
Kansas Regenerative Medical Center is excited to announce the addition of Steven
Peloquin M.D. to join the KRMC Physicians, a team of stem cell specialists. Dr. Peloquin
is double board certified with The American Board of Anesthesiology and The American
Board of Pain Management. He has practiced as a pain management specialist for over
seventeen years and has successfully treated thousands of patients with chronic back,
spine, and neck pain from around the country. Dr. Peloquin’s years of experience have
allowed him to pioneer new innovative techniques for the treatment of chronic pain and
he has attained unparalleled results.
Continually striving to advance the level of care for his patients Dr. Peloquin first began
to research the benefits of stem cell therapies in 2014. The unprecedented results
Kansas Regenerative Medical Center has currently been producing with stem cell
treatments quickly garnered his attention and he immediately realized treating patients
for chronic back, neck, and spine pain with stem cells could be an immediate reality.
Both KRMC Physicians and Dr. Peloquin recognized the synergies that could be created
by combining a company with cutting edge methodologies and a doctor with extensive
pain management expertise. A productive partnership was quickly formed soon after Dr.
Peloquin became aware of Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center and the reputation of
KRMC Physicians, a group of premier stem cell therapy providers.
Dr. Peloquin’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the neck, back, and spine
combined with his expertise in the use of fluoroscopy allow KRMC Physicians to offer a
superior level of care that is unsurpassed within the industry. The attention to detail
that KRMC Physicians has, ensures patient’s stem cells are placed in the exact locations
for maximum effectiveness and the results have proven to be well worth the extra
effort. KRMC Physicians and Dr. Peloquin have been working together for the last three
months and the improvement seen in the quality of our patient’s lives has been nothing
short of extraordinary.
The benefits received from stem cell therapies are vast and can improve many aspects of
a patient’s life. Individuals whose lifestyles were previously compromised by the effects
of chronic pain are now reporting their ability to participate in activities they once loved
but have not been able to do in years. The clients of KRMC Physicians consistently tell
us how pleased they are to be able to play sports again with their children and how
appreciative they are to be able to sleep continuously throughout the night without
waking up due to the effects of chronic pain. The results achieved by KRMC
Physicians and Dr. Peloquin have reverberated across the medical community. They
have treated patients from across the United States, Canada, and even as far away as
If you are suffering from chronic neck, spine, or back pain, and are interested in seeing
if you are a good candidate for stem cell therapy, please contact Kansas Regenerative
Medicine Center for more information and to schedule a patient consultation.
Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center is a premier stem cell therapy center, cared for by
KRMC Physicians, and is one of the few standalone stem cell centers focused on the
treatment of patients with osteoarthritis, specific autoimmune diseases, and neck, spine,
and back pain. We attract clients from around the world and an overwhelming majority
of our patients are referred to us by satisfied patients who have previously received stem
cell therapies from KRMC Physicians at Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center.
For more information, please contact us.
KRMC Physicians Treat UFC
Champions the Nogueira Brothers
with Stem Cell Therapy
We had the honor of treating the UFC Champion
Nogueira brothers here at Kansas Regenerative
Medicine Center last week.
The pair of Brazilian mixed martial artist brothers are true pioneers and legends in the
sport and are known worldwide as UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) Champions.
Rodrigo Nogueira, or “Big Nog,” is also famous for the titles from the 2012 Bellator
Fighting Championship, now known as Bellator MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), as well as
other syndications. The brothers fought in the early days of mixed martial arts in
China’s Pride Fighting Championship and now also run Black House Nogueira Team the largest MMA gym and training facility in San Diego. If you would like to learn more
about the Nogueira brothers, click here for a quick video of the the brothers discussing
how they prepare for a match and how they began training together.
After being contacted by Eric Albarracin, world class wrestling coach of both the
Nogueira Brothers and Patricio “Pitbull” Freire, about helping with years of pain these
fighters live with, we decided to get involved. Eric had previously brought Patricio
“Pitbull” Freire to us for treatments for terrible shoulder, wrist and knee pains a few
months ago. Having watched Patricio recover so nicely and his exclamation that he feels
pretty amazing already, Eric thought it would be great to have both of the Nogueira
brothers receive stem cell therapy treatments from us as well. While visiting KRMC, Eric
Albarracin himself underwent treatment with great results.
The Nogueira brothers recieved two days of stem cell treatment at Kansas Regenerative
Medicine Center. After being treated by Dr. Frank Lyons and Dr. Andrew Pope for
multiple joint pain issues, they were seen by Dr. Steve Peloquin, our Board Certified
Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Specialist, so that he could deploy Stem Cells
and Platelet Rich Plasma in many areas of the back, neck and epidural using
sophisticated Fluoroscopy guided injections. Dr. Peloquin has treated over 30,000
patients for various back problems. KRMC just received a message from Brazil and
Rogerio Nogueira, or "Little Nog," yesterday, and it seems that both brothers are very
happy with the initial results, although it is still early in the process.
