Sociology 21 Midterm Study Guide Part 1 – Intro Michel Foucault Early Sex research Beginning of Modern Sex Research Individual Sexual Agency Queering Social Constructionist Hegemonic Chapter 2 Katz When does the concept of heterosexuality emerge? Cult of Domesticity Compulsory Heterosexuality Udu-Kessler The Essentialist/Constructionist Debate Epstein The connotations and contradictions of queerness Chapter 3 Lorber Heterosexuality Gender Stoltenberg Male Sex and the Aryan Race Sex without the struggle for “real manhood” Three of the most important decisions about your sexuality that you can make Ortiz-Cofer Mixed Cultural Signals and stereotypes The myth of the Hispanic menial and another famous stereotype Chapter 5 Messner “Studying Up” Why did Messner find Timmy attractive on that first day of practice Herbert Marcuse Rust Why do ethnic minorities cling to culture more than European-Americans The emphasis on family and ethnic oppression Humphreys What is a tearoom? Marital status in tearooms Lim-Hing The model minority stereotype The fundamental difference between racism and homophobia Devour Ellis and Krafft-Ebing’s view of lesbians How does homophobia interfere with lesbian activates and identity Chapter 1 Stelle Constructionist view of sex and the sexual Constructionist perspective and male sexual aggression Tiefer Sexual kissing Oceanic kissing The Romans three kinds of kissing Stearns Young’s theory about breastfeeding Breastfeeding in front male family and friends Giuffree and Williams Compulsory Jocularity When did restaurant workers label their experiences as sexual harassment Chapter 4 Cancian An alternative, androgynous perspective on love Gilligan and devaluing love Seidman The Victorian Standard Jackson According to feminist scholars Kollontai and Firestone’s theory of romantic love Jackson’s theory on emotions Chapter 7 Barrie Berry: mainstream media and society’s central institution Durham Single most important theme that emerged from the data Iconic Femininity Schippers The five main themes that emerged from Schippers’ observations Chapter 8 D’Emilio Individuals connection to wage labor, independence from the family and the ability to practice homosexual desire Who is the scapegoat for the social instability of the system Martin and Collison Kimmel: for whose benefit do most men sexually harass women Men’s power in organizations Dudash True sexual liberation Several dancers who viewed their work as political and how they practiced resistance to gender ideology