums. d. Caroline Glenn is replacing Estelle who is moving to a post in Heckington and Jane in Dispensary is moving to Billinghay. e. There is a vacancy for an apprentice from Grantham College. This will give the person experience in all departments of the surgery and cover NVQ syllabus. 3. Appointments a. Appointments to see the Nurses are the main area of concern for missed appointments. b. Appointments to see the Nurse Practitioner and the two Nurse Prescribers can be booked for up to 2 days in advance. They have different areas of expertise and are able to diagnose, prescribe, send patients to hospital and carry out home visits if necessary. c. Appointments for the Health Care Workers can be booked up to a month in advance. d. Shingles jabs are available to people aged 70 and 79. A new campaign will start in April. e. Physiotherapy is available on a Doctor referral twice a week on Wednesday and Friday at the Ruskington Surgery. f. Patients over 40 are offered a Health check and patients over 60 a pneumonia jab. Walk in centres for medical advice operates in Lincoln and Boston. Both have full access to records of patients who have given their consent. Minor injuries are dealt with at the Sleaford Medical Group Surgery. 4. Electronic Patient Record Sharing of Information. This service was launched on Tuesday 3 December 2013. It is a clinical computer system produced by a company called TPP. It enables NHS staff record patient information securely onto a computer. This information can then be shared with other clinicians so that everyone caring for you is informed about your medical history including medication and allergies. At present Hospital A & E departments and the Out of Hours service can access patient records but Health Visitors, MacMillan nurses, Hospices and Community nurses have to ask for consent of patient through the Doctor for relevant information before treatment. Patients records are owned by the surgery and permission for records to be put on this service will have to be granted by patients. All new patients to the Surgery will be offered this service. 5. Important Changes to your Medical Records This is NOT the Summary Care Record GP practices will soon be required to supply patient’s personal and confidential information to the health and Social Information Centre. This will not benefit the patients medically at all but be available to Drug Companies, Insurance Companies etc. Patients are strongly advised to opt out of this data base and forms to do this are available. 6. Named GP for Patients over 75. From 1 April patients over 75 are to be given a named GP. This does not mean you cannot see another doctor. Monthly meetings are held at the surgery with the panel consisting of district nurses, hospice at home care nurses, Macmillan nurse, health workers, midwife, social workers, nurse practitioners and doctors. Vulnerable and ‘at risk’ patients are discussed and a named GP responsible and understanding the needs of each patient will enhance the service. 7. Patients Participation Group. a. TR asked about choice of hospital for particular operations. JW explained patients can choose as long as the operation at the hospital of choice is on the NHS list. b. JF asked if a person hadn’t registered with a medical practice could they be seen if they were ill. JW explained the Practice would not turn away anyone needing treatment, however hospitals would only treat on NHS if patient entitled. c. The Practice agreed to have a stall in the Winchelsea Centre on Saturday 28 July to ‘showcase’ the Surgery. AC to book the stall through Mrs Butterworth. d. AC suggested the Surgery might like to have an article in the quarterly Ruskington Signpost magazine showing opening times, the appointment system, clinics available new equipment etc. This would especially benefit people without computers. e. AC asked for names of housebound and vulnerable patients for the Ruskington Flood Plan. JW agreed to obtain list from the Community Nurses. f. PB asked how many problems can be discussed with a doctor at one appointment. JW explained this really depends on Doctors time and severity of the problems, routine slot patient allocated 10minutes. g. JW asked if members of the group would meet up to discuss the findings of the patient questionnaire and look at action plan – all happy to be contacted with date. The next meeting of the Group will be Tuesday 3 June at 2.00 pm at the Medical Centre. Anne Cunningham 14 March