On another note, I want to let people know that the men you see fighting and looking so
tough while in the UFC and Bellator arenas, they are more than UFC Champions. I
would be remiss if I did not say that these same men are nice, classy and fun to be
around when not in the moment of a fight; as they are entertaining when they are in a
fight. We thoroughly enjoy every moment that they are here with us in Kansas and are
sure that we will remain friends with these amazing MMA fighters for a long time.
We at KRMC feel that, as one of the only stand-alone stem cell centers in the country, we
are poised and ready to help these fighters stay active and continue living the life that
they love. Additionally, with PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) being banned in the
UFC now, Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center could be the answer many fighters are
seeking. In fact, I am excited to say that we already have other legendary MMA and UFC
fighters calling and scheduling appointments to receive stem cell treatment for
themselves own!
At Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center, we do one thing and we do it right. We are
proud to be the only stand-alone stem cell center, to our knowledge, focusing exclusively
on stem cell therapy. More than 70% of our patients come to us through referrals, which
only adds to our reputation of quality treatment and results. Also, about 20%-25% of
our patients now come from across the country and internationally! Having just won an
award, which was presented to our team during a Kansas State Congressional Session,
for one of the “Best New Emerging Companies” in Kansas, you can rest assured that
KRMC follows the strictest protocols and treat our patients, and now friends, with
kindness, respect and the absolute best care.
About Us
What Services Does Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center
Stem Cells (SVF): We are an advanced, stand-alone stem cell therapy center offering Autologous
Adipose (Fat) Derived Stem Cell Treatments.Autologous stem cells from a person’s own fat are easy to
harvest safely under local anesthesia and are abundant in quantities up to 2500 times those seen in bone
marrow. We use the latest surgical equipment, cell counter and instruments such as the advanced Terason
Usmart3200t Ultrasound, to help pinpoint the deployment of your stem cells. Learn more at Terason.com.
(PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma: We offer Platelet Rich Plasma as a stand-alone procedure or to be used in
conjunction with your stem cell deployment. PRP treatment recently gained widespread recognition in the
sports world. Platelets function as a natural reservoir for growth factors that are essential to repair injured
tissues. PRP activates tenocytes to proliferate quickly and produce collagen to help repair injured tendons,
ligaments, cartilage, and muscles.
Stem Cell Research
The Cell Surgical Network was founded nearly two years after the formation of the California Stem Cell
Treatment Center (founded in 2010). Affiliate members like Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center are
generally made up of teams of multidisciplinary physicians in order to best assess and provide care for
our patients. The Cell Surgical Network and KRMC emphasizes quality and is highly committed to
clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine.
Currently, KRMC and all affiliate members use the same sterile closed surgical procedure to process fat
using a mini-liposuction procedure in order to isolate and implant a patient’s own source of regenerative
cells on the same day. The source of the regenerative cells actually comes from stromal vascular fraction
(SVF) – a protein rich segment from processed adipose tissue. Stromal vascular fraction contains a
mononuclear cell line (predominantly autologous mesenchymal stem cells), macrophage cells, endothelial
cells, red blood cells, and important growth factors that facilitate the stem cell process and promote their
activity. Our technology allows us to isolate high numbers of viable cells that we can deploy during the
same surgical setting.
While vigilant about patient safety, we are also learning about which diseases respond best and which
deployment methods are most effective. CSN employs a clinical research coordinator and an online
database to collect valuable data from throughout the network of affiliates. Affiliates like KRMC have
the opportunity to share not only their data, but their experiences, thus implementing higher levels of
understanding and care.
” As a Stem Cell recipient myself, I am incredibly excited to be involved with the study
and use of Adult Adipose Stem Cells (SVF) and the potential help they may offer us all.”
Patrick Farley-President
Learn more about stem cell
therapy and how it can help
you. Contact us today.
Our Process
To get started, you will first have a consultation with one of our physicians to review your medical history
and specific condition. If, after your consultation, the physician feels you are medically qualified and your
condition is something we can potentially treat with our Adult Adipose Stem Cell Protocols under our
(IRB), we will schedule a time for you to visit our office located in Manhattan, Kansas. Our procedure is
very safe and completed in one visit in most cases.
On the day of the procedure, we harvest a small amount of fat through a simple closed system
lipoaspiration procedure. The fat we harvest can come from several locations on your body. You and the
Physician will determine the best location. This procedure is completed under a local anesthetic injection
only. Unlike most major surgeries, you do not have to be put under with general anesthesia.
After we have completed the process of harvesting your fat, you will be guided to a private room
designed to allow you to relax. You can watch TV, listen to music or just enjoy the quiet surroundings.
Once the adult stem cells are carefully processed from the fat and ready to be delivered, your physician
will deploy them into your predetermined area of need. KRMC uses a new highly sophisticated
Ultrasound Instrument (Terason uSmart 3200T) with Enhanced Needle Visualization (ENV) to ensure
accurate delivery of the adult stem cells. www.terason.com/usmart3200t. In most cases, we will also
administer an (IV) drip of adult stem cells while you are being treated. The whole process takes less than
three hours and involves very little to no pain.
When we are finished, we ask that you wear a provided medical waist band and bandage. Your physician
will then follow up with you in the days and weeks to come, to answer any questions you may have. Most
people are back to work the next day with very little downtime.
Bone Marrow VS. Fat Derived Stem Cells – Is There A Controversy?
Whether your adult mesenchymal stem cells come from bone marrow or from
fat probably does not make a difference in terms of clinical results. Although
some centers claim that bone marrow derived cells are superior to fat derived
cells, there is no evidence to substantiate that. The fact that there are many
more studies on bone marrow cells does not prove clinical superiority but
merely supports the obvious fact that fat derived cells are based on more
recent discoveries and although evidence is accumulating, there are far fewer
studies using these cells. It is important that one is not mislead by the word
“bone” in bone marrow, possibly implying that, since this is an “orthopedic
source,” it “might be better” for treating orthopedic conditions such as cartilage
regeneration. In fact, the bone marrow is part of the reticulo-endothelial
system and just happens to be found in the center of bone. All of these types
of cells are equally primitive and have the potential to differentiate into mature
functional tissues. For many disease types such as cardiac pathology,
adipose derived cells appear to be showing superiority to bone marrow
derived cells. This may be related to the well documented qualitative and
quantitative attrition in bone marrow stem cell counts related to age and
chronic illness (chronic disease causes bone marrow suppression). Such
changes in the number of cells over time and the quality of cells dependent on
health have not been seen in fat derived stem cells. Fat derived cells are a
natural choice for our investigatory work considering their easy and rapid
availability in extremely high numbers.
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Learn More
Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment.
Kansas RMC
Toll Free: 844-320-4700
Office: 785-320-4700
Candidate Application
To learn more about stem cell therapy and whether it may be helpful for you, request a consultation
Stem Cells and the FDA
Stem cell treatment is not approved by the FDA for any specific disease. CLICK FOR DETAILS...
Request a Presentation
We often speak at events to share our stem cell therapy knowledge. If you have an event you would like
to have us speak at, please submit a request.
Learn more about stem cell
therapy and how it can help
you. Contact us today.
Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center is a Manhattan, Kansas company born from the life changing
experience of its founders, both of whom have successfully received stem cell therapy. After hearing a
lecture about stem cells given by a world leading animal stem cell expert, our founders John Farley and
Ken Woods asked “would this work for us?”
John and Ken have had nine knee surgeries between them, along with many various other orthopedic
pains, associated with working in the cattle business and from sports related injuries. Both shared the
frustration of not being able to fully enjoy being more active in sports, working on the ranch or playing
with grand children due to various orthopedic injuries causing them pain. They finally decided that living
with pain and daily medication was no longer acceptable.
After listening to John and Ken, the expert shared his success with stem cell therapy he had received for a
severe shoulder problem. He said that even after many months of normal physical therapy rehabilitation,
his shoulder was still in daily pain and lacked full mobility. He explained that he then sought out a
premier physician offering adipose adult stem cell therapy, also known as stromal vascular fraction
(SVF). Having found one who was working under an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and very strict
guidelines, the expert was then very successfully treated himself.
Understanding that there are no 100% guarantees of success, both John and Ken then decided anything
that could help ease their daily pains was worth a try. They both sought out and successfully received
adipose stem cell therapy. John and Ken waited for months in order to confirm their new found pain
relief and positive results were genuine and lasting. Knowing that so many others were also suffering and
unaware of this potential help, they decided to open Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center.
Kansas Regenerative Medicine Center is now an affiliate of the highly trained Cell Surgical Network,
with over forty of the top multidisciplinary physicians in the world working together under the same
(IRB) protocols. This network shares case information and assists other network affiliates with unique
cases, to ensure the patient is best served. Kansas Regenerative Medicine now has a wonderful new
medical facility in Manhattan, Kansas, focused solely on adipose adult stem cell therapy.
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Learn More
Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment.
Kansas RMC
Toll Free: 844-320-4700
Office: 785-320-4700
Candidate Application
To learn more about stem cell therapy and whether it may be helpful for you, request a consultation
Stem Cells and the FDA
Stem cell treatment is not approved by the FDA for any specific disease. CLICK FOR DETAILS...
Request a Presentation
We often speak at events to share our stem cell therapy knowledge. If you have an event you would like
to have us speak at, please submit a request.
Learn more about stem cell
therapy and how it can help
you. Contact us today.